High Magic Earth

Chapter 853: track

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"Who is outside?" The conversation at the door alarmed Stan in the house. He ran downstairs, and he said badly when he was still upstairs.

Hannah at the door looked at Stan together with Zaston, facing Hannah's innocent gaze, Zas shrugged, and then introduced again, "fib, I want to talk to you about something, sir."

Stan's figure stopped suddenly, and then settled down.

. . .

"Drink coffee?" Stan hurried Hannah into the upper room, and then asked Zaz on the sofa.

"No, thanks." Zas still smiled. Although Stan didn't say hello at all, he still found a place to sit across from Stan.

"That's the best." Stan stared at Zas. "The coffee is gone."

Even in the face of fbi, Stan's bad temper still does not have any convergence.

"What is the matter with you, sir." He asked first.

Stan no longer remembers anything, and when he confronts fbi, there is still an instinctive panic, not because of those things before, but because of Hannah's identity.

As stated in the materials that Zas obtained, Hannah has nothing to do with him, and even no identification.

He didn't know what happened to the fbi, but thinking about it could only be related to Hannah.

Sure enough, Zas smiled slightly and then asked slowly, "Before we talk about the business, I have a question first, Mr. Stan, who was the little girl just now."

Stan was taken aback, but still resisted the panic and asked with a nasty expression, "That's either, maybe it's just a neighbor's child."

"Neighbor's, are you sure?" Zas smiled.

"Of course not, she is my adopted daughter, are you an idiot." Stan sneered.

If it is an ordinary person, Stan may have passed it, but Zaz has read Stan's information, and he knows that Stan has not adopted any daughters at all, and has no adoption procedures at all.

Zas knew the answer in his heart, but his face remained silent.

"But as far as I know, you don't have any adoption procedures at all." He said.

"You investigate me?" Stan stared at Zas fiercely immediately.

"No." Zas shook his head with a smile. "Just happened to have read a little information."

There are a lot of things that do not comply with the rules and cannot be said on the surface, but there are more things that are unspoken rules, even if Stan really knows that Zaz secretly investigates himself, but since the other party puts on such a rogue attitude , Stan really can't take the other side.

Even if you go to the police, this matter will end in the end, and it is not a big deal, but the trouble for yourself will be endless.

So Stan gritted his teeth, not knowing how to proceed, or what the fbi wanted to do.

"So we actually know everything, so let's just say who she is." Zas asked again.

"She's my daughter, adopted." Stan still bit this point, not letting go.

"It's not good for you to continue to entangle in this way. Either you tell me who she is, or I immediately report it to the police station and tell him that someone here is illegally imprisoned. Choose one of the two. You choose it yourself."

"What?!" Two surprised questions. The former came from Stan, while the latter came from the Hannah kid who had been eavesdropping upstairs. She didn't expect this guy who claimed to be fbi to be so shameless.

Stan glared fiercely, glared back at Hannah, and then gritted his teeth and asked, "What the **** do you want, money, I can give you money, but you don't want to harass me again!"

Stan has a lot of money, but he is the author of Goosebumps. There is no one of the best-selling books of the year. It can be seen from the fact that he can toss more than 20 cities in ten years.

He is not short of money, not even a rich man.

And Stan can only think of this fbi for money, but he has no way.

"No." Zaz shook his head again. He knew that Stan was very alert, and he could not ask anything like this, because ordinary people would not believe in the existence of the silver tongue, so he said directly, "I am not for money, I I just want to determine the origin of the girl. Is anyone reading her right, from the storybook?"

"Huh?" Stan was stunned, completely ignorant of what Zaz was talking about.

But Zaz thought that Stan was surprised when the secret of his heart was revealed, so he continued, "It's the silver tongue, or you are the one, right?"

"I, I don't know what you're talking about." Stan waved his hand, and then his voice slowly weakened. He stared at Zas, thinking for a while, and then slowly said, "I don't know what you said. What is the tongue, but she did create it, I wrote it."

"Huh? Write?" Zas was in a daze this time.

. . .

