High Magic Earth

Chapter 849: Willie Wonka Chocolate Factory

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A loud howling came again from the distance, mixed with the roar, and instantly dragged people into that vast ancient era.


"It sounds like an elephant." Yi Chou said slowly.


"This is the dinosaur..."

Once again, the power camouflage of the near-Earth spacecraft was lifted, and Yi Huo shook down the hatch of the ship. Then, in the dull eyes of both of them, a tyrannosaurus composed of bones all over came slowly and staggered.

Behind it, a long line of animals lined up, and a mammoth with curly teeth and long hair was in it.

The black driver in the yellow taxi next door was chattering, "They pay so much a-rod every season, he should win the World Series every season, you know what I mean."

Okay, he admits that not every passenger likes to listen to his chatter. It is not easy to get a passenger in a snowy day, but he can’t change it, and he has no way.

But at this moment, his ears seemed to hear something.


The black driver didn't turn his head, just used the afterglow, and saw the behemoth slowly walking along the green light in the car mirror. Rows of strange creatures slowly passed the red light in front of him and lined up. , Like no one.

But the woman behind him was suddenly agitated. She covered her mouth, looked at the animals in surprise, and then froze for a long while before she said inconceivably, "He didn't lie to me."

"But who will clean up their bowels." The black driver shrugged, unable to agree.

But then, he saw something appear again on his side.

A weird spaceship, like the slow motion in the movie, appeared on the top of his head out of thin air. The airtight glass of the spaceship was opened, and he saw a man and a girl sitting inside.

The black driver froze again, what day is it today!

His gaze caught the man's attention. The other party lowered his head, and then stared at him coldly through two vehicles of different appearances, but the familiar black driver did not feel anything wrong, he just He calmly rolled down the window and said hello to the other party, "Hi!"

"...Hi." Yi Huo said to him calmly.

Meggie's attention was also focused on the tyrannosaurus composed of bones. She murmured, "Is there a silver tongue near here, or am I entering the world of Jurassic Park..."

Yi Xiao saw the line on Meggie's head, he shook his head, a strange smile appeared on his face, "I don't think this is a silver tongue, and Jurassic... will there be such a bone dragon, I think We seem to have found a very interesting guy."

Meggie suddenly turned her head and looked at Yi Chou with suspicious eyes. Obviously, the awful guy next to him knew what, but he would not say.

Sure enough, Yi Biao continued, "But we have no time to visit him now, and the timing is not right. Let's go to Mr. Willy Wangka's factory as planned."

Looking at the smiling expression on Yi Xiao's face, Meggie wanted to punch hard at this abominable face.

This group of strange animals gradually moved away, and Yi Chou also pulled up the spaceship to hide the appearance, and then broke away instantly, faintly, and the voice of Yi Chou could be heard faintly.

"... Maybe I really need some money this time."

The spacecraft soon disappeared in the night sky, like a light spot in the starry sky, shining brightly, looking at the twinkling stars, the black driver shrugged again and looked at the rearview mirror and asked, "Go Natural History Museum, right."

. . .

Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory is located in an unremarkable city in the United States, far less famous than New York or Los Angeles, but no one dares to underestimate it because it has the world’s largest chocolate supplier.

Mr. Willy Wonka.

No one knows how he came and how he appeared, only that he started from a small chocolate shop and swept into the world's largest chocolate supplier in a few years.

Even after experiencing the theft of the recipe, those confectioners who stole his recipe still cannot shake his position.

Because Willy Wangka can make the best candy in the world.

none of them.

The city where Willy Wonka is located is actually quite easy to find, because the city looks like a huge chocolate block from afar, every house and every store are arranged so neatly, as if it has been suppressed Good chocolate.

It doesn't need to be weird, because Mr. Willy Wangka participated when the city was established.

It can even be said that the whole city was built around his chocolate factory. This city belongs to Mr. Willy Wangka.

For a Mr. Wangka who can build an entire chocolate palace for the Indian prince, he never lacks money. He is a chocolate supplier all over the world.

The city looks exceptionally neat, except. . a place.

The most central location of the city, a round open space.

It was originally intended to be left as a place to build a park, but for some reason, the park was not built, but in any case, the land was vacated and occupied by a family.

Charlie Buckett and his family.

It is also the protagonist of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

When Yi Xiao watched the spacecraft passing by quickly from his roof, both Meggie and Yi Xiao saw the small house below.

The old, dilapidated, log cabin with an oblique angle is completely different from the beautiful and neat concrete houses around it. It is like the product of the last century and should not be left in the world.

Seriously, I am afraid that Little Red Riding Hood's wooden house looks better than it.

At least it doesn't tilt like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and it looks like it's about to fall down once pushed.

But I have to say that this small house also looks pretty, but it is the kind. . Goth haunted house feeling.

"It's really unbearable." Meggie seemed to have a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. While passing the little house, she couldn't help but shudder and rubbed her arms.

In a neat city, a small cabin with a bevel suddenly appeared, it was indeed not easy.

The plot of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory appeared in this world. It was indeed an unexpected joy. Yi Chou did not make this plot when he made the wish. He specified only the two worlds of ink heart and goose bumps because he I think these two abilities are very close.

So he did not expect to hear the name Willy Wonka here, but since he found it, there is nothing surprising, because according to the consistent style of the Second World, there are multiple plot lines in the same world. Very strange thing.

