High Magic Earth

Chapter 858: 4th wall

"This, how...possible." Volchart asked a little, even hard.

He couldn't understand it and couldn't imagine the reason, "He's just a... the character in the book, how could he know everything outside, he shouldn't even know who he is or what he is."

"Unless that story is written in that book... that doesn't mean that the author of that book predicted it..."

Volchart muttered in a low voice, he was thinking about the logical connection between the story and the real world, but in the end, he couldn't even talk about it himself.

The characters in the story will naturally not know that they are in a book, or even understand that their world is created by fiction. The magic and uncontrollability of this ability of silver tongue is that it can turn illusion into reality.

Then the existence of these people is one of the most important issues, and until now, I am afraid that no one from the story knows what he should be. The Capricorn King just doesn’t think about these things, and just looks at the enjoyment in front of him. Because this is a confused question.

In the same way, there will not be a book that suddenly says that the protagonist finds himself in the world of the story, everything around him is false and created, and then he will be summoned to the real world, that is true The world is the world of storybook authors.

No one writes like this, unless he is a silver tongue, or... he can "foresee."

But the future is more complicated than the ability of the silver tongue. This is a problem that humans have not been able to solve since ancient times. Not to mention Volchart, even Bryan who eats nzt as candy cannot explain it clearly.

So the logic is broken at this point, because Volchart can no longer use his existing knowledge or thinking comprehension to think about this problem.

Obviously, Brian, with the help of nzt, had already thought about this before Biffart.

"This is more troublesome than Chumen." Brian shook his head and said, "Not only does he need that book, we also need that book, only that book can make us understand everything."

Sitting still beside him, it seemed that Mike, the Brian bodyguard, looked at Brian anxiously.

He worked with him for many years. Soon after Brian first came into contact with the nzt agent, he was dispatched to Brian as the supervisor of the nzt agent. Together with Ike, he had seen Brian after taking nzt. Just like a god, nothing in the world can trouble him, and I have seen it many times.

Especially in Brian's later period, after adapting to nzt and cracking a large number of cases, his cracking speed almost never exceeded half an hour.

As long as he has a computer or walks around the scene, he can sort out everything.

nzt is the nearest path to God, and Mike never doubted it.

But Mike has never seen Brian so confused, clueless, without analysis starting point, even the only analysis is only a large number of possibilities, perhaps, such unfounded speculation and doubt.

Of course many results are obtained by guessing, but before everything is proved, guessing is guessing after all.

Mike can only hope that all these problems are Brian's unfamiliar relationship with the unknown field, magic, strangers, supernatural power. How does all of this sound like a comic story unfolding?

Even if Brian has no clue for a while, he is not really a god. After all, nzt needs to learn, but with nzt's learning ability, Brian probably will not be long before he will fully familiarize himself with this field.

This was what Mike thought, but the worry in his eyes was caught by Brian.

In fact, Brian was sitting on the sofa at this time, his body bent forward, his elbows pressed against his knees to support his chin, and his eyes were empty, listening to the front as if he was in a daze without focus, Mike and Zas sat on the left and right On both sides of Brian, but in reality, Brian's brain is running fast all the time.

He thinks about everything and simulates everything, such as the surrounding environment, a total of seven fbi, three sit on the sofa, four are distributed in the four corners of the room, the hall is very bright, the left side is the floor-to-ceiling windows, but the flowers and grass in the small garden Blocked, the right side is a normal window, but you can see the road outside and the villa opposite the neighbor, and the car parked on the side of the road and the broken house next to it.

There were three people sitting in front, a silver tongue, and two people who came out of the story. They were all suspicious, especially the young man named Farid, who looked very curious, knew nothing about the world, and had no Lie, but in fact, he is not simple at all, because he has a temperament, Brian never forgets his original identity.

Is it someone who came out of the storybook? No, it is far from that simple. He is a thief. Even if he has not become the thief in the story at this moment, Brian will not relax his vigilance.

Brian repeatedly thought and simulated all of this in his mind. The current situation, their respective identities, was insignificant.

His thinking was divided into several modules. When he was young, Berika was sitting on the coffee table between him and Volchart, wearing a pink sweater, and analysing at Volchart, telling Brian not to Believe in Fulchart, it is very likely that he is still hiding something, or perhaps the power of the silver tongue is more than that. In the face of unknown supernatural phenomena, you must be cautious and cautious, because the known fib cracking process is very likely Can't help him at all.

Brian on the right is wandering around, pointing and telling him in a relaxed tone that there is nothing suspicious in the house and that there are no supernatural objects, except for the two individuals around Volchart who are themselves supernatural, oh yes, Lisa She looked nervous, and her hands holding Volchart were all white.

Also, the fib standing against the wall on the left is making a small mistake, thinking of his girlfriend like that.

Of course, there are still many strange characters in the room. For example, Brian’s father was telling him not to eat cereals of this brand. He pointed to the cereal box in the kitchen behind Volchart. This is the whole The most unhealthy cereal in Germany.

However, these characters can't be seen by anyone else, because it was only Bryan's imagination, his schizophrenia, and only under the powerful medicinal effects of nzt can he divide his schizophrenia into different pieces, and integrate them perfectly and effectively, even short Dozens of simulations can be performed in a few seconds, faster than a computer.

Without nzt, this series of thinking will directly smash his head and become a vegetative.

It's like the world is drunk and I wake up alone. The brain's thinking ability is extremely fast, all of which is due to nzt's credit. In the eyes of others, Brian seems to be stunned for a moment, he has thought of countless things in a blink of an eye. , And the whole room has a panoramic view.

"..." After being tapped twice in a row, Brian realized that Zaz was touching his arm lightly, he reacted from the stunned god, and then greeted Volchart's concerned eyes, and said directly to Mike.

