High Magic Earth

Chapter 867: library

"You know, this is all destiny." Brian chattered and parked the car to the side of the street, and the people on the car came down, and then walked the last part of the journey. "It is the power of destiny that brought me here."

"Can you be quiet for a while, you are nagging along the way, what the **** do you want to say?" Mike said with a little helplessness beside him, and with his serious face, it was extremely interesting.

Bryan shrugged and matched his hand with a zipper.

Vrcht obviously does not have the good mood of these people. No one's home has just been torched by the fire, and there will be no good mood to joke, especially the disaster that burns his own home is caused by himself.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but the best thing he could do was to shut his mouth and say nothing, his wife Lisa was worried, and nervously accompanied him.

After living in the ink heart world for ten years, Lisa has felt a little strange to this real world. Although she was accompanied by Vrchat a few times and turned around a few days ago, she was still a little bit unsuited to the rapid development of this world.

However, she is more concerned about Volchart. She did not know the ability of Volchart’s silver tongue. Of course, she already knew it now, but anyway, she also wanted to understand in the past ten years, Whether it is hatred or anything, it is over, after all, the ability of the silver tongue is not controlled by Vrchat.

Just like now, it is out of control, and it seems to be more serious, just like a naughty child.

Only Farid looked around curiously, Zaz and others who knew him knew that he was curious about everything in this completely strange world, but he didn't know. He thought he was looking for a fat sheep to start.

"How far is the library?" Someone finally asked the key question. After looking around, Zaz didn't find any monitoring facilities, knowing that Brian had taken them to avoid something, although it seemed very Not reliable, but Brian is still very professional.

"Don't worry," Brian said. "You can only stay in this scene no matter how anxious. Whenever you need it, we will go to the library."

"Hah?" Zas frowned, and both eyebrows were about to pull together, but he didn't understand the meaning of Brian's words.

The worrying couples of Volchart, Farid looking away, Brian, who is unemployed, and Zas and Mike, who are obviously not like good people at first sight, this combination is really strange walking on the street.

Fortunately, the streets of Germany were originally strange enough. There are all kinds of street art and all kinds of pedestrians. No one noticed Bryan and his party. Even if they were curious, they just took a look.

They may not be able to stay in Germany for too long. Fbi is staring at three people in Vrchat, and there are also countless eyes staring at fbi, especially after they dropped several bodies in the fire. I am afraid they will soon Will be exposed.

Of course Zaz knew that their finishing work was very incomplete, or even did not carry out finishing work at all, but this is also no way to do things, because they are not capable of erasing the traces. This is Germany. An accident caused by Oberchat.

Now we can only contact the country as soon as possible to transfer them back. This is the best result, and there is a great possibility that there will be twists and turns on the way again.

However, with the importance of Volchate, even if it is a transnational operation, I believe fbi will strongly support this operation.

. . .


Relying on the identity certificate in Mike's hands and the fact that Volchart originally lived here, Brian and others successfully mixed into the large library.

Volchart was not a book repairer at the beginning, but had his own job, otherwise he could not buy him and Lisa a big house, only after Lisa was sucked into the ink heart, he had A cover-up identity for a book repairer.

And in the perennial cover, he really became a book repairer.

But at a very early time, Volchart was a book lover, Aunt Eleanor loved books very much, and there were many books hidden in his house, almost every silver tongue Love books and regard books as their second life.

Therefore, the German city where Volchart is located is a very cultural city, and the library in the city center is naturally not excluded.

After glancing at the library map hanging on the wall, Brian immediately found his goal and went straight to cultural areas such as Egypt and Rome.

"Go here." He said to several others.

As one of the origins of human civilization, the importance of these places in Rome and Egypt is self-evident. Although Egypt’s territory has not changed much in the past five thousand years, its little partner Rome is not like this. The glory of Rome is almost unknown to everyone. Although they are no longer there, they have left the most precious assets, their culture and history.

Legends about magic and gods are never rare in these countries, and even their history is made up of half myths.

In fact, Brian should start from the legendary and historical stories of Britain and other countries, because he reads very fast, and the history full of magic legends is not long, so he can read it soon, instead of choosing the oldest ones. country.

But Brian did not do this, because thinking from another angle, as the origin of magic and myths and legends, most of the records of later generations can be found in these ancient countries. One point and a half record can be found in these ancient kingdoms. We can find useful things from these scattered clues and stitch them together.

"Contact the country and transfer us back as soon as possible." Brian said to Zas, and then nodded to Mike. "Try to see if there is anyone else in Germany who can help us."

"As for you." Brian shrugged innocently to Volchart. "It's enough to look at yourself, oh right, and him." He pointed to Farid again.

"You are discrimination." Farid groaned and complained.

I don’t know the reason. Brian has always had a bad feeling for this Persian dwarf. He has determined that this guy has some ability to lie and hide his observations. Then it is very likely that he took the book. .

According to the description of Volchart, there were only a few people present, not one of them who could have taken the book, neither Lisa nor Volchart lied, so there was only one choice left, And it happened that Brian couldn't see if Farid was lying.

Brian was even sure that the mysterious man at the time also used a certain ability to determine whether they were talking or not, but obviously Farid was better and even concealed the mysterious man.

