High Magic Earth

Chapter 852: Search

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Willie Wangka's face changed slightly. He was like a child who had not grown up, and his emotions were all expressed on his face, and it was more exaggerated. ?To read

Even Meggie showed a curious look, not knowing what mystery the two were playing.

"Dentist?" Willie Wangka smiled, "Oh, dentist."

"I know this profession." He pretended to be stupid. "But I don't need it. My teeth are always good, and I don't use dental floss."

"I don't need dental floss." Yi arrogant said.


"Cultural differences only." Yi Xuan shrugged.

"Oh." Willie Wangka made another clear expression, but the ghost knew what he understood, "I didn't expect that we have so many similarities."

Yi Biao shook his head and suddenly smiled, "You know what I am talking about, don't pretend to be silly Mr. Wonka, don't you really want to see him."

This sentence seemed to touch a certain nerve of Willie Wangka, and he was suddenly struck into long memories.

Taking advantage of Willy Wangka's daze, Meggie asked lowly next to him, "Who are you talking about?"

"His father."

Yi Biao's answer pulled Willy Wangka out of his memories, his pale face changed, and then patted his soft hair in a strange way, "I need candy, I don't need him."

"But he needs you." Yi Chou's voice was still calm.

In the original play, Willie Wangka finally saw his father who had fled for many years, and once again felt the affection, and also made up for the missing piece in his heart.

He made sweets again, and with Charlie, who promoted his reunion with his father, managed this huge chocolate factory with his family.

The plot is not difficult. In addition to taking five children to visit the chocolate factory, Willie Wangka is to remember and make up for himself. It can even be said that most of the brain supplement and thinking are Willie Wangka’s own. Finished.

He needs to see his father, and he will eventually meet.

It’s just that Yi Biao has now replaced Charlie’s position, and wants to prompt the two to meet earlier, so that Willie Wangka can make those magical chocolates again, and Yi Biao will know what these chocolates are. Method.

Willie Wangka's abilities are amazing, and may be hereditary.

Because his father once said that if Willy Wonka dares to leave home, he will let him never find his way home, and later he did not exaggerate, Willy Wonka left home for a while When time came back, he found his home and the whole building disappeared.

Just like the densely populated houses in the city were suddenly hollowed out, there was a huge gap between the two closely connected buildings around, and the hole was the house where he used to live. ?One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Later Willie Wangka never saw his father again.

Perhaps the whole movie describes the most absurd dreams of a child in an exaggerated way. The whole movie is a beautiful dream and fantasy, but here, what I saw in Yi bust is not known at all. After the chocolate candies made by technology, he knew that all this was not fantasy, but real.

Because he doesn't know how to hatch a bird out of chocolate eggs, and even the bird can flap its wings and be happy. This is not physics and chemistry that can be achieved with small skills, this is. . magic.

Of course, for this magical ability, it suddenly failed, which is incredible.

But the existence of this ability itself is incredible, so even if something incredible happens, it is not so unacceptable.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Willie Wanka to regain his ability. Although he only uses this power to make chocolate, but no matter what is arrogant, he does whatever he wants.

Of course, even if Willy Wonka doesn't cooperate, Yi Chou will use magic to make him cooperate, anyway. . His miraculous ability is failing now, isn't he?

These words seemed to hit Willie Wonka again, and he was stunned for a while, looking a little dazed, and then said, "He never needed me."

"If you don't go and see, how can you know."

"You can find him."

"No, but you can." Yi Huo said.

"I need one..." Yi Chou clapped his hands and then searched around and found that there was nothing he wanted. "Do you have a globe here?" he asked.

"What's that?" Willie Wangka still smiled.

"Okay, it's okay." Yi Huo was a little helpless. He finally came across someone more unreasonable than himself. He scratched his wand fiercely at the chocolate man, in his reluctant whimper. , Grab a big piece of chocolate.

The chocolate syrup melted and rolled in the air, and finally stared gradually, and turned into a sphere again, with a reduced map of the entire world printed on it, with bumps and bumps, and even the finest textures are clearly visible. It is a globe marked with the world.

"Your blood." Yi Xuan said, "You can find him and drip on it."

"Thinking of his name and recalling his appearance, your blood will guide you so that you won't get lost." He pushed the globe made of chocolate to Willy Wonka and said softly. ??One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ next to Meggie unconsciously straightened his body, and then quietly widened his eyes, this is the magic na, the scene where the wizard cast magic, although Yi Chou has used a lot of magic, but The magic wand always flashed, and Meggie had no chance to experience it, but it felt amazing.

Willy Wonka didn't think too much, and didn't feel surprised. It might be that he was an amazing existence.

It's just that there was a look of flesh pain on his face. Perhaps it would hurt to bite his fingers when he was distressed. Finally, he tangled a bit, and he bit his fingers gently, wrinkled his brows, and dropped the blood on the globe. .

In an instant, the eyes of all four people present fell on the globe.

Under the gaze of Yi Chao Meggie and Willie Wangka and the chocolate people, the blood slowly rolled down the arc of the globe, as if attracted by gravity, there was no place to shine.

But when Meggie was disappointed, she had already slid to the lowest end of the globe, and the blood droplets about to drop off the table suddenly stopped, and then began to float slowly against the surface of the globe.

In Meggie's wide-eyed eyes, it was like anti-gravity, it began to deform in the air, roll over, and then, it quickly reversed up the surface of the globe and instantly flew to the left side of the globe.

The blood bead traced a scarlet mark on the globe. Eventually, it stopped at a desolate location on the edge of a small town on the American map.

