High Magic Earth

Chapter 894: Make

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There are no strangers in the hotel, but because of the unsettled last night, the passenger traffic is obviously much less than that when Yi Chou checked in. The rest are not only panicking, but also mostly hiding in their rooms. .

Carrying two breakfasts indifferently, Yi Chou returned to his room.


Opening the door gently, Yi Biao ignores Larry who is standing like a petrified place, puts breakfast on the table, then greets Meggie to come and eat, and then frowns, looking at the ground and asking, "What are you doing."

"No... nothing." Lai Rui laughed, and then turned the salt bag beside him silently and put it back, leaving a small pile of salt on the ground, seemingly intending to draw a circle or break any irregular arrangement. With.

But obviously, it is of no use.

Yi Biao knew at a glance what he wanted to do, but it was rather strange, where did Larry find a large bag of salt.

With Lai Rui, an uncooperative guy, Yi Biao will naturally not leave the two in the hotel without any precautions. Meggie may not make useless attempts, but Lai Rui may be.

This large pile of table salt on the ground is his masterpiece.

Yi Xiao has reserved a magic array in the room that can be psychedelic. The waiter who enters the room can't really enter the room at all. They will only turn around in the doorway and see themselves left by Yi Xuan. Illusion silhouette.

Similarly, Larry and Meggie cannot leave here, communicate with the outside world, or touch people outside.

Presumably Larry wanted to get rid of Yi Chou’s magic. He also knew that table salt could be used to exorcise evil, but unfortunately Yi Chou was not a real demon.

"This thing is useless to me." Yi Huo said, "Don't waste your energy, it's better to sit down and have breakfast. With the energy, I can help me next."

"What's busy?" Larry asked quickly.

"Let’s eat first."

Larry's meal was a bit boring, not only because of the prisoners in the ranks, but also because Yi Chou had finished eating outside long ago, and was bored, staring at the two to eat, making Larry unable to swallow.

Meggie had become accustomed to it, after all, Yi Biao could kidnap her more often.

But she is also very curious. At that time, Yi How can let her show her ability. Yi Chou is not at ease with herself. Meggie's heart is completely clear, but he has not found a person with special power to let the other person show himself. Ability.

Meggie suspected that he was performing a magic ritual, so he would use himself sooner or later.

But how did he replay his heart and prevent him from reading him in the meeting book? Yi Chou is a very careful and suspicious person. Meggie had already realized this.

Forget it, don't think about it, Meggie focused her attention on the food in front of her. Soon, not much of the breakfast for two was wiped out by them.

Although Yi Biao found a hotel to tuck the two in, they did not live well, especially Larry, who had no food and no water, not even people who could communicate.

Because Meggie was unable to speak, and more importantly, Yi Biao cut off the signal here, so that Larry could not contact his son. It was too early in the morning. He still did not go back, and he could not send his children to school.

This breakfast was hurriedly swallowed by Larry indifferently, and even tasted nothing.

But Yi Chou obviously didn't mind this. After seeing Larry eating, he waved his hands and the garbage on the table disappeared immediately.

"It's your turn, Larry." He said.

But Larry was confused, "I?" He spread his hands, "What can I do."

He also wore last night's night guard uniform. The blue guard uniform was a little sloppy on him. No wonder Meggie didn't like him very much. Even if Volchart had been running around for many years, he still maintained a decent and Neat clothes, and Larry, is clearly a failed wage earner.

This world is actually about face value, especially for a young girl like Meggie. Without the brutal threat of death, people who look handsome at first glance are more likely to get their favor and favor.

In fact, Meggie feels good about Yi Huo, if not he always coldly threatens her with his own voice and the life of his parents.

"Do this."

Yi Chou waved to the floor, and the shadow came out from under the shadow of the desktop again. As long as the shadow is there, the shadow can be quickly reached. This is the magic of Fantasy Island. Except for the targeted space magic, there are very few Things can block and trace the existence of shadows.

