High Magic Earth

Chapter 904: Creation Creation (2)

At this time, the shopping mall has changed a lot. There are soldiers with live ammunition everywhere, and there are many agents wearing black suits walking through it.

It has been completely blocked. Not only did the infantry fighting vehicles occupy a few blocks, but even the tanks were driven over, all unrelated personnel have been evicted, including those annoying reporters who caused fbi headaches.

The detectives were caught by reporters and prosecuted them at most afterwards, but the barbaric army did not care about these. They were detained for direct treason and other messy military crimes, and then detained on the spot.

None of the reporters who knew this well dared to make trouble with the army.

In fact, after the army intervened here, it meant that they could not dig out any news. These reporters could not break through the military’s blockade. Even if they luckily dig out any big news, I am afraid they would not dare to report it because they will face it afterwards. Very serious testimony.

Of course, there are still a lot of people who are unwilling to stay outside the blockade area, want to see what news from the previous vehicles, plus the ordinary citizens attracted by the momentum here, and the citizens who have been evicted from the blockade area. It's so lively like a parade.

It is a pity that the vehicles entering and leaving are many times more rigorous than those shown in Hollywood movies. These reporters not only did not have the opportunity to get close, but they were very difficult to observe.

What they did not know was that within ten minutes of being blocked at the scene, the entire shopping mall had been completely transformed into a huge research institute.

The most critical thing in the research institute is the huge pile of units that lie at the center of the site.

The lights of countless indicator lights flickered in it, and more people were sent to assemble more equipment. Their core host was placed in front of Brian. After adjusting the host, Brian started walking around.

Of course he knew what it was. Even if he didn't know it, Stan could explain it.

An artificial intelligence from the storybook, code-named Samaritan, to be precise, it was not created with the goal of artificial intelligence in the early days of creation.

It's for monitoring.

Monitor, detect, observe everything, through road cameras, signals of different bands, everyone's Internet account, access mobile phones through signals, and use countless mobile phone receivers and cameras to control the world.

Then screen out the information that you have, organize crimes in advance, or make bigger attacks.

But when it hears more, sees more, and sees more, it will naturally give birth to its own life. To be precise, it is learning.

Brian quickly opened the story of Stan's change, clarified the origin of the Samaritans, and then reviewed the relevant knowledge on the Internet, and immediately began to repair the emerging Samaritan. people.

It is complete, but it lacks enough server groups and storage equipment to support it, as well as power supply.

The core was very easy to complete. Brian didn't use it for three minutes, but the other parts, even if Brian got it right, the agents and soldiers would have to spend half a day to complete.

Taking the opportunity of assembly, Brian sorted out his thoughts.

First of all, the military has taken over here, but they have not taken the command of Brian. To be precise, they are still under the command of Brian.

Because the military knew Brian, and he had a lot of knowledge, when Brian was a special adviser, he did a lot of tasks and helped the military a lot.

General Ke Maien clearly understands Brian's ability.

It is the best option to give him the command of the scene.

The second is that there is only one who is proficient in computers and can reach the level of integration with artificial intelligence. Although the military has sent many relevant experts, it has no use in the face of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has never been kind, because human existence itself represents evil.

And artificial intelligence is not analyzable by human beings at this level. This point shows the strength of the silver tongue. Perhaps he just needs to move his mouth to show an artificial intelligence person, but humans need more than ten years of research.

Of course, Stan who eats nzt can also quickly learn related knowledge.

I believe that with the power of nzt, he can quickly help Brian, but even nzt, learning will take a long time.

And its effect is only twelve hours. For Stan, it is not as good as to use his ability to continue writing stories.

Brian rubbed his forehead. "What are your abilities?" He suddenly looked up and asked Larry.

"Uh..." Larry was stunned. Just about to answer, Brian interrupted him again. "Okay, I remembered. What I want to ask is that the people you resurrected with slate still have the abilities of their lifetime. What?"

"During his lifetime?" Larry froze again, and immediately understood, "You mean they created prototypes." He groaned for a while, and then said slowly, "It seems like they are just wax figures, but... if If it’s a bronze statue, it hurts a lot."


Brian's head turned quickly, "We can use the alloy, and after the resurrection, it will retain the relevant characteristics according to the original form, so it needs to be bigger...this is more combative..."

"What?" Larry questioned next to him, he didn't understand too well.

"Nothing." Brian shook his head.

At this time, an agent next to him came up and told Brian that the Samaritans had been assembled and could be officially started, and Larry stepped back.

After learning about the Samaritans, Brian will naturally not give it too much authorization, but to contact Athena, New York's authorization is necessary.

After starting the Samaritan, Brian said directly, "Look for Athena immediately."

At the moment it was authorized to the Samaritans, it controlled the entire New York mobile phone, including Brian’s mobile phones and communication facilities. Brian did not need to type, because the Samaritans would pass a certain Personal phone handset, I heard what Brian was saying.

Maybe everyone's.

And communication with artificial intelligence is also very convenient, because it understands what you want to do.

Even without Bryan continuing to operate, the area on the screen began to lock and shrink constantly, changing from a large map of New York to a small block map, and then entering the monitoring facility of the subway station.

The surveillance facility was damaged, and the Samaritans continued to invade the signal within the subway station, invading all mobile phones. Using the opened mobile phone camera, the screen quickly rotated an angle, and the image facing Athena appeared.

