High Magic Earth

Chapter 906: Creation Creation (4)

Numerous stars lit up in the shopping mall under the night, like silver dots, and like elves shining in the night sky. They have different shapes, and some magic symbols have never been seen by Yi Biao. Fiction.

But the role they play is very obvious. Yi Xuan can feel that the magic in the body is passing quickly, and even the power of the silver tongue just obtained seems to have lost its effect.

It's a kind of feeling.

It is as if you have lost your consciousness of your arm, and you will always know even if you do not move.

"So... can one power seal the other three?" Yi Chou thought deeply.

Brian didn’t know if he had heard this, but he was proudly making a gesture to make everyone around him aim the gun at Yi Chou, and then said, “That’s why you’d better do it.”

"Have you found the book." But strangely, Yi Chou didn't panic, but asked rather calmly, as if to say another irrelevant thing, not about himself.

This reaction made Brian a little strange. He took a step back cautiously, whispering with Stan next to him, and then lit up several magic circles on the ground again, confirming that nothing was wrong before he took a step forward.

"Perhaps I didn't make it clear." He said with that confident but annoying tone, "This magic circle can seal off your magic, any magic, all magic."

He pointed with his toes to the shiny, magical array of rituals on the ground. "Even if it is not enough, we still have countless."

"Not the simple and unreliable stuff like table salt." He glanced at Larry hiding next to him.

Brian opened his arms as if to hug the sky, "Look, it's all here, they will ensure that you can't use magic, no magic."

"I know you still have a spaceship, maybe you still have some highly technical weapons, but you don't seem to have the habit of carrying them." Brian pointed at Yi Yihuo, "Even if you have space folding technology, you can use They are taken out, but are you sure you want to do this?"

Brian used his hand to make a big circle around the soldiers and detectives around him. "We are more than just such a person. There are more dangerous things outside."

"As for this." Brian finally touched the flame that burned into a circle around Yihou finally. "It is also to prevent you from running away, but it is only a physical means. This is a **** fire. I heard that it will burn forever and will not extinguish."

"Am I being too cautious." Brian nagged, "Maybe his own quality is not as good as mine, or it may just be..."

"No one said you were too cautious." Mike couldn't bear it, whispering in Brian's ear.

"Okay." Brian shrugged and looked at Yi Chou. "Do you understand?"

Yi Chou stood quietly, surrounded by a circle of burning flames, the ground was covered with thick, various strange patterns, and the walls and ceiling were also occupied by strange symbols, like a moment It brings people back to the Stone Age. .

There was no answer, and the people around didn’t dare to speak. The soldiers and detectives all held the firearm half silently and looked nervously at the man in the middle. Basically everyone’s palms were sweating and even a little nervous The throat is surging from time to time.

And after a long time, Yi Xuan finally said, "You are really like him, as annoying." No one around understood Yi Xuan, and only Brian understood.

"In fact." He replied, "I think I am smarter than him."

Yi Xuan did not comment, but continued, "Don't be surprised by my attitude, the magic inside me is gone, including my soul."

"Your soul?" The wisdom nzt brought to Bryan was enough to make him understand every word of Yi Chou, but after they were combined together, Bryan didn't understand it at all. This is not to blame him. After all, the professional is not right. .

But Mike next to him came up again and asked in a low voice, "Do you understand Chinese?"

Brian was shocked, and realized that the other party had unconsciously changed to Chinese. He had eaten nzt and learned a lot of languages, including big language Chinese, but not all of the surrounding agents Metropolis.

"Speak English." Brian said.

"I won't." Yi Biao replied calmly. In this world, Yi Biao, who is bored to the point of life, cannot naturally speak English. He just doesn't want to answer in English, because. .

"Then why they can understand what you are talking about before." Brian asked immediately.

"Because of magic."

Sure enough, Brian felt relieved again.

However, Yi Chou in this state has no habit of nonsense. After sighing, he continued immediately, "I want me to lift the soul-recaping curse on Meggie, but I am stuck in no magic, what should I do."

"We can sign a contract."

Brian seemed ready, and immediately replied that he pulled Stan from the side and then patted him on the shoulder. "Take all kinds of magical contracts. We still have lawyers. Which one do you need? He wrote it immediately. "

Stan smiled next to him. nzt brought confidence to people. Confidence makes people happy and happy. Even Stan, who was bitter and hatred, would laugh from time to time. I don’t know how he would see this paragraph after the effect of nzt. Time yourself.

He can show the monster in the story. Although it is not an item, the word game is as simple as a toy under the effect of nzt. Stan has several ways to bypass the rules of the story, and then give the magic contract with magic Come out.

Obviously, Brian is also using him as a contract manufacturing machine.

"But I think there must be more than one contract in my contract to release Meggie's Soul Curse." Yi said quietly.

"Of course." Brian shrugged. "You caused so much damage, killed so many people, and paid the price."

Yi arrogantly stood silently without speaking, but in Brian's view, it was more like inability to refute and resist.

"Stan." Brian snapped his fingers. "Write a magic contract that can be ordered to do anything by signing the name."

Stan tilted his head for a moment, nodded immediately, and sat down in front of the typewriter.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, "The world's best-selling best-selling author?" He said in a strange tone, without a head and a tail.

But Brian understands it, and Stan who eats nzt also understands. He is questioning, or wondering, why he seems to be able to control and write the story he wants.

Stan smiled at Yi Chou, "I ate nzt."

People who eat nzt seem to have a very sexual personality. They don't care about the consequences they have caused, so Stan doesn't care about letting Yi Huo know about it.

Nodding slightly, Yi Chou was silent again.

