High Magic Earth

Chapter 861: museum

"Look, that's a dinosaur!"

"There are savages!"

After nodding with several guards again, Yi Biao took Meggie into the museum.

Natural and historical museums are never short of visitors, especially after an alternative publicity not long ago, which not only attracted a large number of tourists, but also attracted Yi Chou.

Otherwise, he may not be able to lock the museum so quickly, and believe that there is also some magical power in it.

A group of noisy little guys gathered together and then walked in front of Yi Xiao under the guidance of their teachers. It seems that they should be a group trip of a school. Of course, Yi Xiao also had such an experience, but his temperament was cold and he was born. He in the orphanage really did not leave any deep memories in his heart.

Whether it is happy or sad, Yi Yi is so bland as water. Such an indifferent life will naturally leave no deep memory, and it will only make people feel tired and numb.

Today Yi Yi has soul energy as an additive and tastes the feelings of emotions, but there are still not many deep memories of past experiences. The memory is like watching a movie. Although I will feel the same, but I have not experienced it. After all, I have not experienced it. , Unable to experience the joys and sorrows that deserve it.

But these are the past, and now it doesn't make much sense to say that.

Yi Xiao held Meggie's shoulders, fixed her in place, and gently turned sideways, letting this chaotic team past, the young female teacher with a badge in front seemed to be the leader of this group of students, she was being The noisy group of bears and children made a young smile to him when passing by Yi Huo.

Yi Xiao wears a decent suit, like a gown for a dinner party, and looks like the most common casual clothes. Both the workmanship and style are very exquisite. This comes from the craftsmanship of the royal palace under Daenerys, plus Yi Xia A little magic modification.

Never be a small craftsman, no matter what era of craftsmanship, they are the pinnacle of existence, because they only specialize in this path, but they are only blocked by the civilization of the whole world, and once Yi Chou gives them the design, They will immediately make another leap, even better than modern times.

Leaving the magical Middle Ages such as ice and fire, Yi Chou can no longer wear black robes or other more bizarre armor at will. He had thought of this for a long time, and he let the royal tailors make a lot of clothes for themselves. .

Variety of clothing styles are also deeply loved by Daenerys, because collecting different styles of clothes is also Daenerys' hobby. Of course, she didn't have this hobby originally.

In the modern world with the magic fairy tale color of ink heart and goose bumps, suit dress is the best choice.

If the best armor of medieval men is their armor, then the suit is the armor of modern men.

This is nothing more than an easy choice, and for clothes that hate tediousness and like simplicity, it is also his best choice for clothes that suit most occasions.

Dressing like a gown like Yihuo did not attract many people's attention. At most, the people who noticed him felt that the young man was very temperamental, and the image was old-fashioned and retro.

The female teacher seemed to regard Yi Xiao as the brother who also took her sister to visit the museum, and showed him the empathetic smile. She never thought that the real relationship between the two was actually the kidnapper and the meat ticket.

Yi Chou, the new director of the museum, did not attract the slightest attention. Everyone paid attention to the collection in the museum. This is not a martial art museum. Naturally, no one paid attention to who the curator was.

Originally Yi Biao would not have noticed this museum. There are so many museums all over the world. Almost every world has museums. Even if there are special features, Yi Biao is difficult to find.

But on the snowy night that took Meggie away from New York to the Willy Wonka factory, Yi Chou and Meggie saw a scene of a skeleton Tyrannosaurus running through New York.

It took a variety of prehistoric animal mammoths, mammoths, swords, tigers, etc., and a series of ordinary animals swaying on the New York highway, leaving a row of footprints on the snowy ground, and finally leading to nature and History Museum.

And Yi Chao doesn't even need to track them, just know where their final destination is.

Because this scene is too familiar, it is a scene in the museum's wonderful night, a wonderful adventure triggered by a magic slate.

An ancient and magical stone slab awakens the creatures in the museum every night. It gives all the stone wax statues new life and makes them appear in the world again.

The night shift guard Larry happened to discover this secret, and then with the help of countless historical celebrities from the museum, he went through crises again and again and launched an adventure.

Yi Biao is also familiar with the plot of the museum's wonderful night, because after all, it is a movie with a strong magical color. It is, but after discovering it, it is okay to recall the specific content.

So after seeing Skeleton Tyrannosaurus Rex with his buddies traversing New York on a snowy night, he visited the Willy Wangka and went straight to the Museum of Nature and History.

His goal is of course the slate, a magical slate that can give wax sculptures a new life.

As far as the performance in the film alone is concerned, it is a very powerful magic item with very deep deformation magic and other magic attached to it, because it gives the new item, not only alive again, it has the ability to think again, and even retains the complete Memory and learning ability during life, and will not be confused and puzzled about their existence.

This is more powerful than any magic known by Yi Piao. Of the similar spells that Yi Piao currently knows, no one can do this. This can be called the realm of God. It is creating and giving life to all things. .

It's just that this life is a little shorter, because it only has one night at a time, and every morning, it must return to the protection of the magic slate, otherwise it will be reduced to ashes, of course, it may be the cause of the sun.

Fortunately, the memories they keep each night are coherent, and even in the state of wax stone carving, as long as they are within the envelope of the magic slate, there still seems to be memory.

It was actually a terrible thing, almost the same as the punishment of the permanent petrification curse.

I heard that the magical power of the slate comes from the moon, so the sun may be its biggest enemy, but these doubts have some time to solve after Yi Xao gets the magic slate. Since Yi Xuan is here, then it must be nothing to do with Larry. Too.

