High Magic Earth

Chapter 848: factory

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Yi Biao didn't think that Meggie would know any clues, because both the typewriter and Stan's silver hand were quite a clever force.

The degree of complexity cannot even be explained by existing magic.

Perhaps Yi Chou needs a higher level of magic, or it is not the power of magic at all, but an ability that is different from magic independent of magic and technology.

In any case, Yi Chou is currently unknown.

Yi Chou's reserve of magical knowledge originates from several worlds. Although it can't be said to be the top-notch existence, at least in some worlds, it has reached an unsurpassable height.

For this ordinary world where no magical powers have been found for the time being, Yi Huo is equivalent to a Ph.D., and Meggie does not even count as an elementary school student.

What's more, she is a child in her own right, Yi Yi does not think she will know anything.

But frowning slightly, Yi Chou couldn't help but say, "Why do you say that."

He doesn't know why he asked this question, it seems subconscious, like instinct... Although Meggie neither understands magic nor is a professional, she has a natural advantage, she is the protagonist.

Although not the protagonist of goose bumps, but the protagonist of ink heart.

Ink Heart, Goosebumps, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Yi Biao has discovered three plots in this world, and all of them are near-children's movies that are biased towards fairy tales.

In addition to representing low risk, it also means that they have no logic at all.

And... fairy tales are for children, so most of the protagonists are also children. They have natural advantages. Maybe some whimsy and whimsy will play a key role.

The same is true for Meggie.

So, after Yi Biao asked aloud, although it felt a bit inappropriate, but thought of this carefully, but did not withdraw.

Hearing Yi Biao's question, Meggie's door suddenly opened, and she emerged from behind the door, leaning over to lean over, leaving only her head out.

"Do you want to know?" Meggie stared at her eyes, as if words in her big eyes, "But why should I tell you."

Yi Biao fixed a constant spell to this room. Only in this room could Megji communicate with Yi Biao normally, while outside, he was still a dumb man.

"Aren't you saying, as long as you say it, and I'll do it according to you, do you still have something you don't understand?" Meggie's eyes showed a smug expression, even a quiet little girl would Have a temper.

And it can make Meggie like this, it seems that the usual calm and calm tone makes her angry.

Yi Xiao stared at Meggie, his eyes remained unchanged, but he suddenly said, "Mr. Willie Wangka, I believe you must have heard of this name."

"The chocolate you eat is made by him. He has a huge factory. He heard that it contains the most amazing and wonderful candy in the world, and... this factory itself is also very interesting. For so many years, no one has ever entered. Ever."

"No one saw that someone came out of it. The delivery company of Willy Wonka was always the one who took advantage of your inattention to fill up the warehouse or send it to the designated location. The secret of this has never been solved. ."

"Aren't you curious? That's the most amazing chocolate factory in the world. Maybe there is a little secret hidden by Mr. Willy Wangka, or...the same special ability."

Yi Chou paused and continued, "We are going to Mr. Willie Wonka's chocolate factory soon. Trust me, I have a way to bring you in."

"You know you are curious and bored. After all, it's really boring to stay in a hotel every day, so I decided to take you around, the destination is... the chocolate factory in Williwangka."

After speaking, Yi Chou leaned on the table and waited for Meggie's reaction. Although his voice was still calm, he could hear a trace of happiness when he actually listened carefully.

But after a long time, without waiting for Meggie to answer with the same joy, she greeted her with an idiot-like look, "It's obviously you want to go." she said.

"Do you think I am a child, and even a child is not as coquettish as you are."

Yi Xiao snorted softly from his nose, "It's not cute at all."

Meggie continued to say in magic words, "I'm not interested in the Wonka chocolate factory at all. Do you want to take me out to play? Well, the library in New York is good, um... Disney is also good."

Yi Xiao squeezed a smile again, "But we first went to the chocolate factory first." He said, but the smile on Yi Xiao's face looked a bit stiff, even Meggie felt it.

Meggie also seems to think that it is better not to provoke Yihuo. Although he usually seems to have a good temper, he is a person who doesn't achieve his goals and doesn't want to use any means.

Since he said he would go to the chocolate factory, he would definitely go, and Meggie couldn't change it. Anyway, she just wanted to know where she was going next. As for the others, she just complained.

So she nodded and said again, "This is the truth, better than your story of all lies."

"What do you mean?" Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and the corners of his mouth converged.

"Do you think I didn't see it." Meggie said, "The story is very well written, but it's not practical at all. You haven't infused feelings at all, it's just some lies connected in series."

And Yi Xiao just looked at her calmly, "That's the story." He said, "The story is a series of lies that are connected in series, satisfying people's deep heart*, whether it is the most absurd dream in the mind or the deepest heart Untold secret."

"And as long as you touch these, people will agree with this story."

"This is a very simple truth, I will not make a mistake." Yi Chou's voice is still very calm, unable to hear the disappointment, nor dissatisfaction.

"No." Meggie shook her head again. "Perhaps drinking hot latte. The best-selling bookstore under the cover of ii does match what you said, but I have read many books. The true story is not like this."

"There are emotions, human emotions, all kinds of things, you have to incorporate your own emotions."

After talking, Meggie stepped back slightly and retracted into the room again, but just before the door was closed, her head suddenly popped up, "By the way, that’s not everyone’s innermost heart, you wrote Just your dream, your *."

"You know what the typewriter can do, so what you write is clear, you know." Meggie also folded her small face, and then retracted into the room.

This time, the door was banged!

Only Yi Chou was still outside, leaning on the table halfway, letting the fire light reflect his own face unclear...

When Meggie left the room again, she wrapped herself in a thick layer, which looked like a ball from a distance.