"It's easier to use than parchment." Yi Huo said, "I have a parchment that can be traced to someone. It was given to me by an old friend, but it is outdated."

"Blood allows you to find loved ones who have blood relatives with you more accurately."

"Ready... are you going to see him now."

Willie Wanka stared at the location on the globe with a pale face, and when he heard Yi Chou's question, he suddenly smiled and asked, "Of course, why not."

Yi Biao nodded, then took Meg to get up, and walked out with Willy Wonka, but at this time, Willy Wonka suddenly said, "You found him, then the aircraft will sit on me, because It's faster."

Yi Chou nodded again, and Meggie also dropped his doubtful eyes on Yi Chou.

"It's the elevator, are you happy." Yi Huo said quietly.

And Meggie rolled her eyes.

"Oh, that's right!" Willie Wonka, who had just pulled away, suddenly turned his head again, and then pointed to the chocolate man and the globe in the room. "I don't want to return to here, there is a lot more in my room Chocolate paste, um...it's two beaches.

. . .

The chocolate factory in Willy Wonka was built by him with a dreamy color, and even Yi Chou had to admit that I am afraid its magic is not weaker than the Red Castle.

Under Willy Wonka's light operation, the top floors are moved to the left and right, and then the transparent elevator is flown upwards without hindrance.

The elevator has only a thin layer, and the aircraft above has only four propulsion settings with flames, but it can take three people across half of the United States, which is simply unscientific or even magic.

"How did you do it?" After the flying elevator left the factory and was exposed to the winter sunshine outside, Yi Chou released a stealth spell to himself and Meggie, and then asked softly.

"Oh, it's very simple." Willie Wangka said carelessly. "In the factory, you can only rely on elevators, but after leaving the factory, there is no elevator available."

"So I thought, it would be nice if the elevator could fly."

Yi Biao waited for a long time, but found that there was no more, so he asked, "Then, this is gone?"

"Of course." Willie Wonka said of course. "What else is needed, oh... with the help of the hard-working Olumbi."


Thinking at Yihuo, the ability of Willy Wonka can make other things besides making chocolate. When you don’t get the ability and can only make candy every day, the agents who are responsible for monitoring the Willy Wonka chocolate factory have already Exploded the pan.

Willie Wonka, who locked himself in the factory for several years, left the factory, and. . No one knows where he is going.

"On the 4th, Willie Wonka left his factory. He was sitting in a very fast flying machine, like... an elevator." Squatting in the house, the young man who noticed the strangeness of the two people at the beginning Suddenly sat up and said quickly.

"...Is there anyone else in the elevator?" It seems that he was thundered by Willy Wangka's aircraft, and the liaison was stunned for a while before replying.

"No." The young man answered quickly, meticulous and quick observation is a necessary course for them, and the young man is most confident.

But that side still seemed uneasy, so he asked, "Are you sure, number five?"

"There is absolutely nothing wrong, only Willy Wonka is alone." Although the young man was unhappy, he also knew that the severity was mild and said very calmly.

"I know." That said quickly. "It's urgent. I have to confirm it again. You continue to wait in place, and I will contact you again."

There was no sound at the end of the communicator. The young man took a deep breath and slowly sat down on the bed.

He has lived here for more than half a year. He usually works like a normal resident. At first, he did not understand why he came to monitor a chocolate supplier. He could only think that it should be the magic chocolate he made. Use some high-end technology.

But now, he has already understood that this factory not only has a dream-like chocolate making process, but also has a science and technology that can't be underestimated. It is even no less than some high-end laboratories.

It's just why such technology can rest assured in the hands of a chocolate supplier, rather than being used out, it is not something he can understand, and young people know that such problems do not need to worry about themselves.

Taking out his mobile phone, the restaurant owner of the young man who went to work for him called a call. He felt that something happened to the factory. It is better to ask for leave to stay here today.

. . .

While Yi Biao and Meggie embarked on the path of finding relatives in Willy Wonka, Zas in the Delaware town also found r.l. Stan.

The area of ​​Delaware is not large, although the population is also quite large, but a little inquiries can clearly find the location of the block where R.l. Stan is located.

But Zas, who found r.l. Stan, was not so happy. Instead, he lost his heart.

Because there really is an author here.

Thinking of the ability of the silver tongue and the wizard in the video tape, Zass's heart was sinking, and he had an ominous hunch.

But the clue has been found here, so we have to continue to trace it.

After all, Zaz is a veteran of fbi. He made a video recording on the phone, and then left enough to allow people to track down and find his clue, then pulled the door and walked to Stan's house. .

He didn't knock on his door for the first time, but he passed by in front of the door and looked at the surrounding environment quickly with afterglow.

Nothing unusual or strange, after going back around again, Zaston paused and walked straight up.

"Ding Dong!"

The crisp door sounded twice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ lingering in Zas' ear, and just before the doorbell stopped, there was the voice of a young girl who was also crisp.


Zas's pupils contracted. Before he came, he naturally had investigated Stan's data through other means. The original author of Goosebumps was unmarried and lonely. He moved more than 20 cities in less than ten years, averaging half a year. Will move away from a place.

But there has never been any information that someone lived with him, still a young girl.

When Zass thought of this, the door of Stan's house was also opened, revealing Hannah's face from inside, "Who are you?" she asked strangely.

Zass took a deep breath and decided to go straight to the subject. He took out his document and placed it in front of Hannah, "My name is Zaz, fbi, who are you." (To be continued.)

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