High Magic Earth

Chapter 860: create

"... After many hardships, the brave man who came out of the village finally found the treasure. He has nothing special, only courage and perseverance."

"That's the treasure of the rich and the enemy. Even without going deep into the stairs, you can see that the entire cave is shrouded in gleaming gold. Items of treasure and gold and silver fill the cave, like the wealth left by the entire kingdom. "

"But there is one last test that stands in front of the brave. It was a huge storm unprecedented. The violent wind was enough to bury the entire cave and destroy the village at the foot of the mountain."

"Whether to keep these wealth, or to pass..."

"Boom boom!"

The sound of Meggie's downstairs came from outside, and the typewriter typing on the text by himself stopped as if he had stagnated.

Behind the piles of heavy book mountains and waste paper, Yi Chou crawled out from the messy ink and the manuscript, and there were black circles around his eyes, even the potion could not cover the traces of fatigue.

This experience of being buried in the sea of ​​books and mountains has been a long time ago. You should know that although the magic book looks very cumbersome and heavy, it is still a minority, and most of the magic is very thin, even using scrolls and parchment. To record.

The last time I faced so many manuscripts and books, it was probably in reality, doing nothing, when I spent my time and reserve some knowledge with my amazing memory.

After obtaining the ability of Willy Wangka, although Yi Xuan did not understand the meaning of the heart for a while, he clearly felt that the silver hand ability was loose.

Even if the story cannot be turned into reality for a while, it is almost the same.

So Yi Xiao began to read all kinds of books and interesting stories crazy, looking for different story styles, and then reveal his own stories.

The process is very slow, but it is not without gain.

For example, a few hours ago, Yi Biao turned all the biscuits in his house into a mad killer. They chased poor Meg with a kitchen knife and ran around the house three times. Then Yi Biao discovered Meg that could not be called for help.

The biscuits did come alive. Yi Biao gave the story a hard work to help people. The life of the biscuits of the second generation of snails gave them, but the results were not very good, because they became lunatics, only knowing to chop with a kitchen knife Kill everything you see.

So Yi Chou used black magic to explode them one after another and rushed into the sewer.

The short story written by Yi Chou has indeed become a reality, but like Stan’s troubles, he can’t be perfectly directed by the creator, and even farther away from goosebump monsters.

Fortunately, they can still maintain the original character given in the goosebumps book. When it comes to Yi Chou, the poor cookies directly become lunatics.

Of course Yi Chou did not give up.

Silver Heart, Silver Hand, Yi Xuan don't know if they have any combined functions, but after getting the second ability, Yi Xuan does feel that they are enhancing for this unknown creative power.

In the field of magic, there are indeed creations, but they are far less magical.

Not to mention giving an object permanent life, even giving an object a constant deformation requires the wizard layer to consume several times the magic power.

However, under the creation of the Silver Hand, Yi Chao and no more magical sensation passed, and the text flowed down the typewriter.

Of course, it is not so handy.

That's why Yi Chou kept himself at home to study these two kinds of abilities that are not magic, but are very similar to magic, but the things of the museum have not been forgotten.

The figure shown on the crystal ball was the lawyer that Yi Chou entrusted not long ago. He stood outside the door and pressed the doorbell with a light face. Obviously, the result was already achieved.

Otherwise, Yi Chou will not drag himself out of the book mountain.

Meggie has opened the door for him first, and it seems that Meggie has been very boring these days.

Willy Wangka's shot was generous, because money didn't make sense to him at all, not even the number. This money was enough for Yi Xuan to buy several museums, so Yi Xuan bought one with the remaining funds. Villa, not staying in a hotel anymore.

It is not a special residence, but it is also a luxurious villa. The advantage is that as long as you have money, you can quickly buy it and move in.

"Ango...Mr. Maca." Opening the door, the lawyer Anilo was stunned, because it was not the expected clamor, but a half-sized girl.

But the lawyer who came in and out of the rich room was obviously not surprised. He didn't even feel surprised, so he asked, "Hello, is Mr. Angomaka home?"

Meggie still couldn't speak, and even in front of outsiders, even the magic of words would disappear. She tilted her head and motioned for Anello to come in.

Before Anello raised his foot, Yi Chou's voice appeared behind them.

"There seems to be good news, Mr. Anello, come in and talk."

Like a ghost, Yi Chou's cold and calm voice echoed in the ears of the two. Meggie uttered her tongue secretly and slipped back again while the two were not paying attention, and even An Niro felt cold around him. The weather is even more biting.

Under Yi Chang’s heartless and offensive money offense, Anilo’s work efficiency is very high. In less than a week, the museum’s affairs have been completely solved, and a lot of money has been spilled. The clerks are still all departments, all green lights.

The director of the museum even had no time to do the handover, so he took a lot of money to voluntarily leave the place, leaving Yimiao with the entire museum.

Not even the enchanted Soul Curse is used.

"...All matters of the museum have been dealt with, and all are done according to your requirements." Anilo replied with a smile.

"In other words, the museum now belongs to me."


"You did very well." Yi Xiao nodded to Anilo, and then called him the remaining balance, "This is what we said before."

After getting the funds in place, Anello's smile deepened a bit, "Maybe you have other things to do in this museum, such as a grand..."

"Not for the time being." Yi Huo interrupted him calmly. "If necessary, I will contact you again."

Anello immediately stopped and did not continue. "So look forward to working with you next time." He said, then stood up with a smile, ready to leave.

But at this time, the sky outside was suddenly gloomy.

The lighting of the villa is very good. The two of them naturally saw this scene. Aniello was surprised, but he did not care. Instead, his pace was a bit faster. It seems that he wanted to take advantage of the heavy rain before he ran outside to stop. Inside the car.

