High Magic Earth

Chapter 873: Larry

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And Yi Chao, who has been following the black suv, is not expected. In the FBI building not far from him, there is a nzt user who can't stop the medicine, which is full of horsepower and aimed at himself. 【Love ↑Go △Small ↓Say △Web WwW.AiQu】

Although it's strange why Larry slipped so fast, after all, New York is the chassis of the FBI, and he was still stuck in the car by Yi Biao, right?


There was another violent explosion. A cable next to the black suv fell down and smashed hard in front of the suv. A large piece of gravel and current gathered together to form a second explosion, which made this narrow The gray pollution of the trail.

There are traces of fire and fire everywhere, but this suv that was driven into the alley by Yi Huo finally stopped completely because the front road was blocked.

It stopped at a sharp turn in front of the fallen street lights, the front side of the car was facing Yi Chou, and there was silence in the car, as if some kind of counterattack was brewing.

If there is no accident, Larry should be in this car. Yi Chou has already missed it once, and this time it should not be wrong.

The reason is simple, because all the suvs used to cover Larry have been killed.

The ghost knows who came up with the idea. Those different suvs not only sit in avatars that look very similar to Larry, or avatars that are very similar after makeup, but they also have Larry blood on their body, although a very small amount , But still enough to affect the result of magic, and each person also took a Larry dress.

It can be said that they are fully prepared. Since they don't know where the magic of Yihuo will start, then be prepared for all situations.

There are really talents in the FBI, who can think of such ideas in such a short time.

The Mirror did find Larry, but there was a slight distance from the real target. Blood scent and appearance all affected the result of Mirror Magic.

The magic mirror is indeed very talented in finding people. For example, you can ask who is the most beautiful in the world. Of course, you can also find a specific person like Yi Chao.

But obviously the latter is less accurate than the former, the most beautiful in the world, and an unknown person, the accuracy of the results of their positioning is naturally self-evident.

And the magic mirror spell in Yihou's hands is not the original magic spell.

Just like the sleeping spells, the so-called original spells are not known, but because of their very good effects, Oz has given birth to many similar spells.

Just like the creative energy that Yi Xiao placed in a small bottle before, it is a combination of deformability and vitality. Pour it into the carrier of the mirror, and then use energy magic to directly create the magic mirror, which can be successfully manufactured. Come out with a false magic mirror that can be used to find people. 【Love ↑Go △Small ↓Say △Web WwW.AiQu】

Of course, don't think that there will be a magic mirror elf or something, that involves other magic.

All in all, Yi Shou’s first lock on the New York Bridge’s suv was not Larry’s, but a **** Larry’s blood on his wrist, and he wore his work clothes fbi, fbi makeup technology is superb, within ten minutes, just On the surface, it looks very similar to Larry. At least except for the details, there is no difference through the mirror.

Following the guidance of the magic mirror, Yi Xuan looked one by one, but Larry's luck was very good. Until this last suv was left, Yi Xiao didn't block him in this path.

Yi Xiao took Meggie to stand on the dilapidated high-rise rooftops on both sides of the narrow alleys. After a morning of chasing, the sky was slightly gloomy at this time, and the time was about two o'clock in the afternoon.

In New York in winter, the sky is extremely gloomy. These FBIs do not seem to have the meaning of running away. They are just blindly taking the circle, or they will have left New York this morning, but they are still wandering around the city.

This is obviously planned and planned, and the damage caused by the city must be much larger than that of the suburbs, otherwise the FBI must have ran out with Yi bust.

But Yi Xiao doesn't care about this. He just needs to find Larry and Slate, and then he won't be entangled with the FBI. After all, the plan is to be carried out step by step. These ordinary humans can't stop Yi Xiao.

The gloomy sky floated above Yi Chou's head. I don't know when, a small cloud has gathered.

Meggie's face has an unstoppable horror. Although Yi Xuan wraps her in flight along the way, but it is fbi and shootout, it still makes the girl who used to roam Europe almost the first half of her life.

