High Magic Earth

Chapter 863: whereabouts

"Keep off!"

"Go up!"

When Yi Xiao converged on the magic power, a very noisy sound suddenly came from outside, coming in chaos, even overwhelming the crowd of people in the hall and heading straight to Yi Huo's ear.

Slightly sideways, the smile on Yi Chou's face faded gradually.

Even without hesitation, you know that these people are here for yourself.

The curator’s office is on the second floor of the hall. Because of the architectural structure of the museum, there is only one room on the second floor. It can even be said that the second floor was built for the office. See the entrance of the museum.

But at the moment, it was quiet outside.

Even Meggie, who was held on Yishao's shoulder, noticed that the atmosphere was wrong. The strange atmosphere pervaded the two of them. Behind the silence was the coming of the rainstorm. The sudden silence made Meggie tremble.

Pressing lightly on Meggie's shoulder, Yi Chou turned his gaze to the quiet wooden door.

The anti-theft door carved with colorful stripes is exceptionally quiet. The normal scene in the past looks extra weird at this moment. It looks like a huge mouth devouring light, and the surrounding of the door seems to be a bit dim.

Moving the huge mirror slowly in front of him, Yi Piao appeased the scared Meggie, and then stepped forward and gently opened the door.

Bright and bright.


Just like the two worlds, the hall of the museum is still sunny, and the crowds of people passing by are much less. They are quietly gathered together, and the people dressed by some police are quietly dispersing outwards.

The suddenly opened door immediately attracted everyone's attention, whether it was the police who were maintaining order below, or those tourists who did not know what was happening and were just listening to the command to leave.

They looked up subconsciously and then saw the figure at the door, including the petite girl beside them.

Yi Xiao turned his head gently and found that the stairs and the narrow second-floor promenades on both sides were somehow occupied by the police. The left and right sides were covered with police. They surrounded the curator's office.

"Sir." When he saw the appearance of Yi Huo, the policeman closest to him immediately stepped forward, and then said to him sternly, "You are suspected of being involved in economic fraud, smuggling and forging documents. Please also ask You cooperate with us to go back and investigate."

Yi Ao's eyes crossed his face, and then swept across the faces of other policemen. These were all black-skinned New York policemen wearing black police uniforms. They looked weird and seemed to see no reason.

But... just to bring a suspect back to the bureau to investigate, do you need such a big scene?

Their role is obviously to hold themselves back, maybe it does not take too long, as long as it is a little while, but it is not clear whether they understand what they are doing.

Yi Chao does not need to ask them if they have any relevant evidence or other things. A government department has launched it with all its strength. These things must be well prepared and will not leave any room for people.

So there is no need to waste time.

"Just take it back to investigate." Yi Huo said softly, "Your scene is quite big."

The inspector did not respond, but just continued, "Please cooperate."

"Then if I don't cooperate, or I say... no."

"In this case, sorry..."


Yi Xuan seemed to hear the policeman's roar vaguely, but didn't seem to hear it, but that wasn't important, because the more intuitive expression was that dozens of pistols had been aimed at him and came violently.

This was not the first time Yi Xuan was shot, and it was also covered by a large amount of firepower at the beginning, but the distance was far away, and it was an attack that occurred shortly after Yi Xiao returned to the present world.

Because of the distance, those stray bullets and missiles did not cause much trouble to Yi Chou. He easily hid in the forest, and then flung them away.

But Yi Xiao has never looked down on firearms because of the continuous evolution of technology, so the power of firearms is also rising linearly.

Maybe the firepower of a certain world in the future can directly break Yi Xuanlian with his magic cover into pieces.

With such a mentality, Yi Biao never underestimated any threats. At the first time when the gunshots appeared, a black smoke appeared in front of the two of them, blocking them behind him, and at the same time Yi Biao instantly raised a cloak. Seems like a black cloth, blocking Meggie.

These people didn't care about the casualties at all. For them, an obvious Asian and a German would not cause too much trouble if they had enough evidence.

This also shows that the news they received was not a crime of forging documents and brought back to the Bureau for investigation, otherwise they would not shoot at all.

"There is a gun!"

"Shoot! Run!"

The sudden sound of gunfire made the crowd below a mess. They screamed and wanted to run away, but under the maintenance of a small number of dark-skinned police officers, the order was eventually maintained.

The firearms of these New York black-skinned policemen are indeed very powerful. Although they are only pistols, the speed is not consistent, but because of the close distance, the power of the bullets hitting the Yi Mang spell is extremely huge.

But the firearm hit the mist, as if falling into the quagmire-like darkness, the bullets kept making a clear sound of ding ding dong, but none of them hit Yi Noo.

Suddenly, there were sizzling noises in the mist, like the current weaving into a grid to stop them.

And the lights in the museum are clearly visible, and the electric current everywhere almost becomes unstable with the speed visible to the naked eye, flickering and dark.

Among the apprentices of the magician, Balthazar’s dead rival Moganna has a trick to use current and other capabilities to form a magic defense shield. This is different from traditional magic, and it is more inclined to the composition of energy magic. Not very skilled, but as long as he entered Oz, he fully understood this power, and even used it better.

The energy of electricity is one of the most common energy in the direction of science and technology. As long as it can be used, it has almost infinite energy in the place where it has electricity. This is the main reason why Yi Chou does not fear the relatively low-end world of scientific development.

The sound of gunshots that are more and more encrypted like raindrops makes the crowd below even more chaotic. Indeed, for residents living in New York, shooting is not a strange thing, but this does not mean that anyone can calmly face Correct.

You know, this is the police shooting, and dozens of them, stray bullets do not have long eyes.

The panicked crowd didn't notice the black mist that was standing in front of the two people, but it did not mean that the police did not notice it.

