High Magic Earth

Chapter 855: Candy and new abilities

The viscous chocolate syrup is like a violent ocean, crazy surging around, and the boat made of crystal clear purple candy is like a flat boat. Yi Chou believes that although Willy Wangka is crazy, he will not drop himself. Into the ocean of chocolate syrup. ``

But Meggie was so scared that she embraced Yi Chou's arm, and his head was full, "Ah!" "Wow!" Such an adjective that was almost shocked, he almost didn't get scared.

Willie Wonka stood on the bow of the ship with an inexplicable smile, and the two sides of the ship were filled with more than twenty Orumbi people, and they were all the same!

The dragon boat made of hard candy ran down the huge chocolate tunnel, as if it was a roller coaster, it was not only bumpy, but a waterfall followed by a waterfall, a sharp bend after a sharp bend, the chocolate sea made by Willy Wangka seems to be full of nature. The danger is average and the entire passage is rugged.

The frontal Orumbi stood behind Willy Wangka, and a drum was placed in front of him. The Orombi calmly persevered with the dragon boat's advancing speed, changing from steady to radical from time to time.

His eyes were fixed on the back of the dragon boat, and he turned a blind eye to the turbulent ocean of chocolate syrup on both sides. Under the superb operation of the more than 20 oarsmen who paddled, even a drop of chocolate did not fall into the dragon boat.

And these twenty Orumbi people also stared at the rear of the dragon boat.

At the rear, Yi Yi sat calmly.

Meggie was holding his left arm like a koala, and Yi Xiao stared back at these Oulen people with a blank face, and twenty identical faces stared at him numbly. This felt really strange.

The two people are so intertwined in a weird atmosphere.

But Willie Wangka didn't seem to notice it, and Meggie, who was scared, didn't realize it.

Fortunately, this trip did not last long.

Since Willy Wangka used the flying elevator to pull the three people back at an extremely fast speed, he dragged them happily straight to the core of the chocolate factory, all the candy processing workshops.

That is the beautiful candy world shown in the movie.

Yi Xiao is not interested in this. His magic can achieve a more beautiful fairyland, but Willie Wangka seems to be inspired, and no one listens.

And Meggie was also very interested in it, so Yi Chou also let the two go.

It doesn’t waste much time anyway.

Willy Wonka seems to be in a state of madness, and there is some excitement throughout the process. Yi Chou is very suspicious that Willy Wonkar took the two to visit his factory, just like a child with a beloved toy or doing something It is always possible to find a reason to share or show off with someone. With Willy Wonka’s heart, this is entirely possible.

Yi Chou said he didn't care about this, and he didn't even care how Willy Wangka handled the relationship between him and his own father along the way.

Whether Willie Wonka and Wilbur continue to separate, or he intends to secretly take his father back, this is Willy Wonka's family affair.

Yi Biao only cares about the next thing, Willie Wangka's craft of making chocolate.

It seems that Willie Wangka is also impatient and wants to turn the latest inspiration into chocolate. This short trip to the ocean of chocolate syrup soon ended.

Some trembling, but still excited Meggie helped the dragon boat down, and Willie Wangka and Yi Chou returned to the internal elevator of the chocolate factory again.

Willy Wonka seemed very happy, Yi Biao noticed that he even hummed some kind of melody song. Although he knew that Willy Wonka had a strange temperament, these little things were nothing, but still gave Yi Biao a trace of bad. a feeling of.

"I'm very happy." Sure enough, Willie Wangka showed a strange smile, and then leaned into Yi Biao's ear and said.

"Huh?" Yi Huo nodded, not knowing why.

"My music is also very happy." Willie Wangka continued.


Yi Xiao responded, feeling that he could not communicate with Willie Wangka. He was immersed in his own world, and he had already regarded the outside world as a background, not integrated into his own world.

The elevator door opened slowly, and the three came to the invention room of Willy Wangka. Without surprise, a group of Orembes slipped out of the corner from the corner that did not know that corner.

