High Magic Earth

Chapter 868: Identity

Bookshelves, bookshelves, people in black! Brian snapped his head back suddenly, then slowly reached out, and half his head popped behind the bookshelf. He looked at the mysterious man covered in a black cloak.

The unicorn seemed to feel Brian's gaze. It shook his head impatiently. The silver-white unicorn sprinkled a series of silver brilliances in the air, and Brian also felt like he was white.

How is it possible, this is definitely an illusion.

Blaine stared at the unicorn, rolled his eyes fiercely at it, and then drew his head back quickly again before it was angry.

Slowly protruding his head, Brian carefully looked at each other, bookshelves, bookshelves, or men in black, and the men in black tended to be thin, and they could not see men and women, but it was particularly in line with Brian’s impression of the witch, because in the impression Among them, they are either the hunched old woman with a grinning laugh, or the beautiful queen.

But in any case, the witches are dead houses lacking exercise, and their bodies are weak. If it is not that the magic they master is too frightening, I am afraid they have no threat at all. The most common exercise these guys do is just sitting on the broom and messing up. Fly away.

From time to time, a white arm stretched out from under the black coat to flip the book in his hand, which also confirmed Brian's idea from the side.

A witch, and her unicorn.

It’s a magical combination, but the creatures that only exist in the magic story appear in the real world. Brian wants to know which world they come from and which book’s story.

Because to know that the power of the silver tongue comes from books, he can only turn the things in the story into reality, and although Brian's ability is a little wrong, Brian feels that he still has not escaped this limitation.

If the ability of the silver tongue will run out of control from time to time and call out arbitrary creatures, then Brian will definitely not find a clue on the Internet at first.

More importantly, the ability of Volchart is called silver tongue, so reading and storytelling are indispensable conditions.

There will never be a mistake in the salutation. If Volchart's ability is still changing, then it must not be called the silver tongue, but other more intuitive descriptions.

Brian slowly pulled his head back again, but at this moment, the man in black suddenly said, "How long will you have to wait."

The crisp voice was like a sweet silver bell, with a concealed chill and nobility, she still turned her back to Brian, but seemed to see his small movements clearly.

"It turned out to be a woman." Brian turned his head, leaving the back of the head to the woman in black, then whispered, covering her mouth.

"I hate women, you know, every woman has two kinds of time, when she is cute and when she is not cute, to be precise, when they are all cute after I eat nzt, the nzt drug has worked. Later, when they are not cute."

"A long time ago, I talked about love very many times, but each time I ended in failure. Well, I admit that those actually are not called love at all, just..."

"How long do you have to stand there." The cold voice interrupted Brian's long speech.

Brian is not surprised that the black woman can find herself. Witches always have some special tricks. Just like ordinary women, their thoughts are always endless.

"I tell you." Brian swears out a finger, "A woman like this..."

"Are you endless?" There was a trace of sulking in the woman's voice. Brian under the effect of nzt understood the woman's emotional fluctuations, or human psychology, and he was keenly aware of this.

Brian immediately stopped talking nonsense, and then ran fartly and sat on the stool opposite the black woman's table.

The unicorn stopped chewing for an unknown meaning. It glared at Brian, as if to say why there were such rude people, but Brian didn't care, but gave him a big glare without fear.

By the way, why can it enter the library, isn't the unicorn a pet?

Brian is not reckless. If the witch is really a humpback old lady, he will never get up, but will take Mike and others to run for the first time.

nzt did not give him super powers, but he made his sixth sense exceptionally higher than ordinary people.

The sixth sense of man is a very mysterious thing, and even Brian is not sure whether it exists or not. It’s just that the black woman feels good to herself. It seems that she has a natural desire to be close, and this This kind of intimacy also contains a trace of awe, a kind of awe from the soul.

And there is another point, people who love reading will not be bad people, although this sentence is very unreliable, but Brian believes.

So he did the same, and appeared in front of the black woman.

Now the angle is finally perfect. Brian quietly probed her face under the black cloak, and said seriously, "Nice to meet you, beautiful lady witch."

Is she beautiful? To be honest, Brian didn’t know at all, because this cloak seemed to have some kind of magical effect, which could produce a kind of mist to cover her, making her unclear and only vague. Seeing the outline of a long brown-brown hair, this may be called magic.

But everyone likes to listen to beautiful praise. As long as she is a woman, she likes to be praised for her beauty and her appearance.

Of course, a few voices are female but not women, or those whose looks are destroyed and cursed are not listed here. Those are special examples. When they encounter them, Brian can only admit that he is out of luck.

Immediately after that, Brian did not feel any angry feelings from the other party, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief, indicating that he had not encountered the worst and worst situation.

But the other party's next sentence also greatly exceeded Brian's expectations.

"Witch? What is that?"

Her voice was calm, and there seemed to be no unexpected emotions, just pure curiosity.

Brian froze for a moment, but in a flash, he understood the cause and effect. Obviously, he also committed a preconceived problem.

No one has ever said that she is a witch, just because her image and the existence of a unicorn are too apt to allow Brian to make up for herself that she is a witch.

Brian shouldn't have made such a mistake, but after all, this is the first time that such strange things have happened.

but. . Since she is not a witch, what is he?

