High Magic Earth

Chapter 859: 4th wall (2)

Brian saw it, and everyone else noticed it. Mike and Zas were two seconds behind Brian, and they discovered the uninvited guest outside the window. ,.

The whole body is covered under a black cloak, and it may be regarded as a strange person, but the unicorn that follows is not a fake, even if it is a prank, it is too coincidental.

"By coincidence, even if it is unbelievable, it can only be the only truth." Brian, who didn't need a pink sweater to tell this sentence, knew it by himself.

Although Mike and other fbi listened to a rough idea and knew that this trip may be related to some supernatural phenomena, they did not see it with their own eyes.

The first time they saw the unicorn, they reacted to what kind of monster it was, and then put their hands on the guns around their waists.

It was Zas, and at the moment when he saw the unicorn and the man in black, he set some frightened eyes on Vrchat.

In the same way, he also saw that there was nothing stronger than himself in Volchart's eyes.

The eye contact between the electro-optical stone fire did not attract Brian’s attention, or Brian, with the help of nzt, not only had a glimpse of all their small movements, but also saw more things.

He smelled that the air became hot and the temperature became anxious, and he clearly saw the hair on Volchart's neck skin curling up, and even the water droplets dripping from the kitchen not far away slowly evaporated inconspicuous mist.

This is the most important thing, far more important than everything.

Brian's neck was crooked to the right at an obscure angle, enough for him to see the road outside the window, and he let out an anxious growl, "Flash! Open!"

Just like in slow motion, the nzt inspired by the moment of life and death brought Brian into a more magical situation. He could see the saliva he sprayed splashing in the air, and the sound waves seemed to become visible lines in the air. Spread to different directions.

He saw everyone's face change, and he saw Volchart threw Lisa to the ground.

This is a state beyond everyone. Brian does not know what God looks like, but he only feels that he has never been so conscious, so conscious than the whole world.


Then at the next moment, the explosion sound caused by the air being burned up by high temperature swarmed.

Brian was also brought to the ground by Mike. He felt that the surrounding mountains were shaking, and he would return to the normal state in an instant. Of course, it was not so normal.

Because the house was collapsing, and even the ceiling was falling, Brian saw through the gap between the falling objects outside the house on the left and was standing by a fireman.

He was full of fire all over his body, and he could not see his face. Only the faintly distinguished limbs could see him as a person.

Fireman stood on the road, next to a hapless car that had been burnt to ashes. He leaned over and picked up a long iron bar, which appeared to have fallen from the car, and then wiped it with his hand. It became a heavy iron chain.

He slammed the rope tightly, flicked behind him, lifted into the air, and then called here to the house.

While the chain was still flying in mid-air, it was already covered by a long fire dragon, turned red, and the air was compressed, even making a sharp noise.

Brian felt like he was in that slow and fast state again. He pulled Mike and ran out with Volchart and others.

He doesn't care too much, but. . Brian in the pink sweater suddenly jumped out, dangerously and dangerously avoiding a flying vase, and then stretched his finger, "I think it is necessary to explain."

"Of course, not to Mike, nor to Zaz, nor to Volchart and Farid, but to you."

"Yes, to you."

"I don't know if you're watching a novel, a movie, or a cartoon, but I don't think it will always be a Broadway show, then... that's incredible, and I don't like drama either."

"I had imagined that I would be a movie character, but I'm talking about famous actors, not characters in movies, okay, or in books."

"Of course I also fantasize that I am a member of Chumen's world, but it is not as real as it is now, and the surrounding environment is very real. This is a real world, and they don't even know what I'm talking about. "

Brian in the pink sweater ordered Brian and Mike and others who were running away. "But you must know that this is just a false world, and I, just a created character."

"Of course, it doesn't make much sense to know this, because I can't get any more. The fourth wall is indeed very easy to break, as long as you are a madman, but after that, the fourth wall can never be broken. "

"But fortunately, I'm smart."

Bryan pointed at you, "nzt right, can make people smarter, and I am the only one who can take nzt without restrictions, erm... well, I can cheat others, but cheat Not for you, you have read the whole story, and there is one person who can take nzt without restrictions, that is my girlfriend, Piper."

"Okay, don't laugh. Although she said she ran now, she is indeed my girlfriend, right. You have to admit that she is beautiful and smart, of course...not too gentle..."

"Okay, let's continue to talk about business, nzt is a very special medicine, and I am a most special person."

"So special people, and don't have a lunch box, what role will they be in the story, I tell you, this kind of person is usually the protagonist, and I am the protagonist."

"Well...or one of the protagonists, well, it's a little troublesome, and we will explain it slowly."

"Now I finally understand why my life is so dramatic. The unemployed nomads do nothing, and the only band career is not the same, but after I accidentally came into contact with nzt, things became unstoppable."

"More and more things are happening around me, the conspiracy that is gradually pulled apart, the ups and downs, the songs can be weeping."

"Very well, at first I thought it was because of nzt, because everything is indispensable to me, but now I finally understand that it is not because of nzt, but because I am the protagonist, my own life is a main melody. The compiled main theme."

"And the only thing I can accept is that things haven't become too bad until now."

"Piper is still alive. I'm a special consultant for fbi. My family is also very good. I'm already satisfied." Brian in a pink sweater said on the chain of fire tongues waving from the fireman.