In fact, stealing the slate without knowing it is not difficult for Yi Chao, but after going through a series of things like ink heart Willie Wangka and goose bumps, Yi Chao is not sure whether this is the ability of the slate or not Larry's ability.

According to the plot, the magic slate began to give birth to those stone wax figures long before Larry appeared, and the slate was forged in ancient Egypt, and the magic that the high priest gave it seems to have little to do with Larry.

But no one is sure about things like magic. Stan still seems to have his abilities after losing the typewriter, so Larry.

Even Yi Chou was not sure.

So Yi Bao intends to observe more, this is not a troublesome thing, don’t say that the money provided by Willy Wangka is a museum, even if you buy the whole New York museum, it’s okay. Of course, it means that those meanings are not important. Museum.

Some important things, even if they give more money, the government cannot make it private.

As the head of a museum, he stayed here when he was busy working overtime at night, and accidentally discovered the secret of the museum. It must not be too strange. After all, the wax statue in the museum was resurrected. This matter is too strange in itself.

Bringing Meggie to the curator's office, Yi Biao took out a large key, then opened the closed door and walked in with Meggie.

The office is very well preserved. It seems that the price given by Yi Chou is sufficient, and it takes over quickly. Most of the things were not taken away by the curator, and all were kept. He only took some personal belongings.

Although these things are not useful for Yi Huo, it is also good to apply makeup to the office.

The two walls facing the gate were filled with books and some small ornaments, followed by a desk, behind which was a translucent glass window, and the whole room was full of Renaissance.

Although the bookshelves were spotless and cleaned every day, Yi Chou could still see that these books had never been traced, and it seemed that their original owners did not like them.

There are some materials on the table, which seems to be related to the museum.

Yi Xiao did not rush to see the magic slate. First of all, it was the daytime. Even if he went to see it, he couldn’t just take it away. Of course, Yi Xiao didn’t mind getting involved in the museum’s stolen lawsuit. One of the more important reasons here is to observe Larry.

but. . The whole museum is easy to get acquainted with, just like the beast has gained a new territory.

"Stay here," Yi Chou said to Meggie. "When I come back, you can move freely."

The museum is still an unfamiliar environment for Yi Huo. It is really inconvenient to take Meggie. When Yi Huo returns, he can be thrown away with confidence.

Meggie has the intention to refute, but she really has no say in dealing with Yi Huo.

"Click." With a soft sound, Yi Chou locked the door of the office, and then applied a layer of fire protection and minor protection spells on the outside. The expulsion spell was useless, because the guards during the day could not find it if they had something. The curator's office is too strange.

There are not many guards in the museum, but during the daytime there are also three or five people. This is because the museum is not a library, and it still needs some help.

The main task is not to protect the collection from being stolen. After all, the chance of such a thing happening during the day is really small, and it is still a natural and historical museum. It is not a valuable museum, but it is to prevent visitors from crossing the line intentionally or accidentally. And damage things in the museum.

This is what the guards should do, after all, there will always be some accidents between people.

When Yi Xiao quickly read the information in the museum, and then left the office and went downstairs, more than half an hour later, Larry had already left here. After all, he was a night guard, not a white shift. It should be more than two people, but for this poorly managed museum, there is no too much money for more guards.

Lai Ruilu's face was just a familiar face in front of Yi Chou, the new curator.

Indeed, he can wait for Shi Shiran to come back in the evening, and then say hello to Yi Chou who is about to leave work, but his night shift work to stay is in the hands of Yi Chou. For Larry who finds a job, he does not You will risk losing new jobs like this.

Yi Biao didn't care about Larry's departure, and he wouldn't pay him overtime during the day. Presumably he should have other part-time jobs.

It was just Yi Xuan who noticed that there seemed to be something unusual in the place where Larry started to greet him, right at the entrance of the Natural and Historical Museum, but Yi Xuan couldn't tell.

With a slight movement in his heart, Yi Chou began to quickly recall the museum materials he had read before in his mind.

Lines of introductory text about the museum appeared in Yi Biao's mind, "Bone Dragon, two vases, front desk, welcome bar, museum map... Roosevelt's wax figure." Yi Biao murmured the museum's information in his mouth. .

He had already remembered the layout of the entrance hall of the museum, and after a little observation, he immediately found something wrong.

Roosevelt's wax figure is gone!

It was still there when I entered the museum before Yi Chou. Waxes of such a large size as living people could not disappear, and during the day, the wax figures could not be resurrected by the magic power of the magic slate. When they saw the sun, they would become Ashes can't leave on their own.

With a jump in his heart, Yi Chou's cold eyes swept over the nearest guard.

The sluggish fat guard leaned against the wall not far away and was looking at the tourists boredly, noticing Yi Biao's gaze, and showing a silly smile at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yi Biao again I walked two steps quickly, turned the hall, and came to the Western Historical Corridor. When I saw the Indian exhibition area, as expected, the female Indians who appeared in the movie disappeared, and even the glass of the exhibition cabinet had not been raised. The red enclosure only intercepts the tourists a little.

They were removed, and they were legally removed. Only in this way will they not disturb the tourists and appease the guards in the museum.

Someone intervened in this matter, and it was directed at himself, and Yi Chou immediately reacted.

The loss of wax figures will not be so coincidental, because they are all related to Larry. At the resurrection at night, Roosevelt and the female Indians are both Larry’s partners, and since these people know Larry’s things, naturally they also know the magic slate .

This scene does not appear in the movie, they have been changed, and it happens that they are the biggest variable.

Yi Biao didn't realize that they would desperately take the lead in half an hour, it would be a beautiful coincidence.

This is a mean stealing! (To be continued.)

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