High Magic Earth

Chapter 857: search

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The remaining half-hour journey is unimpeded, and the traffic in Germany is much better than that in the United States, or that the city where Volchart lives is more remote.

The time they arrived was much less than Brian's expectations, but even so, he still found a lot of information on the Internet.

Before the car stopped, Zas leaned into Brian's ear and asked in a low voice, "What's the gain?"

Mike in front of him didn’t squint, as if he didn’t hear it, but Brian didn’t seem to intend to hide it. “On the Internet, there are boring messages from boring people. The chaos is like a mess of paste. You want to find it. Some useful clues are simply impossible."

"But okay... you have me, and I am the strongest brain in the world."

"Here it is." Mike in front suddenly stopped the car, and then said lightly, which meant that the two of them got off the car quickly.

But Brian still did not move, but continued to say, "Mike also listen to it, maybe you need your help next, oh... and you." Brian pointed at the driver, "also stay together, one When you go to the Fulcat house, maybe the more people, the better."

What does this mean, Zas frowned, but before he asked, Mike said excitedly, "Really? Can I also participate?"

For years, his character hasn't changed, Zaz doesn't feel that he has rolled his eyes, and his heart is full of despair.

"It's okay, just some people...they...then..." Brian reiterated the whole incident in three words, his expressive ability can be said to be the best in the world, all the two new people in the car Understand a thorough.

But if it weren't for Brian's promise, it wouldn't be a joke, the two of them would not believe it.

"...You mean, we have encountered natural phenomena?" Mike stuttered for a while after listening to it.

"You can think so." Brian said. "But I prefer ancient magic, perhaps originating in England, perhaps Egypt, or mysterious East."

"Actually, I prefer to have more in Britain, that group of fried potatoes..."

Brian, who talks eloquently, didn't notice Mike's face, but Zaz noticed that the field is very dangerous. Of course, if the two have a life-long relationship, even if they are not in a department, they can still look after each other.

For example, he and Jim, but now looking at Mike's performance, it seems that the relationship between the two was not as strong as Brian said.

But I didn't expect that Mike, who was still sad in the last moment, was suddenly excited in the next moment, "Cool! I haven't encountered such exciting things in so many years. I didn't expect you to be there as soon as I came. It's Brian."

The agent driving next to him was also excited, and Zas shook his head helplessly again. Sure enough, he had what kind of friend he had as a subordinate, and he felt the unreliability of Secretary Berika again.

But in a place in Germany where they are not familiar, they do need the help of agents here, but that's all.

Zaz doesn’t think he will encounter any danger, so he doesn’t need so many people, and because of the special mission, it should be kept secret. It’s just that when he came, he explained that the whole process was under Brian’s command, so he would not resist .

He also wanted to see how powerful people are after taking the so-called nzt.

Now that things have been decided in this way, the agents lurking around will no longer be hidden, but will enter Fulchart's house one step in advance, but after all, this is outside the country and not in the United States, so even with the addition of Brian, There are only seven people in total.

It was because the relationship was laid in advance that they were not blocked when they entered, and did not arouse the suspicion of the neighbors of Volchart.

When Brian entered the hall, he saw three people leaning close together. Vrchat was sitting in the middle. His wife Lisa was nervous, grabbing his arm, and Farid was on the other side. Don't care, but looked at these people curiously on the sand.

After Brian entered, he saw Zach’s Volchart immediately said, "I said I have nothing to tell you, I am just a book repairer, if you bother us like this endlessly, I will There is an alarm."

Zas didn't answer, and Bryan took over the words, "It's a big trouble if the FBI is found in an overseas identity, and the headquarters cannot guarantee us."

"But we will definitely reveal your identity. Under the proof of multiple evidences, even if you doubt it again, those people will believe that you thought you were just harassed by us at that time. Should you know what I said who is it."

Volchart sighed, without refuting, he naturally knew the truth, so even if the FBI from the United States secretly controlled him, he did not choose to call the police, because once things were exposed, I am afraid that his country would not be too bad. Treat him kindly.

But he said calmly, "I'm just an ordinary book repairer."

"Your book repairer is not ordinary." Brian picked up a book beside him and turned it over. "Because the average book repairer can't steal anything from the book."

"I didn't steal anything."

"Turning non-existent illusions into reality is equivalent to stealing from books."

"Then what are you doing with me? Can I help you steal something?" Volchart asked angrily. "Then you should find him. He is Farid."

Farid next to him looked innocent.

"Although I'm curious, but... I wouldn't do such a thing." Brian shrugged. "My father often tells me."

Brian has always been a word, or that people who eat nzt will fall into the world of self-illusion, and it is not a self-illusion, because nzt almost uses the entire human brain, and the human spirit will split. Several existences are like schizophrenia, but with the help of nzt, they will not act independently.

When Bryan stopped still, he saw everyone around him staring blankly at him. He shrugged and said indifferently, "Well, let's talk about business."

He turned his attention to Volchart. "We came to you not to ask about you, but to ask about this wizard. Believe me, you must understand what such a guy is running around outside. The consequences."

"If you are not careful, he is likely to turn the whole world in a big bend."

"What a wizard?" said Volchart. "I don't understand."

"Don't hide your friends." Brian smiled. "It's meaningless to hide in front of me. I've been trained to show who is lying and never make mistakes. For example, now... you are lying. "

Vrchat glanced at him and said, "I don't understand the wizard. I only know that my daughter was locked in the book and the book is still missing. Maybe you can help me get it back. No matter what...

