High Magic Earth

Chapter 901: Forefront (5)


The black SUV made another beautiful sharp turn, rushing smoothly into the narrow street near Broadway. After turning three intersections, it plunged into the shopping mall area that had been completely blocked by fbi.

Although the surrounding people have been expelled and cleared by fbi, there are still many reporters with long guns and short guns around them. If the army is blocking them, they must have been invited out long ago, but fbi. . These guys will not miss the big news.

New York was chaotic enough last night, but it seems that the chaos is not over yet.

The suv entered the blocked area smoothly, and there was nothing strange about the reporters around. Naturally, the vehicles that could be released were FBI's own vehicles, but they didn't know what happened inside.

Pulling the car door, Mike led Larry and Meggi down quickly.

He didn't expect that his trip would be so smooth, not only did he find Larry, but also the missing magic slate and Meggie.

Well, although Meggie's situation is not right, it seems like a puppet who has lost his soul, and can only let Larry pull forward, but at least it is a good start.

"Meggie!" Entering the shopping mall, the first thing to discover is that they are the Fulchart couple. The two of them are not interested in whether it is the uproar in New York or the so-called magic slate. They only worry about their daughters.

The only reason to follow Bryan to the United States was also for Meggie.

"Meggie, how are you?" Volchart hastily rushed over, and Lisa next to him took the first step to embrace Meggie in her arms, "Oh, my daughter." She whispered in a low voice.

At that time, Lisa was locked in a cage by the Capricorn King. After the shadow broke the wooden cage, she and the ink heart author Fenolio fell together. Although the height of only a few meters is not enough to kill, she is very Unfortunately, he was thrust into the abdomen by a broken stubble.

If it weren’t for the magic potion effect, almost all injuries except the dead could be reconciled slowly. I’m afraid she would be completely separated soon after meeting her husband.

It is for this reason that although Yi Xuan took Meggie away, there was not much anger in Volchart's heart. After all, Yi Xiao saved his wife's life.

And as soon as he found the book, Yi Biao would put Meggie back.

It can be said that Lisa has been put by the Capricorn King as an ordinary maid in the kitchen for hard work over the years. After being recognized by Folchart, he was caught by the Capricorn King.

Soon after being released, he was seriously injured. After the injury, Meggie was taken away by Yi Chou's voice.

When Meggie was young, she was read into the book and separated from her daughter. She hadn't seen her for more than ten years. At this time, she was hugging Meggie, and she didn't want to let go.

Looking at the reunited family, Mike was relieved a little. Meggie’s strange state was still a problem, but as long as Brian and Stan were there, there should be no problem.

He quickly walked towards Ike, but he didn't notice Farid's eyes flickering behind Volchart.

Brian’s wisdom is indispensable, or even if Stan and Vrchatsky have the magical ability, when they come up with a way to restore New York to peace, I am afraid it will be too late.

Fortunately, before Mike walked over, he saw Brian dangling out of the mirror.

"Our sleeping beauty is finally ready to get up." Mike's swarthy face squeezed a smile.

Brian waved his hand weakly with Ike's help, and then sat on the side of the first-aid equipment that had been prepared, and Stan next to him was constantly wiping his head with sweat.

Mike believed Brian would be rescued eventually, but did not expect it to be so fast.

When did Ike become so smart.

"What method did you use to rescue him?" Mike asked Ike curiously.

If it was usual, Ike would be proud to show off first, but now, he just shrugged and said to Stan, squeezing his eyes, "Ask him."

Seeing Mike's gaze turned, Stanyan raised the booklet in his hand, "I wrote a new story."

Mike sighed in his heart. It’s easy to say, but it’s not easy to sit up. If it’s hard to write a story, don’t say it. Otherwise, why are there so few good stories, not to mention the stories that need to be written into specific things? Ryan awakened from his deep sleep and how to get him out of the mirror.

And more importantly, in such a short time.

