High Magic Earth

Chapter 895: Go side by side

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Yi Chou's room was covered with curtains, but the magic light used to illuminate was still shining inside.

If you can open the door of his room, you will find that the ordinary room inside this hotel has become a dreamlike existence.

Dozens of little yellow men were sweating and tied red ropes on their foreheads, then biting their pens and struggling to write a book, countless typewriters floated in mid-air, and no one could automatically press the button and hit one. Text with ink.

The long manuscripts slowly spit out from the typewriter with a curved and graceful curvature, they hung down to the ground, and then slowly rolled into a pile, and soon a busy house elf came over and began to cut and organize.

The house-elves kept snapping their fingers and using their own magic to organize the messy manuscripts in the room into a book, and then handed it to Yi Chou sitting in the center of the room.

Here, Yi Huo reviewed the manuscripts and stories written by the little yellow people.

After thinking about the whereabouts of the three magic slabs, Yi Chou pushed most things to the back.

As he said to Brian, Yi Chou wanted to summon the magic lamp to get through the sub-world coordinates left over by Dornting when he first fled, and finally to resurrect Vandal Savage.

But these things are not as important as the three slabs. The most urgent task of Yi Chou is to use the power of the silver hand and the silver heart to show the slate.

To be precise, this has nothing to do with the power of the Silver Heart, because Yi Chou didn't find it useful at all, and relied on the Silver Hand.

Just want to make the story true, not only need to follow certain rules, but also need to be reasonable.

If three pieces of stone slabs can be gathered together and appear in front of Yi Chou, it is a difficult problem.

So because of this, Yi Chou once again fell into the realm of some crazy codewords, but this time it was not that he was fighting alone, and he pulled the idle little yellow man who was idle on Dream Island.

The little yellow people possess no less wisdom than their masters. It can even be said that the stronger the masters they recognize, the higher their intelligence.

Yi Xiao can write things, and they can do it. Of course, the story is still very lacking.

But Yi Biao didn't intend to use it directly, he just borrowed the good stories from it and wrote it again.

It's a pity that in the morning, dozens of stories have been overturned by him. Either it doesn't look logical, or it can't be realized when written, and there is no progress at all.

"Go for lunch." Looking at the little yellow men and house elves who had been tired all morning, Yi Biao sighed and said to them.

This group of guys is suddenly coming to amnesty. If it’s not Yi Huo, it’s probably next to them. I’m afraid they can’t help but cheer. The house elves are better. After all, they are usually diligent and accustomed to it. Today is still a mind-boggling thing, they can be exhausted all morning.

Almost smoky, they instantly ran into a shadow in the corner and disappeared into the room.

The typewriter that ticked away and stopped constantly stopped, and no one wrote the manuscript. These typewriters would naturally not work on their own. Even if there is a magic quill, you can write non-stop, but that is to know what the master wants to write. Write things out.

Feather pen with own thought is called Horcrux.

Yi Xiao couldn't help but sigh again. If there is the ability of the silver tongue, this morning will not return without success.

The silver tongue can read the contents of the book directly, regardless of the logic of the story, and there is no need to observe any rules. Perhaps some things that are too powerful cannot be read by the silver tongue, but Yi Chou suspects that this limit is very small.

Because even Volchart can read things that he can't control at all, he, a wizard who is much stronger than him, obviously has a higher advantage.

just. . Silver tongue's power is on Meggie, and she seems to be the only one who can read herself back.

Only she has read the book, although it is incomplete, but at least knows the content when she summoned herself, she can continue to complete the book according to the content, and then send herself back.

The silver tongue can sometimes be a guest writer, but it needs to be contextual.

So for this reason, Yi Biao has never wanted to take risks, any risks. . I don’t want to risk it. It’s because the power of this world is too important and numerous.

But now it seems that the fastest way to find the Qi slate seems to be only the power of Meggie's silver tongue, and silver tongue is also related to Yi Chao's more important idea about magic.