She didn't know why things suddenly evolved like this, or how they would become in the future.

Reinforcing the defense spell for Meggie, Yi Xiao raised his eyes slightly, and stood on the tall building in New York last time to see when the gloomy sky was coming, or when Ma Men appeared in the world.

But now he is completely different from that time, and even the morning chase did not consume much of his magic power.

The suvs in the rooms of the two dilapidated buildings were still still. They seemed to have completely turned off. Yi Chou grabbed Meggie and then took her to jump gently.

At the next moment, the air in front of the black suv suddenly showed a twist, and the figure of Yi Chou instantly appeared in front of the vehicle.

There are still a lot of people living in the two dilapidated buildings. At least Yi Chou can feel that there are a few pairs of eyes looking at themselves through the cloudy glass and behind the curtains. Even after they suddenly appeared, they can be heard depressed. Exclamation.

But inside the car was quiet, the black windshield covered the situation inside, but Yi Chou could still feel the breath of Larry.

Unfortunately, Magic Mirror can only find Lai Rui. For the stone slabs, Yi Chou has not many quick tracking methods.

However, finding Lai Rui is equivalent to finding a slate. Yi Xiao is not sure how they found Lai Rui, but he wants to take a slate that is no different from the other items in the museum. The secret Larry can do it.

So the slate should be on Larry, and he should bring it. Of course, if the slate is really taken away by the FBI, Yi Chou can also find it through Larry.

Magic can even happen out of nothing, not to mention finding a stone slab under the existing clues.

The black suv is still intact. It looks like it is evading in time, and it has not been affected by the splashed gravel. It just left a long clear brake mark on the ground. The figure behind the glass shakes, but Yi Biao cannot see clearly.

He can use spells to change his eyes, but Yi Chou did not do this because what he needs to do now is defense.


At the next moment, the doors on both sides of the suv were suddenly opened, and the two doors on the left and the three doors on the right were used as cover. Through the cover of the doors, they began to be involved in Yi Chou.

"Bang! Bang Bang Bang!"

Obviously, the weapons worn by FIB are much better than those of the New York Police Department who forced the police. Not only do they have more bullets, but they also have a lot of power.

Unfortunately, such a small-scale burst, still can not threaten Yi Choufen.

Yi Xiao slightly threw his right hand on the stage, an invisible magic force condensed in front of him. Under Meggie’s frightened eyes, the bullets that were ejected from the muzzle seemed to be blocked by something. The bullet to the side was also stopped by Yi Chou, so as not to spatter on the wall to form a stray bullet.

"Damn!" the FBI at the front of the right side scolded, but still did not stop shooting.

"I am now saying that it is a little late to take hostages." Yi Chou looked calm, but he did not hesitate.

The bullets were blocked by Yi Chou in the air. Although the gunshots sounded in this narrow alley for a while, they did not turn into smoke, and even the surrounding iron fences and trash cans were not damaged much.

The bullets seemed to be absorbed silently, and the jingle fell to Yi Chou. As the footsteps of Yi Chou continued to advance, the distance that the bullets could fly became shorter and shorter.

The three FBIs also seem to realize that pistols cannot pose a threat to Yihuo, but they seem to have no other weapons besides pistols in their hands. . Because of their own, the three guys looked at each other, and then put down the guns in their hands and wanted to go straight to the bustle.

Although Yi Biao's magic is a little weird, they still think that three-to-one may still have an advantage.

"I'm really hostage in my hand." Yi Chou didn't forget to remind this time, but they ignored it.

It's a pity that Yi Chou didn't give them a chance to do anything. At the moment they just left the place, the originally opened door was slammed back, and the huge collision force directly fanned them to the ground, and then fainted. past.

"It's one more thing." Yi Huo whispered, then quickly walked to the black SUV.

Many eyes pierced through the windows on both sides, because they heard gunshots, but did not expect the sound of stray bullets splashing on the gravel, nor screaming.

