High Magic Earth

Chapter 856: clue

"Ha~ha~ It's so cold!" When he got off the plane, Brian exaggeratedly hugged his two arms, and then shook his body unceasingly, as if he would be frozen into ice in the next moment.

But Zas next to him stared at him with a neuropathic look, and had been far away from him.

"Brian... The airport is air-conditioned."

Finally, after Brian shook for three minutes, and seemed to be going all the way, Zas finally said a little helplessly.

Suddenly Brian came to the spirit, "Originally you can talk, do you know, you are as boring as Ike and Mike back then, but then the two of them finally became a normal person under my influence."

"A normal person like you?" Zas said, "I am sympathetic."

"Am I not normal?" Brian said with an exaggerated spread, he asked back, "Germany is very cold."

"That's where it is."

"Okay." Brian shrugged and pretended to be miserable. "I'm just a retired consultant. You are the boss and listen to you."

Zass took a deep breath, then stopped and turned to face Brian. He had heard Brian's trouble from Berryka, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

"You laughed." He said with a strong smile, "This is naturally based on you..."

"Aha!" Brian clapped his hands. "You've been tricked. You don't have a humorous cell. I think you and Mike will definitely be good friends. I'll introduce it to you. Look! He's here, Hey Mike! "

Brian suddenly waved his hands high outside the airport, and he almost didn't jump, and a black man leaning beside the car saw this scene with a helpless sigh.

I haven’t seen it in a few years, and Brian still looks like this, not even getting old.

"This is Mike." Brian and the two quickly walked out of the airport, and then he introduced the black man to Zaz. "My previous partner, this trip to Germany will not be without his help."

"I'm Zaz." Zaz quickly greeted him and shook hands with Mike.

Most of the people who hide in cities in various corners of the world are older, because they often lie in a few years, and in terms of the number of years alone, they also exceed these people in the headquarters.

What's more, Mike is still in charge of this part of Germany.

Although the head office always looks down on these people, it only talks about it in the head office. Once outside, most of them are still intent.

Mike also shook Zaz's hand, and then pulled the car door hard. This place is not a good place to communicate. Anything still said on the road.

But pulling the door open, he realized when Brian had jumped up.

Seeing the two of them, he beckoned impatiently, "Come up, I'm leaving, what are you waiting for."

Zas and Mike looked at each other, and at the same time showed a sympathetic expression.

After several people got on the car, Mike patted the driver's seat in front of him, and the driver above slowly started to drive away. Although there were not many potential agents and agents, it was okay to temporarily mobilize a dozen celebrities.

At first, Mike received a letter from the headquarters that he thought there was a big move, such as catching a criminal or intercepting something, but then it was found that this was not the case, but only to cooperate with an action.

And it was his old friend, Brian Finch, who organized the operation.

Mike immediately keenly realized that these actions were probably very important. The headquarters was so lightly arranged that I didn't want to attract too much attention.

You know, as the only person who can take nzt without restrictions, Brian Finch is definitely the trump card of the ace of the authorities. Not only is it very important, but even the danger is comparable to the modern 007.

After taking nzt, Brian, coupled with professional training, allowed him to escape from dangerous situations.

Otherwise, the authorities would not be so relieved to release Brian.

Although he didn't like those exercises and sports, who made Brian always like unreliable adventures and had the same unreliable dream of becoming a superhero.

Fortunately, under the use of ntz, Brian can master many fighting skills with a little effort. The next step is to exercise day after day to strengthen his own quality.

Don’t forget that Brian can escape from the authorities’ hunt without knowing anything at first. He has never been a fuel-efficient guy.

Brian is very important, but more importantly, he created his ntz.

This name has been known to the upper classes of many countries, and it is not a secret. Of course, for ordinary people, it is still very concealed. Even the previous large-scale ntz outbreaks have been wiped out completely. .

This name was only passed between the most important high-level leaders of several big countries, and it was spread by word of mouth. Because the mode of electronic records is really not worth mentioning in the eyes of people taking nzt, it forced the authorities to have no nzt records at all.

But intelligence is easy to get, nzt is easy to get, but it is terrible to use.

The side effects of nzt have greatly increased in the natural growth of humans in recent years. Ordinary people will fall into the state of hallucinations and dehydration coma after taking more than three times. This has eliminated many countries that originally intended to use nzt as a disposable consumable. This idea, even if it is a one-off, is too costly.

In addition to the headquarters, Brian’s blood and samples are also circulated outside. As long as Brian is on a mission, he will be in danger. If he is in danger, he will definitely be injured.

Unless he hides all his life.

But no one can crack his secret, why he can be immune to the side effects of nzt.

Brian did not say that no one knew that those people who were related to nzt died, disappeared, and disappeared. I have never heard any news, even the senator who might have made immunization was killed by An unknown attack.

It can be said that Brian is unique, and countries cannot find any way to copy it for the time being.

Of course, the experiment of replication has not stopped, but before that, Brian was not so important. His own blood and cells had been collected almost, and there was only one person, which could not pose a major threat.

They suspected that someone had created an immune agent, but they even suspected that Brian itself had undergone a mutation with nzt, so he had the ability to be immunized. At the time, Brian also relied on the immune needle to support nzt. This is only known to Berika.

Everyone else only knew that Brian had the ability to be immune to the side effects of nzt from the beginning, so they regarded him as a successful individual with human variation.

Only the cost of imprisoning him is much greater than the cost of his mission outside, not to mention that Brian himself is a very difficult opponent after taking nzt. I am afraid that it will not be easy to catch.

