High Magic Earth

Chapter 908: Statue of Liberty vs. Goddess of Wisdom

"This is Radio New York, and we are broadcasting the latest news for you. ([."

"The 46-meter-high Statue of Liberty jumped off the 5o-meter base..."

"Is it a great magic across the century, or is it a prank, or a hidden weapon of war!?"

At the same time, almost all TV stations inserted a special news, that is, the Statue of Liberty standing on the small island of Hudson River in New York suddenly moved.

To be precise, it is alive.

"Oh my god." A girl with a thick smoky makeup stayed in the apartment, watching the news on TV in surprise while holding a lot of popcorn.

The large volume of the Statue of Liberty cannot be concealed at all, and the New Yorkers are not blind. They can completely see the two figures floating above the Statue of Liberty.

But the question is who are they.

"Is that a **** variant." The girl with smoky makeup rolled her eyes and said, "I was planning to save a house in New York."

"We can see that the military dispatched most of the power to surround the Hudson River, and it is worth noting that they were dispatched much earlier than the sudden movement of the Statue of Liberty."

"This does not mean that the military knows something."

The hostess of Radio New York came to the scene again with due diligence, but because the entire Statue of Liberty was completely blocked, she could not be too close.

Because the Statue of Liberty is huge and destructive, she doesn't dare to get too close.

"Since the millennium incident, New York has been calm for a long time, and recently, it was definitely the darkest period of New York. What is hiding behind the incident..."


The hostess hadn't spoken yet. A deafening roar came suddenly from the top of the skyscraper behind her. At the next moment, a huge faucet came out with the blazing flames.

The poor host didn't even have time to react, and he was burnt to ashes along with the photographer and staff next to him.

The signal paused for half a second, and then turned into a scorched black and sizzling electric sound.

At the last moment, only the grim picture of a huge dragon head was left...

The sudden emergence of the dragon naturally attracted the attention of Yi Chou and Athena, but neither of them paid much attention to it. Yi Chou on Dream Island saw more flying dragons, and Athena never lacked the dragon slayers in that era.

"You **** little bitch! I won't make you a queen!"

But this dragon seems to be not the same as the beasts of Neverland. Not only does she have a huge body, her appearance is more beautiful, but she can also speak out.

The ethereal and crisp voice made Yi Huo look sideways, but soon he didn't have much time, because the angry Athena was approaching step by step.

"This is not a clever decision." Yi Chou shook his head.

He pulled a roll of sheepskin out of his arms and splayed it out, and the quill with magic outlined the dense magic text on his own.

"...The Statue of Liberty jumping off the pedestal experienced the taste of freedom for the first time, and she remembered many old memories that had been forgotten."

"She is just an ordinary stone, but the stone is sealed with unusual magic, so powerful that it can even seal the magic of God."

"The stone statues are surrounded by restricted areas, and the restricted area has spread to..."

Yi Xiao narrowed her eyes, thinking about Athena's degree. After she was close to the Statue of Liberty within a certain range, Yi Xao read through the remaining paragraphs of the parchment in sequence.

"... This range has always been within a thousand meters and cannot be left after entering. The awakened Statue of Liberty remembers her duties again, and she will obey the orders of Angomaka and let her enemies fall into it again. Eternal death."

Facing Athena who came straight to him, Yi Chou couldn't avoid it. He could even see Athena's delicate face flying clear, even like the next moment, her fist was about to hit her face same.

It is a pity that what appeared next to Yi Chou was not Athena's sickle, but a huge palm.


The Statue of Liberty, like a huge stone arm, suddenly screamed across the front of Athena, who slammed into her like a fly.

Fortunately, Athena's reaction was quick, and the stone arm of the Statue of Liberty set off a gust of wind, so Athena barely avoided the past at the last moment.

This is the case with Rao. The great magical power carried by the Statue of Liberty has also spread to Athena.

"Cough!" Athena, who stopped in the air, choked out a bit of blood, and she felt that the power of her body was passing by in an incredible speed.

"It seems that you have been cheated, Goddess of Wisdom." Yi Huo said softly to her.

Athena didn't even need to think about it, she could hear the meaning of ridicule in his words and stared at Yi Chou coldly. Athena replied, "Deception is a tactic used by mortals."

"But it's always trial and error, isn't it."

Athena stopped talking, and she felt a very strong danger of throbbing, and it became clearer, just like she had faced the sudden slate before. )

Her instinct is telling her to leave here!

Athena slowly began to drift backwards. She needed four slabs, but now it is clearly impossible to grab them. She needs to resurrect her father and other siblings, which requires her to live.

Perhaps there are no four slabs, and there are other ways to resurrect them.

Although Silver Tongue and Stan's strength is small, it may not be enough to resurrect her father, but there is also a silver lining.

The premise of all this is that she still has the opportunity to do so.

The danger that the huge stone man in front of her was already warning Athena that it was enough to bury her, and Athena, who realized this, was ready to leave here first.

It was only when she moved that Yi Chou noticed the idea.

"I want to leave now, isn't it over." Standing on the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty, Yi Chou supported her neck with one hand, the other hand hung down, and kneeled half on her shoulder.

Athena is still silent. Although Yi Yao’s power is stronger than her, she still doesn’t think that Yi Yao is more noble than her. She is a god, born more noble than all things, and Yi Yao’s power comes from four slabs. The four stone slabs are the same thing as her, they are not part of Yi Chou.

The other party is just a robber.

Facing such a person, Athena didn't even bother to answer.

She responded with actual actions, that is to turn around and leave.

Athena's degree is definitely a breakthrough, but it is not clear how close it is to Barry Allen. She came here in less than a minute, and it only took a few seconds to leave.