This should be a person's mobile phone camera. It seems that even in the hostages, even if they risk their lives, some people want to secretly record what happened inside, and then send it to the Internet, or his Facebook.

The picture was still on Athena's side, looking for a stop, only a few cold words remained.

"Target locked."

Brian took a deep breath and said, "Contact her."

. . .

Karl tremblingly handed the phone to the woman in front of him who was suspected to have come out of the Broadway Theater. Of course, he did think so a few minutes ago, but now it is not.

As usual, he usually returned home from get off work, took the subway, and returned to the cabin he rented. Carl thought there would be no accidents, but. . It is the unexpected thing that is called accident.

Karl didn’t know what happened at first. He only knew that the crowd screamed, and then ran away in confusion. He also squeezed out with the crowd, but it didn’t take long for everyone to squat. Go down.

Karl thought it was a terrorist attack.

But the facts told him that there was only one person in the other party.

And he is still a very thin-looking Asian. Although he is a little strangely dressed, even so, Carl has no plans to step up to be a hero. His life is bad enough that he can’t even be busy. How can he have time? To save others.

Since there was an explosion, who knows if he has a pistol, this country can't help but be a gunman if he doesn't have a gun in his hand.

He can only bury his head low, praying that the other party did not carry the same thing that he died with.

It was only when the next thing happened that Carl discovered that it was not just a simple hijacking, he even felt his world view was refreshed.

When did the woman in the golden battle dress appear, how did she come in, and did she fly in? Why did the man burst the ground with a wave of his hand, and Carl, like the people around him, slumped.

What happened made him feel that he was caught in a magical blockbuster shooting scene, but he kept telling himself that there is no magic in this world. Instead of believing in magic, he is more willing to believe that this is some of the latest technology.

Carl was originally interested in Athena's short skirt and delicate face, but when he saw the angry Athena punching the big crack of the hard subway wall, he immediately bowed his head deeply, then Don't dare to look at the face as delicate as a white fist.

No one at the scene thought she was wearing a costume that was as funny as running out of Broadway.

Karl just wanted to end this nightmarish thing soon, preferably immediately.

Athena looked at the trembling mortal indifferently, and then took the small thing in his hand. Athena put it to her ear and said, "Who."

On the way, Athena observed that many people owned this thing and used it secretly in different ways.

But for the Goddess of Wisdom, this is not a difficult thing. She just looked at it for a while and then guessed the role and usage of this thing.

Athena's fast speed also means that her thinking is very fast, and her movement cannot be caught by the human eye. It does not mean that she cannot see humans at high speed.

In fact, she saw clearly and slowly.

Like Barry Allen, his divine power is very fast, then the world will become very slow in his eyes.

And for who is looking for himself, Athena also has speculation. He doesn't know many people in this world. Brian, who has seen him before, is one.

It is very likely that he is, if not, it is the king and minister of this country.

Sure enough, there was a voice on the phone, the one that made her a little annoying, Brian, "Wow." He said, "You still use the phone."

! "Pushing the phone into pieces with a hard effort."

In Karl's tearful eyes, Athena threw the fragments of her hand to the ground, and there was no trace of damage to her slender palm.

But less than half a second later, another guy squatting on the floor next to his phone shook. He connected the phone, and his face changed. After hesitating, he handed the phone to Athena again. "Still looking..."

Athena took the phone, and his indifferent gaze made him swallow back the rest of the words.

"I need your help." Brian's voice came again from the phone. This time he didn't talk nonsense, but went straight to the subject. The tone was calm as if nothing had happened before, "Can you let the moon come out." "

Athena wanted to crush the phone again, but this time it was clear that Brian was not talking nonsense, and reason told her that this seemed to be a very important thing.

"What else can you give me back." She asked directly.

If it wasn't for her that she couldn't deal with the guy next to the stele, just because the other party mentioned her sister, Artemis, Athena would immediately hang up his phone.

She didn't like Artemis, and no one mentioned her.

"We can help you deal with that guy, and even help you grab three slabs, but you have to let the moon come out, and immediately."

"What do you do." She asked again.

"We have the fourth slate and his users, but we need the moon."

Athena's expression moved, she already realized the power of slate, and using slate to deal with slate is undoubtedly a very good way.

After thinking for a while, she said, "I'm not Artemis..."

"I know, you are the goddess of wisdom Athena, wisdom and war..."

"I can do it." Athena didn't want to listen to such nonsense, so she interrupted directly, "But I need to wait for a while and it won't last too long."

"how long."

"A quarter of the sun rises and falls."

The other party stopped for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seemed to be thinking about this weird answer. After a few seconds again, Brian said, "Enough."

He hung up the phone and Athena threw the phone aside.

After taking two steps back, Athena took a deep breath and knelt down halfway. She was not afraid of the other party's sneak attack. She was fast enough to avoid her. Once the other party left the range of the stele, she would face her attack.

So Athena prayed very calmly.

"Father, the omnipresent father, my duties make me unable to..."

Obviously, her father Zeus does not exist in this world, or is not read by the silver tongue, but this does not prevent her from using prayer to subvert the day and night.

Because at the moment Athena started praying, the clouds suddenly began to surge over New York.

And Yi Chou beside the stone monument also raised his head and stopped the movement of wiping the magic lamp. He felt the magical power restless, that is. . Darkness is active. (To be continued.)

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