"Look, those bullets seem to be in the air."

"What's the matter, is it a special function?"

Wandering whispers whispered around him, but he was still heard by Yi Chou's magic. The people upstairs didn't see it, they could only vaguely see the bullet stopped by Yi Chou in the air, and then As soon as he waved his hand, the door slammed the three men to the ground.

But in the surrounding discussion, Yi Chou has quickly come to the black SUV.


Pulling the door fiercely, I saw Larry hiding in the car with fear.

"Hi boss, what a coincidence." He said flatly.

Yi Xiao pulled him off the car with a rope made of magic. He took a closer look at his face. There were no traces of makeup and disguise. He was a genuine Larry.

Yi Xiao noticed that there was still a bandage on his wrist. Although the bandage was very clever, he still oozed blood. It seems that this is the reason for the fake blood on the fakes. Although the FBI hemostasis is professional, but After the suv's crazy escape, the wound still broke open.

The good news is that Lai Rui has finally been found, but the bad news is that Yi Chou did not see the slate on Lai Rui, and even there was no trace of the slate in the car.

"What about the slate." Yi Xuan asked as he looked at Lai Rui, with a hint of magical power in his voice.

"It... was taken away by the FBI, and we went separately." Larry hesitated, and in a trance, he said all the news he knew.

"How did the FBI find you." Yi Ao found out that Larry had no resistance and asked directly.

"They didn't find me, they found the slate first, and then they took me away." Larry's expression was a little trance, and his voice was erratic.

In Meggie's wide-eyed eyes, Yi Xuan frowned, and the FBI noticed the slate before him, which was a strange thing.

You should know that although the slate can revive the things in the museum, this news has been hidden very well. To be precise, because of the relationship required by the plot, no one will find it.

How did the FBI know about this matter? It is impossible for them to know the plot of the wonderful night of the museum in advance, so the only possibility is that the plot is broken.

Whether it is Yihuo, or other plots themselves, there may be variables, but where will this variable come from? .

When Yi Biao didn't want to understand, he suddenly heard the sharp roar of the car from far away, and the hearing under the magic was much sharper than normal. The distance was about a few hundred meters apart, but to the roar The car that came was not enough.

Even before Meggie hadn't responded, the narrow alley was blocked by cars full of front and back.


A beautiful flick of the black SUV rushing to the front, pulled out a long brake line on the ground, and then stopped at the entrance of the alley. After it, several identical cars stopped one after another, all directions. Block completely.


Even the sound of helicopters appeared in the sky. Yi Chou raised his head slightly and saw a helicopter hovering between the two buildings.

The guys in the building who watched the bustle had shrunk back, even in New York, such a big scene was rare, maybe the other side had already started to clean up the scene, Yi Biao found that their environment at this time should be in **** No wonder the kitchen is so worn all around.

In the world where superheroes are prevalent, several superheroes were born in Hell's Kitchen in New York, but unfortunately there is nothing here, only a battle of magic and technology that is about to begin.

The door was opened, and a man in a black suit came down from the front of the suv. They looked like the FBI guys. They were basically all dressed up, even the models.

Many people also got off the other cars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They hid behind the door of the car in an orderly way, or found the right shooting point, and then took out their guns and pointed them at the alley.

And more importantly, only the first few people are the FBI. Almost all the others behind are fully armed special police and riot police. They are wearing uniform black combat uniforms, and the firearms in their hands have changed from small pistols to small ones. Long rifle.

The movements of these guys are very professional, and the bunkers they look for are much more ingenious than the doors, and even Yihou feels a trace of pressure, because he is not sure how long he can stand under so much fire.

This may be that New York has been able to mobilize the maximum operational force. If it continues, it may be the army.

"The people inside listen." The FBI who first came down stood firm, and then began to shout into the deep alley where Yi Chou was, "Release the people in your hands immediately!"

Yi Biao's mouth twitched slightly, and as soon as he was about to say something to respond to him, he heard him suddenly yell again.

"Fire!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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