Then at the next moment, "Dang!", she seemed to put on an invisible transparent glass cover and planted her head straight down.

A huge echo sounded through the air, and even ripples appeared.

"Oh." Yi Xuan made an unbearable expression, "This looks really painful."

The falling Athena quickly reacted. She turned around again and wanted to continue to leave, but was still blocked by this invisible thing. After hitting back and forth four or five times, she became headless Like flies flying around, and still not giving up.

"Maybe you didn't understand what I just said." Yi arrogantly said, "I mean... Any creature that has entered the hunting range of the Statue of Liberty can't leave!"

"Boom!" With a huge deafening sound, the Statue of Liberty, controlled by Yi Chou, raised his fist, and then fell hard with a mallet.

Athena was like a tiny ant under her fist, and the roaring noise seemed to tear the sky...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

It stands to reason that a stone statue that is bigger than a giant monster will come to life, and it will definitely arouse the curiosity of Princess Giselle. But now that she is busy screaming, she has no time to estimate the Statue of Liberty not far That war.

Now things are finally clear. Prince Edward’s mother, the queen, is not like asking the prince to marry herself. Not only did she cast a spell to cheat herself, she also deceived herself into this world through a wishing well, and she also chased it over, to be here Kill yourself.

Giselle did not know why the queen hated him so much, but apparently, in the face of a mother dragon that turned violent and quite unreasonable, the good way was to escape quickly.

It's just... Mother's hand still holds Giselle's true lover, Robert.

Originally, Giselle was just staying in her room, waiting for the handsome prince to marry her naive princess, but she was tricked into this complicated world by the witch, and she changed a lot.

And most importantly, she found someone she really loved in this world, and initially took her lawyer, Robert.

But the witch who turned into a dragon captured Robert.

"Leave him down!" Giselle couldn't let the queen do that, watching the huge dragon flying out of the skyscraper, spreading out of the skyscraper, Giselle roared, dropped his high heels, and pulled out the long sword of Prince Edward, Cut the long skirt into a short skirt and immediately caught up.

"Giselle! Mother!" Prince Edward, who had not yet walked out of the shock that his mother wanted to kill her lover, chased out subconsciously, and then shouted on the stone steps in front of the window sill.


Suddenly there was a heavy rain over New York, and the exhausted Thunder appeared again in the sky, but this time it was not the magic of clamor, but the brewing of anger from nature.

The dragon grabbed Robert and circled up the periphery of the building. The heavy rain poured all the water into it.

Giselle looked at the steep outer wall of the building, hesitated for a moment, then grabbed his teeth, grabbed the roof of the roof and rolled up, his sword glaring under the night sky.

A thunderstorm fell, as if to divide the world into two battlefields.

"Gissel! Ahhh! Be careful!" Robert yelled.

Robert, an ordinary lawyer in New York, thought his life was bad enough. He thought that Giselle, who was mentally ill, was a worse start, but he didn't expect everything to change.

Is changing in a good direction.

Unfortunately, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

When this crazy witch chases over from the Kingdom of Andalusia, Robert becomes a precious princess who is waiting in the castle to wait for the prince's rescue, always facing the danger of life.

"Robert!" Giselle, who was struggling with his sword and struggling hard, also responded loudly, then slipped and nearly fell.

"Be careful! God! The Statue of Liberty moved! The Statue of Liberty moved! She... fighting...? God! What the **** is going on in this world!"

Robert, who was caught in the palm of the dragon, shouted collapsed, and then struggled hard.

The fighting power of this dragon, which also changed from a witch, seemed to be not as high as those famous witches. Under the struggle of a human being, Robert fell from her palm.

"Ah!" With a horrified scream, Robert rolled over and rolled down the eaves, below which were more than thirty-story skyscrapers, with no chance of being spared.

In a thousand minutes, Giselle, who was also caught near the eaves, threw away his long sword without hesitation, and then turned over and hugged with Robert.

But this could not reach the trend of falling, the two were rolling, just one more death.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Seeing this scene, the witch dragon standing on the tall spire of the skyscraper gave a sweet smile, as if praising the death of two enemies.

It was only when they rolled down the eaves, traversed the window and continued to fall, that a hand shrouded under the armor suddenly came out from the side of the corridor, and then grabbed them fiercely.

The owner of this hand seemed to be very powerful, and he raised it fiercely, and then both of them were thrown into him by one hand.

"Fortunately, it caught up." Only after the two of them were caught in the hallway did a light voice sound.

Listen to the sound, it is a young man.

"Ah! Who is it!" The dragon was already angry when he saw the cooked duck fly away~www.wuxiaspot.com~It frantically patted the outside of the building with its tail, and shattered a large piece of shatter Stone, smashing the car dodge below into discus.

Both Giselle and Robert looked up, and they saw a handsome knight. He wore shiny silver armor different from Prince Edward's dress, and the gold was soft and bright in the moonlight.

"Lancelot, pay tribute to you." He showed his white teeth and took a step back, bending down in exaggeration to the two.

Robert opened his mouth and just wanted to say something. The knight who claimed to be Lancelot interrupted him again. "Sorry, it seems that the danger has not been lifted." He made a sideways listening gesture facing the witch dragon outside. And then continued, "I'll fix it and come back immediately."

Not waiting for the two of them to agree, he turned over and left the window sill, flicked up and walked up the eaves to disappear, leaving only Giselle and Robert to meet each other...

And not far below the skyscraper, the injured Brian and Stan were sitting in the ambulance, and Brian was yelling in exasperation, "This idiot knight! Does he have to kill the dragon when he sees it!" "

"Continue!" he shouted at Larry. (To be continued.) 8

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