When Zaz left the Stan family, he found that the trouble was getting worse.

Erasing the information in the phone, Zas leaned on the back of the driver's seat.

The Stan family’s investigation did not encounter any danger, but it brought a greater clue to Zas. There are not only people with a special ability of silver tongue in this world, but there are many, at least in addition to the silver tongue And there is another one, Stan.

Goosebumps author r.l. Stan, but who knows that he can turn the stories he wrote into reality.

Zas is very thankful that Stan’s ability only works on the books he typed with his typewriter, and those published by the publishers are not valid at all. Otherwise, the whole world might be messed up.

But even so, Zas felt a little bit powerless.

Because he found that the memories of Stan and Hannah were also erased, and their memories were missing for a while, Stan only remembered that the monsters had some problems yesterday, but fortunately, there was no big impact, he recovered all the monsters and suffocated at home One day, Hannah was recreated.

But specifically, he couldn't remember at all, what monster came out, how did he get it back, and even what he did and thought about yesterday had only a vague impression, but he couldn't remember it carefully.

Zaz's observation is very keen, he can't remember what he ate was normal, he couldn't remember what was normal yesterday, but for an author, he can't remember what he wrote yesterday, which is very abnormal.

Zas asked, but Stan couldn't answer, the result was already obvious.

And the trouble caused by the monster yesterday was probably not a small trouble at all. Even if the police force of the whole state was dispatched, would it still be a small trouble? Although Zaz knew that the policemen always like to make big fuss, but they also know that it can let the State Police The Secretary is so panic, it must not be a trivial matter.

Although he didn't understand why everything was restored today, Zaz only felt that it was related to the wizard figure he saw on the videotape.

There is no clue to him, but Zaz only has an intuitive feeling.

He believed his feelings, which were more useful than clues, and even found many useful ideas for him.

First, the dragon, then the silver tongue, and then the wizard, and now there is a Stan. Zaz feels that these things can no longer be carried out by himself, and it is necessary to seek help from the bureau.

Zaz never felt that he was a solitary hero, and he did not use it with great resources. That was the real idiot.

What's more, he has no contradiction with his boss, but has a very good relationship, and this will not involve any political matters. Don't worry about the embarrassment of someone above.

Starting the car again, Zaz felt that his vacation was over.

. . .

In the office, Berika read the documents handed over by Zas carefully, and then threw them heavily on the table.

"This is the result that you came back to me for the holiday, and it's only three days passed?" Berika asked unclearly.

Zas shrugged. "Uh, Hawaiian words... I can still find my vacation experience last year. I can give you a copy."

Berika sneered, and then didn't mean to pursue it further, "You always surprise me." She said.

"You will never let me down, boss." Zas smiled and relaxed.

"Tell me, what did you find." Berika pointed to the information on the table, indicating that Zas would elaborate on what was not written on it.

"I left a videotape I found on the spot at the time, and I found some clues... Delaware..." Zas quickly repeated the experience of these days to Berika, thinking of getting the game. The support here must first pass the level of Berika.

Berika kept silent, listening to Zas's narrative quietly, and then she said, "You mean there is another one coming out of the book... Wizard, stay outside?"

"Yes." Zas nodded. "He erased my memory of him and everything about him."

"What a wizard?" Berika asked. "Is it the kind of wizard who cooks strange things in a big pot on a broom?"

"I don't know, maybe you have a chance to meet." Zaz shrugged. "I have forgotten most of the things, but his magic is so powerful that we simply can't understand it."

"Why didn't you tell me these things in the first place?" Berika asked again.

"It's just intuition." Zas's answer is very irresponsible, but Berika just shook her head, not pursued.

Zas is a qualified detective who has done a lot of tasks. His biggest feature is also his shortcomings. He likes to chase the truth. Of course, Berika does not think that the wizard who came out of the story does not important.

But what can a person do, in such a big world, a world combined by powerful technology.

"I also know what happened when the police around Delaware mobilized. What do you think." Berika stopped for a while and then asked again.

