High Magic Earth

Chapter 903: Create create

Except for the half of the area occupied by the parchment paper on the stone table, the remaining half are all large black ink like oil, and it didn't take long for a little yellow man to protrude half of his body from it and write a book. Pass it to Yi Chou.

Yi Biao, who has the power of a silver tongue, naturally does not need to write a story himself, just take the ready-made one thousand and one night to read it again.

But to parse the story of the sub-world coordinates, it still needs Yi Piao to do it himself.

The magic quill jumped and tweeted and wrote a few lines of small characters on the parchment paper. Yi Chou suddenly stopped. The quill that lost the master's thinking stopped immediately. Yi Chou raised his head and stared at the corner of the subway tunnel and the upper escalator Place.

A figure slowly came out from behind.

Everyone nearby squatted on the ground, no one dared to succeed the hero, originally had this courage and intention, and was shocked by the power of Yi Chou, which was completely different from the deterrent of the firearms, and retracted again.

The people who came out were not civilian superheroes.

It's Athena.

Her long blond hair and battle skirt are still dazzling in the dim subway station, and the golden light is like a burning dazzling little sun, and even fell on the top of her head. It was a skewed lighting lamp because the stone broke out of the earth. Both became brighter again.

But Zizi's electric currents are getting louder.

The sharp golden sickle was gathered by her on the sides of her hands. Her long blond hair was a little messy, and even a light blood mark on the corner of her mouth. Although the wound on her body had healed, Yi Chou could still feel the magic of Athena's disorder The fluctuation is very unstable.

After four or five steps forward, Athena stopped.

It seems that this guy is not an idiot whose mind only knows about violence. Yi Chou snorted in his heart and instantly cleared the things on the table.

Yi Xiao sits near the stele, and the ground is protruding due to the rise of the stele. It looks as if Yi Chao is higher than Athena.

But Yi Biao did not deliberately create these small problems. He just looked down at Athena expressionlessly, wanting to see what the **** he had first contacted wanted to say.

Hope is not nonsense.

There were courageous people around, and after discovering that the two robbers seemed to be facing each other, they immediately prepared to sneak away through the open channel of the next door. Unfortunately, as soon as he entered, he ran into an invisible invisible wall. , That's Yi Bao's guardian magic.

These guys who had no hope of escape had to squat down again near the door, praying that the two guys did not see their little movements, and then looked at them secretly.

"Stop hand, the brave man." Athena asked Yi Chou, ignoring the sneaky eyes around her, "Can you tell me your name."

Yi Xiao stood up and leaned on the edge of the stele. "The brave man is really an old name, but I sound awkward, and I don't think I am a brave man."

"In your eyes, the more humans killed, the better it proves to be a brave man. Cannibalism is not a wonderful thing."

"Your ability is stronger than most people, you are their leader." Athena said.

"Strange logic." Yi Chou shook his head. "I thought mortals would always be ants in your eyes."

"Mortals are our people."

Yi Xiao scratched his hair, and there was a look of doubt on his face, "This statement seems familiar, I seem to have heard such things everywhere, but if I remember correctly, your teachings are not like this."

Athena didn't answer him. She stood quietly. Although she was afraid of the stone tablet, she still didn't mean to shrink back.

Yi Xiao made a fuss about it, and didn't want to continue to struggle, so he said, "My name is Angomaka."

This is a fake name. Yi Chao has used countless fake names. As a wizard, he knows more than others the irrelevant connection between the name and the body.

No matter if someone exerts magic on the name or himself, it can affect the body. Even Voldemort can cast a curse on the position of the professor of black magic defense and his own name. This kind of spell about the name is indeed It's not something advanced.

Therefore, Yi Xiao often changes the name, even if it is a pseudonym.

But now, Yi Biao finally doesn't need the pseudonyms that he can't even remember. He only needs to have one name, that is Angomaka.

This word also includes fantasy in Oz.

And Yi Xiao also believes that the four new abilities he has acquired are enough to protect his name.

"Angomaka." Athena, who had calmed down, had an extraordinary beauty on her beautiful face. She raised her head high, exposing her beautiful white neck. "Give me the three slabs Well, that's not the power and objects that mortals should master, it will only lead you astray."

Athena's beauty is not lower than her wisdom and force, but unfortunately it has no effect on Yi Huo, because it is difficult to impress a soulless person by appearance alone.

She was inadvertently read by the silver tongue, and Yi Chou did not know this, but he had already strength through the other party's dress and appearance, recognizing that she belonged to the movie God of War, not any other fictional history.

This also means that Athena's appearance is actually similar to that of Hollywood star Isabel Lucas who played her.

Even if it is not makeup, there is no difference between the two. Even with the blessing of divine power, Athena's appearance is so different, but it still can't reach the religious legend. At first glance, it will make people crazy. Charisma level.

But after hearing Athena's advice, Yi Chou shook his head.

"Really... For a moment, I really thought you could speak well, but I found out that I was wrong, and you didn't understand politeness at all."

"Why do you think it is safe to put the slate on you, because you are a god?"

"You don't understand the power of slate, Maca." Athena took a step forward and stared at Yi Chou in front with her big eyes with pale gold pupils, as if she could let liquid flow out of her eyes, including Yi Chou.

"It has the power of creation, it can satisfy almost all your wishes, but it is not free, maybe not at first, but as you yearn and ask for more and more and more frequently, you will Lose yourself completely and sink forever."

"They are dangerous, very dangerous."

Athena said to Yi Chou in a soft tone, "Only gods can resist their power, my father can do everything, he will not be lost because of the slate."

"Give them to me."

