High Magic Earth

Chapter 869: God in the library

Athena didn't ask Brian what she remembered, because she preferred to think about herself rather than asking. &

The black cloak has turned into a dark golden robe, it seems to be just a piece of cloth, put on the body casually, and then turned into a robe, the robe hanging on her shoulder, except for this piece of cloth, there is nothing else Other clothing.

No wonder the people on the ancient Greek reliefs don't wear clothes, only the cloth covers them, and now Brian finally understands that the myth didn't deceive him.

The long blond hair hung down her long temples, even down to her abdomen. This image is exactly the same as the movie in Brian's memory, but it lacks the armor and helmet it deserves.

nzt can use every corner of the brain. While chatting with Athena, Brian has fully recalled the movie that he has seen before.

It's a bad movie. If it's a reasonable combination of screenwriter and myth, it's pretty good from a commercial point of view.

But there is no doubt that Athena's fighting power in the movie is definitely not to be overlooked.

Although I almost got the bento in the end, its strength is absolutely overwhelming most of Brian’s known weapons. Although there are many high-end weapons that can threaten her, these things are not for humans to throw.

Athena's goal is very small. I am afraid that she will not be eliminated in the end.

Good at hiding can be invisible or even return to the so-called **** realm, this is where God has an advantage over mortals. For example, at this moment, the brightness of Athena is like a shining star, but the people around are blind to it, not only The beautiful unicorn, even Brian, has been treated neglected.

High-end weapons cannot be easily used, and small-scale combat humans are not opponents at all. Now the physical quality of humans does not seem to have changed much from the ancient Greeks, and even weakened or degraded. Then a small team of heavily armed soldiers and the legendary ones What is the difference between the warrior killer holding a sword shield.

When facing God, they all seem to be the same.

Long swords and shields were the strongest conventional weapons in the human era at the time, and firearms were the strongest conventional weapons now, but according to Brian’s estimate of the combat effectiveness of Athena, although the power of the weapon has been improved to a certain extent, but Still not enough to threaten her life.

In the face of a creature with a strong single combat power, unless human conventional weapons can also threaten it, humans will never have much advantage only by means of hurting others.

Or maybe she just has the appearance of Isabel Lucas, and does not have the ability to play Athena at the time.

These things are beyond Brian's guess, but he feels that the former is correct, because it is not a coincidence to be the same as Isabel, and too many coincidences will become inevitable.

"Actually I think you can tell me the answer." Brian said, "She and I should be the same, isn't it."

Bryan turned countless thoughts in his head, and even regarded Athena as a person on his own side.

If a god’s help is let go by himself, Brian doesn’t think he will let him go. Of course, there are reasons why he can’t let Vrchart send Athena back at the moment, which is not too much. Oops, at least they have the help of gods, it sounds more inspiring.

The unicorn shook his head impatiently, but before waiting for it to express its dissatisfaction with Brian’s nagging, Brian glared at it first, suddenly filling the unicorn’s heart with capitalism, it never Have seen such a shameless guy.

Athena didn't seem to notice the farce between one person and one animal underneath, and she was still sitting precariously, but her eyes fell on the Homer epic again, as if she didn't have much interest in Brian.

Brian recalled the content and plot shown in the film. Indeed, Athena has a certain affection for humans, but she is a **** after all, and humans are mortals.

And at that time, it was still based on the premise that Hyberon wanted to capture the bow of Epirus to release the Titan, and Athena needed human assistance, which only favored humans.

Otherwise, even if it is Athena, it will not waste a trace of divine power on human beings.

And now, it is also because Athena returned to this world for the first time. Even after the vicissitudes of the sea, even if it was a god, there was a trace of confusion and frustration. I didn’t know that she had experienced the dusk of the gods at that time. She will once again become a true **** and return to the top of the sky.

Therefore, it is still necessary to say that it is necessary to set up a close relationship and pull her into her own team.

It's just that she didn't speak, didn't show much interest in Brian, and Brian was also helpless, let him pick up girls, but soak a goddess? Even with the effect of nzt, Brian felt a little confused.

He wanted to start talking nonsense, but he didn't even wait for him to speak, there was a feeling in the midst that he couldn't tell, like it was. . It's as if the other party already knew what he was going to say, and used the power of the gods to realize the less crap.

In fact, Brian knew wisely why Athena was not interested in herself. These ancient gods, or the gods of the Olympian deities, favor real heroes, that is, real warriors, in other words It's a macho.

He even felt that if it wasn't herself sitting in front of Athena at the moment, but Hollywood movie star Gerard Butler, even if she wouldn't post it immediately, she would say a few more words.

Well, although the facts may not be so exaggerated, it probably means that.

A hero is not necessarily a warrior, but a true brave will definitely be a true hero. Of course, it is better if you become more intelligent with more wisdom, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough wisdom, you have enough muscles. Just fine.

IQ is not enough, no. . Muscles come together.

But this does not happen to be Brian’s strength. He has been clamoring to be a superhero, but he knows that he will never be the hero in his mouth, because he is smart, the reason nzt brings to him will always prompt him to make the most The correct decision, and the most correct decision, is not necessarily a hero's choice.

Courage and impulse are what nzt lacks.

And his little cleverness is nothing in the eyes of Athena. Not to mention the wise men in ancient Greece. Athena itself is the most outstanding with the title of Goddess of Wisdom. When the same **** repels, the two are really lacking in favor. .

But while he was worried about how to talk, Brian suddenly noticed that Mike sneaked on the shelf behind Athena, seemingly looking for Brian.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Brian was thinking about it immediately, glanced at Athena, who still focused on Homer's epic, and he began desperately to make eyes on Mike.