Zass has no clue. The magic of Yi Chou completely ruined things. Most of his judgments were his deductions and speculations. "I suspect that people in the whole town have been hypnotized."

"The whole town," Berry repeated.

"Yes." Zas nodded. "This is not something that happened outside the country like Germany, but it is really showing up in the cities of our country. We can't just let it go."

Berika took a deep breath and stuffed the information on the table into the shredder next to it. "Do you know why you are the agent with the highest task completion rate in five years in the bureau." Berika asked, "Because You are smart enough."

Zas frowned slightly, but his face remained calm. This sounded bad. Berika sounded like he was told to stop worrying about it, but he couldn’t think of any reason for Berika. Stop yourself.

This does not involve problems between high-level, nor outside the country, but internal problems, which is what FBI should be responsible for, so Zaz can't think of a reason why Berika prevented himself.

I just didn't expect that the next sentence Berika turned around and said again, "But do you know why you can only be ranked within these five years."

"Why?" Zas asked unknown, following Berika's thoughts.

"Because of a person, when he was there, we had no unfinished tasks." Berika showed a smile. She stood up and walked to the office next to the safe that only the director had permission to open, and took it out of it. The same thing.

It is a medicine bottle with only the thickness of a finger, which contains a dozen transparent pills.

Then, in Zaz's surprised eyes, she put something in front of him.

"What's this?" Zaz stared at the drug on the table. His brain was a little confused. A series of things had already hit his brain a little messy, so he could not guess that Director Berika was mysterious. When he came up with a certain drug, he even wondered for a moment whether the Secretary meant that he had taken too much of it.

"Go find him, take this with you." Berika nodded to Zaz.


"Our special adviser, Bryan, Bryan Finch." Berika said.

. . .

Zaz had thought about what kind of person Brian would be, because he had already inquired on the way to come. When Director Berika was still an agent, Brian was already a special consultant of fbi. The tasks involved are 100% executed perfectly. He is a legend.

But strangely, Zas had never heard his name.

It was only after Berika told him that he had the authority to call up a few poor files in the database, and there was very little information about Brian, not even a photo.

Zas thought he might be a handsome agent, or a vicissitudes middle-aged man, or a ruthless, ruthless type of killer, but never thought he would be an otaku.

And when he was found, he was spitting clouds, mingling with several women.

It looks the same as those hip-hop singers.

But his reaction was very sensitive. He almost guessed that he had a task, and it was from fbi. He smiled and drove away the women, and then sat in front of Zaz, even ridiculed and funny, Guess Zaz's news for a long time.

Zas had never seen such a person, but since it was recommended by Berika, he decided to believe him for the time being. Of course, this trust is only a little.

"What are you going to do?" Zas asked. The clue Brian already knew almost, so the next step was his plan.

"Of course I got involved." Bryan's face smiled weirdly. "How can such a funny thing save me, a dragon and a wizard, ah, I feel like I'm playing in a dungeon."

"I just didn't go to the bureau for a while. Why has the world suddenly changed, did you buy the latest dungeon expansion?"

Zaz decided that he hadn't heard this sentence. He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner tumbling emotions, and asked again, "I'm talking about... how do you plan to solve these problems."

"It must be one of the players to see you." Brian said, standing up and getting dressed, "We can go, oh, yes, give me something first, my medicine is better."

"...Well." Zaz was stunned and reacted immediately. He took out the bottle of medicine that Berika gave him and gave it to Bryan.

Brian raised his eyebrows slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whistle to take things over.

"What's this?" Seeing Brian apparently knew this thing, Zass finally asked the question he had been holding in his heart.

Brian exaggeratedly raised the pill bottle in front of him, then counted it carefully, and then tossed it in his hand and put it in his pocket. "This is ntz-48, which can make people smart."

"What?" Zaz is still unclear, but Brian has already gone out, so Zaz can only quickly catch up and ask behind him, "Where are we going?"

"Germany." Bryan didn't look back in front, then waved his hand and put the other hand in his pocket.

He likes this feeling.

The medicine cannot stop. (To be continued.)

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