High Magic Earth

Chapter 862: locking

Even if it has been guessed, the magic stone slabs have fallen into the hands of that group of people, but Yi Chou still couldn't help but come to the underground floor of the Egyptian exhibition area to check it out.

There are more people in the Egyptian exhibition area than in the halls and other exhibition halls, because the culture from Egypt always has a mysterious color.

The golden bricks that make up the pyramid are covered with walls and floors. There are not many Egyptian relics in the New York Museum of Nature and History. After all, it is a regional museum. The hall looks empty, but it still can't stop the enthusiastic crowd.

It seems that the bone footprints of the Tyrannosaurus Rex snow and the murals left by the primitives on the subway of the New York Highway by Larry and his friends not long ago attracted a lot of popularity for the museum.

If Yi Biao is really the museum curator, seeing so many tourists attracted, he will definitely be happy that the museum can finally get rid of the deficit, but Yi Biao is just a fake curator.

The added value of the whole museum is not as important as Yi Shou's heart.

The deepest part of the Egyptian exhibition area is a huge and empty hall. There are four statues of the guardian of the jackal **** close to five meters on both sides of the hall. At the end is the coffin of the pharaoh, and there are rare sporadic exhibits around.

Leading to the hall is a long cloister. The walls of the corridor are covered with exhibits and their name plates. The torches are inserted on the walls, but they are not burning. Their decorative effect exceeds the effect of lighting. The main source of light , Or a chandelier exhibition light on the wall and the ground.

Yi Chou is like a ghost walking in the shadows. The figure flashes lightly and then passes through the crowd. The chandelier on the head exudes a soft luster, bringing the shadow of each tourist under his feet.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is no shadow at all under Yi Chao's feet, and the whole person seems to pass through under the light.

The dense crowd made a chattering noise, making it noisy and a little distracted, and the magic in him began to become restless. "Puff!", the torches fixed on both sides of the promenade ignited the flame suddenly.

Visitors on both sides exclaimed and screamed, and then immediately classified the scene as a museum-prepared function and began to whisper with their companions.

The torch ignited along with Yi Xuan's progress, and Yi Xuan immediately noticed the magical restlessness in his body. He calmed down the restlessness of the restlessness and put them back to peace again.

Through the chaotic crowd, Yi Chou stood directly at the end of the hall.

The slate originally inlaid on the wall was gone, leaving only an empty dent, and there was a textual introduction about the slate below.

Even the sarcophagus holding the Pharaoh's coffin was opened, and the lid was lifted aside, but there was nothing left inside, leaving a glass sign under repair reflecting the ugly face.

Who can take away these things under the slogan of a regular banner, Yi Chou feels that this does not need to be considered at all.

It seems that the response speed of the government and certain departments is more sensitive than I thought.

"What a big dog!"

"Wow, it's Pharaoh!"

When Yi Biao frowned slightly, the group of bear children also came to the Egyptian exhibition area, and under the leadership of their team leader, it was really fascinating.

Taking a step back slightly, Yi Chou stood in the shadow, and then pulled back to take out a crystal ball from the shadow on the wall.

The crystal ball exudes dim light in the dark, reflecting Yi Chou's face a bit pale, and the picture in the crystal ball is constantly changing, scanning the corners and rooms of the museum like a perspective.

This is a surveillance video of the museum not long ago.

Thanks to the defection of Dornting, Yi Huo had to spend a lot of time to study the low-level magical intelligences left by Oz. Although they are far less superb than the wizards who created them, they still have a lot of gains.

For example, Yibiao can now use magic to invade a few low-level networks.

This low-level combination of magic and technology already has a preliminary prototype of magic intelligence.

It is said that the end of technology and magic is the same end point. It is unclear whether it is the same end point. However, in the early days, the two are very different, and the magic intelligence is the only thing that Yi Xuan can find. The two can be overlapped and combined. section.