"No wonder you are the best-selling best-selling author in the world." Mike shrugged. "And I'm just an agent."

Before Stan waited for an answer, Ike whispered in Mike's ear, "He took nzt."

Mike was shocked, and when he looked at it again, he found that Stan was very different from the original one. The previous Stan always had a frowning face and an angry expression, like how much money everyone owes him general.

But now there was no anger on his face, but a calm and contented look, yes. . Just to be satisfied, Mike felt that with this guy's bad personality, even if nzt was used, he would not be optimistic.

"Will it work?" Mike frowned and asked Ike.

There is nothing to avoid. Mike has been with Brian for the longest time and the one who knows nzt best. The person who takes it will become a genius even if it is a fool.

Of course, it does not change in an instant. nzt will make people think quickly and the brain utilization rate will increase exponentially. Things that were not understood before will be quickly understood. Even if you can’t learn, you can get the truth through observation and self-analysis.

Very quickly, people will become geniuses, not to mention, except for a few special cases, no one has never been exposed to knowledge. Once contacted, nzt will recall it and then use it again.

So there is no need to avoid Stan. After eating nzt, it is estimated that he has learned lip-speaking by himself.

"It's just one piece." Facing Mike's inquiry, Ike shrugged.

Mike understands what he means, nzt has very strong side effects, but it is not obvious at the beginning, one or two tablets are nothing, if there are more than three tablets, people will immediately be inseparable from nzt, and finally dehydration hallucinations are frequent, Until death.

But if there is only one piece, there is really no problem.

Seemingly aware of Mike's thoughts, Ike spread his hands and said, "If you don't give him nzt, do you have any better way."

Brian has been injected with only two special reaction enzymes, which can neutralize the side effects of nzt, so nzt has always been his exclusive, and the medicine cannot be stopped.

In addition to some nzt in Brian's hands, although fbi destroyed most of the nzt's data, it still has a lot of physical objects.

Even the production line is there, just more secretive.

This time, Brian was dispatched, and Mike and Ike naturally had some in their hands. It was necessary for them from time to time. This is why Stan can serve nzt.

And he didn't refuse. After hearing Ike's comment, Stan had long been curious about nzt. Admittedly, he was discouraged by the great side effects, but he didn't mind trying it if he only took one tablet.

After using nzt, people's thinking will be a hundred times agile immediately, and the novels that were difficult to create will also become inspired.

This is shown in the original movie version of the drug that cannot be stopped. nzt does have this ability, and this is after ordinary people have taken it. Then Stan, who was originally a best-selling author, not only wants to know that he is present I am afraid everyone wants to know.

Sure enough, after eating nzt, within two seconds, Stan took out the computer and began to beat it. A large number of papers were spit out with the printer, and it didn't even take five minutes. Stan got a new story. While Ike and Volchart, who were still on the scene, immediately saw Brian on the other side of the mirror slowly waking up.

Immediately afterwards there was a slight ripple in the mirror, as if to spit out Brian.

Up to this time, even Mike had not picked up Larry and others.

nzt is indeed very powerful. It can be said that Stan who served nzt within the next twelve hours is completely comparable to the Aladdin lamp in fairy tales.

Aladdin's magic lamp can satisfy all human desires, it can do everything.

Stan’s Silver Hand is also very similar. Although he can only show the monsters in the novel that meets the criteria of goosebump stories, under the support of nzt, all this is not a problem.

The one who spit out Brian was called the Mirror Monster, and the one who awakened him from the dream was called the Dream Eater. They were all contained in the book again by Stan.

Although nzt made his story-writing ability better, it seems that his ability to name is much worse, because nzt's effect is more about logic than emotion.

In fact, Yi Xuan also thought of nzt's ability, which is very valuable for him to study three kinds of creativity, but Yi Xiao also knows the huge side effects of nzt, so he has not taken it.