Brian is obviously not stupid. Not only Mike can see this, but Athena can also notice, but he let Athena discover this.

The two seem to be in a certain divine range, and the people around them turn a blind eye to the existence of Athena and Unicorn, and still choose the books they need, so Brian is not sure if Mike can see himself.

But he wouldn't get up and greet him. The ghost knew that the next moment after he got up, would he realize that the Athena was gone? Women who play missing are the most skilled.

So Brian chose this exaggerated way, which was shown to Mike, but also to Athena. I believe that with her wisdom, she will instantly understand her careful thoughts, if possible, regardless of the surroundings. There is no magic power protecting them, Athena will let Mike see Brian.

And if it is not possible, I am afraid that Athena will disappear in the next second. The gods want to disappear from the eyes of a mortal. It is too simple, it means that Brian wants to drag Athena into his team. Consider how to send an Olympus goddess of wisdom after dealing with the mysterious man.

Sure enough, Brian's luck was good, because at the next moment, Mike not far away seemed to notice himself.

Then immediately afterwards, he saw Athena radiating a soft golden light and a unicorn who was beside him with an unhappy face.

"!" Mike felt that his hair was about to stand up. Although Brian kept saying how about the silver tongue, and Mike also encountered the weird Fireman in person, but after all, it was just a hurry to escape, he observed the Fireman's I'm afraid time hasn't felt as deep as he experienced.

But now, he saw a unicorn up close, and another one. . More weird woman.

Mike was startled, he had seen Brian sitting opposite, but he could not figure out what was going on, but between his thoughts, he had quickly turned to hide on the side of the bookshelf, and put his hand in his arms, If not, remember that this is a library, I'm afraid he has already pulled out his gun.

But Rao is so. His movements have attracted the attention of many people. Quietness is the main theme of the library. Mike has made a lot of noise during a few hesitations. Not only a few people who are reading at ease are glaring at Mike. In his second year of seniority, even Zasvolchart and others also cast their eyes on inquiries, and also made vigilance.

Brian rolled his eyes indifferently, and then continued to wink at the overreacting guy, "Bah, ah!" He made a strange voice in his mouth.

Mike, who was hiding behind the bookshelf, just leaned out of his head and saw Brian constantly making various funny expressions on himself, squeezing his eyes to one side, and then frowning his brows into a ball, it was bad Did not remove the nose from the face.

Mike had a question mark in his head, and the question mark got bigger and bigger under Brian's queerness. Brian began to whisper in the direction of the opposite Athena and then winked, while the mouth continued to make a whimper.

Mike at the back of the bookshelf finally seemed to realize that he made a gesture to Bryan and motioned to see Athena.

Brian rolled his eyes and felt that he couldn't communicate with Mike at all.

Even Athena, who sat there steadily, couldn't seem to see it anymore. She put down Homer's epic, and the next moment, her voice appeared in Mike's ear. It sounded like someone was talking to his heart, "He meant to let you come."

Mike froze, and immediately realized that the female voice was probably the person in front of Brian. He looked at Brian, and then saw Brian nodded at himself.

Hesitating for a moment, Mike took a deep breath, then carefully leaned against the bookshelf on the other side of the aisle, then avoided Athena and came to Bryan's side, leaned over and whispered in his ear, "We found the prestige Liwanka recently had an unknown flow of funds, which seemed to have been given to another person out of thin air. We tracked this account..."

Brian listened quietly, and waited until Mike had finished speaking, and he thought about it again, and then said, "Watch him, no matter what he wants to do, we have to take the lead and send our people to stand by, In this way, any progress can be made in the first time."

Mike nodded, looked at Athena inadvertently, and left again next to the edge.

After Mike left, Brian knew that Athena should speak out. Sometimes, between the two smart people, there really isn't much communication needed.

"You're still a respected person." Athena said, "It doesn't look like it."

Brian shrugged. "That's right, sometimes I don't feel like it, but you know, the world is different. After all, it's been so long."

"I understand." Athena's tone was faint.

"Our world is facing the threat of a wizard, he should not belong to this world." Brian continued.

"Wizard?" Athena didn't understand the meaning of the word wizard.

So Brian immediately changed the saying, "That's the wizard, magic, do you understand?"

"Witch?" Athena immediately thought keenly about the word witch that Brian had said before, "What is it related to witch."

"In general, it's a guy who can do magic. He is very powerful, so powerful that he is out of control."

"I need your help, you are our last hope."

The topic finally turned to her. Athena looked up and asked Bryan calmly, "Why should I help you?"

"Aren't you a god?"

Brian’s meaning is obvious~www.wuxiaspot.com~mortals worship gods, and gods shelter mortals, then mortals are in trouble, and gods should naturally rescue them.

"The country I sheltered in is gone."

"It's a pity." Brian said, "Well, how can you be willing to shoot." Indeed, Brian can still continue to circle with Athena, but that does not get any real results, and the other party is a Gods, teasing gods is not a fun thing, and Brian is also tired of meaningless arguments.

"The gods will not participate in the war of mortals." Athena pressed her hands to her knees, staring calmly at Brian. The dim light of her eyes seemed to exude a dim light golden luster, and with her golden robe, it seemed that she was the whole person. All dyed a golden color.

"He is not a mortal." Brian said.

"He is not a god." Athena glanced at Brian lightly, as if nothing in the world could touch her again.

"Okay, then." Brian shrugged and spread his hands. "I hope you can say this after seeing him." (To be continued.)

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