"Williwonka! Willy Wonka! A great chocolate maker!"

"Williwonka! Willy Wonka..."


They wore bizarre costumes, and beat even more weird musical instruments in their hands, then jumped and hummed this magical song.

"God." Yi arrogant shook his head.

"I like this song." Willie Wangka turned her head with a smile on her face. "It's nice, I wrote it."

"It's true." Yi Xuan said.

But very obscurely, he snapped his fingers in his ears to remove this group of mental pollution from the Orembe and Willy Wangka from his brain, and the world was quiet.

Willie Wonka didn't care about these things. He still walked happily in front of him, throwing his cane from time to time. Only Meggie kept his curiosity and energy similar to him, and Yi Chou had longed to hurry up. Just fine.

The three of them followed the invention room all the way down and quickly came to the room full of artillery.



Yi Chou didn't quite understand why there was an arsenal in the chocolate factory in Williwangka, although everything in it was made of candy, a fort made of hard candy, ammunition mixed with syrup and fruit particles.

But these things don't look like they can be sold.

However, their power is so great that they can even accurately hit the bullseye a few hundred meters away. You must know that these things are made of sugar.

Like a roller coaster, they quickly landed from the top of the arsenal to the bottom. Willie Wangka personally selected a secret room with a large warning sign hanging on it, and then took the two into it.

"It's...here!" He put the crutches aside and said happily.

This is a room full of chemical flasks and potions, which looks like a laboratory of mad scientists. Willie Wangka flicked the tall top hat to the side, and was accurately received by the omnipresent Orenbi people. At once, two more Orembes piled up and put on his white lab coat.

Within a few seconds, Willy Wangka changed.

But the actual thing is to put a white coat over the dress.

He didn't care about the two, but fell directly into his own world. Willie Wangka came to a cauldron and reached out to stir it twice.

"Hmm..." He wrinkled his disgusted nose and motioned the Orumbi to throw it away. "I can't believe this is what I did before. It seemed really bad at that time."

Willie Wonka muttered thoughtfully, "I need... a jar of chocolate syrup."

Immediately, the Orembe pushed a small cylinder for him. With the help of a strange mechanical arm, they successfully poured the unknown liquid into the cylinder.

While Yi Xiao and Meggie were on the sidelines, they watched as if they were a strange red liquid in a pot. When they were poured into the pot, they slowly turned into chocolate syrups with a strong flavor.

"..." Yi Xuan and Meggie glanced at each other, then withdrew their eyes at the same time.

Of course, the two people's inner thoughts must be different.

"And milk!" "Wool!" "Juice!" "Spaghetti!" "Tortilla!" Willie Wangka seemed to turn into a hard butterfly, constantly adding things to the pot.

The industrious Orumbi people are working tirelessly to meet all the requirements of Willy Wangka. Yi Chou has been paying attention to their course of action, but even if they use magic, they can’t find where these things come from. , Where did the Orembes come from.

If it is not certain that the whole world sells Willy Wonka chocolate, Yi Biao really doubts that this is a place that is even more crazy than Wonderland.

Or maybe. . Is it all just hypnotized?

Anyway, no matter what Yi Biao thinks, the preparation of Willie Wangka is at the end. The suspicious cauldron is stuffed with strange things, half a fresh steak, a whole fish, and chocolate and oysters. and many more.

They don't want to blend together at all, and Yi Chou doubts that they will explode in the next moment.

But what happened to Yi Biao did not happen. It was just that under the gentle stirring of Willie Wangka's spoon, these things began to melt and sink, and then slowly entered the soup.

Willy Wonka made a happy voice, and then, a few huge robotic arms picked up the cauldron and poured it into a larger gas tank. The gas tank began to roll over and heat, tossing the liquid into other pipes. After cooling and solidification, it was put into boiling water again.