She dragged the huge suitcase into the corridor with great effort. She knew that this was definitely the revenge of the guy. He obviously could put away all these suitcases or make them lighter, but he didn't do it. Let yourself take it.

There should have been a waiter who came to help Meggie, but unfortunately, she did not go downstairs to leave the hotel, but to go up.

The near-Earth spacecraft stopped over the hotel, not far from the roof, so she could only drag the suitcase with a lonely person.

As for Yi Huo, he was not here. He went downstairs to go through the formalities and let Meggi go to wait for him first.

During this time, Meggie has figured out the hotel. Although there is an elevator in the interior, the second floor of the top floor is not there, and he can only climb the stairs slowly.

The interior of the hotel's corridor was very warm, and Meggie was wearing a thick layer, which soon made her sweat.

"Damn it! Asshole!" she cursed in her heart.

It took less than half a month to get along, and this girl who had been very virtuous had learned to scold others, okay, she was not too ladylike before, but only had a little child's character, but it is not as simple as it is now. Like a monster full of anger.

Meggie always finds trouble for Yi Chou from time to time, for example, what is good for his tongue, although it is not a big problem, but the small troubles are constant, making Yi Chou very impatient.

Although Yi Xiao looked at her as a girl and her silver tongue is very important, she would not treat her well, but she also used a little toss about her counterattack.

For example, when he came before, Yi Biao deliberately forgot to turn on the temperature control equipment of the near-Earth spacecraft. Yi Biao had a warming curse and didn't feel cold at all, but it froze Meggi enough.

This time Meggie was ready, she wrapped herself in a thick winter coat, and she was not afraid of any unexpected situation.

Finally, dragging the suitcase to the next layer, Meggie took a breath, leaving only the last layer.

But at this time, she suddenly heard a quarrel from not far away, secretly a head came out, and Meggie looked at the wall carefully.

A man and a woman, the man she knew, also stayed in the hotel, on this floor, the upper level of the two, seems to be a regular visitor, often met when Meggie came in and out.

And according to Meggie's observation, he often takes some women back, as for what kind of woman, then it goes without saying.

Originally there was no intersection between the two, but I don't know how. This guy learned that Meggie was living with a man no bigger than him. He looked at Meggie with strange eyes, which made Meggie very uncomfortable.

The quarrel is still going on. This guy seems to have had some wine or something else. In short, he is now full of anger and is constantly scolding at the woman.

The waiter on this floor quickly rushed over, and then hurriedly separated the two and drove the woman down.

Seeing that he had no opponent, the man fell heavily and returned to the room with anger.

This episode didn't affect Meggie. When she climbed breathlessly to the top floor and pushed open the iron door on the top floor, she saw that Yi Chou had stood there indifferently, counting the stars boredly.

"You should exercise." Yi Miao said softly when she saw Meggie appear.

Meggie glared at him, ignored him, and then walked to the open space on the roof. Yi Biao didn't care. With a wave of his hands, he floated up the luggage behind him, and then he lifted the physical disguise of the near-Earth spacecraft.

A huge disc-shaped spaceship slowly appeared on the roof of the hotel as if the mosaic was eliminated, clinging to the ground, like an enlarged version of a bumper car.

Yi Chou just canceled its basic layer camouflage. On the satellite, the signal of the near-Earth spacecraft is still not captured.

Opening the hatch, Yi Chou said to Meggie, "Come on."

After Meggie climbed up, he also collected the luggage.

Buckle up the door, and the spacecraft enters the camouflage state again.

Yi Chao, who was seated, looked at Meggie with some surprise, and looked at her thick clothes strangely. "There is a function to adjust the temperature in the spaceship. Will there be no temperature control for such a high-end spaceship? Why are you still wearing so much."

"Shut up." Meggie was too lazy to look at Yi Chou and said directly.

Yi Chou didn't care, shrugged, and quickly started the spaceship. The speed of the flight was immediately accelerated, as if it was a catapult, and immediately flew down the side of the hotel against the wall.

Although the action was rapid, it did not cause too strong a shock, just like a slightly larger wind blowing, did not attract the slightest attention.

Although Kai Neng and Gu Mo's individual combat capabilities are not strong, Yunxing's overall technological level is not low.

After all, it is also a planet that has entered the interstellar era. As long as the technology tree is not awkward, there will be no situation where the single combat power is extremely powerful. Ordinary civilian and military technology will always be very advanced.

For example, this near-Earth spaceship is a spaceship used to explore the surface of the planet. It is used for long distances and short distances. It is very adaptable and practical.

Yi Biao found on the colonial ship that the colonial ship actually has a lot of useful things, but Yi Biao just found a way to use it a little bit. For example, this spaceship was mistakenly entered into Neverland by the Nautilus. Nothing to study.

So Yi Biao actually has a lot of things to do on the island, which is not very boring.

The spacecraft quickly passed through more than half of New York, and as Yi Chou gradually lowered the height, Meggie also began to look around at the snow scene. The height of the spacecraft should not be too high, but it would definitely not hit the telephone pole.

The heavy snow in New York is also very cold. Pedestrians outside will pass by themselves strictly, and this heavy snow day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rarely will be outside.

Meggie is like a curious baby, look east, touch west, even...

"Stop!" Seeing a red light ahead, Meggie suddenly grabbed Yi Chou's arm and displayed the text.

Startled, Yi Chou pulled the spacecraft swiftly and then turned to Meggie. "We are driving a spaceship, not a taxi." He glanced at the yellow paint taxi parked next to him.

"Fortunately, we are at high altitude, otherwise we will definitely hit, the height is different, we still hide, there is no need to observe the traffic rules at all."

But just when Yi Huo's voice fell, another distant roar came suddenly on the other road of the red light, as if it were from ancient times.

And the sound sounded from a distance, like... a dinosaur. (To be continued.)

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