Don't be surprised, because this is in Brian's spiritual world, or brain hole world, time is stopped.

"Of course... whether it actually depends on the progress of the following story, because I think the style of the story is wrong, I jumped from a suspense story with some science fiction to a modern magic story."

"What the **** is this script written by a ghost writer, if the director absolutely deducts his salary."

"I don't know if I can resist, but if the mysterious person destroys the world in the next moment, I promise to turn around and go now. I'm gone. I'll see how you go down."

"With the help of nzt, I discovered these things. I believe you must be curious how I discovered them. That is why I am explaining, because not everyone in the world is as smart as me."

"I said that the magic of the mysterious man can travel through the world. This is indeed a possibility, but it is not the possibility I believe the most. I already have speculation, but I can’t believe it, so I need that book, But... my subconscious No. 2 told me subconscious No. 3, and there are still details not noticed."

"What's the detail." Brian jumped down and made a circle on the ground.


"Don't say that the mysterious man speaks English. Obviously Farid from the Persian kingdom speaks English. Even the magical Capricorn in the medieval age speaks English. Hell English, why didn't he speak Korean."

"It can't be the reason for the translation. This is very simple. None of the Italian and German translations are in English."

"Even if it is an unexplainable magic ability, it always has the most obvious rules."

Brian stared at you indifferently, "They come from a storybook, but in reality... the world I am in is itself a story, or a movie."

"And you must also have the United States in the world where you live, so you can tell why everyone speaks English."

"Of course I prefer to be a movie, because I have such outstanding characters, it must be a very wonderful story."

Brian slowly walked over to the Fireman. "After saying so much, I should do some serious business. Of course, I will finally say one. The first half of the story is about me and nzt, but now suddenly There was a silver tongue and a mysterious person."

"Tell me whether this is a continuation of my story, or whether my story is part of another story, but this is... an important thing that is related to whether it is the Justice League or the Batman book!"

"Boom!" The fireman's dragon whip slammed into Volchart again, smashing the four walls of the room directly, and the second-floor loft fell with a bang. With Volchat and others ran out dangerously and dangerously.

The whole house collapsed with a bang, covering a few fbi before it ran out. Zas's face was a little ugly. "We almost couldn't get out." He glared at Volchart.

Instead, Brian patted his head, "I didn't care about counting them, but there were few people, but rest assured, we should have no danger."

Even with the help of nzt, Brian will inevitably have trouble taking care of it. Originally, he brought four extra fbi to see if he would be selected in the book again, but now the house is collapsed, I don’t know if it is Being crushed to death still entered the book.

Zas didn't seem to respond to Brian's plan, but was interested in his no danger. "Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Because I am the protagonist." Brian shrugged. "At least one of the protagonists. This is obviously not the ghost place of the song of ice and fire, so I am not so easy to die, of course... you may not be."

Zas looked ugly, but he didn't understand what Brian was talking madly.

Because the unicorn and the black man who appeared at first disappeared, but the angry fireman seemed to be staring at these people.

The presence of the Fireman broke the tranquility of this quiet German street, screaming and panicking everywhere, and the people around them thought they had been attacked by some kind, but the fact is almost the same.

The hot iron wire whip was raised again, waving twice in the air, and the length was more than doubled in an instant.

Mike and Zas took Brian and others to turn around and ran, but did not shoot, because the guns were probably useless, and this was in Germany.

But while running, Mike shouted, "Brian, do you have any good ideas?!"

"Run desperately! Don't look back! Leave this mess to those poor policemen to clean up, and you." He pointed to Vrchat. "Don't talk, shut your mouth!"

"where are we going?"

"Go to the library!" Brian yelled.


"Because this is the most common routine in movies, I believe we will find some useful information!"

. . .

This little riot in Germany was two days ago, because Yi Chou found another hotel and stayed quietly in it for a few days.

He is experimenting with new abilities.

To be honest, this riot in Germany is not a riot at all, not to mention spread to the United States. At most, this will be regarded as a strange experimental accident, and no one will think of magic, myth, such a strange and magical thing.

They added at most two more layers of oil-coated paper during the experiment, and then the matter was exposed.

As for the man in black and the unicorn who were not seen at the scene, they are very good at concealing their identities in all things related to magic.

Yi Biao is now focusing on two things, even Meggie is temporarily left behind, first of all it must be the ability he just got from Willy Wonka, and secondly about the acquisition of the New York Museum of Nature and History~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Of course, the acquisition of the museum is a bit troublesome, but here is the United States, and nothing can't be bought with money.

Under the temptation of a large amount of money and the soul-spelling curse, the acquisition of the museum went smoothly, and when the current curator returned from the British museum, he could officially hand over the work.

Yi Chou is not in a hurry these days, because being too anxious will always cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

What's more, gold slate is a good thing, but the museum administrator will not use it, and he is basically no threat.

Moreover, Yi Biao also needs to understand whether the gold slate promoted everything or the administrator contributed to it.

No matter how you look at it, it's all caused by slate, but since it is related to magic, everything can't be judged by common sense.

And more importantly, Willie Wangka’s ability is much better than Stan’s ability. At least not long ago, Yi Chou already mastered some power, and. . It's not just limited to candy. (To be continued.)

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