But this doesn’t mean that Brian doesn’t talk, especially because he is very proud of his success. “You should be thankful that you are not a witch.” He said with an indifferent attitude looking at Yi Huo, then thought about it, he again Added a sentence, "And I don't like men."

"Oh! You're disgusting." Mike spit aside.

Yi Xiao's expression remained unchanged. It wasn't until Stan's story was almost written that he suddenly said out loud, "You shouldn't do this."

"Why?" Brian, who had been holding back for a long time, immediately seemed to open a torrent of torrents, and nonsense poured out of his mouth. "Because you let me go once, did not kill me?"

"Relax, I won't kill you, just a very long employment contract."

"No, I am..."

"Excuse me, can I say something?"

When Yi Biao and Brian were both talking in a sincere manner, a sudden voice was inserted. This situation made everyone surprised, including Stan, and even his action of striking the document was paused. .

Brian stared blankly at Farid, who suddenly spoke, and said subconsciously, "...Yes."

"I just wanted to ask." Farid was not polite, pointing to the circle of flames, what Brian called the **** fire, "Is this flame really never going to be extinguished."

"...Of course." Brian still didn't seem to react, and said straightforwardly.

"That's good." Farid nodded in satisfaction, then suddenly plunged in.

The flame's fire is not high, and it hasn't even crossed the ankle to the knee, but it can't hold Farid lying directly on the fire, especially, this flame will not be extinguished.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the flame spread to Farid's body, and instantly burned him into a fireman. The fire was like dry wood in the fire, covering Farid's whole body without leaving a trace. The place.

There was no painful howl or roar, only after Farid's body was submerged in flames, his muscles struggled to kneel to the ground.

Rao, who had eaten nzt, was also taken aback. He grabbed Mike's arm tightly and asked nervously, "Is there an illusion, or is he crazy."

Mike didn’t know what his heart was like, but his muscles could be seen from the beating muscles and falling beads of sweat on his face. He said dryly, "Five years There are no sequelae and psychedelic reactions in your nzt, I think he is crazy."

Even Yi Biao was taken aback. He didn’t understand why Farid suddenly went crazy, but this strange flame was enough to prove Brian’s words, and Yi Biao took two steps back. He didn’t want to be confused by this. The non-white lunatic is entangled, and then burned to death in a rush of mist.

Farid was engulfed in flames and almost lost his life in an instant. He no longer struggled and lay quietly on the ground, letting the flames rag out.

That's it. . To die?

Stan stopped typing, staring blankly at the scene, while Vrchat held the empty-eyed Meggie and his wife Lisa in their arms, preventing them from seeing it all.

Although suddenly a madman rushed out, Brian felt that everything was going well. After a little relief, he snapped his fingers and asked the agent to hand the written magic contract to Yi Chou.

But, at the next moment, Farid, who had been burned to death, suddenly stood up.

At this time, even Yi Huo felt that the situation was beyond control.

The flame is still entrenched in Farid, because it will not extinguish, he has not seen many dark blocks in his whole body, because most of the muscles and fat are burned out, and even he can support himself. Up, this is more incredible than his resurrection.

Well, this state is not actually a resurrection.

Yi Xiao couldn't help but take a step back again, Farid came to himself.

Although he couldn't tell the positive and negative aspects of Farid, he took a step forward, which was his own direction.

"you are.."

Yi Biao's words were blocked in his throat, because the next moment, a dark thing fell out of Faried's arms with flames.

It doesn't seem to be completely burned out yet. Under the twist of the flame, it gradually bends, exposing the state of being piece by piece. This is a book.

Yi Biao suddenly seemed to understand something, but he couldn't confirm it, because this flame seemed to be contaminated, it could never be extinguished, especially since he still lost his magic.

"I said, you will pay the price." The burning Farid suddenly said, not his voice, the flames scorched everything, including the vocal cords.

The sound was unpleasant and hoarse, like a groan in the night, and the burning Faried suddenly showed a white circle of teeth on his head, and then he smiled broadly, like a wind leaking windbox.

He looks strange and strange.

Like the monsters in the world.

Yi Chou suddenly calmed down. He looked at the burning book on the ground and asked quietly, "So have I paid the price."

"No." Farid shook his head, highlighting a terrifying voice, "No, far away, you deceived me, the price is not enough."

His voice gradually disappeared, as did his body, the burning flame, and the burnt-out books, as if they were hallucinating at the moment.

"Okay..." Brian muttered to himself, "It seems that you are destined to do a long-term job for me." After eating nzt, he naturally guessed what book it was, what Yi Biao was always looking for. , The book that summoned him, that is, the book that may record his future and past.

"Although I don't know what the **** is, obviously your grievances have been dealt with." Brian no longer wanted to continue to grow out of the festival, especially, there was a coaxed Athena not far away, "signed it." He pointed out The magic contract said, "Immediately."

"Sorry, your plan may not work." Yi arrogant shook his head.

"Why!?" Brian's tone was very unpleasant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I said, what should you not do. "

"Then tell me the reason." He nearly shattered the scroll on Yi Xiao's face, and Brian shouted at Yi Xiao.

"Because you have thought about it, what happens to the plasma once I lose my magic." Yi Chou pointed very indifferently to the sky, which is also the position of the Statue of Liberty. "It will lose control and lose control. What will happen to the thunderbolt."

"I tell you, the Thunder will fall."




At the moment when the voice of Yihuo fell, accompanied by Brian's screaming exhaustion, a thunderous sound appeared above the shopping mall, just like the extinct thunder, and the whirlpool of lightning and thunder appeared above everyone's head. Almost instantaneously the building of the shopping mall was broken down and the surrounding walls were destroyed as well. . The magic circle on the ground.

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