High Magic Earth

Chapter 907: New York resurrection

"leave here!"

In the deafening sound, it was Brian’s scream with a sudden enlightenment, the thunder fell, and the huge shopping mall collapsed instantly, and in this chaos, Brian did not forget to yell at the nearby agents. gun.

Unfortunately, detectives and soldiers are also humans. They also chose to avoid the moment of the collapse. Few people had heard the execution of Brian’s order. In addition, Yi Chou rushed to the side when the thunder appeared. Almost all The bullets hit an empty.

The power of the firearms is not a joke. It was almost swept by the bullets, and it was immortal. It is inevitable that the broken limbs of the broken hands and feet will appear, but Yi Chou hid behind the raised cement on the ground to protect his head and chest. .

As long as it doesn’t die, it’s not a problem for Yi Chao who gets back the magic.

The thunder raged, and the thunder dragon danced wildly. The hard shell of the shopping center began to crack at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Large pieces of rubble fell off the ceiling, hit the ground, and destroyed everything on the ground, even the earth. Because of the appearance of Thunder, a ravine has bulged.

Yi Chou didn't know if Brian had considered the possibility of the magic circle resisting external forces. Maybe, maybe, or not.

But in any case, it cannot withstand the thunder beside the Statue of Liberty.

Because Yi Xao used not all magic at the beginning of its creation, but used the power of the silver hand.

The level of Yi Xiao's storytelling is not high, but after staying in this world for so long, he still successfully wrote a story that meets the requirements, and this story is what Yi Xuan used to prepare for the back hand.

According to the settings in the story, these thunders can penetrate some magic defenses, including the silver tongue of the same level and Stan's ability.

If this condition is not established, then people like Brian will never have the opportunity to trap Yi Chou, and Yi Chou who has lost his magic still has the power of silver tongue.

And if the conditions are established, then after Yi Huo loses all power, the Thunder will launch, and will also come to the rescue at the fastest speed.

So in any case, these Thunder will be merciless.

Stacking them next to the Statue of Liberty to form a huge lightning ball, in addition to attracting the attention of these people, there is another reason that the more you put in front of you, the easier it is to be ignored.

Brian really forgot to consider this.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thunderstorms fell violently, and the thunder continued to fall, just like bombing. The entire shopping mall was riddled with holes by its powerful force, and Yi Chou, the primary target, was spread by a thunderstorm. Black all over.

But his injury is recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In order not to let these Thunders lose their goals, Yi Chou set himself as an introduction in the story. Once they lose their power, they will come straight to themselves no matter where they are.

While they hit Yi Chao, they also destroyed all the magic circles around them.

Even if it is only the vast majority, it is enough for Yi Chou to regain his magic power again.

The surging magic power swelled in an instant, full of Yi Xiao's body, the shadow regained contact with Yi Xiao again, appeared silently behind Yi Xiao, slowly hugged him, and then took out the potion and poured it into Yi Xiao's Mouth.

At the moment when Yi Biao's injury recovered, he went straight to Farid, who was still burning on the ground.

"Damn it." Yi Xuan frowned, circling around a small flame in front of Farid, and the books in the flames had been burned, leaving no ash left.

At this time the flame is still burning, I am afraid that it is only because of its never extinguishing feature, because there is no longer anything to burn on the ground.

The flame on Faried was extinguished, but this is probably not because of the flame, but because of Faried himself.

His corpse is no longer a humanoid figure, not a burnt scorched black piece, but a real adolescent form, which becomes a black cocoon, two arms like two cocoons, and a body like a large cocoon, It looks chilling.

Yi Biao's brows were tightly locked and he didn't relax for a moment.

The strange appearance of this thing reminded him of the inner world, no, it is even worse than the inner world.

But the strange thing is, what does this have to do with Lishi.

According to what Farid said, Yi Xuan is not difficult to figure out what the cause is. In the world of ice and fire, when releasing the Sleeping Curse, Yi Xiao once deceived an inexplicable existence.

That spell required the sacrifice of the heart of the loved one, but Yi Chou used the potion of love to deceive the past.

But this thing is obviously not finished, because Yi Biao soon dreamed of something strange, a guy who clamored and cheated on himself to retaliate.

Yi Chou took this matter to heart, but did not expect the retribution to come so fast.

Obviously, this inexplicable existence has always been entrenched in Farid, unconsciously controlled it, escaped Yi Shou's magical survey, and hid the book.

It did not ruin the book hastily, because perhaps Yi Biao's magic was still monitoring it.

It may even be that when the book is taken out, the moment the book appears, Yi Chou will directly take it across the space from another corner.

So it has been holding back.

Until Yi Chou temporarily lost his magic, until the emergence of the unending fire.

"I'm in trouble." Yi Xiao took a deep breath.

Deceived it by itself, it destroyed its own things, one thing to offset one thing, Yi Chou did not have too many complaints, but listening to its meaning, it seems that it still intends to struggle.

If it really dared to do this, Yi Chou could not find it to account for it.

But what is most strange to Yi Chou is why Farid turned into a world creature after death.

This is easy to admit, because only the guys in the world will look like this. The strange style and unacceptable appearance.

The style of painting in the world is completely different from the outside world, that is one kind. . It seems that people will recognize at a glance that it belongs to the kind of singularity of the Lishi. It is such a weird, and it is also a unique breath of Lishi.

So Yi Chao is very strange.

His magic attracted some kind of inexplicable existence, but how could it be a creature in the world, the power of the world is indeed higher than that of the worlds that Yi Xuan has contacted, but it is only a few.

The Sleeping Spell can actually sacrifice to the inner world, which makes no sense at all.

Melting Farid’s cocoon-like corpse and the ground, Yi Chou stood up again, and he had no fear of the thunder's attack once the guardian curse was in effect again.

