High Magic Earth

Chapter 909: New York in the last battle again

Yi Xiao stood on the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty, and the gigantic ten-meter statue was dexterous like a boxer, while Yi Xiao was also nailed to it.

"Bang! Bang!"

The Statue of Liberty waved huge fists and bursts of air explosions in the air. She squeezed her lips tightly, with no expression on her serious stone face.

No more nagging in her mouth, because Yi Chou did not like to listen to her nonsense.

"Yes, to the left, you punched fiercely." Yi Chou supported the Statue of Liberty's neck as if he were the shrine standing on the shoulders of giants, looking down on Athena, who was exhausted,

The Statue of Liberty obeyed Yi Biao's commands, and even executed every command in Yi Biao's mind perfectly.

Because there is a special connection between Yi Ao and the name Angomaka, and the Statue of Liberty obeyed Angomaka.

The name magic is a partial magic, but it is not a profound spell. After the new name chosen by Yi Chou for him is Angomaka, he has an inexplicable connection with this name.

He is the new owner of the Statue of Liberty.

It is also the temporary master, because the power of the Silver Soul Slate can only play a role at night.

"Bang!" The Statue of Liberty once again punched hard, and even screamed in the air. Although Athena was fast, the huge stone statue was also dexterously disproportionate to its size and could not dodge. Athena was still rubbed aside by the heavy fist of the Statue of Liberty.

A little bit of golden blood spattered in the air, but Athena dared not stop and turned to continue flying down.

Although the action of the Statue of Liberty is flexible, its huge size is also an indisputable fact. Once Athena lowered her flying height, her arrest would become very difficult, and the Statue of Liberty wore a skirt.

She bent down and stretched out her two hands to fish underneath, crashing numerous buildings around.

Thanks to Yi Xao's reading of the new story, the surroundings of the Statue of Liberty were set as restricted areas. Once entered, they would be imprisoned by invisible forces and could not leave, otherwise Athena might have run away.

"Grab her and kill her." Yi Chou said to the Statue of Liberty.

The expressionless Statue of Liberty nodded and began to act meticulously.

It is not just the power of the silver tongue that allows her to obey Yi Huo’s commands completely. The silver tongue can change the attributes and behavior of things after they are manifested. For example, in the original ink heart, Meggie used the ability to recite, and she did it abruptly. Changed the evil attributes of the shadow, so that it killed the Capricorn King, and eventually collapsed on its own.

Yi Chou also changed the Statue of Liberty in this way, making the stones that make up its body magical, becoming magical stones that can seal and kill gods.

But letting Yi Xao and the Statue of Liberty communicate with each other at all times is not something the silver tongue can do.

This is Willy Wangka's ability. This great chocolate maker full of dreams and fantasy can make as many candy as he likes because of his silver heart's ability.

Although it didn't reach the point where the dream came true, it was almost the same.

Yi Biao naturally did not fully exert and tap the power of the Silver Heart, because he did not find the right way, or that there was nothing he insisted on, but he used it to control the Statue of Liberty more flexibly, but there was no problem.

Relying on the only advantage of being petite, Athena tried her best to shuttle between the buildings, just like the kind of indifference she showed to mortals. She did not care about the life and death of human beings. If you use large buildings, you can delay the action of the Statue of Liberty. , Then she would do it without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the Statue of Liberty continued to move, the surrounding buildings destroyed one after another. Although there was an invisible barrier blocking Athena in it, the scope of the battle between the Statue of Liberty and her was still gradually expanding.

The Statue of Liberty had long since left the island, wading to the shore of New York.

It is Yi Chou who is controlling the Statue of Liberty. He also does not care about the casualties below. Anyway, the construction team in New York should already be familiar with the reconstruction work.

Almost any world in New York will be destroyed once again. This curse, which is more effective than the curse of the black magic defense teacher for more than a year, does not want to try to break it.


The military on the ground gave orders to open fire without any care, and many citizens around them had not had time to evacuate here, but they could not care so much, because if the two continue to be destroyed, I am afraid that the casualties will be even greater. .

After that, what they need to explain is not the accidental injury, but the military's inaction.

"Fire! Fire!" With a series of orders from the ground, the tanks scattered around slowly turned the barrel, and then roared again and again without hesitation.

The surviving helicopters raised their heights, and then began to leave the battlefield, because the more powerful fighters were roaring in groups in the distance.

They started firing before entering the battlefield, as if the bullets were as dense as storms, and they were densely packed in the air.

With a missile that pulled a line of fire in the air, in a blink of an eye, the banks of the Hudson River in New York became a front line comparable to the flames of war in World War II.

"Oh my god! Is there an explosion war!"

The deafening explosions and the tremors of tremors from the Hudson River made New York sound silent. Countless people were restless in the company and at home trying to get more information.

However, the communication here has been cut off for the first time. Even if reporters and presenters dare to enter this place without risk, they will be smashed into powder by the stray bullets splashed from the battlefield and the gravel falling from the sky.

Things have inevitably spread out.

Tonight is not just New York, it will also be a sleepless night for the whole world.

. . .

"This is Osprey One, which has reached the designated height."

"Target locked."

"This is Osprey..."

"Attack immediately!"

The command from the command center did not hesitate to attack. The pilot of Osprey One also simply pressed the red launch button. Two thick-armed missiles crossed a long line in the air with a blazing flame and rushed towards the sky. Below is the Statue of Liberty with open teeth and claws.

For this sky-high firework-like attack on the sky a more dazzling color.

After the ammunition was projected to the designated location, the command center quickly passed the order of free attack, and the pilot of Osprey One quickly relaxed.

Looking at the Statue of Liberty below, he grinned and complained in the communicator, "In the beginning, the target of the attack command was the Statue of Liberty, I thought my head was crazy."