"Relax, things are not so bad, I have analyzed some things, but more clues and proofs are needed. Magic and silver tongue are areas that we have never been in contact with before. The way of thinking and common sense There is no use here, we need more things to become familiar with this field."

"As long as you are familiar with it, then there is no problem... after all, logical judgments still apply here." Brian said with a light shrug, and hearing Brian's explanation, he found that it was similar to what he thought, and Mike was relieved. .

After working with Brian for many years, Mike's head turned quickly, and some problems naturally came to understand, but Zass understood a little hard, only to feel that nzt is indeed very magical, and the remaining ordinary fib can only be big next to it Staring at each other with small eyes, they didn't understand what the boss was talking about.

But in fact, only Brian knew that Brian in a pink sweater was stepping on the coffee table and said to him, "You and Mike have known each other for many years, he knows you, and you know what he is thinking, so your The answer just reassured him."

"But you can't lie to me, because I am you, you are me, of course I still don't understand why you would make up for my appearance in a pink sweater, shouldn't it be Berika's patent."

Berika shrugged innocently, and Brian continued, "You want more clues not just to get familiar with unknown fields, magic, silver tongue, it sounds mysterious, but you have seen through these things It has nothing to do with your goal."

"The mysterious man comes from the story, but he is very familiar with this world, and even knows that he will come over, this is the simplest question, nothing else, and I think you already know the answer, but this answer is even to you You can’t believe it, so you need more evidence to prove it."

"Trust me, that's the answer. Although there is no evidence, there must be details, details, and details that you didn't notice."

"Details, and details..." Brian whispered, and sweat also oozed from his forehead.

"Brian, are you okay?" Mike whispered next to him.

Brian woke up again, as if he had a nightmare, he looked at Volchart and then said again, "We need that book for whatever reason."

"I also know that the book is important." But Volchart said a little embarrassedly, "It's just that we don't even know where the book is. Maybe you go to Capricorn's castle and find a better one, and... ...If it's really as we inferred, then first..."

"There is no prophet." Brian directly interrupted Volchart. "There is no prophet at all, nor will it be the book written by the prophet."

"I know you mean he broke the fourth wall, but it was not like that at all. No one broke the fourth wall, and the reason why he knew he would come to this world because..."

Brian took a long breath and saw that Volchart and Zass were watching him, so he spread his hand and said very dramatically, "He has the ability to shuttle the world himself."

"Don't tell me you haven't seen Dr. Mystery," he said in a fuss. "That's not retro. It can only make me laugh at your backwardness. Dr. Mystery has the ability to shuttle parallel universes, and even shuttle time."

"He had been before the birth of the earth, and after the explosion of the earth, he had been to Rome, to the future world, and even to a world that did not exist at all."

"That's a very magical ability. I don't know if magic can do this, which means that magic may not be able to do this, so maybe...that mysterious person has this ability, then This is not surprising."

The effect of Brian’s forced comedy is very useful. He focused everyone’s attention on this point, and let them draw their attention from the strange world logic. No one noticed that point.

Slightly relieved, Brian said again, "But we still need that book."

"There is no clue at all." Volchart said helplessly.

Brian ignored him, but said to Farid, "Do you know anything?"

Although Farid froze for a moment, he immediately said, "You suspect that I took that book? Although I was written as a thief, I haven't become a robber. I haven't even done anything about thieves. ."

At most it was just a lie, Farid added in his heart.

"No." Brian shook his head. He naturally saw Farid not lying. "I just wanted to ask if you have any clues we don't know."

"No." Farid shook his head honestly.

Bryan glanced back. He didn't doubt that Volchart was concealing something, but he believed in himself more than Volchart, unless there were any secrets he didn't know about Silver Tongue.

It was only at this time that Brian’s mind suddenly flashed an idea to the thunder. He quickly got up, even stood up, and called to Farid, "Are you speaking English?!"

"Of course." Farid deservedly, and even shrugged strangely, "because I am a person who came out of the English translation, we all speak English."

Brian froze for a moment, then calmed down, "Sorry." He said, "I'm so excited."

Farid looked very strangely at Volchart, and Volchart was just a show of hands, not knowing why.

Brian sat down slowly, but his heart was not so calm, because Brian in the pink sweater was frantically screaming at Brian, "Damn the English translation! That is not an English translation at all! You are in the Italian Alps I saw the things they lost in the internet in the hall, those directories, don’t tell me you didn’t see the name of the book."

"Fantasy night, that's the Italian version!"

"And, he lied to you, but you couldn't see it at all."

Brian forced himself to calm down. He restrained his trembling right hand and said to Volchart, "Then we won't discuss the book first, we have a more realistic problem, how do we deal with him, so... silver tongue Is there anything we don’t know yet."

"How do I know." Vrchat said, "This ability is like a nightmare. For so many years, I have been careful to read books. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm afraid I can read more powerful gods and unicorns from it. Ghosts like witches, but I didn't expect...Meggie, she too..."

Lisa began to sob low, and Volchate quickly hugged his wife.

It's just that Brian didn't notice these things at all. He put these words in his mind temporarily because he was thinking about a more serious problem.

He found the last puzzle, he found the last puzzle.

Even if the things he thinks are incredible and unbelievable, it may be true, so he wants to know more at this time, "You tell me...I am the protagonist." Brian spread his hands. .

No one ignored him, because Brian did not say it at all, but what he thought in his head.

Only at this time, there was a jingle sound on the right side of the room, and Brian turned his head slowly. Like everyone else, he saw a person standing under the black hood standing outside and could not see clearly men and women.

And beside that man, there was a...beautiful unicorn. (To be continued.)

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