High Magic Earth

Chapter 871: slate

Brian glanced at Volchart. He was not worried that the party was blocked in Germany and could not go back. He was even more worried about the genuine **** Athena.

After all, this is Europe, and it is much closer to the old places such as Egypt and Persia than the United States. Brian feels that the chance of Athena staying here is far greater than the land she followed a few people on the other side of the ocean.

At this time, Athena also stood up and stared at Brian, "You are leaving here."

"Yes." Brian nodded. "Are you going with us."

Athena shook her head, Brian was disappointed, but then Athena said, "I will go to your country to take a look, but I will not go with you."

"Help me take care of her." She brought Bryan the staring unicorn. "Maybe I can't take her back now."

Brian showed a malicious threatening smile to the unicorn while Athena was not paying attention, and turned to continue, "Then you plan to..."

Listening to the meaning of Athena, Brian is more worried. The gods are obviously far away from mortals. Perhaps Athena simply does not know how some of her actions will cause a big wave in the human world.

"I've been wondering for a long time about the land of the Serpent God." Athena said. "It's gone."

Athena smiled lightly at Brian, then stepped back slightly, while Brian shouted badly at the same time, it instantly turned into a gorgeous golden light.

The golden light, like a shining arrow, suddenly rose into the sky and rose into the air very quickly. The golden light pulled out a splendid trace in the air, and it looked like a beautiful golden bridge from afar.

But as expected by Brian, the ceiling of the entire library was penetrated by a large hole. The rubble was rolling down the holes in the ceiling from time to time, causing the crowd below to read books in the library. .

"Get out of here!"

"The library is about to collapse!"

"what is that?"

And as expected, the unicorn without Athena's protection was instantly exposed to everyone's eyes. Those who hadn't seen it immediately noticed that there was a unicorn out of thin air.

"This way we can't go," Mike said.

Brian was no nonsense, he took off Mike's coat and covered it with the unicorn's unicorn to cover it, while most of the people's energy was attracted by the golden light and the crumbling library ceiling, Not many people noticed the existence of the unicorn, and he rushed out with the others.

"Hurry up, contact the car! Don't worry about other things." Brian said anxiously to Mike.

Mixed with the crowd, although it is strange why a horse appears in the library, the escaped people have not paid too much attention, and the vehicles that have come to meet are already waiting in front of the library.

Brian had considered the problem of transferring unicorns from the beginning, so there was no problem with loading the unicorn and the pedestrians in the van. The sirens in the distance whistled and got closer, and Brian and others had already Drive away from the library, and farther and farther away from this chaotic place.

Next, they may need to turn around several times before they can leave Germany.

. . .

Although the German security force is very loose, it is still not so easy to transfer a group of people. At least the aircraft cannot be parked directly in the suburbs and then fly out. The security force has not been relaxed to such a degree.

FBI applied a navigation route for a civil aircraft. Because of the sudden occurrence, this route cannot be concealed very well after it is applied, and can only be abandoned.

This method and extension are one-off, specially prepared for such an emergency at this time.

It wasn't until Brian boarded the plane, fastened his seat belt and watched the plane take off, and then took a drink comfortably that his heart finally let go.

"Finally safe." Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

No one asked about Volchat’s wishes, but he must have understood this himself, and he was very cooperative along the way, whether it was because of Meggi or because of fbi itself.

At this moment, Fulchart, his wife, and Farid, Mike and Zas were in the plane, and of course, the unicorn that looked stupid.

Because it is not a real civil aircraft at all, the aircraft where Brian and others are located is not large, but it is more than enough to install these people and an animal, and the interior decoration is also good.

After quieting down, Brian once again had the energy to think about the information and news he had just received.

God, silver tongue, magic, it can be said that this world has completely messed up since the mysterious man appeared. Although the silver tongue also summoned the Capricorn king before, the matter is still within the controllable range.

According to Athena, when the Egyptian sacrifice created four stone slabs, then it means four abilities, or maybe only one, but in any case, the power of the silver tongue must have appeared very early, and the earlier it appeared , More means more than one silver tongue in the world.

Even if it is just a person, the offspring that have been reproduced for countless years are enough to spread all over the world. Of course, it is not a direct line, and this person should not die in the first place.

However, according to the fact that Volchart is a silver tongue, that man successfully continued his blood.

Such a long time, such a large range, there are not many uncontrollable events worldwide, which is enough to show that Silver Tongue has its own way to deal with them.

Of course, the question now is not to discuss which is more important, but how to send the people out of the book into the books again.

First of all, the conditions must be met. The premise of sending the person back in the book needs the book to be summoned. Second, it seems that the silver tongue that needs to be summoned can be sent back.

But the truth of the second article does not need to be considered first, because the first article such as Brian and others are not satisfied.

Because even Volchart doesn't know where the mysterious man came from, and knows all the causes, I'm afraid only Meggie can explain it.

But Brian knew where the book was, and it should have been taken by Farid.

Although I don't understand why Farid still hides it and doesn't take it out, when everything is ready, or when the matter comes to the end, Brian has a way to let him obediently hand it over.

Perhaps Brian, such as a special ability, has no way, but Brian is never afraid of being smarter and more intelligent.

Brian, who was closing his eyes and raising his mind, suddenly opened his eyes and said to Mike, "Where is Stan."

FBI's dedicated aircraft will naturally not restrict communication. They have special encrypted lines and confidential lines that can be directly connected to New York headquarters without obstruction.

Before leaving Germany, Brian asked Mike to contact Stan, and then rushed to New York. With fbi fully activated, I am afraid that Stan will not arrive in New York in a few hours, maybe even more than cloth. Ryan is a faster pedestrian.