Yi Biao has seen this movie. Although it is only a fairy tale, it is a magic fairy tale. He always pays special attention to it.

It's just that there is very little content in the movie, especially the background of the world. After all, this is just a childlike fairy tale, not an epic science fiction world, most of which need to be guessed.

And how Yi Biao found it is thanks to the building of his family.

Yi Xiao was found based on this building. The satellite map of the city is not a secret. As long as it is not a dynamic real-time shooting, the location of this chalet is too unique. Yi Xiao saw it in many photos at a glance. it.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, and Yi Chou said to Meggie, "Did you know that the family's life is actually not that bad."

Meggie turned her head when she heard the words, and put her doubtful eyes on Yi Chou.

On the way, Yi Biao had simply told Meggie about the plot of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but it was just a summary. There is nothing to hide.

Meggie's voice was taken away by Yi Huo. Does it have any power in itself, nor is it a violent **** little loli like Super Kill Girl or Carrie, so there is no threat.

Tell her a rough idea and make her feel at ease, maybe it will cause Yi Chao less trouble.

Except for Yi Hao's origin, he will not say, the plot of this world will soon be disrupted, telling her can not, after all, the story of ink heart has ended.

As for whether she can think of it, Meggie is very smart. After reading so many books, she is smarter than many adults, and she is fully able to sort out her thoughts.

Yi arrogantly drove his own spaceship, and then turned to look at Meggie, and looked at the Charlie family who had been left behind. "The location of their family is actually very good. After buying this land, there are still There is no money to build a house, so the log cabin looks like this now."

"I believe their family will not be wealthy in these years."

Meggie nodded naturally, she could think of these things, so she could not understand the meaning of Yihuo, why the family's life is not as bad as imagined.

"But in fact, the city’s plan is not over yet, and every city’s plan will change every year. If it weren’t for Willy Wonka to shut himself in the factory in these years, the city’s mayor would have been at a loss. A major reform of the city’s appearance has begun."

"With the name of Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, this city will be a tourist attraction."

"At that time, the open space will be used by the government, but it is the center of the city. A large round open space is simply perfect. Charlie’s grandfather is an old employee of Willy Wangka Chocolate, so their family will follow Wei. Liwanka moved here. When they bought the land at that time, the city must have not been built and the land price was cheap, so they can also take out all their savings and settle down."

"Do you know how much money will be given to them if they are demolished now, definitely more than you think, much more, or even several times more."

"At least enough for their family to squeeze to New York, how is it better than your father living in Germany."

"Don't look at me like this." Yi Xuan turned his head again to look at Meggie, and found that she was staring at herself. It seemed that her eyes had evolved to see the scumbag. "I'm telling the truth."

"In my hometown." Yi Biao continued his rhetoric. "But there is a proper noun to describe this kind of person. What is it called... What the second generation is here, I haven't been home for a long time, I have forgotten."

"Home?" Meggie questioned again, but this time, there was only one word.

"Of course it is home." Yi Huo said angrily. "Otherwise, where do you think I came from, you really read it from the story? Even the people in the story have their own hometown and friends. Right."

Obviously, Yi Chou was reluctant to talk more about this topic. After quietly saying this, he quickly made a sharp turn in the air, and he spiraled towards the factory, and then found an open space, slowly Fell down.

But he didn't find that in this series of actions, Meggie still stared at him motionlessly, but in her eyes, there was a lot of previous hostility.

Yi Biao didn't realize this, and he steadily stopped the spacecraft to a corner of the factory. Instead of lifting the outer disguise of the spacecraft, he directly cast an invisibility spell on the two of them, then opened the hatch and jumped with Meggie. Go down.

"Now, welcome to Mr. Willy Wangka's chocolate factory." He smiled calmly at Meggie.

But before he finished laughing, Yi Huo suddenly covered his neck, and then cried, "Ah, what is this, made of candy... needle?"

. . .

"No.4, No.4, I found strong electromagnetic interference here. Is there anything unusual in your place?" In a bungalow house not far from the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, an ordinary person doing nothing suddenly turned over from the bed He quickly pulled down the curtains, then hid in the corner by the window and looked out, whispering to himself.

"No, there is nothing unusual, everything is right... wait, the strange little guys in the factory moved, they are holding homemade... candy weapons?"

"So, is there an enemy invading?" the young man hiding in the corner of the window said quickly.

"No, it's not necessarily. It's a peaceful age. Where so many enemies invaded, maybe a smart business spy, so the factory sent those short guys."

"It's a commercial spy again." The young man murmured unpleasantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I thought they were dead, I didn't expect to give up after so many years, I didn't even give up for a period of time. Ever. "

"Do I need to report to the superior?" he asked.

"Wait first." The other end of the headset responded. "Look at it and say, maybe they will solve it by themselves. For so many years, you don't know what they are like."

"That's true." The young man nodded, then found a place where he could hide his body in the room and sat down slowly, then stared out the window.

Through his window, the angle of this house can directly see Willy Wangka's huge chocolate factory, and at this moment, there was heavy snow outside, snow flakes, and heavy white goose feather snow accumulated a thick layer on the ground.

And inside the chocolate factory, nothing was left, even the heavy snow on the ground, there was no trace of strangeness. (To be continued.)

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