High Magic Earth

Chapter 902: fantasy

"Need...I write a story that will not let anyone enter our world, nor let anyone go out?" Stan thought a little, and immediately asked.

"As an alternate story." Brian waved his hand. "We finally block the world again. Now, we still need this kind of strength."

In a sense, Brian and Yi Huo wanted to go together, and they both wanted to block the world.

But for the former, Yi Chou did not want to have uncontrollable high-end force on his hind feet after leaving his front feet. The silver tongue has the power of creating things out of thin air, which is almost the same as the fantasy power of the second world.

Yi Biao can't imagine what kind of trouble they will provoke. I am afraid that God's angel army or super hero will be nothing, because before they are solved, they need to confront a group of more terrifying guys.

Brian did not want to let his world come in with some messy guys after he confirmed his identity as a space traveler.

Humans are always looking for life beyond humans and exploring outer space, but if humans really find alien life, does humans really know how to face it?

Brian did not know the problem, but he knew what he should do, parallel space, and power beyond technology, which opened a new door for Brian.

And according to what the man said, the world he lives in has projections in other worlds, that is, movies, or novels.

Brian does not believe in fate, but he believes that everything is regular and connected.

The top priority is not to accept these things, but to upgrade your own world.

If they don’t have people like Silver Tongue, Brian may not have a good way to block the world. They can only hope that God will make them really like a movie. Although the disasters are difficult, the ending is good. Someone is at a critical juncture, making great progress in technology.

But now they have a better choice, the creativity of people like Silver Tongue and Stan.

They can block the world and wait until they have thoroughly studied the power of these people. After opening the blockade, the humans in this world will no longer fear anything.

Brian in the nzt state clearly knows what this power means.

It is more powerful than gods.

This is no longer a matter for the United States alone, but for the entire world.

Well, although this is always the case in superhero movies, this time, it's true.

Although Brian just just learned of the news of the existence of other worlds, even the true and false are unknown, but in the face of unknown threats, he still feels the urgency of time.

"Okay, it's time to work guys." Brian finally relieved himself from his sleepiness. He clapped his hands and stood up next to the plastic table. "This is a major event related to the safety of the entire world. We are about to become the world’s best heroes to save the world."

"Oh by the way, who is responsible for purchasing the tables and chairs of this cafe, I want to give him a good citizen award."

No one talked about it. Mike and Ike watched Brian play the treasure quietly. They wanted to spit out who the **** was, but they didn't say anything.

Because years of experience tell them, it is better not to take Brian's words in this case, otherwise he will definitely say a lot of nonsense.

Stan, who was bowing his head and meditating on the alternate story, was multi-tasking. He raised his head after hearing Brian's words and asked strangely, "How are we related to the safety of the world again."

No matter how big an explosion occurs in New York, as long as it is within a controllable range, it can finally be attributed to an attack. In the future, people will only remember the lost life at most, and then they will become more and more forgetful as time goes by. It comes down to the level of world security.

Of course, because New York is an international city, the things exposed during this period must not be hidden, and the surging undercurrent is naturally needless to say.

But this is only a matter between countries, and it has nothing to do with world security.

Brian shrugged and didn't answer directly, but continued, "Should we give a name, you see, we have silver tongues, best-selling authors, fbi, and me... what about the Brian League? "

The people around were still expressionless, but Brian still saw what they wanted to say from their faces, "Not great."

"Okay." Brian shook his finger carelessly, with a nasty confident smile on his face, "It seems that you are not interested in this, let's talk about the business."

"Ike just told me that the guy was dragged down. What happened when I was in a coma?" Brian said in an exaggerated tone.

"It's Athena." It was Mike who answered him. Brian, who he first greeted in Germany, naturally met Athena, and then took over the words, "She blocked him in the Hilton Hotel, the reason is... Athens Na wants the remaining three slabs."

"Blocked in a hotel?" Brian sneered. "It's really visual."

Mike didn't care about these issues. He glanced at Larry holding the slate next to him and continued, "We took this opportunity to rescue this guy and Meggie."

"But immediately after they broke out, several buildings, including the Hilton Hotel, were destroyed. It was like... Like a black hole, the surrounding buildings were destroyed by attraction and collapsed. "

"This was used by the wizard to deal with Athena. She was crushed at the bottom of the building, but she didn't seem to be seriously injured after rushing out, and then both of them left the scene."

"Cool, rushed out." Blaine sighed. "We also have a superhero who is a god."

"Not long ago we discovered that the two had entered the Brooks subway station, but what is happening now... We can no longer see it, nor do we know."

After he finished speaking, Mike shook his head and sighed, "I don't think she is a superhero. Four buildings with a height of more than 25 storeys collapsed, with thousands of casualties. It was really fatal."

"And the military has intervened in this matter. The director has called me several times, let us find you and go back quickly, and now the command has been transferred to General Ke Maien."

Hearing news of casualties, even Brian can no longer face with a chuckle. He frowned and nodded slightly, and after hearing the name of General Ke Maien, information about him immediately appeared. Bryan's mind.

General Ke Maien, whose full name is Ke Maien Karon, was a man of few words and was a national honor. .

These data are not rare things. As the fbi of the intelligence department, especially the internal intelligence department, even the intelligence department that you have to investigate, such information is simply not too much.