"Otherwise he will definitely kill this little man directly." Brian said.

It's just that, compared to the fact that Volchart's silver tongue ability has changed again, Farid may have taken the book and it seems worthless.

Brian doesn’t know how many silver tongues there are in this world, even if the number is not large, but if they all start to be out of control like Volchart, a few words will summon something from the book, even if only A few people, I am afraid that the whole world will be completely messed up.

Therefore, it is imperative to clarify the existence of the silver tongue. The mysterious man and the book can be temporarily released.

"By the way, that guy wasn't full of New York flying around at this time." Brian took a chocolate bar from under the vending machine and took a bite.

But how many silver tongues are there in the world. . When it comes to this, Brian always feels that he has forgotten something very important, but fortunately, with the help of nzt, he will not make such mistakes.

"The actual way to solve this problem is very simple." Brian said, "You see here."

What he just said reappeared in his mind, and the word-by-word analysis, and a lot of colorful bubbles immediately appeared around Brian, which is the analysis result of every word and every sentence.

"And I just need to choose the closest and most reasonable answer here."

"How many silver tongues will there make me think of in the world?" Brian paused and looked at the chocolate bar with a big bite in his hand.

Willie Wonka Energy Bar complements the delicacies you never imagined.

Willie Wonka. .

"How can I forget this thing." Brian said, "This is obviously my favorite candy, of course, I am actually more curious about how Mr. Willie Wangka made these magical little guys, but now. . I think I already know the answer."

"Mike." Brian continued to shout, "Don't contact your friends, I have a more important task for you to check the recent situation of Willie Wangka and his chocolate factory. Yes, I mean this month, starting from when the mysterious man appeared, don’t let go of anything suspicious."

Mike turned his head, with a look of surprise and didn't you let me contact me, and why did you investigate a chocolate factory and chocolate supplier and here is just a library and not the fbi headquarters, how do you ask me to investigate .

"Don't wonder how I saw so much meaning from this expression, and I'm even more surprised how he expressed so much meaning with an expression on his face." Brian spread his hands helplessly.

"It feels like you were more cute when you were Mike." Brian turned his face to Mike again. "The chocolate factory didn't seem as simple as it looked. We just stared at it, but I feel that someone has patronized earlier."

"As for investigating problems...you can call someone to investigate, without having to do it yourself."

When Mike was a Brian bodyguard before, most of them were going to do whatever Brian said. Although he and Ike were also part-time eyeliners of the fbi director, as long as Brian asked him to do something that was not out of the ordinary, he Don't even bother.

But now Mike is not that simple bodyguard anymore, and the things he needs to do are more complicated, so he only needs to have those problems.

"But I...now also called Mike..." But Mike obviously couldn't understand Brian's rhythm of thinking, and only said weakly.

Brian waved his hands impatiently, then said helplessly, "Just... just follow suit..."

Coming to the library is not Brian’s whim, indeed, in this era the Internet is a very convenient thing, almost everything can be found on it, but there are still many things that cannot be found, including those ancient folklore And wild history.

Most of these are only recorded in the literature.

Many such things are collected on the Internet, but they are not perfect. The library is a good place to make up for them. After sending other people to do the distribution work, Brian plunged into the bookshelf.

For ordinary people to find materials in the library is definitely a long and desperate thing, and most of the time you need to look at luck, but for Brian, he has special skills.

That is. . Look at the books.

After screening, there will be no clues that are inadvertently let go.

This is not an impossible task. Under the effect of nzt, Brian’s reading efficiency is simply amazing, he can master several languages ​​in one afternoon, and can use the entire fbi for so many years in one night. The files are sorted out, and you can even use your free time to complete the highest-level chemistry courses and then become professors.

Of course, these are things that can only be done in Brian's later period, when he was fully adapted to the power of nzt and was able to fully develop it.

So some interesting stories and history are not a problem for Brian.

"This is not, um... this is not..." One, two. . Five copies. . In just a few minutes, Brian completed five books.

He doesn't need to read slowly, he just flips over quickly and writes down the text above, then the brain will divide another Brian himself to slowly understand the above content.

"It's better to say that it's a division of the brain or schizophrenia, as long as you can achieve your goal." Brian slowly chewed the chocolate bar while resting his feet on the table.

And on the other side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Countless Brians were sitting at the table looking at the books he had just read, and another Brian was diligently standing by the bookshelf, taking the books down quickly Flip through.

Not everyone can easily do this after eating nzt. Although they can also be multi-tasking, they can’t schizophrenic into countless ones. This can only be achieved after fully grasping and adapting to the existence of the nzt drug effect. .

However, under the restriction that serious side-effects will not occur many times after taking nzt, I am afraid that only Bryan who is immune to nzt side effects can do this.

"Look, I said I should also be a protagonist, otherwise how would ordinary people get such treatment." Brian nagged, put the book in his hand back to the shelf, and then continued walking through the library, from One bookshelf came to another.

"Book shelves, bookshelves, bookshelves, unicorns, men in black, bookshelves or bookshelves, bookshelves everywhere, I want to see..."

"..." Brian stopped suddenly, and then said, "Wait, did something strange get mixed in, did you see it?" (To be continued.)

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