"Forget it." Brian said again, "You and I know that Meggie is not in the book at all. Do you want me to take the evidence?"

As early as in the car, Brian hacked into the computer of Vrchat’s house through the wireless network. The current arrogance of the world through his unforgettable genius instincts is indeed quick to get started. His proficient hacking technology may be Can hide some ordinary fbi computer technicians.

But in the face of Brian’s usual brain that has eaten nzt, it is not enough to read. He has long read the record of Meggie and Vrcht’s online chat, but unfortunately, in addition to being able to determine that Meggie is not in the book There was no clue as to the matter around the wizard.

Soon, Brian snapped his fingers at random, and an agent took out the laptop in the room, and then placed the chat record in front of Vrchat.

Vrchat's face changed, and he growled in a low voice, "What the **** do you want to do, are you going to kill her."

"No, I just want to tell you that we can talk about the business." Brian said, "And the mysterious man will not kill your daughter, otherwise he would have done it already, although he didn't understand what he was going to do, But he must need Meggie."

"Mystery man?"

"My new name, how is it, not bad."

"His origin is mysterious, and it happens that there is also a guy called the mysterious person in the wizarding world. I pressed it on his head, don't tell me you haven't seen Harry Potter.

"Well... it's really possible. After all, you will turn the book into reality. Most of the time you dare not read it?"

As soon as Brian spoke, the topic went off, and Fletchert looked at Brian who was out of tune and whispered, "I've seen it."

"That's good." Brian pouted, "That's his new name. The mysterious man took your daughter, and we want to find the mysterious man, so in this case, our goal can be said to be the same , You should tell us everything you know."

"Our people were hypnotized at the time, they didn't remember anything, even if I couldn't hypnotize them again, but you didn't, so... I'm curious about this reason, you can talk about it together."

Brian told his reasons quickly, and then looked at Volchart intact, and after hesitating, Volchart whispered again, "Even if I tell you, even if you can find him, you What more can you do?"

"What can be done." Brian shrugged. "The premise is that you tell me some useful news."

Volchart sighed again and said, "Sorry, if you are asking him, then I have nothing to say, he was released by my daughter, and I don't even know which book he came from ."

Brian listened to Volchat's eyes, then squinted carefully at him, and after a strange look, Brian said, "Your eyes tell me that you are not lying."

"Then why did he leave your memory." Brian set his sights on Farid and Volchart.

"Because he is also looking for the book." Vrchat said, "The book that released him."

Brian narrowed his eyes, the brain that had taken nzt instantly wanted to understand everything, he immediately said, "Because for him, it means the future."

Forza nodded in character, while the other detectives were silent. Although they knew a little about the conversation between the two of them, and some did not even understand it, it did not prevent them from communicating in private, for example, facing each other's eyes.

"Then did you take it?" Brian sat forward and asked anxiously.

This is a very important breakthrough, very, very important.

"Unfortunately, I hope so, but..." Volchart shook his head. "No."

He didn't lie, Brian was confident that no one could deceive himself, so he set his sights on Lisa and Farid, and they shook their heads in a hurry.

Brian narrowed his eyes and looked at them for a while. All three did not lie. Then things were in trouble. The book must have been lost.

Turning his head, Brian wanted to understand the probable cause and effect of the matter. "He wanted you to help him find that book right, Meggie was the hostage."

This time, Volchart nodded, but nodded.

"Then why he will ask you to find that book." Brian said to himself, "or rather... why he trusts you so much, he will find that book..."

Vrchart heard Brian's meaning, "I didn't take the book, Meggie is more important. If I take it, I will definitely use it to exchange Meggie back. He asked us to find it... maybe it was then Only a few of us are left."

Brian shrugged. "I believe you, but it must be justified."

Farid has been listening attentively to the two people's speeches, his eyes only showing curiosity about the world, and even Brian didn't realize it was wrong, even with the help of nzt.

"Then let's ignore this book first." Brian said, "Let's analyze the mysterious person first, I said, you add."

"His origins are currently unknown, and he is good at using magic, perhaps from an ancient era, or from a fictional world, but... he showed an extremely familiar familiarity with our world."

"Because... he even damaged the phone to destroy the data, and there is also a little hacking technology. Unless you tell me that Meggie did it, it can only be done by him, and no one has shown him for such a long time. I understand very well that the rules of this world have not leaked."

"To be able to do this, unless he has strong learning and adaptability, and can understand the general operation rules of the strange environment in just a few days, otherwise he has the ability to read people's thinking and know what can be done. Do, nothing can be done."

"He can indeed spy on people's thinking." Vrchat said.

"The fact is indeed the second one, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but I personally prefer the third possibility." Brian said.

"what is that?"

"He doesn't seem to feel confused about coming to this world." Brian said, "Whether it is Capricorn, the princess, or you..." He looked at Farid, "After coming to this world, There was a period of short, overwhelmed and confused, but he didn't."

"Because he can read human thinking."

"No." Brian shook his head. "Even if he can read his mind, he will express panic or make excessive moves when he appears, but he hasn't. According to the video, he has been from beginning to end It’s very calm and seems to have expected all this."

"It has nothing to do with the magic of his thinking or his adaptability, it can only explain one point."

"What?" Volchart asked again.

"Before he came to this world, he already knew he was coming." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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