High Magic Earth

Chapter 870: source

"Can I understand this as a threat?" Athena put down Homer's epic, crossed her hands, and suddenly looked at Brian.

I have to say that it is very stressful to be watched by a god, even if she is just a young goddess, okay, it just looks young, how old is Athena, which is hard to say.

Fortunately, it wasn't Horus but Athena. Brian didn't need to worry about any secrets in her heart being revealed at a glance.

So Brian shook his head and said with a corner of his mouth, "No, just a piece of advice."

But the Goddess of Wisdom still seemed to see through his careful thoughts, glancing at him lightly, Athena withdrew her eyes and continued to concentrate on the books in her hands.

This brings the surrounding atmosphere back to the original point again.

Brian realizes that Athena is not so good, it is based on a high degree of inequality, supernatural power and magic should obviously be divided with gods, and in this respect, humans now know almost nothing, at least Brian I don't know anything about it.

He didn’t know what Athena cared about, or even her taboo or how to attract interest. Athena was more difficult to deal with than shown in the movie, but not as friendly to humans in the movie.

However, the new power of human beings, the power of science and technology, has been vastly different from the past in two thousand years, but it is not so easy to use these things to arouse Athena’s interest. After all, this is the magical field of gods. It is totally two worlds.

I'm afraid Athena is also ignorant of technology. If you want to be interested, you need to have at least some understanding.

And more importantly, the spirit is always unpredictable, and you cannot imagine what she will do next.

The surroundings seemed to be calm again, but Brian still saw Mike sent Zas to guard in the rear. He kept watching the movements of himself and Athena from time to time, and also paid attention to the fact that Volchart and his party did not cause trouble. To spare some energy to deal with emergencies.

Mike found a very important clue, an important fund of Willie Wangka was transferred, the personal account, the account data person did not know that he had this account, and the person in charge at the time could not recall the person who handled it at the time. The specific look.

There is only one possibility of deja vu, which also means that the chocolate factory in Williwangka really has problems.

But the point is not here, but that the mysterious person has already gone to the chocolate factory. They are one step behind. Fortunately, although the individual who cannot track the account, that is, the mysterious person, can monitor the flow of funds.

Finally pointed to the New York Museum of Nature and History, it is really a magical place.

Even Brian had to admit that there was indeed a good place for supernatural powers, but unfortunately, the clues were broken here. They didn’t know what the mysterious man was going to do, and even Brian couldn’t guess, available. There are too few clues.

They can only send people in advance to stand by.

The magic of the mysterious man, the power of the silver tongue, and even the author of the best-selling book in the Delaware town have no clue about this supernatural power, Brian, and no relevant information has even been collected in fbi.

Originally Brian thought that when he took over this supernatural power event, what SHIELD World Council would follow, the most inconvenient is an X file or something, but sorry, not.

fbi is the last department, and there is really no mechanism for dealing with supernatural forces.

Brian believes that his level is enough, and even if it is really not enough, it should be their debut at this time, otherwise it is better to continue to hide the world after being demolished.

So this piece is a completely unknown field for human beings, and what is placed in front of Brian is a big gift package for human beings who have just come into contact with this field. He needs the help of Athena, and it is best to win the gods to the human side.

In the distance, Zas and others can't help, and the passers-by in the library are busy with their own affairs. Brian feels that Athena's sense of existence is getting weaker and weaker, as if it will suddenly disappear in the next moment. same.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer, otherwise he would have no chance at all until Athena was impatient.

So Brian hates smart people, especially guys who are as smart as him. At first, Brian felt that he must find a very smart one when looking for a girlfriend. Although it is still far better than himself, it is at least better than normal people. Be smarter, otherwise you can't communicate with yourself at all.

But now, he still thinks it's good to find a normal person, otherwise he can't communicate, which is his personal experience.

"Do you know how you came to this world." Brian asked straight away after understanding the situation at the moment.

Athena paused a little, then said, "Summon."

"You know?" This was far beyond Brian's expectations, and even for a time, he doubted that there was a power to let the goddess of wisdom know everything.

But soon, Brian knew he had misunderstood.

Because Athena went on to say, "God came by calling most of the time."

Brian's face finally showed a smile, a long-lost smile, and the smile he most often hung on his face, a kind of winning smile, because he knew that even if it was the goddess of wisdom, she was not omniscient.

"It is indeed you who he summoned." Brian said, "But... it is not just you who summoned. To be precise, he turned the one you recorded in the book into reality, he can turn everything in the story into reality."

"Fantasy man?" Athena's voice floated for the first time, and even the Homer epic in her hand was thrown aside by her a little gaffe.

In a flash, Brian felt a huge amount of pressure, which may be called the divine power, but Brian was more pleased that Athena even knew about the existence of the silver tongue, and it did not sound half-understood.

"Tell me carefully." Athena said.

. . .

Letting the effect of nzt describe a person is really a waste. In three words, Brian told the characteristics of the silver tongue and the whole incident.