"It turned out that we were crazy." He opened the topic in the communicator, and immediately several pilots of the Osprey series took over.

"Yes, I thought something was placed in the Statue of Liberty..."

"But I didn't expect it to have come alive, is I crazy, or is this world crazy."

Seeing the rapid movement between the buildings below, one foot flattened a car, like the Statue of Liberty like a stone giant, the pilot of the Osprey screamed involuntarily.

But they also see that even if this thing comes alive, its power is limited, and its bulky size and composition materials limit its power. As long as the fighter does not fall and is raised to a safe height, it cannot threaten these at all. Fighter.

The threat of the Statue of Liberty is probably not as big as the golden light spot it is attacking. After all, the small gold light spot is fast and small in size, which is absolutely fatal to the aircraft, so that the pilots take the time to complain in the communicator. A few words.

I wouldn’t blame too much for coming to the command center.

After all, the emergence of this kind of thing has subverted human imagination, that is, the mental quality of professional soldiers, and the psychological advantages of pilots so that they are not too panic, but curiosity is still certain.

The overwhelming missiles seemed to have covered the night sky with a fiery protective net. They showed a half-circle enveloping trend and fell towards the center of the Statue of Liberty, and Yi Chou, who stood on the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty, found it immediately. they.

"It's not stubborn." Yi Chou whispered after seeing the overwhelming fire attack.

The spell poured out of his wand and instantly covered the surface of the Statue of Liberty, and at the same time, Yi Xiao pulled out the parchment again, rolled the magic quill wrapped in it, and began to write in the air.

In a blink of an eye, a sentence was completed on the parchment, and Yi Chou immediately read out quickly, "In the face of the overwhelming attack of humanity, a faint luster appeared on the surface of the Statue of Liberty, and it will be immune to all hot weapon attacks. Without any harm."

In the next moment, the Statue of Liberty raised her arms high in front of herself and made a defensive action to protect Yi Chou in the back.

At the same time, the missiles that fell parabolicly hit the Statue of Liberty.

"Boom! Boom!"

The violent explosion sounded day after day, like the most gorgeous fireworks, bursts of dazzling flames erupted on the Statue of Liberty, the fire light almost ignited the entire Statue of Liberty, illuminating the night sky, in the night Looking inside, the Statue of Liberty seemed to transform itself into a huge torch.

The entire command center became silent, and everyone, including Berika, held their breath and watched the scene. They were waiting for cheers. Although the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of New York, she has now become a war. Behemoths, no matter how absurd the reason, they must destroy it.

It’s just the next moment, when the smoke dissipated, the expected cheers did not appear, people continued to be silent, as if they had lost the ability to speak, because they found that the Statue of Liberty, which was covered and submerged by countless firepower, even after the fire dispersed Unscathed.

The Osprey fighters that have been rapidly surrounding the Statue of Liberty are the most intuitive.

"Oh my god! It's nothing at all!"

"I threw all the tonnage ammunition I carried!"

The statue of Liberty, unscathed, slowly lowered his arm, revealing Yi Chou hidden behind him, facing the sky and looking at these troublesome guys coldly.

The attacks on the Statue of Liberty on the ground are limited. The bullets can't be hit so far and so accurately. The only thing that can be threatened is the tank. However, because of the dense construction in New York, the tank will not be able to mobilize too much at one and a half times. The number of rocket launchers is large.

It is these fighters hovering above that bring the greatest firepower threat to the Statue of Liberty. They are numerous, and the ammunition hanging is also a huge threat.

Yi Xiao thought about it and took out a piece of parchment again.

The Statue of Liberty still did not give up the pursuit of Athena, but Athena's speed has been much slower before, and even several times almost caught by the Statue of Liberty in her hand, and then pinched to death.

But before solving Athena, Yi Huo must first solve these small troubles in the sky.

Otherwise, wait for them to return to replenish ammunition, even if the Statue of Liberty will not be harmed, it must also protect Yi Chou from being intensively bombarded by missiles.

The moment the quill stopped, the movement of the Statue of Liberty also stopped, and Yi Xiao chanted quickly in a low voice. In the puzzled eyes of these Osprey pilots, the Statue of Liberty suddenly raised his head and turned his numb eyes. Aimed at them.

"Not good!" The pilot of the Osprey One intuitively felt wrong, but didn't know how enough the Statue of Liberty could threaten them.

Did he pick up the stones and throw them? He admitted that this would cause great damage to New York, but with the excellent performance of the Osprey, those stones don't even want to rub the edge.

It was only at the next moment that the pilot of Osprey One realized that he was wrong.

Because the Statue of Liberty did not pick up the stone, but suddenly put his hand under the cloak, accompanied by a loud hoarse noise of rock rubbing, he instantly pulled out a heavy stone sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the first time, I knew that the Statue of Liberty had weapons hidden in her clothes. Who was her designer? "

But soon he didn't have more time to sigh him, because in the next moment, the Statue of Liberty had turned his cold eyes on the circling group of Osprey fighters in the sky.

"Retreat immediately! Retreat immediately!" The command center reminded that the pilot of Osprey One had given the order to retreat first. He believed his instinct, the intuition of a pilot.

It's a pity that it's still a step late. The rough stone sword seems to tear the sky, with incredible speed, and it instantly slashes through the night sky, and even has a blue arc on its surface.

Why did the stone generate electricity? The pilot of Osprey One thought strangely, and this is the last question in his life, because the next moment, the stone long sword of the Statue of Liberty has torn the entire night sky and has been destroyed. Several Osprey fighters, including his one.

The azure arc is like a demon with life, attached to the surface of the stone sword, and jumping, as if with a magnetic field, it can't help attracting nearby Osprey fighters, and then devouring them. (To be continued.)

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