High Magic Earth

Chapter 850: Willy Wangka

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Another two crunchy sounds like a broken glass bottle appeared, and Yi Chou felt that his neck was like a bite again by a mosquito. 【ㄨ】

Reaching out, Yi Chou took off three things like acupuncture from above.

Without hesitation, Yi Huo hugged Meggie, his figure rolled to the side, and the man had returned to the spaceship again.

"Isn't this a fairy tale." Yi Xuan looked at the needle in his hand, "I have never heard of any danger."

Meggie didn't realize what was happening. Fortunately, she wasn't attacked, maybe it wasn't too late, or she was classified as a non-threatening level.

She looked at the needle in Yi Xiao's hand and asked curiously, "What is this?"

All three acupuncture needles are transparent. They are colorful under the illumination of the light, and the colors are clear. Yi Chou can't think of what this is, but obviously, the brighter the things, the more dangerous.

Yi Chou first thought of poison.

And he was right, because a sudden numbness appeared on his neck, and it quickly spread out, instantly numb his half of the head.

"Well..." Yi Xuan even felt that he was a bit difficult to speak. He gritted his teeth and crushed the bitter antidote in his mouth.

The viscous potion ran down the throat and turned into a magic fill in his body. The master potion level immediately relieved this unknown poison. Fortunately, it was not as difficult as the silver hand.

Meggie is still studying the three needles intently, not paying attention to Yi Chou's anomaly, "looks like... like sugar?" she said suddenly.

"Sugar?" Yi Piao's poisoning has been relieved. He froze a little, then repeated.

Meggie was half hesitant and nodded.

Yi Biao thought about it, but thought it was really possible. This is where, this is Willie Wangka’s chocolate factory. The only things that can be made from here are chocolate and all kinds of candy, and only candy. After all, he is Willie Wangka.

Not an arms dealer.

Even if there are some defensive means, I am afraid they are full of childlike candy weapons.

Of course, childlike fun can sometimes turn into danger, even more terrible.

Yi Xiao's fingers exuded high temperature, melted these things, and the three hard needles slowly softened, and then flowed down Yi Xiao's fingers. When they fell, Yi Xiao disappeared with magic. Two nets.

And the magic fluctuations left behind clearly told him that this is indeed an unknown candy.

Contains powerful anesthetic elements.

"The factory is not so easy to enter." Yi Chou shook his head, otherwise the commercial spies that had emerged all these years would steal Willy Wonka's secret, and he said to Meggie, "Grasp it."

At the next moment, the figure of the two jumped, and when they appeared again, they had already crossed the open space of the factory and directly entered the inside of the factory gate.

There was still heavy snow outside the factory. The silence, tranquility, and no trace of waves were like two worlds, just below this fairy-tale town, but it was far less calm than the surface.

. . .

After Meggie Wall was almost sick, Yi Xiao took her to the factory again.

He could feel that there were still a lot of dangling guys around, they were everywhere, on the eaves, on the handrails, in the shadows of the walls, even behind the columns.

But for some reason, these guys didn't attack again, but allowed the two to walk in unimpeded.

Yi Xiao took Meggie and gently applied layers of protective spells to her.

He knew who these guys were hiding in the dark. They were Orembes, to be exact, the same group of dwarfs in red at the Willy Wonka factory.

They are the same as the little yellow man. Although Willy Wonka once said that it was imported, he imported it directly in Rembrandt, but the ghost knew whether Rembrandt existed or not, Yi Chou doubted it was a kind of conjecture. Fantasy product.

But how Willy Wangka did this, turning them from fantasy to reality, is what Yi Chou wants to know the most.

"Da da da."

The two of them lightly stepped in this magnificent chocolate factory, and the sound of footsteps echoed gently in the empty hall.

"This is so big." Meggie couldn't help sighing.

When there are not many people around, Meggie can still communicate with Yihou, and will not cause any trouble anyway.

"It's really big," Yi said. "After all, this is the most amazing chocolate factory in the world. I'll say it must be interesting."

"I didn't find it." Meggie snorted softly.

Yi Xiao directly came in with Mage's phantom, so he didn't know where they were in the factory, because he didn't walk along the avenue in the movie.

The chocolate factory is very big, Yi Biao knows this for a long time, even if you are not careful, you will get lost in it.

After walking along the corridor for some distance, the two heard rumbling buzzing sounds, as if the machines were running. This is the manufacturing base of Willy Wonka. In addition to the Orembes, they do need some machines.

There is a milky white iron door at the corner of the end of the corridor. Yi Chou pushed the door open and instantly saw a large row of processing plants lined together, densely packed, like the passenger cabin in a cruise ship.

"Wow!" Meggie exclaimed again.

This time, she was really surprised.

The huge chocolate processing workshops seem to exist only in dreams. Various whimsical machines are placed in the roaring work. They mix various raw materials together, and then spit out colorful delicious candy .

Many of them have been eaten by Meggie, for example, she saw something like an ice cream machine, which mixed some chocolate puree and nuts, added a lot of messy ingredients, and when it sounded for a while, the chocolate was again When spitting out, after all, it became a variety of fixed appearance.

These magical and delicious things are what attracted the children of Meggie's age. She couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to look more closely, but Yi Chou grabbed the back neck collar and dragged her back .

"It's very dangerous here," Yi Chou said.

In the original work, Mr. Willy Wonka is not as harmless as it seems on the surface. He can turn the little girl into blueberry gum without damaging the slightest, and even turn the child into the pixel state of radio waves.

Whether he is conscious or not, this ability is terrible.