There is already a unicorn in Vrchat’s mouth, which obviously refers to a unicorn. The fireman may be a monster, because he doesn’t look like a wizard, and the woman in front of him is not a witch, and the rest of. .

Brian suddenly had a lot of thoughts, but this thought had a feeling that made him afraid to continue thinking. .

All this happened in just a moment, but the woman on the opposite side said again, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"Well, this explanation will take a long time, but before I explain it, can I ask you a question first." After saying that, without waiting for the other party's consent or rejection, Brian said directly, "Since you are not a witch , Then your identity is..."

Hearing this, the woman finally closed the book in her hand, and then placed it on the table, sitting upright, as if looking at Brian in a fixed manner.

Brian was puzzled and nervous.

Fortunately, this silence did not last long. She quickly unbuttoned the cloak under her neck and said, "I am God."

. . .

Even though Brian had already prepared in advance, even if he had omnipotent nzt support, but Rao was so, his fragile heart was still blown by this sentence, and it seemed shocked to be speechless.

After a while, he stuttered and said, "Go... God is a girl?"

"God? I'm not a god." She said.

And at this time, the magic cloak was finally released by her, and the beauty of the cloak was revealed under the shedding cloak. "I am the protector of agriculture and gardening, the goddess of military strategy, the goddess of wisdom, the law and order Goddess."

The majestic voice slowly sounded, and in an instant, Brian even felt that the light around and around her was attracted by her, swallowed up, and became a bit gloomy and dark, only she still exuded a shining golden yellow .

"You can call me, Pallas Athena."

"Ya...Ya..." Brian's grown mouth didn't close for a while, and after a while, he spit out a few sporadic words of unknown significance.

Fortunately, the brain that eats nzt can't be called an ordinary person long ago. His thinking is turning crazy and digesting all this.

"It's just a summoning creature, just like the summoning beast in the game!" Blaine, wearing a pink sweater, stood opposite Blaine and yelled at him wildly, "What are you afraid of!"

"But that's also a god." On the other side, Brian Youzai in the fbi field suit sat on the bench and slowly drank coffee.

"Maybe it was not true, but she has now been summoned. In this world, she is now a real God."

"And you don't know how Volchart summoned them, so you don't know how to send them back."

"Is it a parallel world, just like those who are watching our jokes, their world is also a parallel world?"

"You can do this..."

Brian shook his head vigorously, and drove out all these messy results. His arm was pointed at the unicorn with some shaking, and Athena immediately touched the unicorn's horn.

"I don't know where this little guy came from," she said. "But it's cute, isn't it? I'm taking her back to my garden."

"Your... garden?" Brian asked a little harder.

"Babylon Sky Garden, you may have heard it."

Brian smiled stiffly, and then noticed that the book she held in her hand was abruptly written with the words "Homer Epic".

"Do you know what is happening now?" Brian asked tentatively.

He listened to the description of Volchat that many people who just walked out of the story would fall into a confused period of time, because he did not understand what happened to him, what happened to his surroundings, and the world, often It will take a while to figure it out.

"I don't know." Athena said, "So I came here, it's full of wisdom."

"Can you... understand these words?"

"Of course." Athena said again, "As a goddess, do you always have some privileges."

Brian's mouth twitched again. He almost forgot the identity of the other party. She also had the title of Goddess of Wisdom. Presumably, the wisdom she gained by nzt is nothing in the eyes of the other party.

He still couldn't imagine that the young girl with thick eyeshadow, like smoked makeup, would be the goddess of wisdom, Athena, a **** who was sitting in front of him, or the ancient Olympus system.

Even if there is nzt, it’s hard to understand. Brian’s rare feeling is a little weird, etc., but at this moment, Brian seems to realize something suddenly.

He carefully looked at the other person's appearance, glanced at it for a while, and then lost in thought.

When Athena was questioned by his head, Brian suddenly clenched his fist in his right hand, slapped **** the left palm, and yelled, "I remember!"

The Persians really like to apply eyeshadow, whether it is on the expedition or in the usual time, but they are not painted like the Athena in front of them. It is really too much. . Postmodern.

And although the goddess in front of her claimed to be Athena, there was no shadow of the ancient Persians on her body. Indeed, no matter the eyeshadow, skin color, or hair color was very similar to the ancient Persians, but these characteristics were not accurate enough. Her skeleton and physical characteristics are completely incompatible with the ancient Persians, and more like humans in later generations.

Anyway, she is a god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There must always be something different from mortals. It's okay to say so, but Bryan apparently thought of the answer to the question one step in advance.

She is not Athena at all, she is Isabel Lucas, Athena played by Isabel Lucas.

In the movie God of War, Brian clearly remembered the movie because he was still obsessed with Isabel Lucas for a while.

but. . Why should a movie become a reality, and why does the goddess called by Volchart have an appearance that a Hollywood actor once played, shouldn't it be historical.

Do not. . No, there should have been no her in history. They are just myths and legends, and these two have no reference at all.

Brian felt that his head was about to explode, both after the footsteps of Volchart's house.

But she is indeed a genuine goddess, and Brian feels that there are countless questions lingering in his head, such as wanting to trace a source, is there a simpler option than asking these ancient gods directly? . (To be continued.)

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