Yi Xiao frowned, and the old wand appeared silently in his hand, shaking slightly twice, and all the messy floating typewriters in the room were all lowered. The wand shook again, and the room was instantly refreshed and useless. The stuff was cleared, and the messy manuscripts were put back in place.

Opening the curtain, Yi Chou instantly saw a farce in the garden not far below the hotel.

A young couple was singing and dancing all the way through the garden. Their cheerful singing and dancing seemed very contagious. Everywhere they went, everyone shook, then hummed gently, and quickly, This romantic dance is everywhere.

Within a few minutes, the dance occupies the park, making everyone jump with it, and the singing of joy grows louder, whether it is a pedestrian on the way to work, or a vendor selling balloons and ice cream in the park, or even It was the guards who kept the park going.

This song even reached the floor where Yi Chou was.

Yi Xuan was stunned for a moment, and he drew the curtains with a dull face. "It's crazy." He said, Yi Xuan felt that there must be a problem with his opening method.

Otherwise, something is wrong with this world, he also deliberately looked at it, neither of them looks like Indians.

It was the woman among them. . Seems familiar, it seems that I have seen it not long ago.

After closing the curtains, Yi Chou played a soundproof magic for the room, ignoring the crazy world outside, he decided to take advantage of the power of the silver tongue first during the day time, and then, at this time, I would not take some risks. No way.

Opening the door, Yi Biao immediately saw two bored Lai Rui and Meggie leaning on the sofa and watching TV.

When they heard the door open, the two turned around, and Larry showed a pleased smile, and then asked, "Boss, are you going to have lunch?"

But the answer to him was a beam of light directed at Meggie, accompanied by a low murmur.

"The soul is out of my mind."

. . .

Robert also felt that he was crazy, because he had not encountered such crazy things in his entire life. There were two huge explosions in New York last night, and there was a spherical lightning around the Statue of Liberty.

Both explosions were fortunately far away from him, so this was nothing to Robert.

But importantly, he picked up a woman last night.

That's right, just found it.

A crazy woman, he suspects that this woman is a lunatic. She not only thinks she is Giselle, Princess of the Kingdom of Andalusia, but also thinks that she was tricked by the evil witch to find her prince.

Her behavior is also exaggerated and absurd like the princesses in cartoon animation.

But she failed to notice that her style is not the same as cartoon characters.

Robert at first thought she might be mischievous, and then she thought she was a lunatic. Anyway, she could think of all the problems he could think of. He must have no idea what fairy tale world this woman came from, but his little daughter believed.

Finally, I didn't know what to think, but Robert let this unknown woman stay.

And her name really seems to be Giselle.

Robert originally planned to keep her for only one night, but unfortunately it was only after this night that she caused him ridiculous trouble in the morning.

This guy doesn't know what abilities, he can attract animals, no. . It is better to use the word biological.

Not only mice and pigeons, but also cockroaches crawled into his house in groups to brush dishes for him. Oh my god, you must be kidding. Is this group of things from the sewers sure to take a bath?

Immediately after seeing the curtains, Giselle made a skirt for herself. It was nothing. Just a bunch of curtains. Robert felt that he could still afford it, but the bigger misunderstanding was that Giselle slipped out of the bathroom and fluttered. For a moment in himself, his ex-wife opened the door and came in.

Robert never felt that he was suitable as an actor, but now he feels that he is born to be an actor.

Because his life is like a farce.

Is there anything more coincident than this, Robert does not believe in magic, fairy tale world lies, but at this moment, he really feels that there is some kind of magic manipulating himself, which promotes all this.

Because his situation at this time looks exactly like a scene that should appear frequently in the movie.

Is this destiny? Sure enough, life is more dramatic than movies.

The next thing was even worse. After explaining hopelessness with her ex-wife, Robert came to the company and Giselle didn’t know how to even follow her. She soon messed up things here. Robert really suspected that she was How did it grow so big.

