High Magic Earth

Chapter 905: Creation Creation (3)

"Night..." Yi Biao blinked his eyes. The difference between day and night was magic for magic, because different magical energies were active in different time periods.

Although there are a few differences in each world, there are still many common magics, such as fire and water, which are the most common and basic elements that make up the world.

Yi Chou was only a little surprised, and realized that the sky had entered the night ahead of time.

And why the sky dimmed in advance, who is the ghost, who can even figure it out without using his brain.

Yi Biao has got three slabs and three powers now. Only Larry’s one is still unavailable, and it just takes every night to revive the things in the museum.

This is undoubtedly because of it.

Without much hesitation and nostalgia, Yi Chou tucked the magic lamp he had just got into his arms, cleared all the valuable things around him, then stiffened his body and sat back on the high-back chair again.

This is already a ghost image.

Yi Xiao left the body disguised as a metamorphosis mantra, and the body has left this gloomy subway station.

He has no attachment to the stone tablet that can seal Athena. This is the last guarantee, but this thing is not a rare thing for Yi Chou, because it is not difficult to manufacture, or even very simple.

Using the power of the silver tongue, it was just a sentence.

The most important thing now is to get the last piece of Larry’s slate and the power of the slate, not to stay there and die with Athena. Even if Athena had to grab the three slabs, Yi Chou simply Don't want to be entangled with her.

As long as he gets the slate and its power, Yi Chou can completely leave this world. Although all plans may need to be pushed back or make other worlds a mess, it is much better than being chased by a **** behind him.

and. . Now that we have the magic lamp, only Vandal Savage and the subworld coordinates are left.

Originally Yihou only gained the power of the Silver Hand and Silver Heart, because of the need of the rules, to resurrect Vandal Savage no doubt needs to go through many twists and turns in the story, and it is even possible to create a very powerful monster.

Therefore, Yi Biao didn't want to leave here, and was ready to toss in this world before leaving, but now he got a silver tongue.

Then all this is no longer a problem.

A black cat squatting quietly on the wall, staring down at a group of black cats looting near the trash bin, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Then at the next moment, his body suddenly stiffened, his eyes were quick, and he began to become thinking, that is, more humanized.

The wild dogs and wild cats who are fighting for you seem to realize what they are.

Immediately after that, the black cat jumped from the wall, and in mid-air, it deformed and elongated into an arrogant look.

Yi Biao's feet had not yet landed, his figure disappeared again, and after appearing out of thin air, he had crossed a dozen meters of spatial distance and came out of this dark alley.

This is a variant magic of Animagus. Using the combination of green prophet and transforming spell, Yi Xiao can create many unconscious avatars. Their essence is still the original things such as mud or wood. After one of them, it will become a real Animagus, with flesh and blood.

The crowd of ravens is the best manifestation of this magic.

Animagus is one of the deepest transforming spells, but it still can't break away from the root of the transforming spell, it can't change the essence of the item, it's not alchemy.

Food made of wood will not make people feel full, but will make people indigestion.

The magic of Yi Biao is the same. The wizard can switch between Animagus and normal forms at will, because his essence has not changed.

Yi Chou can use any crow to transform into himself, because he used the vision of the Green Prophet to lock this crow in advance, use space energy to exchange himself in an instant, and then get this effect.

Somewhat cumbersome, but very practical, especially. . The Green Prophet's field of vision greatly increases the effective distance of Phantom Shift.

Stopping, Yi Chou took out his wand and waved it in the air, and suddenly the appearance of Meggie and Larry appeared in the air, but it was composed of a burning flame.

This is a kind of unreal magical scene, even the other people beside them can be displayed indistinctly. As magic and Yi Xia’s mark left on Meggie gradually get connected, the position of the two people immediately appears in Yi Biao’s mind. in.

"Found it..." Yi Huo said softly.

After Larry and Meggie escaped, he was not in a hurry to find it. The reason is that he was entangled in Athena, and he may not be able to get out of the search, and he still has tracking magic on Meggie's body, and it is not at this time.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's figure disappeared again out of thin air.

. . .

It is undoubtedly very convenient to use Phantom Shift to hurry up. This magic is equivalent to instantaneous movement. It is difficult for humans to catch the trend of Yi Chao.

Yi Biao was still in the subway station one moment ago, and Yi Biao was already in the open space outside the next moment.

No one saw how Yi Chou left, but this. . Only for humans.

Just outside the small alley where Yi Biao left, in a humble dark place, a very small monitor was emitting a faint red light spot under the night.

Twinkling, like the stars falling in the sky.

"The target disappears."

"Test Queens, Brooklyn..."

"A matching target was detected."

"The target disappears again, the position is confirmed, the target is confirmed."

Seeing the series of warnings given by the Samaritans, Brian nodded and said to Mike next to him, "Ready, he's here."

Vrchat's expression was a little nervous, but he was still standing beside Meggie. Brian and Mike were slightly away, but they did not make excessive precautions. Only Stan was hidden early.

At the next moment, Yi Biao's figure, "Bash!" appeared behind Meggie.

"It's all there." His eyes turned around and then fell on Larry, saying with no sincerity.

Larry was standing by the window, holding a slate in his hand, and struggling against a huge bronze bull. In fact, he didn't know how to resurrect these things, it seemed to be. . Just put the slate and the statue together.

A few soldiers beside him were using forklifts to transport other huge sculptures. When they saw Yi Chou, they immediately raised their guns nervously.