"I am very disappointed." Yi arrogant said, "You are the goddess of wisdom, I have longed for your wisdom, whether in the end can be understood by mortals."

"But now...I think you have derailed this world for too long."

"I recommend you to watch talk shows and talent shows... yes, there is Star Wars."

"Your words may be used to deceive those who used to be okay, but for me." Yi Chou shook his head. "What you are doing now can not be matched. Zeus is not omnipotent, otherwise now The slate is already there for you. As for the spirits who have no desire or desire, resist the temptation of their ability? See what you are doing now."

"Even if you are just distracting my attention, you cannot hide the fact that you have completely derailed from the world."

Yi Xiao said, suddenly turned back, the wand burst like a burst in the air, a huge air burst pointed directly behind, two golden lights flickered and flew over instantly.

But at the moment of stab at Yi Chou, he had been stopped in the air by his spell.

"This is your little cleverness?" Yi Chou picked up the golden light on the ground and found that after the light disappeared, it was Athena's sickle weapon, but only one.

Yi Chou didn't have time to look back, his body instinctively flicked to the side, but a strong force had come from the back, and he seemed to feel a sharp object piercing his back.

Time seemed to pause for a moment, and at this moment, even the hostages of unknown origin held their breath.

Yi Xuan slowly turned around, Athena still maintained the throwing movement, the sickle came out of her palm, and flew straight to Yi Xiao, the two sickles in her hand gradually disappeared, that was just made by her divine power Phantom.

There was a squirming motion of the clothes behind him, and the sickle imprisoned on the clothes by the deforming curse fell off. "When!" It fell crisply to the ground, and the blade part was instantly submerged in the cement, and only the handle of the sickle was exposed.

"This is an artifact." Yi Chou picked up the two sickles. "It's really sharp." He sighed, "Unfortunately it's just a little worse."

When the words didn't fall, Yi Chou's right hand had waved forward, and the vigorous magic instantly poured out, like the hurricane and the roaring flames, pointing directly at Athena below.

The ground on which the spell passed was cracking, and the air was as hot as it was being drained. Athena’s reaction and speed were also not slow. She didn’t even care about her lost weapon. She disappeared in place instantly. The arrogant curse did not touch her, and even Yi arrogant's eyes were not captured.

"Bang!" The final explosion of the curse appeared on the ground, blasting a deep pit once again in a subway station that had been worn out due to vibration, and the gravel splashed.

"Ah!" the crowd around screamed, originally trying to escape, but was suppressed by an inexplicable force, unable to move.

The power of the spell is amazing, but unfortunately, it is useless to miss the target.

"It's really difficult." Yi Xiao whispered, condensing the next spell. If it wasn't for the protection of the stele, I'm afraid Athena's amazing speed was not used to escape, but came straight to herself.

The power of the silver tongue is really magical. With these abilities, even the secret of the yellow light's fear ring may soon be mastered.

He forced Athena's clamor again without hesitation. He summoned the shadow to the table, then reached in and took out the one thousand and one night from it.

"Turn to a page of Aladdin's magic lamp." Yi Xuan took out his wand and knocked on the book, and the book immediately turned up and down.

Yi Biao scanned the story in ten lines, and he immediately selected one of the sections to read. He just wanted to show the magic lamp, not the people.

Although the people around me don't care about Yi Chou, but the people in the book come out, it is the real trouble.

"...A simple and dim lamp lying quietly in a pile of treasures, nobody noticed it, and no one came to this corner."

Yi Xiao was not sure if this magic lamp was the one he lost, that is, the one Aria lived in, but it didn't matter, anyway, after reading the magic lamp, he could directly make a wish and ask for Aria's lamp.

. . .

Another person in the subway station, or another god, Athena is not in good condition at this time.

Except for the time when the Dark Titan was released, Athena rarely did so helpless, the wizard actually forced her to a dead end, even Athena did not know what to do for a while.

To deal with the mortals in the lower realm, most of them are used to crushing with absolute power. Even if the mighty Hercules revolts occasionally, they also have a variety of artifacts and Zeus shots.

But now Athena has nothing.

The only power and speed far beyond mortal, but it is not at all the opponent of the wizard's strange magic.

What to do, Athena thought quickly.

The wizard's voice gradually sounded, he was calling something, using those slabs, Athena closed her pale golden pupils, thinking quietly.

She needs those slabs, and needs the power above. She wants to use the father who will disappear from these slabs, and all the other brothers and gods are called back.

Only this slate can be achieved.

As for what the Egyptian priests said at the time, only the right people can inspire the true power of the slate, which may be the case for human beings, but for themselves, Athena, who is a god, is very confident.

Didn't see that wizard can be used.

But all this is based on the premise that after getting the slate, in this case, it seems very difficult to get the slate.

Athena can feel the pressure that the stele puts on her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a feeling she can only feel when facing death.

She had seen the death of her younger brother. He remained on a round stone slab forever after his death. The stone slab was engraved with a concave relief of Poseidon. It was exactly the same as the moment before his death. And his hammer is engraved on it.

That slate gave her the feeling of this kind of pressure, but now looking at this stone tablet, Athena once again felt the kind of breath that once appeared.


You can't break through, but what should you do?

Just when Athena couldn't make up her mind for a moment, a weak voice suddenly appeared beside her, "This... this lady."

Athena's eyes cast in the past, and the huge pressure made the talker go home on the subway but was trapped here. The innocent American wage earner who was completely innocent and immediately sat on the ground, his psychological quality was not bad. Under the tremendous pressure, the rest of the sentences were spoken out intermittently, "Yes...call to find you..."

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