Yi Chou went from strange at first to curious, and finally became numb now, even Meggie standing next to him, at this time also looked as if he could not love him.

Fortunately, her age is not small anymore, and she is completely unable to understand the unnatural scene before her, which is totally the existence of anti-science.

Willie Wonka didn't even notice the tangle between the two of them. He was happily pouring the half cup of transparent liquid he got into a car-sized processor.

"This is the last step." He took time to wink at the two.

The machine began to buzz frantically, and finally a tremor of white steam came out.

Yi Xiao and Meggie took a step back involuntarily, and at the same time, the machine shuddered suddenly, slowly pushing out a huge iron plate, and on top of the iron plate, a sugar cube was placed quietly.

"..." Yi Xuan and Meghi were silent.

Willie Wangka took a step forward with excitement, "This..." and then slowly picked up the cube of sugar, "the latest candy." He said.

"I call it... family."

"..." Yi Xuan remained silent, his face blank, while Meggie stepped forward and wrote curiously, "Why call it his family?"

Willie Wonka smiled, then put the sugar cubes on an iron plate and pushed them in front of Meggie, "Why don't you try it yourself."

Meggie swallowed slightly, and hesitated. She looked back at Yi Chou and found that he did not agree, but did not object, so she slowly raised her hand and picked up the sugar cube.

Yi Biao and Willie Wangka's eyes all fell on this piece of sugar cube, and then moved with it. Meggie was nervous. She opened her mouth and slowly put the sugar cube in.

But I don't know whether it seems to be an excited relationship, or whether the sugar cube melted into the mouth. As soon as Meggie closed her mouth, the sugar cube disappeared with a grunt and seemed to swallow down her throat.

"It's gone!" Meggie cried in surprise.

Willie Wanka still had a smile on his face. He snapped the magic text on the top of Meggie's head and said, "Feel it."

Meggie no longer speaks, but shuts her mouth and feels silently. She closes her eyes slightly, and then feels a taste like seafood pasta across her throat.

Yi Xao looked coldly beside him. Although Willie Wangka was not reliable, I believe he wouldn't treat Meggie. The sugar cube should be safe.

Sure enough, Meggie suddenly opened her eyes and expressed in words, "It's the taste of seafood and pasta!!!"

She used three exclamation marks to express her excitement, as did Willy Wangka. "Yes!" he said happily.

"But... why?" Meggie asked strangely, "You don't call it a family member."

"Because I used to love the seafood pasta made by my father." Willie Wangka had a shared expression on her face, "Try again."

Well, this reason is strong enough that Meggie can't say it, and soon, she feels a different taste.

That is. . That's a kind. .

Her favorite food is the taste of the cake that her father ate for her birthday.

"I remember..." Meggie's words swayed a little, and she was very excited. "I still remember the taste..."

Meggie felt a bit sore in her nose because at this moment, she suddenly realized that she missed her father and her mother very much. She wanted to be with them, and she didn't want to be separated from them.

Thinking about it, Meggie crouched down and whimpered.

On the other hand, Willy Wangka touched his chin with his arms crossed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ strangely said, "Is it my problem, it seems that there are too many raw corns that make people sad."

"Woo woo..." Meggie was still squatting on the ground and crying, while Willie Wangka didn't care about her at all.

As soon as he snapped his fingers, he pointed to the Orembe holding the notebook next to him. "Note this."

Similarly, Yi Biao didn't seem to notice Meggie because he was feeling the deepest part of his thoughts with joy, where the hourglass had just left the latest traces.

"Silver Heart loaded successfully."

This is the ability of Willy Wonka, or, indeed, Willy Wonka also possesses unexplainable magic power, otherwise this wonderful chocolate factory cannot be built at all.


Yi Biao was immersed in the joy of gaining new abilities, and Willie Wonka had only his new candy in his eyes. Meggie's sobbing still did not end, but for a time, this poor little guy seemed to be forgotten. (To be continued.)

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