And with the help of nzt's memory, even the information that Brian inadvertently collected or saw will immediately emerge.

With a general understanding of the current situation, Brian nodded, "So... those three stone slabs have already reached that person's hand?"

"Yes." Mike turned his gaze to Meggie in the distance. "She read it to the three slabs."

Brian naturally knew what Mike meant. Now that Meggie has reached their hands, although the situation is not very good, it should not be a problem to have Stan.

The best way is to read back Yi Xiao immediately.

But they didn't have the book. Although after curing Meggie, she could get the news of the book that was summoned by Yi Chou from her mouth, but Brian was not sure if the magician could find it in an instant.

They knew too little about magic, and Brian, with the support of nzt, analyzed that there should still be means they didn’t know about on Meggie’s body, so during the conversation, Brian kept the Volchart family a little away. .

"We need this girl, and we have to cure her, but first of all... let the guy have no time to split up."

Brian said to Stan, "I think of a way, I want to contact Athena."

Thanks to Stan taking nzt, otherwise I am afraid that when he thinks of death, he can't think of a way in such a short time. Fortunately, he now has a lot of inspiration. Although he is helpless, he can still find ideas.

But seeing Brian had no plans to leave at all, Mike asked aside, "The Secretary asked us to go back immediately after finding you, you..."

"Go back?" Brian said. "Just kidding, we are the people who saved the world. The rigid army of soldiers will only make things worse."

"It's bad enough now." Mike shook his head, but didn't refute.

Brian focused his attention on Larry. "You are holding the fourth slate. What are your abilities, or are they the same?"

"Me... me?" Larry was bored next to him for a long time, froze for a moment before realizing that Brian was referring to himself.

"Of course, it's you. There is always a reason why he wanted to find that slate. If you don't know it yourself, what strange things have happened in the museum."

Bryan has already inferred from the news of footprints about what happened to the museum, and the effect of nzt is not a joke.

"I know, I know." Larry, who responded, said quickly, "This stone slab can revive everything in the museum, every night."

"Resurrection?" Brian's voice was a little surprised, "What kind of resurrection is their memory."

"After the resurrection they were still wax people or stone carvings, and the slate just gave them a new form of life." Larry the scholar Brian shrugged. "As for their memories... it seems that they were once brought to the exhibition. , Or memories of what you saw when buried."

"But it can only be at night." Larry finally thought about it, and added quickly.

"It's okay, this is over..."


Before Brian's words were finished, there was a loud noise of heavy objects falling behind him, and then he was interrupted. He looked back and found that a huge group of machines appeared in the shopping center behind him. It looked like a A complex server.

"What is this?" Brian shouted loudly.

The appearance of this thing attracted everyone's attention, and finally, after quieting down, Stan crawled out of a server.

"This is what you want." He said to Brian, "You can contact Athena."

"An elementary artificial intelligence, as long as you give it permission, it will immediately connect to New York, every mobile phone, every camera, every recording device, you want to find Athena in the subway station, just a moment."

Both men served nzt, and there was no difficulty in communicating. Bryan only thought a little and understood what Stan meant.

"So what's its name." Brian asked.

It is easiest to adapt a new story based on existing stories. After Stan eats nzt, he will definitely choose to do so. This artificial intelligence must have a name, because any powerful artificial intelligence will always stay in the work. It is very impressive.

Sure enough, Stan handed the manuscript to Brian, and then said, "The Samaritan."

. . .

Yi Biao has been waiting in place for a while. He heard Athena's door slamming and Athena's unscrupulous breaking of the subway station wall.

The subway station didn't collapse and vibrate. I don't know if Athena was lucky enough not to crash the load-bearing wall, or whether the quality of the American project was strong enough.

But Athena didn't plunge into the trap of clamor.

It seems that this guy has retained the wisdom and caution as the goddess of wisdom except for recklessness and barbarism.

But always waiting for her like this is also a waste of time. Yi arrogant uses magic to trap all the people around here, and then uses guardian spells and expulsion spells to prevent them from approaching themselves, and then turns the gravel on the ground into beautiful stones. The quality table and chairs sat up.

The reason to keep people in subway stations here is to prevent the military from launching heavy weapons attacks.

Yi Chou did not threaten the security of the entire world. They would not use nuclear bombs in order to exterminate the source. Therefore, the lives of these people are still effective as a threat. The military cannot ignore the safety of the hostages.

And even if they think the situation is out of control~www.wuxiaspot.com~ want to wash the ground with heavy weapons, these hostage problems will delay them for a period of time, which is enough for Yi Chou.

After dealing with the surrounding problems, Yi Xiao once again took out the magic feather pen and typewriter from the shadow.

Now that he has the power of the silver tongue, it means that he no longer needs to be confined. The silver hand meets certain rules to succeed in this story. As long as he writes a story where there is a magic lamp, then read it out. it is good.

Then Yi Biao can have the magic lamp again.

Even releasing Aria from the magic lamp to resolve the coordinates of different sub-worlds, with the help of the silver tongue, is no longer a problem.

This is also the purpose of Yi Chou's initial wish to come to this world with a magic lamp.

Unfortunately, someone has been disturbing and obstructing him. At this time, those guys have been dealt with, and Athena may have stopped because of the stone tablet that can seal the gods.

Now is the right time to accomplish all this. (To be continued.)

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