High Magic Earth

Chapter 851: contact

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Steven stepped out of the investigation room first. He relieved himself secretly, pretending to be nothing, and returned to his position to sit down.

But after staying for two minutes, he stood up again, turned anxiously twice, then came to the bench in the corridor and waited silently.

Steven felt that he had been out of luck lately, and even somehow.

It may be that he has run out of luck.

On one evening not long ago, Steven made a wish to send him a partner, preferably a young girl, and soon his lucky day came. Soon after, the small town of Delaware really came Intern police officer.

Although Brooks is not very beautiful, it fits Steven's taste.

At that moment, he felt that he was the luckiest person in the world.

But then, good luck stopped following him. In the next few days, not only did his relationship with Brooks not get closer, but there were more and more daily troubles, mostly Brooks. Disturbance at work.

And it didn't take long, and suddenly at noon one day, Steven discovered that the town of Delaware was surrounded!

Surrounded by hundreds of police cars, all are heavily armed police officers. Almost the entire state's police force is parked outside. The Rand Commissioner of the State Police Station is present in person. The scene looks like that. . It is much more real than in the movie.

When dozens of policemen wearing bullet-proof vests and anti-riot rifles poured into the police station, for a moment Steven really felt his heart beating.

What surprised him even more was that Brooks' reaction at the time was that her first reaction was not to avoid it, but she also took out a pistol from her waist and raised it.

Okay, **** pistol.

At the time, Steven thought that the mob had hit the police station.

In such a big scene, Steven felt that he might have come to the town to hunt down some mob, but later discovered that most of the police officers who were sent did not know what they were hunting.

And soon, the investigator above came.

It is impossible for such a large police force to be mobilized without giving an explanation to all parties, otherwise the saliva of the media will kill these policemen, especially. . This was also the case when the police station in the small town of Delaware used satellite lines for emergency assistance.

Well, Steven swears he has never used a satellite line.

Not to mention asking for police assistance in the state.

If it wasn't that the communicator in the police station could not be used for the last time, Steven couldn't tell.

Because the State Police Department clearly preserved the recording of his conversation with the operator at the time, but the small town of Delaware could not find the dialing record at all.

If it weren’t for the accompanying technician who opened the communicator and found that he hadn’t done anything, and it’s true that he hadn’t used it for many years, there is every reason to suspect that Steven is also a super hacker.

But now, stop talking about Steven, even the investigators can't figure out what is going on.

It is only temporarily certain that the two in the Delaware Police Department seem to have no suspicions.

They are also just victims of being framed, if this is really just a prank.

But how to explain to the media is the question considered by Secretary Rand. Steven is worried now, but Brooks should stop messing up.

Steven sat on the bench in the corridor, anxiously waiting for Brooks to end her investigation.

These benches are usually the places where the street gangs are sitting at the police station, but at this moment Steven can't think of so much, let alone, this small place in Delaware, except for some trivial things, there is no gang.

The worst thing is that those high school football team members are drunk.

"Squeaky." While Steven was cranking around, some old investigative room doors were slowly opened, and Brooks came out of it.

"Is everything okay." Steven quickly greeted him.

He looked at Brooks at this time a little quiet, his expression even seemed to be a bit heavy, and he was no longer active in the past. Brooks in ordinary times seemed to have endless energy.

It seemed that Steven's voice made Brooks recover, she was stunned, and suddenly hugged Steven hard, then released, and excitedly turned around on the ground, yelling, "Of course it's okay, but I was Take away the investigation, I was actually investigated, just like in the movie!"

Steven's concern seemed cracked. He looked at the excited Brooks helplessly and said, "You are a policeman, a real policeman."

He didn't understand what excitement this was, because if it was not done properly, it would cause trouble for their profession.

It's just that Brooks in excitement can't hear Steven at all, just immersed in his own world.

"It's noon, let's go eat something." So Steven could only give up this topic, and then took Brooks out.

But even stranger is what he thought in his heart at the moment.

Brooks hugged him. Although it was only a short moment of excitement, it should be a good start after all, right. Steven is very strange. This is clearly the first time Brooks hugs him, but why. . There will be a familiar feeling.

With questions, Steven and Brooks walked out of the police station, but just stepped outside the police station, a shadow appeared in front of them.

Steven, who bowed his head and thought about something, didn't wait for him to ask, and the man who stopped them said, "Is it Officer Steven and Brooks?"

"Who are you again?" The question is plagued, and Steven is a little uncomfortable, and has a natural tone.

"I'm Zaz." But the coming person didn't mind Steven's tone, but instead pulled out his ID and said aloudly, "fbi, I have a few questions to ask you."

"In this small town... are there any well-known writers living here?"

. . .

With a snap, Zas opened the door of the car parked on the side of the road, then sat heavily, lit a cigarette, and looked at Steven and Brooks in the restaurant outside through the window, Zas Falling into thinking.

When he left the previous restaurant, he already had the information he wanted.

Both Brooks and Steven were hypnotized, or to be more precise, the entire Delaware town lost a small memory.

Their memories only stayed the day before yesterday, and all memories about yesterday stopped abruptly.

Just about remember, maybe, maybe there is a vagueness.

Even they themselves are not clear, most people just think that they seem to, maybe, spend a night of carnival party in school crazy.