So f forced this to release Brian, and let him out with confidence.

Otherwise, with Mike’s knowledge of nzt, he may not have the opportunity to come to Germany and become the person in charge here. He will only be controlled around New York for a long time.

Mike's head was a lot more flexible than before, but he thought of these things just after a slight turn, but he knew that he was still not as smart as Brian, or...Brian after taking nzt.

After the car drove out for a while, Mike asked out loud, "What can I do for you?" Don't ask more, but tell yourself. Brian will naturally tell himself that Mike certainly knows this.

And...Brian was never a polite person.

"Of course." Brian said, "I must first know how long we have to go to our destination."

"An hour and a half."

"So... I need a computer, right now."

Mike handed Brian the computer behind the car.

"Ultra-high speed network."

Mike connected the network cable built into the car to the computer.

"Oh yeah! There is one of the most important, I also need a sandwich, a glass of juice, and sandwiches with cheese."

Mike looked at Brian expressionlessly, and Brian also stared at him with a pair of dead fish eyes. After a long time, Mike sighed, "You are not going to let me stop and buy now, And... I haven’t seen you in two years. The first thing I met was that you asked me to buy you a sandwich?"

Brian shrugged, and Mike shook his head. "Wait a minute. There is a gas station in front. The sandwiches in the store next to it are delicious. I will have one every time I pass by."

Zas rolled his eyes in the back, and he finally understood what Brian meant to make them normal.

Mike went on to say, "Now, think about yourself, I am only responsible for sending you to the destination."

Brian didn't answer, just folded his hands and said mysteriously, "Trust me, you will change your mind."

Ignoring Mike's glance, Brian took out a nzt, threw it up in the sky, and then swallowed it with his head up. He turned on the computer and quickly connected to the Internet to search.

"Work has started." he thought lowly.

And on a small computer screen, scroll through countless data at a speed that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

"Analysis of fate."

"How did God appear."

"Brazilian Wonders: Prophecy or False..."

"The power from the mysterious eastern kingdom, the law follows words..."

"Creating destiny: Biography of Napoleon."

"There are rumors that Pharaoh... World... Meteor..."

"A house in Arizona, fifty-seven years old..."

"Turn the story into reality, have you ever seen it?"

"The mysterious power of Egypt, the unsolved mystery of the world, is who will turn the impossible into reality."


nzt's processing ability can make Brian a ten lines at a glance, almost halfway away, he read all the information about the silver tongue on the network, and recorded it, and even made a classification and sort out.

Looking at more than half an hour away, Brian decided to take a look at how the legends of various countries are recorded.

I have to say that this ability that sounds like a fantasy story, or fantasy, does exist, because the clues that Brian found on the Internet tell him that there is indeed a class of people in the world that can turn illusion into reality.

And there are still a lot of numbers, even... There is not only a silver tongue.

These people have different ages and find that they have this ability for different times, even in different corners of the world. Although Brian can find sporadic news and clues, he can't sum up.

Because most people on the Internet view these things as pranks or false reports, they simply can't lift the storm, and even the star gossip is not spreading fast.

In fact, there are many strange things in this world, and there are many recorded on the Internet, but again, even if Brian had seen it before, he would not believe it, because no one would believe that there is no scientific basis or reason. , Even ridiculous things.

If this time it was not for Zaz to explicitly tell him that a person like Silver Tongue does exist, he would not believe it, or be aware of the truth from these clues, or even infer the existence of the ability of Silver Tongue.

But that's okay, because Brian will soon see a silver tongue in person.

And it seems to have heard... There is still a character from the storybook around him, Alibaba and the thief Farid of the Forty Thieves.

Of course, when he was young, Brian was very curious about these things.

Such an interesting thing, how could he be less involved.

In the midst of it, Brian seems to have a hunch that he has always wanted to be a superhero, and this time, he seems to really need to save the world, this is not a joke. ...

When Brian and his entourage went to Germany to find Volchart, Yi Chou had taken Meggie back to New York.

The two said goodbye to Mr. Willy Wangka and left the chocolate factory.

Now that Yi Biao has got what he wants, he has no need to stay any longer. He still has some eagerness to try his new ability again.

Before leaving, Yi Ao summoned a meteorite and threw it near Charlie’s small house, as a compensation for him. With the return of Willy Wangka, the city will definitely rejuvenate and the meteorite will appear. Will also allow the mayor to give that family a lot of compensation.

As to whether Willy Wonka will issue his gold voucher event~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then it is not a matter of easy talk, maybe he and Willy Wonka have the opportunity to meet again, or maybe, the two There is simply no chance to meet again.

After leaving the chocolate factory, Yi Huo did not stop and took Meggie straight to New York, because he was going to New York to buy a big guy.

New York Museum of Nature and History.

If he remembers correctly, this museum should now be in a state of renewal, replacing those ancient stone sculpture wax figures with electronic instruments, he definitely needs a lot of money, as long as the money can be paid, another director The location is not so difficult.

Oh, of course, this requires money. As for the source of funds, this is a good solution. When Yi Biao left, he got a lot from Willy Wonka, and Willy Wonka didn’t care about these things at all. The money was only one for him. Numbers, because most of the confectionery production is related to his ability, it is enough to enter a raw material, and there is no need to spend a lot of money to study.

As for the next thing going smoothly, whether you can buy it or not, I am not very worried, because there is nothing that cannot be solved by a soul-taking spell, if there are, then two. (To be continued.)

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