To be precise, the Thunder only targets the initial clamor, and then destroys the surrounding environment. The guardian curse only needs to defend against the flying rubble. If it is really the Thunder, rely on its design throughout Certainly, Yi Chou's magic spell may not be able to stop it.

But others are not so lucky.

Yi Xiao looked around. Most of the detectives and soldiers were hit by the collapsed sky because they could not dodge, or they pressed their legs, or they were smashed into meat, and many were caught on the ground. In the crack.

Anyway, there are not many lucky, uninjured guys.

Yi Xao even saw how Ike was wailing when he was hit by the rubble.

However, out of the protagonist's law, the luck of the guys Brian and Volchart was so good that Volchart had escorted Meggie and Lisa out of the shopping mall without even hurting.

This can no longer be explained by good luck.

Because you know, the shopping mall is already crumbling at this time, and even more than half collapsed.

Brian and Stan were nowhere to be seen, but Yi Chou did not see their bodies, because they also ran out, and Larry was the furthest away from here, thinking there would be no danger.

Then at the next moment.


The entire shopping center collapsed completely, and together with the remaining survivors, was buried under the rubble.

Yi Chou had already come to the outside of the shopping mall one moment before the collapse, and he was standing on the shoulders of the tall Statue of Liberty, looking down at the dense panic crowd below.

"It's like an ant..." Yi arrogantly snorted.

The crowd below looks like little black dots to Yi Biao, even if it is a tank, at the height of the Statue of Liberty, it is not much larger than the finger, and the finger below is at least twenty.

It seems that in order to arrest this criminal with supernatural power, the military has made the blood.

But now they are in a mess. Although they maintain the most basic defensive circle because of the maintenance of discipline, but because of the lack of commanders and no understanding of what is happening inside, the defense around the shopping mall is inevitable. confusion.

Especially from the perspective of Yi Chou above, it is simply clear.

This is the unequal power, Brian's idea is very good, but a pity. . Doesn't he think that the things he thinks about should be imaginable.

nzt is something that should be thought of by others, but Brian seems to have sat on the throne of the smartest man in the world for too long, and has lost the most basic vigilance.

Now, he has obtained the last slate, and also has the power of Larry.

If there are no surprises, there is nothing worth remembering here.

So, do you leave now and return to Neverland to block the world, or do you stay and finish the unfinished things and call out Vandal Savage?

Yi Biao suddenly thought of Athena. Although this guy didn't know what reason Brian used to fooling around, and even helped him let the night come in advance, it is estimated that he would soon want to understand the truth.

At that time, if Athena is entangled again, I am afraid she will not want to summon Savage, because she represents trouble.

Just when Yi Chou was hesitant, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Do you think they are like ants? It's really rare. I feel that way too. I thought no one would want to go with me, but can you just... Get off my shoulder first, you are not heavy, but I am uncomfortable."

"Who is it?" Yi Xuan froze for a moment, then asked subconsciously, and then reacted instantly, he immediately floated in the sky using the spell, and then backed away for a distance.

At the next moment, the huge Statue of Liberty suddenly moved. She twisted her body and turned her head to Yi Chou.

"Thank you, I have been exhausted for so many years." The Statue of Liberty said, slowly lowering the arm holding the torch high, and then putting the torch into the water beside it.

"I wanted to do this long ago," she said.


Yi Biao suddenly didn't know what to say. He had realized that this might be the power of the last slate, which gave the sculpture a life, but what he didn't expect was that he gave life to the statue for the first time. A big one.

"Don't be nervous, just relax, just be in your own home." The Statue of Liberty is very easy to speak. She waved a huge stone arm, causing a sonic boom almost in the air at a fast speed, and then signaled to the whole of New York.

Very good, she said that New York is her territory.

"I've stood here for hundreds of years, and this is the first time I have come down." Her voice was very nice, and it was not like a stone at all.

The Statue of Liberty was talking, walking carefully, and then came down from the high pedestal, "Be careful, be careful." She muttered in her mouth as she walked.

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge stone footprints stepped on the ground and made a rumbling noise. If it was not for the appearance of the plasma mass, the military would have expelled everyone on the island, and the soldiers nearby were also transferred to the shopping center. I am afraid This will cause death and injury to the surrounding human beings.

Yi Xiao looked at Mulan with a wistful look and twisted his body, not knowing what to say.

But he didn't know, it didn't mean that the soldiers and detectives didn't know either. Underneath, the pan was almost exploded.

"Oh my god! She's alive!"

"Statue of Liberty moved! Statue of Liberty moved!"

"Oh, God."

"God is in Rio de Janeiro, this is the Statue of Liberty."

I don’t know what these guys are exclaiming, but obviously the formation below is already in chaos, and there is no longer the strict discipline before ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, right. "At this time, the Statue of Liberty suddenly turned her head and talked to Yi Chou. The pointed crown on her head almost pierced Yi Chong, and Yi Chou's figure shattered instantly, and then appeared on the other side with a snap .

"Be careful!" Yi Huo exclaimed angrily, "Are you just comforting yourself with your own words!"

"Sorry, sorry." The Statue of Liberty continued to apologize, and then a little embarrassed, but asked quickly, "Can you make me smaller, I remember your magic can do this."

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes and doubted the reliability of the magic on the fourth slate.

But at this time, he suddenly noticed that a golden light suddenly appeared under the night not far away, like a dazzling star, approaching here quickly.

The golden light spot is getting bigger and bigger, the previous moment is still far away, and the next moment has crossed the distance of thousands of kilometers, and went straight here.

"It seems that the goddess of wisdom... is not too stupid." Yi arrogant whispered. (To be continued.)

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