He grabbed the magic slate from the shadow of his stomach, and placed Jin Cancan's slate in front of Larry.

Yi Chou made a please gesture to the flagstone.

"What to do?" Larry still had an expression of aggression, but after seeing Yi Chou's face getting more and more impatient, it seemed that he would soon become soaring, he quickly added, "I need something to resurrect." He Waving his hands.

"Never let me..." Larry stuttered and pointed to the table under the slab. "...resurrect this table." It took a long time for a full sentence to be suffocated.

Yi Huo froze for a moment, then nodded, but he forgot this. He got the magic slate and wanted to mass-produce the little yellow man, but now he forgot to give Larry little yellow man, only give him a piece Board, there is no way to change anything.

The slate's ability seems to be worse than the silver tongue and the other two, because it cannot be created out of thin air, and is limited to shaped objects.

But it’s not necessary to think about it carefully. The first three abilities seem to follow certain rules or pay a price. For example, the silver tongue, when it reads people, it will also enter the book in exchange for people nearby. .

Willie Wonka’s ability is very simple, and Yi Chou doubts that it can only show what he desires the most in his heart. To be precise, he cannot even deny his dream, because Willie Wonka can only use it to make chocolate.

The silver hand's ability is relatively easy to control, but the story written needs to follow some unique rules, otherwise the story cannot become true.

Seriously, besides the silver tongue, the other two are not as useful as Yi Mang's Transfiguration Curse. So far he has written a house full of dragon treasures.

But gold coins and jewels are the most useless for Yi Chao.

There is no magic item in the unlucky dragon collection in the story. Yi Chou immediately wrote this stupid dragon in the story.

Of course, none of these abilities are easy to use. Their rules are not yet clear. There is no upper limit on what they can limit.

For example, can Yi Chou really use the silver tongue and his own story to create a story again, or even directly write out the power of God. When these problems are understood, their abilities will definitely be improved.

but. . The power of the magic slate is not the same as the first three.

Its ability has certain limitations, but the effect is also very significant. As long as you are a shaped object, it can certainly give it life, of course, not necessarily intelligent life.

Those incomplete statues, and even the resurrection stone statues on Easter Island can be resurrected. Larry said that he resurrected a table, but it was really not a problem.

Of course, when these things are resurrected, they do not necessarily have wisdom. They may just move and act on instinct. Even the concept of wisdom does not exist.

Moreover, the statues can be made indefinitely. After they are given life, in the end, if they distinguish who is the real one, whether the memory is shared, and where does the memory before the resurrection come from, these are all questions, and even Yi Huo is unclear.

Only after the role of the slate is really played, he can slowly study it out.

So compared to the first three, the slate's ability is still very impressive. At least as long as it is a shaped object, it can give life without too many limitations and costs.

Can be mastered faster and achieve faster results than other forces.

After understanding the meaning of Larry, Yi nodded clearly, and then quickly groped out a small yellow doll with the size of a palm from his arms.

This was handy when he was at a stall in the shopping mall. In order to prepare for this moment, Yi Chou did not intend to use the Transfiguration Curse. Who knows whether there will be any accidents.

Of course, Yi Xiao took not only this doll, but also many others, such as Iron Man, but he also gave money, a bag of gold coins from the Dragon Treasure.

The treasure in the story that accompanied the big storm and Yi Biao finally succeeded not long ago, because Yi Biao did not set a background at all. The ghost knows what fictional country these gold coins come from, but they are all pure gold, It's definitely no problem to exchange it for money, how to deal with it is the problem of the doll boss.

But this thing appeared to be uncoordinated in Yi Xiao's hands. A man who was entangled with magic all day, either coldly never talked or suddenly became full of expression like a schizophrenic guy, and then pulled out a doll from his arms, You can imagine what kind of situation this is.

For example, Meggie, her eyes widened, and it seemed to be full of writing. You actually like the expression of the despicable cartoon produced by me around the world.

Then she endured it for a long time and couldn't hold it back. She laughed out of the face.