He took Giselle to the park downstairs, but did not know whether she really possessed magic or any special functions or something. Her singing and dancing were very contagious, even able to infect everyone around her. And she cheerfully vented her inner mood.

The small vendors in the park, sketching students, old chess players, sewer workers, all jumped with her. This scene was so absurd to Robert.

But he had to admit that the singing seemed really contagious, and even he wanted to join the crowd, venting his heart happily together.

Oh. . It really became a mess.

Robert has never felt that life is so bad, but he seems to feel that all of this is developing on the positive side.

Uh, wait, who is that guy who came from a distance and wore a funny drama royal dress, how could he look cheerful on his face, and seemed to know Giselle.

. . .

Mike stood in front of the dressing mirror and licked the corner of his mouth. When he heard the news of Brian’s disappearance, he just rushed to the New York headquarters. He had no time to pass the information. He hurried over without stopping.

The staff of the FBI also suffered heavy losses, especially the high-level command staff. There were few left behind in New York. Now Brian is missing and Zaz is frozen in the suburbs by the guy. Although he has sent medical staff to ambulance, I am afraid for a while Can't come back in half a meeting.

I am probably the only one who is most familiar with the situation here, oh. . And Ike, Mike glanced at the guy who didn't have any shape.

He was just like himself. He was Brian's supervisor and bodyguard. When he was protecting nzt, he was also shot to save himself, and finally caught Brian's sister.

So he stayed in a city near New York, and he was sent to another country.

I definitely did not jealous because of this matter, Mike told himself.

But the most urgent task now is to find Brian. Seriously, all of these people are added together, and Brian is not alone.

"Do you see anything." Ike asked next to him. Mike had been staring at the mirror for five minutes. He had been impatient for a long time. "Let's smash this mirror," he suggested. .

Mike shook his head. "This may be the only entrance for Brian's return. He has determined that it disappeared here."

"This?" Ike pointed to the mirror, his face incredulous and unbelievable.

"I know it's hard to believe, but believe me, you will get used to it after spending more time here," Mike said to him.

Ike had just arrived from other cities. He was closest, and he had fewer things in his hands, and handled them faster.

"Well, in fact, I have believed most of it already, you won't lie to me, and..." Ike pointed to the head of the Statue of Liberty outside. "That thing is still hanging there, I don't want to believe it." "

Ike wiped his nose, he seemed to have a cold, and then said to Mike, "I'll buy a cup of coffee, you either."

Seeing Mike shook his head and refused, Ike quickly ran to a nearby cafe for a cup of hot coffee. Mike shook his head again. Ike was more and more like Brian, even with the greed.

But then, Mike was stunned for a moment, because he found himself thinking a bit, an important point.

"Bring me this mirror.. Go find a mirror for me again. Under the premise that one can hold it, the bigger the better." Mike said to an agent next to him.

The efficiency of the FBI is very fast. An agent quickly walked over with a huge mirror that was half a person tall. It was of course much smaller than a full-length mirror. A person can move it, but it is still larger than a half-length mirror.

Mike took the mirror~www.wuxiaspot.com~immediately pointed the mirror at himself, and then started slowly around it, carefully checking it step by step, without letting go of any corner.

Ike, who was about to finish his coffee, just came over. After a while, he couldn't help but say, "I said Mike, I have to remind you that you are facing yourself with mirrors, seeing everything is yourself."

In order to bypass Ike, Mike moved a few steps to the open-air restaurant next to him. He was about to refute, but suddenly he was stunned. Then he put the mirror down and pointed at it. "That's not necessarily, see."

Upon seeing this, Ike came around curiously, and then looked into the mirror. I suddenly saw an incredible scene. Three people were reflected in the mirror. In addition to Ike and Mike, one of them was Bryan.

He was lying on a bed sleeping soundly, but Ike turned around and found that there was nothing behind them and nothing, only a few tables and chairs. (To be continued.)

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