Just like the silver tongue and Stan’s silver hand, it is very troublesome to create or change objects out of thin air, and Mr. Wonka’s ability seems to be superior, without any prerequisites and restrictions, it seems to work out of thin air.

Meggie, who was caught back, was very dissatisfied, but she just glared at Yi Chou, but she didn't dare to go against it. The two walked forward quickly again, passing through this huge processing plant.

Yi Chou noticed that there were some Olumbi people in each compartment, who were working hard near the machine.

The glass in the workplace is transparent. When they saw them, they also saw them, but they seemed to have known about the arrival of Yi Chou. They were not surprised when they saw new guests. They were just plain glances. At a glance, Yi Chou continued his work.

Sure enough, the Orenbi people put Yi Huo and the two in, did they follow Willy Wangka's arrangement?

After leaving the neatly arranged processing room, the two came to the front of an elevator. After arriving here, Yi Biao finally knew his position.

Although the chocolate factory in Willy Wonka is very large, the basic facilities are clear at a glance. Except for the processing room, which is his general office, there is no other redundant place.

After thinking about it, Yi Xiao took Meggie to the side.

"Why not take the elevator?" Meggie questioned.

"Because you are not Mr. Willy Wonka." Yi Xuan smiled, and then pointed to the huge chocolate mixer processing room next to it, turning part of the chocolate into a chocolate villain, and then directed it to jump out.

"Take me to find Willy Wonka." Yi Chou released the Transfiguration and Guiding Magic on it, and then whispered.

Meggie didn't want to understand Yi Xuan's answer to the previous question, but she could not resist, so she could only follow Yi Xiao obediently behind the chocolate man.

The chocolate man's lead was fast, and not long after, Yi and the two came down to the door of a room along the stairs.

"Good morning, Morning Stars, the earth is saying hello to you, no, it's not right... um... it should be, tourists, you guys are coughing, welcome to the factory..."

A weird tone came from the room, as if rehearsing, and seemed to be talking to himself, dragging on the voice like a singing opera.

"Welcome to my factory, kid, I think this is good, Mr. Willy Wangka, isn't it."

Yi Biao had already heard that this belonged to Willie Wangka, so he pushed away the chocolate man in front, opened the Willie Wangka office directly with the unlocking spell, and walked in.

And the moment he entered, the entire office was already covered by the illusion of illusion and illusion, even if anyone was monitoring or precision instruments were monitoring, it would be useless.

Magic and technology are not incompatible.

At least there is no problem with magic shielding technology, even Hogwarts’ magic school can shield all Muggle items, and Yi Chou can naturally do this.

"Oh!" Willie Wonka froze for a moment, tilting his head, seeming to be thinking about Yi Chou's proposal carefully, and then he said, "I don't like this welcome speech very much, it sounds like it's like welcoming a group of uninvited people Coming guys will make a bad impression."

Yi Biao's body paused, and then he didn't care, but changed into a chair and sat down, "Are you alluding to me, Mr. Wonka, I thought they told you already."

"No." He shook his head. "Of course not."

"And I need to emphasize that this is my factory, not yours."

Yi Huo was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "I didn't say that this is my factory." He didn't understand why Willy Wonka made such an understanding, and thought of such things. The sky grew up like a robber.

"you said."

"I didn't say that."

"you said."

"Enough." Yi Chou stopped Willie Wangka's endless entanglement, he should not discuss this boring problem with Willie Wangka, what kind of guy is Willie Wangka, he is a typical neurotic, The ghost knew what he was thinking in his head. "I'm looking for you to discuss the business." Yi Xiao said.

"I thought the ownership of my factory was a serious issue."

"It is a more important issue. This factory is of course yours. Can we not talk about this issue?"

"Okay." Willy Wonka seemed aggrieved.

"I know what you want." Yi Biao finally had the opportunity to say something right. He looked at Willy Wonka calmly, the Mr. Depp who played the captain of the Black Pearl in the Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow. , Now playing the world's largest chocolate supplier covered in makeup powder.

He wore a tall top hat, a little nervous, but the chocolate he made was the most delicious and even the most amazing candy in the world.

The sweets that Willie Wangka thinks of have all their unique charms.

"You want to make the chocolate that you have in mind, and that is the most delicious candy, and Willy Wonka is indeed the most delicious and popular chocolate in the world."

"But that's not enough. I have some sweets you have never seen before. After eating, it can make people float, even fire in the mouth and ears, or make yourself colorful, I believe you must feel interest."

"I don't need you to pay. I'm not interested in your recipe. I just want to see how you make chocolate and candy. It's that simple."

"Interrupt." Willie Wonka said suddenly, "Can we tell me what this is before we discuss these issues." He pointed carefully at the chocolate man walking around.

"This is your chocolate." Yi Huo said, "Mr. Wangka."

"I haven't done such an ugly look." Willy Wangka immediately denied, "And they won't slip away by themselves. By the way, I want to tell it, don't get dirty here!"

"It will pay attention." Yi Chou beckoned chocolate, and then set it in place, and then set his eyes on Willie Wangka again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Willie Wangka closed his eyes slightly, it seemed Contemplation, after a while, "The sweets you said." He opened his eyes, "How do they taste."

"I heard good." Yi Xuan replied, "I don't taste everything, I don't like sugar, but my wife likes it, I always make it for her."

"You have a wife?!" Meggie was incredulously surprised, "I never heard you talk about it."

Yi Biao gave her a strange look, "You are not my daughter."

Willie Wonka looked at the strange way of communication between the two, and said by the way that he was not sincere, "Oh, we really have some similarities."

"But if you really understand me as you said, you should know that I can't make chocolate now." (To be continued.)

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