The crystal ball quickly flashed through a series of pictures, but did not see the traces of those people. Obviously, the surveillance video in the computer has been modified, and it is a master, basically leaving no trace.


The light of the crystal ball still attracted the attention of a little boy. He stared blankly at the crystal ball in Yi Chou's hand, not feeling afraid, but flashing a curious look.

The whisper of the little boy drew the attention of the busy young female teacher not far away. She also saw Yi Xiao immediately after her eyes, but after seeing the crystal ball in Yi Xiao's hands, her pace of progress stopped for a moment.

She is not a bear child who is full of ignorance. She can already be surprised about some things, but she also uses Yi Xiao as a museum staff. Perhaps this is a live event or something.

She wanted to say hello, but after seeing Yi Chou's cold face, she stopped her steps again.

Yi Xiao also noticed that he had attracted the attention of others. He put away the crystal ball, then backed away, and lifted his foot directly into the wall, disappearing without a trace.

Only to look at the little boy and his teacher, I don’t know if it’s dazzled, or if I see something else.

Yi Chou walked through the wall and came to another one of the Egyptian Pavilion. This is about American history. There are also many people coming and going. Yi Ciao emerged from the shadows, but did not attract much attention.

Obviously, the people of the government transferred the slate, and just half an hour ago, there was a time difference with Yi Chou. I don’t know if it was intentional or they just discovered it.

Larry apparently did not know these things. Even if he knew it, he had just learned it half an hour ago. Otherwise, he would have ran away with the magic slate. How could he be so stupid as to wait for the arrival today.

Yi Biao has reason to suspect that it was fbi, because compared to cia, fbi is more responsible for internal affairs, and at the time also left four fbi in Capricorn Castle, although their memory and equipment records were eliminated, But the FBI authorities must have other means to find some clues.

Yi Xiao was prepared for exposure, but did not expect them to act so fast.

The reason why Yi Chou did not directly kill them and completely cover up his whereabouts is because in this world, the existence of Yi Chou will definitely not be hidden in the end, and he will eventually be exposed.

Finding the power of silver tongue and goose bumps is the main purpose of Yi Chou coming to this, but it is only one of the purposes.

He never forgot his promise.

Because of the abnormality of the soul, Yi Chou often falls into a state of confusion. Because of a small matter, he directly wipes out the source and dies away a living life.

As the time of soul energy accompanying him prolonged, Yi Chou could feel the chaos at that time.

He has tried to integrate into the world as much as Winnie said at the time, although Yi Chao has no bottom line, even he himself does not understand how he is, but sometimes he still sticks to some things , As far as they can.

It's like a psychological comfort.

Fbi's actions do cause some troubles for Yi Huo, but they are only minor troubles.

Yi Biao did not try to fight against the whole world or the whole country, but hiding it, using some magic to continue to achieve his own goals is no problem.

But first, before that, he had to find the slate.

After thinking about it, Yi Biao did not go back to the main entrance hall, but turned around to the back door of the museum, which is the delivery area for large objects.

Returning to the American History Zone is the hall of the museum. You can go back to the office by going up the stairs. Meggie is still locked in the office.

Although the door is locked, I believe this is not a problem for FBI agents.

There are only two doors in the museum, the main entrance is for tourists, and the back entrance is where some large cultural relics cannot be accessed.

If fbi intends to take Meggie away while Yi Shou leaves after moving the slate, they are likely to leave through the back door.

So Yi Chao did not choose to go back, but went directly to the back door.

Of course, Yi Chou also threw a probe magic towards the main entrance. If there is a fluctuation of Meggie's magic power, he will immediately feel it.

In fact, Yi Biao very much hopes that fbi can take the opportunity to take Meggi away, because then he can catch up with the trend. The tracking spells on Meggie's body are so many that even Yi Xiao can't solve it. If fbi dares to take her, then it is definitely Dig a big pit for yourself.

Yi Chou's speed seemed unpleasant, but after a few rounds, he came to the back door of the museum.

