High Magic Earth

Chapter 872: story

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The crowd on the rooftop has long been dispersed, and in the sound of a propeller rotating, the black helicopter slowly landed on the landing pad at the top of the FBI building.

The fuselage stopped slowly and followed the side door of the cabin. A slightly fat middle-aged man jumped down the door with difficulty.

The two FBIs who had been waiting for the side immediately ushered forward, and in the murmur of why you did not help me down, your helicopter was poorly designed, led him from the rooftop into the building.

Brian, who had been off the plane early for a few minutes to rest and waited in the meeting room, was beside him, as well as the current director of FBI Berika.

Brian hasn't been here for several years. The last time he sat in this room with Berika, it might have been two years ago.

Since retiring, Brian has stopped intervening in the FBI's mission. If it wasn't too much this time, Brian would still stay at home.

Whether it's Berika or Bryan, they have seen the seriousness hidden behind this matter, otherwise the FBI's actions will not be so decisive.

With the full cooperation of all departments, Stan even came to New York at a rate comparable to that of Bryan and others.

Bryan, who was rushing back from Germany for thousands of miles, finally met Stan. This middle-aged man, who was brought in from the roof by the FBI and was still nagging, looked vicious.

"Be careful!" After he was taken into the conference room, he complained to the FBI next to him with a very dissatisfied tone, "Are you all so rude."

Of course, he was only very vicious on the surface. Brian saw clearly that he was essentially a kind person, and he could see through Stan's eyes.

"Mr. Stan." Brian called, "I'm the FBI's special adviser, Brian Finch."

"This is Ms. Berika, this is Mike, and Zaz." He said, and Berika and others nodded at Stan.

"As you can see, I'm Stan." But Stan wasn't that friendly anymore. He said gruffly, and then sat across from these people. "I believe you must be very clear about my name and information. "

"That's true." Brian smiled and didn't care. He continued, "But I believe you must not know their names." He pointed to Vrchat, "This is Vrcht and he 'S wife, and this one... is the famous thief Farid."

"It's the thief of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves. Of course, he hasn't become a thief yet."

Farid smiled a silly smile at Stan, and then continued to curiously survey the surrounding environment. He heard from Volchart that these people had already arrived in another country, but in his opinion, it seemed The environment on both sides is no different.

"Faried." Stan froze for a moment, probably remembering who Brian was referring to. Successful best-selling authors like them. Don't say that I have read countless books. At least I read a lot more than ordinary people.

"So.. you already have a writer." Stan was not stupid, his aggressive eyes swept over Volchart and Lisa unwillingly, "Then you still call What shall I do?"

"Their situation is not the same as yours." Brian smiled. "Vulchat's ability is called the silver tongue. He can turn what he reads into reality, and your ability is to write and write. Something became a reality, I named it... Magic Hand, how are you feeling?"

Stan was stunned. This was different from what he had expected. He originally thought that his special ability had attracted the attention of the country and fbi. Even if there are other people here, it may be another guy who is the same as himself, but not I thought that his ability was so strange.

"Anything you read?" Stan asked in surprise, even forgetting the fierce appearance for a while.

"Anything." Brian replied, "But a story book is needed. At least the condition we know at present is that a story book is needed before he can read the contents of the book."

"Then you don't really need to let me write anything for you anymore. The books in this world already include everything. You can let him read it." Stan sneered, "By the way, your name is bad See through."

Brian shook his head. "It's not that simple." He said, "First of all, what the silver tongue reads cannot be controlled by him. To be precise, it is completely uncontrolled."

"Secondly, there is now an accidentally summoned wizard in New York City, which is hidden in the New York Museum of Nature and History. We can't risk making more uncontrolled creatures." Brian said, "We are more need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes." Brian nodded and looked at Stan. "Your ability is to turn what you write into reality, write anything, and then wipe him out, or grab it back and seal it. Isn’t that what was said in the story, the evil wizard was finally sealed."

"If you haven't read such a story, you can play dungeon and World of Warcraft, believe me, these things will not be outdated."

Realizing that Brian dragged the subject further and further, Berika's eyes twitched slightly, and then stepped Brian under the table fiercely.

"It's just why I want to help you." Stan asked, "This is your business, but you have no right to order me to do anything."

"Of course it is." Brian smiled. "But this premise is that you have no ability to expose yourself. The wizard in New York is not a kind guy. He will cause a big confusion sooner or later, and all eyes will be on. On this matter, and in that case, once you are exposed, do you think you will have any better endings?"

Stan took a deep breath, which was hardly noticeable. The expression of fierceness and impatientness had not changed much. Still, he was not a fool. He could not write a thrilling reasoning novel as one of the world's best-selling authors.

He understood the meaning of Brian's mouth. Even, if things really got to that point, the pressure he faced was much greater than that of Brian's understatement, and even Hannah's safety might not be guaranteed.

Because this power is too powerful, this is an ability that is completely different from their current world and scientific views.

It is precisely because of this that Stan has been hiding from Tibet for so many years, because he understands that once his ability is learned by intentional people, what he is facing is definitely not so easy to compensate for a little construction loss.

Therefore, changing places from time to time, even if a monster ran out occasionally, would be treated as strange talk, and not suspect him.

Still maintaining the same look, Stan stared at Brian, "Well, I want to help you too, but unfortunately, I can't do it."

"Why not." Brian frowned.