Even ordinary residents can't remember what they did when they worked yesterday.

One person and two people may have this problem because they have poor memory, and three people and four people can be justified. But people in the whole town will never forget what they did yesterday.

That's obviously not a problem with memory, but someone has done some work on their memories.

Just like yourself.

Based on the video tape that was intercepted, Zas found many clues, such as the fact that the silver tongue Vlcht actually did not mistake his daughter in the book, and the supernatural power displayed by the Capricorn King.

And there is the most important thing that hides all this, that scary wizard.

The video in the video tape was intermittent, because of the huge shadow attack, the video recorder was quickly dropped to the ground, and Zaz could only use the sound of the brain to supplement the content at the time, but even so, he restored it. Probably.

So he understood why Volchart had not lost his memory, and helped the wizard hide his daughter.

First of all, he didn't want his family to have an accident, otherwise. . He couldn't fight the wizard at all.

At that time, there were so many people and so many guns that could not hurt him. Zass was very doubtful whether the known methods could kill him.

What's more, if he wants to run away, no one on them knows what magic is. A hidden wizard will bring more casualties to fbi. He can hide and kill them one by one.

Popping cigarettes out of the car window, Zaz knew that things were over.

This is his only thought after watching the video.

This is not a dragon over New York, but a wizard from a fairy tale book. The consequences of a wizard with powerful magic and the same human wisdom are far more than the destruction of a dragon.

At that time Zaz understood that this matter was no longer able to bear by himself.

He needs to report to Director Berika, but before that, he has to do some small investigations himself.

Zaz did not forget his original purpose. It was not something that saved the earth and drove the wizard from the fairy tale back to the storybook. He was not the savior of the silver tongue. He just wanted to save his partner, Jim.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the restaurant, Steven and Brooks, who were talking and laughing. The two of them had no memory. Maybe they forgot some terrible memories, or maybe they forgot some beautiful ones. Memories.

But in any case, they are lucky because they will not intervene in what happens next.

Because of what he will face next, Zas is not sure.

Pulling the window up, Zaz started the car and turned to the other direction of the town. He still had someone to visit, that is, Rl Stein in Steven’s mouth, but seriously, Zaz seemed to watch when he was a child. He wrote the book.

. . .

"What is it... You can't make chocolate anymore?"

"Do I have to explain it again, of course, literally, I can't make chocolate anymore." Willy Wonka said, shaking his chocolate-like silky brown hair very indifferently.

"But when I came, I saw that the chocolate was always being processed outside." Yi Chou frowned slightly, staring calmly at Willie Wangka's careless expression.

Yi Biao remembered that Willy Wonka seemed to have some problems. In the original plot, Willy Wonka sent five gold coupons because he couldn’t make the chocolate he wanted. The five luckiest children in the world entered his factory.

He wants to choose a child in it, because Willie Wangka feels it's time to find a partner.

Willie Wangka is always able to make the candy in his mind. There are many whimsy in his mind, and these beautiful inspirations are always the most delicious.

But now, he can't make the most delicious candy.

He didn't even know what he wanted to do.

"Oh, you said those." Willie Wonka's voice pulled Yi Chou out of the memories. A smile on his face squeezed his fingers and said, "These are the original candy, don't you pay attention Has it been a long time since Willy Wonka launched a new product?"

"I forgot, you don't like sweets or hot cocoa."

"If you want to watch them, turn left when you go out, and sit on the Orembe's warship, down the river of hot chocolate, there are candy I made."

"I know, I know." It seemed that the opportunity was finally seized, and Meggie quickly interjected, "Weiliwangka's new product was launched a few months ago, and it was only improved."

"I really like your chocolate, Mr. Willy Wangka."

Meggie stared at Willie Wangka with her eyes wide, like a kitten looking for pleasure. She really liked Willie Wangka's chocolates and sweets, so she also liked Willie Wangka herself.

Willie Wonka shrank back from her gaze, subconsciously showing a disgusted expression, but then, he squeezed out a rather kind smile.

"Of course, Miss Meggie, I like it too." Willie Wangka smiled.

Then as soon as his voice fell, he quickly returned to that plain expression again, and then whispered softly, "Another nasty glutton."

But although it was said softly, it was only relative. Willi Wangka didn't shy away from it, and Meggie could still hear it clearly.

Meggie, "...wtf?"

Of course, Willie Wangka and Yi Chou disregarded Meggie's expression of surprise and grievance, and they still discussed it themselves.

"So what are you going to do?" Yi Huo asked.

"This will not fail the omnipotent Willy Wonka." Willy Wonka said triumphantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then pulled out five gold coupons from the clothes as if they were magic, "Originally I planned to put it in today. I didn’t do it with me. I don’t know why. I think a little later, there might be good things happening. Could it be the arrival of the chocolate elves."

"Well?" The stunned chocolate man turned his head, and Willie Wangka immediately covered his nose in disgust, then waved at it and said, "Not you."

"So now good things have happened." Yi Chou said calmly again.

"Can you tell me how to change back to what it was?"

"No, I can't." Shaking his head, Yi Chou looked at Willie Wangka, "but one person can."

"Who?" Willy Wangka showed curiosity as always.

"A dentist." (To be continued.)

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