"Don't worry." Stan, who heard the two talking, also stood up, and then stuffed the stack of papers into Mike's hands. "I feel very good now."

Mike can only smile a bit bitterly, which is not in line with the regulations, but now there is no good way. They simply have no ability to deal with a magic wizard. They desperately need strength, and they can only let Stan do it.

However, when Mike and Ike briefly met and exchanged, Volchart, who was originally reunited with his family, ran over in a hurry.

"My daughter... what's wrong with my daughter?" Vrchat's face was panicked and confused, and Lisa on the side quickly pulled Meggie over, followed by a young curious baby. The future thief Farid.

Looking at the dull look of Meggie, Mike also had a headache. He quickly whispered the matter and speculated that Meggie might have lost his soul, and then put his helpless eyes on Stan.

Yi Xiao took Meggie’s voice away. If she didn’t want Meggie to be dumb all her life, then it’s better for Volchart to exchange it with Yi Xang after finding the book, rather than trying to read Yi Miao back to the book. Go inside.

The ability of the silver tongue is universal, just like reading a book, and there is no book that formulates a person or a silver tongue.

Although Yi Xiao needs Meggie's ability to master the power of Silver Tongue, he is not sure whether other Silver Tongues can't send themselves back to the book, which is Fantasy Island.

So he still added a double insurance for himself.

It is also for this reason that Volchate has been diligently looking for the whereabouts of the book, rather than doing other small actions. Since Yi Chou has the ability to take Meggie’s voice, who knows if he has any other The means directly took Meggie's life.

Therefore, Volchart doesn't like to be mixed with Brian's people, and usually tries to weaken his sense of existence. He hasn't even read a story again.

For example, now, although Meggie was rescued by Larry and Mike, but still unable to speak, and it seems that even the soul is lost, even if rescued, it is not a complete person.

It seemed that he finally thought of Larry, and Mike looked at Larry again, then stared at the slate in his hand.

Larry was not used to being annotated by Mike and Ike. He twisted his body uncomfortably and said weakly, "Hi... Hi my name is Larry, can I call my son first."

It is a pity that the eyes of the people around now are focused on Stan and Meggie. No one notices Larry, and he can only ask for a boring shrug.

"Soul..." Stan thought about it thoughtfully after hearing Mike's guess, and then said, "I may have a way."

The role of nzt is very immediate. Originally, it took Stan to think for half a day, or a whole day, and even ideas and inspirations that he could not even think of. After eating nzt, it was almost at hand.

This world has not only appeared the ability of silver tongue and other people's nearly godlike creativity, but also appeared nzt, a medicine that can stimulate the utilization of the human brain, and they are perfectly matched.

nzt helped people like Silver Tongue and Stan break the limitation of ability. If it is not that nzt has very powerful side effects, I am afraid they are gods in this world.

But as Stan was about to pick up the computer to write a new story, Brian, who was finally relieved from the dizziness, interrupted him with a voice, "Wait... stop for a while."

Yi Biao’s life and death water is a pure magic effect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is nzt, it needs to be relieved for a long time, otherwise it is just ordinary dizziness or coma. Brian can control him at will under the mediation of nzt. His body recovers quickly.

"Why?!" Before waiting for Stan to ask, Volchart next to him could not wait to scream.

Bryan was not angry, but squeezed a smile, then pointed to Meggie and said, "Her problem is not resolved in a hurry, the guy behind her is important."

Reaching out his irritating next words from Fulchat, Brian continued, "With that man's cautious style, he can't easily lose Meggie, he must have some magic on her, The location of Meggie can be found directly, and even I suspect that this magic cannot be cracked even by Stan."

"So we need to resolve the trouble behind us first, otherwise it would be useless even if Meggie was cured."

Seeing that Volchart did not refute, Brian immediately said to Stan, "Write a story, the requirement is... to stabilize the time and space of our world immediately."

"There are too many outsiders now, and we need to stop them." (To be continued.)

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