The leading police officer immediately made a stop gesture, and the gunshots of the masterpiece were calm. He was puzzled and looked at the black mist covering Yi Xiao. As a policeman, his courage was greater than ordinary people, and he was more shocked. constant.

The first reaction to seeing this unknown phenomenon is that the other party used a special weapon, similar to a smoke bomb, but a more advanced high-end weapon that can block bullets, rather than something that only exists in fantasy, such as magic.

He was able to feel that the opponent was not injured. This was not another reason, but the intuition from many years of handling the case, so he temporarily stopped shooting because it seemed to be useless.

Obviously just an economic scammer, the result turned into a militant who could resist. The detective, while cursing insanely at the heart of the person who sent this information, signaled that both sides would look up carefully.

Since the opponent has such a weird means, the ghost knows whether he has a gun in his hand.

Now the detective knows why he sent so many people and asked them to shoot directly. This is completely a guise. The identity of the other party must not stop there.

Taking a step back slightly, he winked at the left and right. The police around him immediately understood the defense. There were only two people on the other side. As long as they protected themselves, they still had the advantage. They were just careful of the bullets.

But their judgment and experience were obviously not applicable to Yi Huo. When these policemen stepped back slightly, a seemingly sharp roar came from the room, and all of them were dizzy.

And when they came back to God again, they had seen their companions around them lifted to both sides by an invisible force.

It was like an invisible transparent beast, with wild power madly hitting their crowd, the police crowded on the stairs and promenade was instantly lifted by this invisible power, they were squeezed to both sides, Or throw it into the air, or even fly to the sky and plant it.

"Be careful!"

"Hurry away!"

The inspector also woke up from the dizziness and screamed immediately after seeing this scene, but it was of no use at all. The dense police line of defense was forced out by this invisible force and squeezed among them In a straight line, he was run over by the car first, and the police on both sides were wailing and wailing on the ground.

The figure flashed, and the inspector only felt the time spent in front of him. The two people who should have stayed in the room had suddenly appeared at the end of the hall, and were steadily walking towards the exit of the museum.

"Stop him!"

The inspector was too late to think about the weird situation and could only call it anxiously, because there were chaotic crowds everywhere, and they dared not shoot this time.

The police guarding the hall and not far away immediately swarmed up, trying to intercept the two, but Yi Chou walked Meggie steadily with the crowd. The speed was not fast, but the police could not catch up.

This formed a strange scene.

There were crowds of people all around. Tourists didn’t know what happened. They only knew that there was a shooting in the museum, and then they desperately rushed out along the exit. There was also the female leader and the students she took with me. It's really not going well.

Yi Xiao and Meggie also mixed in, and the two were not too slow, as if the surrounding things had nothing to do with them.

Those policemen struggled to drive the crowd, trying to catch up with the two from behind, but they seemed hopeless.

Between the noises, these police officers seemed to see Yi Xuan looking back and smiled lightly from them, and then at the next moment, the figures of the two had crowded out of the museum along the crowd.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The leading poor detective, while directing people to rescue the police officers who had fallen to the ground, ordered more people to catch up, at least not to lose the target.

After Yi Biao walked out of the museum, there was an invisible force immediately pushing the crowd around him away from the two.

Although the New York Museum of Nature and History is not located in the downtown area, it is not far away. It is surrounded by bustling commercial streets. The crowds of people have attracted the attention of pedestrians outside. They don’t know what happened, they thought There was a fire in the museum or someone was carrying out a robbery.

By this time, Yi Chou had taken Meggie to start locking Larry's position.

The instructions left to him by the magic mirror still existed, and Yi's magic easily sensed Larry's direction. The New York Bridge not far away was moving frantically.

"It's really troublesome..." Yi Huo whispered softly. When things got here, he probably couldn't hide them at all. Then he might not be able to leisurely continue to explore the world, but before considering the next thing, he must first Get the magic slate that has been explored.

At the next moment, the bright blue light rose into the sky.

Intercepting a car that is moving at high speed, Phantom Shift can’t be accurately located, because Phantom Shift is better at moving independently, rather than tracking, and Yi Chao needs more complicated space magic.

The rising flame is like a fire dragon. It emerges suddenly from the ground and rises around the two. When the fire dragon turns into a fire and dissipates in the air, the figure of the two on the ground has disappeared, leaving only a group of people who have just chased them. The police, as well as the unknown and surprised crowd on the stairs and the street.

The figure of Yi Chou appeared again on the crowded New York Bridge, as if the sand and gravel brought by the wind, gradually built a complete body. The vehicles on the bridge were very crowded, and the sudden appearance of the two people in Yi Chou was blocked in a lane. .

The oncoming car was taken aback, and before it was clear what it was, it could not be dodged and crashed over, but Yi Chou's figure was really like Sha Shuo, and was scattered by the high-speed car. Then it coagulated again without any substantial harm.

This is something that phantom shifting cannot do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In half a breath, Yi Chou and Meggie appeared on the New York Bridge.

And the timing of the pinch is also very accurate. The black suv is telling to drive over, which happens to be in the lane where Yi Biao and Meggie are located.

The passing cars on both sides rang their horns madly, and Yi Heo was deaf, and took Meg to the suv that was coming towards the speeding. The suv obviously saw the two people, but it did not mean to slow down, but accelerated. The speed seems to intend to directly kill Yi Chao here.

The car was mentioned at a very fast speed, and it seemed to be fleeting at a distance of 100 meters. In the blink of an eye, it came to the two people. In the face of a suv less than ten meters, Yi Huo did not have much panic and appeared out of hand. With a cane, hold it gently and pause on the ground.


At the next moment, the car made a sharp, harsh, unpleasant brake sound, and suddenly stopped smoothly in front of the two of them.

"I found you, Larry." Yi Huo said softly. (To be continued.)

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