There was nothing above the cold stone steps at the rear, and the personal snow was not even in the snow that had not been completely melted. The fbi were not too stupid. They didn't really want to take advantage of Yihuo to take away Meggie.

But they thought they wouldn't be able to find them when they were so arrogant, and finding someone with magic was more convenient than technology.

The phantom came out silently, and Yi Biao's figure instantly turned into a black mist rising upwards, and then disappeared in the air like a spiral spiral. The next moment, his body had condensed again in the curator's office .

The sudden appearance of Yi Chou shocked Meggie. She hurriedly folded the books she looked up at. The museum curator's office had something to see. The little girl was really boring.

But this little girl is actually not simple.

Yi Huo glanced at Meggie lightly and then asked, "Is the contact with your father normal these days?"

Meggie's eyes were hidden away, and Yi Chou's reaction to her reaction was already clear to her.

"You lied to me." There was no anger or anger in Yi Huo's voice, and he was still very calm, as if to state a simple fact.

Meggie didn't know how to deal with it, but Yi Chou didn't intend to tangle with her for too long. He took a bottle of silver and silver transparent vial from the shadow in his clothes and looked around.

In addition to the desk in the office, there are two bookshelves full of books. Although their original owners did not read them at all, Yi Chou still found a small mirror in the corner of the bookshelves.

The mirror is just as big as a slap. For a magic mirror, it is a bit small.

"There is a mirror. It is getting bigger because it needs to carry more things." Yi Xuan suspended the mirror in the room and said softly.

After a few seconds, the mirror did not respond.

The next Meggie couldn't help but bowed his head and snickered, but after Yi Biao's gaze swept away, he immediately converged.

"Okay." Yi Biao shrugged, then stretched out his fingers, a silver ray of light burst out, hitting the surface of the mirror. With a squeaking sound, the whole mirror began to stretch and became one person How high.

Yi Xiao opened the transparent glass bottle, and then even threw the bottle with liquid directly at the mirror.

Without the expected crisp crackle, the glass bottle seemed to melt into some kind of water surface, and was swallowed silently by the surface of the mirror.

The mirror surface began to appear rippling, like a ripple on the surface of the lake. After a breeze floated, the rippling mirror surface appeared the last wave, and then gradually calmed down, reflecting the figure of Yi Chou and Meggie.

Meggie looked at Yi Chou's movements curiously, not understanding what he was doing, and at this time, she also looked curiously into the mirror.

The person in the mirror naturally sat in the same motion, but at the next moment, Meggie in the mirror suddenly retracted, and then scratched his hair strangely.

In Meggie's wide-eyed eyes behind him, Yi Xiao whispered, "Magic Mirror, quickly appear."

Yi Xiao in the mirror stepped back abruptly, then bowed slightly, put his hand on his chest, and replied to Yi Xiao, "My master, what do you want to know."

Meggie next to her mouth covered her mouth and looked at the figure in the mirror in surprise. Meggie in the mirror didn't make the same movement as she did, but showed a strange smile, as if she was going to take off her coat, making Meggie in a hurry. Leave in front of the mirror.

Fortunately, at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Biao has already asked his question.

"Magic Mirror tells me where he is."

There was a blur in the mirror surface. After twisting, it showed the figure of a speeding car. The black suv looked quite like the style of an FBI agent.

Behind the suv, you can also see the huge Statue of Liberty, Larry is still in New York, and not too far from the Museum of Nature and History.

The image in the mirror is distorted and shaken again, and then disappears.

Yi Xiao dipped his hand deep into the mirror. When he pulled it out again, he took out the transparent silver vial filled with crystal silver. The mirror surface appeared a wave again. After the wave, it had changed back to a normal mirror.

Yi Xiao's eyes fell on Meggie's body, and when she took a step back with some fear, she took out a bottle of potion and poured it into her mouth.

"Next we have a quick journey." Yi Chou grabbed Meggie's shoulder. "Hope this bottle of potion can relieve some of your dizziness." (To be continued.)

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