Yi Biao casually glanced at the little guy, instead of focusing on her body, but handed the little yellow man doll to Larry, and then said to him, "Now you have something, that is it, you want Resurrect it."

Larry took the doll and looked at it curiously in his hands, before repeating with some uncertainty, "A doll, are you sure?"

Seeing Yi Biao's eyes glared over, he quickly continued, "No... I mean, I can resurrect the doll? I have never resurrected the doll, and I don't know if I can succeed."

"This is why I am the museum curator, and you are still a night guard." Yi Huo said coldly, "It's not surprising that you can't think of it, just follow the instructions."

"Magic slate can give life to almost any object, not to mention a doll, even if you make a statue of a god, it can give it life."

Yi Xuan sneered and said, but at the moment when his voice just fell, he suddenly felt a peep again, just like he was at the entrance of the gate.

He remembers the kind of peeping before, and this time it will not go wrong. The magic items engraved on all parts of the body and carried around him quietly spread out, looking for this potential peeper, but unfortunately, Still the same as last time, got nothing.

What is it. . Yi Xiao put his doubts at the bottom of his heart. Because of the existence of people like Silver Tongue and Stan, this world is no longer as harmless as the surface.

Even if Yi Xiao kills a silver tongue, more silver tongues will appear. If this ability is not controlled, the consequences are too terrible. Yi Xuan even suspects that they have the ability to penetrate between different worlds. A tunnel.

But how to solve this, Yi Chou has no good way. Unless the world is destroyed, the existence of silver tongue and other creators will always be the specialty of this world.

Even if it is to destroy the world, I am afraid it is not so easy. The ghost knows how many silver tongues there are.

Yi Chou didn't want to have a big fight inside before he saw God, and then everyone changed their attitudes to see God.

Fortunately, since the silver tongue is a specialty of this world, then the world obviously has its own ability to adjust, otherwise why has the silver tongue never caused any trouble for so many years.

Of course, Larry, who is sitting opposite the Yi psychology, obviously would not know.

He only knows that he was annoyed by the sarcasm of Yi Huo, but there was nothing he could do. Larry could not turn his face, because he could not beat Yi Huo, if he could, he would have escaped from here long ago, and would stay Come down and get angry.

But Larry obviously still has a way to fight back against Yi Chou, because the next moment, Larry said to Yi Chou with a hint of gloating, "I understand, but it still doesn't work."

Before waiting for Yi Biao’s gaze to come over, Larry explained leisurely, "Only the things in the museum can be resurrected at night, and the slate can only function at night. Now even if you want me to resurrect it, I am afraid I will do the same. Not."

Yi Xiao frowned, and he remembered the problem, and he knew more than Larry. The slate not only works at night, but also needs the moonlight to shine.

Moonlight will replenish his energy. If the moonlight is not in contact for a long time, the magic on the slate will fade.

This is a very magical principle. Whether it is technology or magic, the moon is only a star like the earth, but after the moon appears, the magnetic field or other physical quantities will change a little. So the moon has an impact on slate, there may be a reason.

From the magic point of view, the moon is also the same. Moonlight has a unique magic power. Although the moon is essentially the same as the earth, this kind of moon magic does exist. It is not surprising that there is magic on the earth. Then the moon It is not surprising that there is magic.

The slate needs the moon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not a problem, just give it the magic of the moon, but the other three slates are worried about. According to Brian’s memory, these things were made during the period of ancient Egypt of.

Ghosts know how long they have been buried in the ground. If they can't reach the moon, they might lose their magic soon.

You have to know that this stone slab in Yi Chou's hands will encounter this situation in the near future, and Yi Chou did not know which one was made of this stone slab, if it is the first one, but if it is the last One piece, each stone slab is almost 100 years apart, so the other stone slabs have long lost their magic power.

With a frown, Yi Lao stood up under the fearful gaze of Larry, and then said, "Then wait until the evening, I still have things to do, you continue to stay here."

There are indeed a lot of things in Yi Chao, especially after thinking of this problem. (To be continued.)

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