"It's almost here," Mike said. "They sent a helicopter to pick him up."

It has to be said that this is due to the fact that Berika is the current director of fbi. With Brian and Berika’s relationship as a partner, she can fully support every decision of Bryan, or even fbi Such efficiency.

Of course, this is also due to Brian's strong record of solving the case when he was a special consultant for fbi.

Brian nodded, similar to what he thought. After he got off the plane, he could see RL Stein. About this best-selling author who could write the novel, Brian was also very curious. If he didn’t Think wrong.

This may be a force completely different from the silver tongue.

Although the end result of both is to turn illusion into reality, one is recitation and one is creation, and their content is obviously very different.

Brian temporarily knew the origin of the silver tongue, but he still knew nothing about other things, and even said that even the gods might not know.

When the four slabs were made, they didn't work immediately. Only the special person came into contact with the special slab, and the strange ability was gradually revealed. That is, no one knew when to start. of.

So why does Fulchat's silver tongue ability change, this is probably no one knows, if you want to clarify these questions, I am afraid you need to ask another silver tongue, and is very experienced silver tongue.

But he may not be able to say anything, but he can rely on experience to give Volchart some advice, at least not let him call out a **** indiscriminately.

Maybe you can send Athena back, after all, it is certainly not only Lucchart who is so lucky, there must be other silver tongues calling out a more terrifying existence in ignorance.

But before solving these problems with the silver tongue, Brian had to send the mysterious man back.

He is not welcome in this world.

"Brian, Brian, are you listening to Brian?" Zaz's voice awakened Brian from contemplation. He quickly used his brain to recall what Zaz had just said, like a slow motion replay.

"There is a situation at the Natural and History Museum. Our agents left behind found that a target of a suspected mysterious person has appeared outside the museum. His identity is the new museum curator, and a little girl is beside him. Meggie, Bryan, Bryan, are you listening to Bryan."

"I'm here." Brian said, "What are we going to do, we can't wait like this."

"What are we doing?" Zaz put his doubtful eyes on Brian. The name of Brian as a special consultant was well-deserved. Zasse is now accustomed to the problem-solving method on Brian, because he has The time is indeed better.

Brian did not answer immediately, his brain was thinking quickly again, there must be a reason why the mysterious man went to the Museum of Nature and History, just like he went to the chocolate factory in Williwangka, not for money, but also because of Williwangka himself .

This guy has to come over, but he is the world’s largest chocolate supplier, and may be in trouble. Unlike the author of the outdated best-selling book, he is not famous except for the money he can’t spend.

Brian didn't know what he had done to collect these people, but these things obviously had something to do with them. How could they be kept out of the situation? His camp had a silver tongue, and at least he could let himself face the supernatural power.

If the mysterious man went to the chocolate factory for Willie Wangka, who is in the Museum of Nature and History? . If there is really a silver tongue lurking inside, how to determine his identity, etc. . museum?

Brian suddenly found that his thinking seemed to fall into a misunderstanding. Perhaps he was not looking for someone, but something.

"What about the information, do you have the information?" Brian said angrily to Zaz.

"What information?" Zas was confused.

"It's the exhibits in the museum. I want the most detailed information about them." Brian shouted, and Zaz quickly found a copy from a large number of documents.

Thousands of sheets of paper Bryan finished most of it in just a few minutes, but still found no suspicious things. While Blaine was anxious, he stopped suddenly and his finger fell on one of the sheets of paper. .

"A stone slab from ancient Egypt, whose origin is unknown, is the burial object of the Pharaoh."

"That's it." Brian said. "That's it." Brian pointed to the picture of the slate and said to Zas, "Let our people take it away immediately. I don't care what method you use, I must rob it before him!"

Zas nodded, knowing that the situation was urgent, and did not stop. As soon as he turned around, he began to give orders through encrypted lines.

Their luck was good. The mysterious guy didn't go to the stone slab as soon as he arrived at the museum, but went to the director's office first, which gave them an inadequate time difference.

Beside him, Brian's thinking had not stopped.

At this time, it shows the benefit of the brain memory can be very clear under the effect of nzt, because while browsing the museum exhibits, Brian has already tuned all the situation and news about the New York Museum of Nature and History, the fact There is no news in the Nature and History Museum.

Except for the most recent one.

"Founding dinosaur footprints on New York Avenue is a prank, also..."

Brian lowered his mouth, maybe he would naively see the news as a hoax or a successful advertising campaign before he knew that the silver tongue was a bad thing, but now, this is obviously an illusion turned into reality Another performance, and this time is to resurrect the things in the museum!

Who will do it, Brian asks himself, deducing who did it from a result, which seems a bit weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in fact, in the eyes of Brian under nzt, clues have been given It's heavy snow. . Heavy snow. . At night, it was snow at night, that is, at night, those things became real, and at night, he remembered. . There will be only one person at the Natural and History Museum at night, and that is the new night guard Larry.

The time when Larry took up the post seemed to be a few days before the dinosaur footprints.

Brian instantly recalled the museum materials he saw, and then concatenated these clues, "Take another person." He grabbed Zass and said, "Take another person. The museum's new night guard Larry ."

In Zaz’s eyes, Brian said, "Tell him all these things. I suspect that he is also a new silver tongue. Whether he is or not, he disagrees. After telling him, he must be Take away by force."

"By the way, let's hurry up the plane and it will be too late. We need Stan's help. I don't think the fbi can stop that guy. If I can't reach Stan, we may only let you help."

Brian's eyes fell on Vrchat. (To be continued.)

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