"No one has told you, my ability can indeed turn what I wrote into reality, but it is only limited to the monsters inside goose bumps. It must be a true goose bumps story. There are panic and turning points, but absolutely There will be no heroes."

"I can't just pick up the wizard you said, and you might as well go find them." Stan pointed his finger at Volchart and others. "At least these guys read stories, not write stories. of."

Brian and Berika glanced at each other. The two of them did not know the news, not even Zaz, and as a result, the role Stan could play was greatly restricted, but there was still a good The news is that the monster he wrote can be controlled.

Whether it is a silver tongue or a magic hand, as long as an illusory monster is born and becomes the reality, it will not be controlled by their creator, but Brian has keenly thought of another possibility, that is, creating monsters Before, control them.

For example, Volchart can read some friendly creatures or people who appear in the book, and communicate with them, such as Athena before, not the crazy like Capricorn.

As for Stan, it is more controlled. As long as he makes settings in the written books, then the monster will naturally follow his orders after it becomes reality.

However, this restriction that Stan said greatly weakened the role he can play, and now that the time is urgent, Brian and they have no backup plan. To be precise, it is their power that can not pose a threat to the wizard. What plan does not make sense.

"How long can you write a story." Brian asked with curiosity, "It's not a long story, just a few thousand words. The shorter the better, it doesn't even need to look good."

"It needs inspiration." Stan called. "Good stories all need inspiration. Do you think writing a story is as simple as going to the supermarket, otherwise why I am a best-selling author and you only..."

At this moment, an FBI suddenly pushed in and whispered into Berika’s ear. Berika’s brow furrowed instantaneously, and Brian could guess that there was something wrong with the museum without even listening. .

"He found our actions." Berika whispered to Brian. "Our people took Larry and Slate to move separately. He stared at Larry's team and was about to catch up."

"How long can you fight for?" Brian asked immediately.

"Half an hour, or less."

Hearing Berek’s answer, Bryan said directly to Stan, “I need your story to stop the wizard, you only have twenty minutes.”

"This is impossible," Stan said flatly.

"You have to do it." Brian's voice was calm, but there was no doubt. "Think about yourself. Once things are out of control, you will be exposed. What will happen to you?"

"But time is too short." Stan tried to get more time. "I can't do it."

"You don't need to think about the rationality of the plot, the reasonableness of the dialogue, as long as it is a story, you can first write something simple to delay him, and then use longer time to conceive how to deal with him." Brian said methodically, the voice still No anxiety could be heard smoothly.

Stan scratched his head in distress, and his thinning hair became less, leaving less time for Stan, but less time for Brian. "I try." He said.

Brian nodded, and immediately the FBI handed over the computer, paper, and pen to Stan. He wanted to come up with a story within twenty minutes, at least to delay the story of the mysterious man.

Although Stan has always said that it is impossible, he also knows that he must complete this matter, regardless of whether Brian has exaggerated or not, he dare not take this risk, because if there is really an event that cannot be controlled, then it will Attracting more attention, Stan, who was exposed to his vision at that time, will no longer be able to hide.

Writing a story within 20 minutes is an impossible task. Fortunately, Stan was originally the author of a best-selling book. He has many new story ideas in his head, and he can only come up with some at this moment. It should be an emergency.

Time passed by in one minute and one second. People such as Volchart and Brian had already left the conference room, leaving only Stan to beat with the new typewriter, and almost every minute, there was a bad from the front. The news kept coming.

Conventional firearms and weapons are ineffective, comparable to the car’s forward speed, and can emit extremely destructive light, even close to small grenade. Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, I really learned that conventional means cannot intercept him. Brian Still could not help frowning.

Here is New York. They cannot use large-scale weapons, and even if they do, they can only find one with the flexibility of the other party.

And the most important thing is that this is just a wizard, which has caused such great damage to the world. If people like Silver Tongue or Stan summoned something more powerful, humans have no resistance at all.

"I hope it's not a protagonist next time." Brian rolled his eyes. "To reiterate, I hate the protagonist."

Unfortunately, I don't know where Athena is at this time. If Athena shoots, I believe the situation in New York will soon be brought under control.

Of course, the impact can't be overshadowed.

As time elapsed, minutes and seconds passed, Stan in the meeting room suddenly stopped beating, and then under the watch of Brian and others, came out with a stack of paper with ink on.

"I have written it." He said, "According to your request, if the monster really appears, it should appear directly in your staff's car, and extremely hate the wizard."

"Very good." Brian said, "You are doing very well, and good news is expected to come soon."

"How is the new story conceived."

It’s only a momentary delay for each other now~www.wuxiaspot.com~Brian and Stan knew it well. The next story is the key to deal with him. Originally Brian thought that Stan needed a long time to conceive, but did not expect He said happily, "I already have an idea. Looking outside, it will be dark. After dark, I will..."

It is a writer of a best-selling book. After referring to his new story, he will still simply love and be happy, but now is not a good time to discuss this, Brian waved his hand to interrupt him, and then said, "You still go back to continue Think about it, I have to wait for the good news."

Stan glared at him, then returned to the meeting room again.

Brian nodded vigorously at Berika, who was in charge of the overall situation, and then took a deep breath. "I hope the monster you created can surprise me, Stan." He said to himself.

"Of course, it is best to give the mysterious man a big surprise." (To be continued.)

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