Isn’t that the pair of bronze bulls on Wall Street? Yi Yi stunned for a moment, and soon understood their plan. This is to use the power of slate to resurrect these things as a help. The larger the body, the higher the risk.

Sure enough, the sky suddenly darkened because Brian and others had reached some agreement with Athena.

It's just that they don't know that all things resurrected by slate have a period of confusion before they can find their true wisdom and memory. Before then, these huge things were enough to kill everyone.

Yi Huo snorted and walked directly to Larry.

Brian gave a glance at the soldiers behind. They were not stopped by the order, but they did not put away the pistol.

These guns did not threaten Yi Chou. He walked directly to Larry and reached for the slate. "Let me put this thing here."

Larry squeezed an ugly smile on his face, even if there was a heart obstruction, he could not do it, not to mention that he did not rise up in his heart of resistance.

But the moment Yi Xuan reached out to take over the slate, it suddenly lit up in Larry's hand, and then Yi Xuan immediately felt something in his mind.

"Silver soul loaded successfully."

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows. After coming to this world, he had been disadvantaged for a long time. First, fbi was entangled, and then he was entangled by a crazy god.

But now, his luck is finally better.

After getting the last ability, Yi Biao got all four abilities. It can be said that the goal of coming to the world of ink heart has been completed.

"Thank you." He smiled at Larry of unknown origin, and then inserted the slate directly into the shadow.

It's a pity that after Yihou got the last slate, nothing else happened except that he got the last ability. For example, there is nothing like gathering all four abilities to summon stronger abilities.

But it is not surprising that Yi Chou, they may just be similar forces.

Just like infinite gems and seven-color rings.

At the same time that Yi Biao got the stone slab, the huge bronze cow that had stood still in front of Larry slowly wriggled, and even other statues around him began to walk slowly.

"God!" Larry finally remembered the danger of these statues and slowly backed away unconsciously.

The soldiers who were standing next to the statue were completely stunned. They just received the order and came to do things. They didn't know why the bronze bull who was the statue alive suddenly came to life.

Faced with the unknown, they subconsciously fired, completely forgetting Brian's order just now.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the bronze cow, and either flew directly without leaving a trace, or left a small pit mark, even if a bullet penetrated the bronze cow's skin, only one was left. The bullet hole didn't hurt itself at all.

"Moo!" The bronze bull roared, and then the stiff tail waved like a whip.

"Don't attack!" Brian immediately shouted.

The other detectives and soldiers in the surroundings stopped immediately, and the three men had been pulled out by the tail of the bronze bull directly, and fell to the ground without knowing their lives.

Brian's voice attracted the attention of the bronze bull. It turned his head and started to charge Brian, but it happened that Yi Chou was standing in the middle.

Yi Chou doubted that this was Brian's calculation, but it was too late to think about it, because the bronze bull had already rushed over, and the angry and irrational bull would not care who he was.

And Yi Chou was not ambiguous. He immediately pulled out his wand and waved to the side. The running bull was suddenly hit by an invisible force, and wailed and flew to the side.


Bronze Ox flew directly over a distance of nearly ten meters under Yi Biao's control, and fell heavily on a group of unidentified crews, smashing it into a rotten.

Moreover, as usual, Yi Chou dropped several other living statues, and then a bitter cold wind spread over them, freezing them in place.

Similarly, the units that are enveloped in the icy range don't want to run.

Yi Biao didn't know what this was, but when he put Brian into a deep sleep, he didn't have these messy things. It should have been written by Stan.

This is a technological plane. Brian and others are not familiar with magic. If they want to ask for help, they will probably only write something more technologically advanced, such as artificial intelligence and exoskeleton armor.

So Yi Chou decided to ruin it first.

Sure enough, he found Brian staring at the smashed crew with an ugly face.

Brian looked at the damaged Samaritan frowning, and its core was still there. Although it could be repaired, it would not be expected for a while and a half, and it happened that Ike whispered over and then Say, "That... We can't reach that one."

"Why can't I get in touch?" Brian asked back.

Ike was a little surprised. He looked at the smashed Samaritan, then looked at Brian and said, "Because the Samaritan was destroyed, we don't have artificial intelligence assistance..."

"Really." Brian rolled his eyes. "Will redialing work?"

Ike had nothing to say, but at this moment, Brian stopped him again, "hold Athena... tell her that the moon has risen, and we are using the slate to save power so that she will not act lightly."

"In a word, keep her steady and let her not intervene here, you can freely play the rest."

Ike immediately understood, and Brian waved his hand to the side, and at the same time re-focused his eyes on the venue.

Before Brian spoke, the cherished Volchart said first, "again... meet again, this, sir." He swallowed saliva and looked at Yi Huo's eyes.

"My daughter she... what's wrong with her." Vrchat half-armed Meggie's shoulder.

Yi Xiao turned his eyes and said calmly, "Can she win my soul-draining curse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can it be lifted." Vrchat asked in a dumb voice.

"Yes, but have you found the book."

Vrchat shook his head, and Yi Chou didn't speak again. Lisa's eyes next to them turned slightly red, only Farid didn't know what was happening, still looking at Meggi with concern.

And at this moment, Brian finally said, "I think you'd better remove the curse imposed on the little girl, Mr. Angomaka."

"Why." Yi Huo asked calmly.

"because this."

After Brian finished speaking, he immediately shouted, "Open!"

At the moment he finished speaking, the ground suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which was a huge magic array, these lights slowly combined together, and then converged into another magic array, at the same time around the walls and shopping malls There are also magic symbols in the headspace, densely packed, like a reduced version of the starry sky. (To be continued.)

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