It’s just that Yi Biao was stunned. When he was about to push the door out, he stopped him. “Mr. Anello, please wait a moment. The weather outside is very bad. Believe me, this will be a show Big storm."

"Big storm?" Anello froze, wondering why a big storm suddenly appeared in the interior of New York. This was not a landing from a coastal area or a tornado.

The suspicion from the lawyer made him aware of the strangeness in Yi Chou's words, but it was also unpredictable for a while, and Anilo didn't want to get involved in any troubles, so he prepared to leave the young and quirky rich family in a hurry.

But he still didn't wait for him to open the door, and the storm outside was suddenly overturned like a downpour.

At the moment when Anilo opened the door, the rain was pouring like a pour. He poured a lot of his face, and even the ground was wetted by a large area. Anello sipped two times, and he was soaked and drenched. Crazy didn't even need Anello to shoot, and blew the door back again, buckling it fiercely.

Anello took two steps backwards and wiped his eyes covered in rain.

"Look." And at this time, Yi Chou's voice came again from behind, "I said it would be a big storm."

Anello’s smile was a bit stiff, because these strange things were not difficult to make him uneasy, but obviously the storm outside was so strong that he could blow people up, and Anilo even saw the cars parked on the roadside whistling He twitched slightly under the strong wind of the wind, so he could not get out of it.

So Anilo could only hang a stiff smile, smiled a little, and retreated again.

Yi Biao didn't mind these things, or Anello was soaking wet, still nodded on the sofa, "sit." He said, then picked up a book, poured himself a glass of red wine, and read it slowly.

But the more this is, the more grotesque the heart of Anilo.

The violent winds raged outside, and the violent winds seemed to fall from the sky. The huge force not only destroyed the beautiful trees and gardens outside, but also some lighter buildings and cars. They also swept up and down under the storm.

Pedestrians outside were not prepared for the sudden storm, and were swept into the air in an instant. They screamed and called for help along the screaming wind, and the whole world seemed to suddenly fall into the end of the world, a scene of disaster.

In this case, Yi Xiao looked at the book in his hand calmly, and seemed to care little about the outside world. How could this make Anilo calm down.

He seemed to be sitting on the sofa like a needle felt, uneasy on the sofa, not knowing whether it was this strange storm outside, or his clothes that were covered with wet clothes.

In addition to the noise of the whistling storm, the room was quiet, and Anilo could even hear the wall clock ticking slowly. The little girl who opened the door sat on the stairs not far away, and seemed to feel the outside Curious, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Before Anello had time to take a closer look, he heard a sudden burst of sound from the door facing him, like something was shattered, with a little crystal crisp sound.

It's just that Yi Chou still didn't even raise his head.

With a "bang!", the ceiling of the house was suddenly raised by a hurricane into a big hole, and the violent wind and rain suddenly rushed into it, fortunately, it did not affect Yi Yi's position.

So in Aniro's stiff face, Yi Chou still didn't move.

It lasted for about a dozen minutes. This storm, which no one knew how to appear, suddenly began to weaken, just as abruptly as it appeared, and even disappeared without a trace in a few breaths.

And if it weren't for the messy road outside, and the wailing wounded and the crowd, I'm afraid no one could think of it just a few minutes ago a huge storm that could set off houses.

Seeing the storm stopped, Anello couldn't suppress his restless heart any more, he stood up quickly, just said goodbye and hurriedly left here, and at this time, the ambulance and fire were already rushing outside. Whistle.

Yi Xiao watched Anilo leaving, and then found that Meggie had disappeared on the stairs.

He closed the book in his hand and set it aside, then slowly opened the closed door behind him.

"Wow!" A huge piece of gold and silver and treasure rushed out of the room door. They filled the whole room. Jin Cancan's light even reflected Yi Piao's pale face into a golden mask.

Seeing this scene, Yi Chou's mouth also showed a smile, of course not for these useless gold and silver wealth, but because of his ability, he finally turned illusion into reality again.

Although it is only some treasures, it is a successful step, because at least it is not a food such as a killer cookie, is it?

After condensing these heavy metals into pieces and throwing them into the shadow, Yi Chou cleaned up the room and shouted to Meggie upstairs, "It's time to go. This time it's a museum. Are you interested."

Obviously, even if you are not interested, you cannot change Yi Chou's decision.

. . .

The New York Museum of Nature and History has existed for a long time, almost as long as New York. When the prototype was first established in New York, the museum was built.

It contains not only other history and natural culture, but also the history of New York.

Now, this museum has regained its second spring after the dinosaur footprint incident, and it has become people again and again, but still no one pays attention to the movement of the museum director.

Because the things in the museum have never changed, even if you change a curator, you just make some changes in publicity, so there is no need to pay attention.

But this is obviously different for Larry, because he is the night guard of the museum, not only the salary is paid by the museum director, but also a magic slate that makes him not want to leave here.

So very early, Larry had already arrived in front of the museum ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ waiting for the new curator.

But in fact, he didn't know what Yi Chao looked like at all.

It was easy to clamor. As soon as I came to the door of the museum, I saw Larry waiting here. This is not surprising, because only he was wearing a guard uniform.

"I'm Angomaka." Yi Ao whispered softly as he passed by Larry and watched him keep looking.

"Your new boss." Yi Bao continued to shake the key in his hand before the stunned Larry. "I know your name, Larry. Well done. Keep it up. I'll go back to the office first. , You continue your work, I remember you seem to be night shift."

"By the way, this is my niece. Her name is Meggie. She is a weird child. But little children, there is always a time when we have a weird temper."

After finishing the speech, ignoring Meggie's angry eyes and Larry's eccentric gaze, she took Meggie directly into the museum.

Only Larry's helpless open hand was left, and then he looked at the motionless Roosevelt wax figure. (To be continued.)

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