At the same time, Athena's voice was confirmed once again, "Fantasy man." She said.

"What is a fantasy man?" Brian asked immediately, pushing the boat down the river. This is also the core question. He came to the library for the purpose of this trip.

Athena looked at Brian with lightly smoky eyes, and said slowly in a slow word order, "When I was not born long ago, there was a huge meteor shower coming from outside the world. "

"They brought it all."

"It's just a few meteorites." Brian said, "It's not a heaven, the technology is now..."

"The gods that do not exist in your mouth all appear in front of you. How stupid do you think that the outer meteorites are just meteorites? You think we don’t know what the outside of the world is. We need to explore the void outside. Thousands of years earlier than your mortals."

"It's not just ordinary meteorites." Athena said, "they are surrounded by colorful bands of light that can't be touched, but they can't affect everything, as if they are floating on the edge of this world."

"My father and some other gods gathered at the place where the meteorite came. In Egypt, they started a long debate. After three years, my father returned to God Realm again."

"He didn't say anything at the time, he didn't tell us anything, and then fifteen years later, my brother saw that Egypt had changed again."

"The rulers of Egypt brought together all the high priests of Egypt. On a pyramid, they held a grand sacrifice, and then used the power of the meteorite to cast a slate."

"It should have been four stone slabs, but the power of the stone slabs was too strong for those mortals to control, so this time only one piece was made, and the remaining three pieces were prepared to be made slowly. For decades and hundreds of years, They don’t seem to care about the long wait."

"The slate contains powerful magic, and it is said that the magic contained in them can fulfill any wish and turn illusion into real reality, but since the slate was created, they never worked."

"My father told me that only certain mortal people can play their true role after they come into contact with the slate. Their descendants and descendants will also have that ability."

"The rulers of Egypt have never forgotten them. Those ignorant mortals seem to blame the stone slabs and blame them on the high priests. When they were executed, the last three stone slabs were also made one by one. "

"But before my memory ended, I didn't find the mortals my father said in the world."

"But now it seems...the slate is finally successful."

The deity is worthy of being a deity. If it did not happen that Volchart had summoned Athena, how could Brian know such a secret? He dare to guarantee that it would not be recorded in history, and the church would not even record it.

But while learning the origin of the silver tongue, more doubts appeared in Brian's mind.

And the most important one is, "Since you have known the power of stone slabs for a long time, why did you let the Egyptian priests make it, it can even... Create God."

"Isn't this a threat to you?" Brian asked.

"You don't understand the gap between mortals and gods at all." Athena said, "And... you really don't know what the outer world looks like."

If Athena said that she didn’t understand magic or gods, perhaps Brian would recognize it, because he did not understand, but if she said she didn’t understand the world and the existence of the universe, then Brian definitely Won't admit it.

Thousands of years ago, human beings could only rely on observations, speculations, and speculations on the world and the universe, but human beings can now fly out of the earth after thousands of years, and take a look in space.

They knew that the land at their feet was called the earth and it was a planet, and there are countless such planets in the universe.

So Brian said that he is not at all true, "I have also said, the sea, the mortals, maybe the mortals in your eyes also personally boarded the sky..."

"This world is false." Athena interrupted Brian directly. "Our world is false. All this is false. We were created."

"How is this possible," Brian retorted subconsciously, "What are you talking about..."

But halfway through, Brian stopped suddenly because he realized, or remembered, that he had discovered this earlier, and Brian sometimes did not speak to people nearby, nor was he talking to himself , But in direct dialogue with you, he has long been aware of changes in the world.

But he just thought it was a parallel world, after all, this theory is not uncommon.

"Who created it?" Brian asked Shen Shen with a curiosity in his heart, "By God?"

"No." Athena shook her head. "After a long exploration of all our gods, we found that this world was created, not a god, but a thing, something, and I don't know what it is."

Brian took a deep breath, paused, and asked again, "Then how do you prove that this world is false, maybe it is just a parallel world, or our world is the main world."

Excited, he even forgot the title.

But Athena didn't care about these little things, but still sat there calmly, asking rhetorically, "Because you didn't find out, our world is disappearing."

. . .

Athena only mentioned that our world is disappearing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then there is no more text, because she knows more about the things that are not so detailed, but for Brian, these are enough for the time being Too.

And more importantly, after this conversation, the relationship between Brian and Athena was greatly drawn, at least not the kind of passerby relationship that was forgotten at a glance.

And when Athena knew she was transformed from illusion to reality by the silver tongue, she also felt a little puzzled about her existence and memory, and she decided to see the silver tongue.

Just when Athena talked to Volchart with few words, Mike found Brian again.

He wisely left these gods and silver tongues behind for a while, and did something he could do, "Here comes the game." He said to Brian.

"I report the situation here to them. Berika attaches great importance to it. After half an hour we can start to board the plane. The situation on the road has been dealt with, and the plane goes directly to New York Airport."

"That's the best," Brian said. "Because I feel that if we continue to stay here, I'm afraid the guys in Germany will have to find it." (To be continued.)

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