High Magic Earth

Chapter 910: New York again in the last battle (2)

Watching a few sporadic remaining fighters scatter and flee, Yi Chou regained his gaze, but the Statue of Liberty did not put away the long sword in his hand, but instead made the blue arc above jump more cheerfully.

Distracted by the troublesome guy, Yi Huo can continue to settle accounts with Athena.

Even if she does not fall here today, she will be completely sealed by the characteristics of the Statue of Liberty. How to say that she is also a deity, throwing her three times and five times to cause trouble for Yi Chou, she is also a very valuable creature.

There are many magical creatures on Neverland, but the deity does not.

Moving his attention away from the Osprey, Yi Biao once again controls the Statue of Liberty and Athena to continue the deadly game of chasing after me.

But this time, Athena's speed has obviously been much slower. Her power has been absorbed by the material characteristics of the Statue of Liberty unconsciously, and it is only a matter of time before the final decline.

. . .

But on the human side, after these lucky remnants entered the return flight, they fell into a strange silence.

Humans have not faced huge enemies. Of course, this does not refer to the monsters in the movie, but the war weapons built by humans themselves, such as huge ships and battleships.

You know, the size of the aircraft carrier can be countless times larger than the Statue of Liberty.

Huge volume is not a problem, but if human weapons have no effect on it, it will make humans panic.

Looking at the Osprey squad that was returning, nobody spoke in the entire command center.

After a long time, General Ke Maien slowly said, "How long will the fastest raid team arrive."

"Fifteen minutes." Someone soon answered.

General Ke Maien closed his eyes and said again, "Director Berika, you see the situation now, we need your help."

"I've been cooperating with you all the way." Facing General Cameron from the military, Berika went to a place where there was nothing uncooperative. Fbi and the military have cooperated many times, and contacting Cameron is not the first. Times.

"I mean immediately." General Ke Maien emphasized.

"But what can we do?" Berika asked back, "We can't let our agents and the special response team go to death, even the Osprey has suffered heavy losses."

"It only takes fifteen minutes." Ke Maien said. "The next wave of support will arrive. I have ordered a new batch of support."

"Or a fighter?" Berika asked in a tone of disbelief.

"No." Ke Maien shook his head. "They are also responsible for procrastination. They are chemical warheads. They are already on the way."

"The Statue of Liberty's defense is indeed very strong, but it is made of stone after all, isn't it."

Berika took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "I'll contact Brian to see if he can do anything."

Ko Maien's eyes were drawn. Brian's status is special. Although he is only a special consultant of fbi, as the only unrestricted user of nzt, his safety is actually the first priority at any time.

Maybe someone else Ke Maien can order him by having to complete the task, but in the face of Brian, Ke Maien has no good way, he can only let him lazy.

. . .

It was the battlefield on the other side. The battle between Lancelot and the evil witch was very smooth.

After saving Robert Lawyer and Princess Giselle, Lancelot jumped over and jumped to the top of the outer periphery of the thirty-story skyscraper, and then raised his sword without fear, facing the evil dragon entrenched on the roof.

"Aha! Challenge the dragon, but Lancelot's favorite thing to do!"

The dragon transformed into a queen of the witch did not hesitate to pull a tail to Lancelot’s feet, smashing the eaves and steps he stepped on, trying to make him fall from the air, and smashing his bones, but obviously Lance Lotter's skill is many times better than Giselle.

He cleverly stepped on the dragon's tail with a backflip, and ran to the dragon's back along the dragon's ridge almost in the blink of an eye, the heavy silver armor seemed to be absent, Lance Lott is dexterous like a mountain in the jungle.

"Struggle, little reptile! You can't fight the great Lancelot!"

Lancelot held the long sword in his backhand, pressed his wrist hard, and pressed down hard, ready to pierce the dragon's flesh with a sharp blade from the gap between the dragon scales.

But at this moment, the evil witch queen cried angrily, "Go down from me! You bastard!"

Lancelot shook his hand, almost didn't even catch the long sword, he was shaken from the back by the dragon, he rolled and fell, but his body was in a dexterous twist in mid-air, to find balance again, and then in At the moment of landing, gracefully supported the dragon body with your hands, turned over and let your feet rest on the ground.

"You... do you speak?" he said in surprise.

"Are you an idiot!" said the dragon fiercely, with huge eyes full of disdain.

"You... are you a woman?" Lancelot was still full of surprise.

"Are you an idiot?" The witch's voice was still full of malice.

"I don't beat women." Unexpectedly, after thinking about it, Lancelot actually hesitated and put down the long sword a little.

The dragon was also silent, the rainstorm roared between the dragons, and the thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. After a long time, the dragon thought that he wanted to understand what was the same. He said very surely, "You are a real idiot. "

"Are you really a woman?" Lancelot shrugged and thrust the sword back into his waist.

"I am a witch," the dragon emphasized.

"I know." Lancelot said boringly, "I won't kill the witch, because the witch is also a woman."

I don’t know if there is a witch hunt in the fairy tale country, but apparently the dragon encountered such a thing for the first time. It hesitated and continued to remind, "I am a dragon."

But unexpectedly, Lancelot actually stared at her with a kind of idiot that you clearly were a witch but had to say that she was a dragon, then shook her head with a sigh.

Finally, the dragon was angry, "I want you to die!" she exclaimed angrily.

But Lancelot did not fight with the woman, he would not stay and be beaten. At the moment when the dragon’s huge body moved, he flew forward at an unusually dexterous speed, leaving gracefully and flexibly. Within a few seconds, he turned back to the skyscraper again.

It was as if the 30-storey exterior wall was his own garden.

The dragon froze for a moment, then shouted angrily again, and immediately followed.

"The situation has changed." Lancelot came to Robert and Giselle who were in awe, and said to them, "I don't beat women, and... she is more angry now."

Without Lancelot saying this, the two of them could see from the face of the angry dragon that broke into the wall. Giselle and Robert stood up in panic, then ran and asked, "What now? !"

Lancelot, who was running in front of the two, was taken aback for a moment, and rightfully replied, "Of course it is!"

He said that he was a bit faster, but fortunately, he hadn’t been reliable enough to do nothing. After a few steps, he turned his head again and said, “Relax, I don’t beat women, but someone will I'll do it, he's below!"

He pointed under the skyscraper, so everyone, including Prince Edward, could only run out behind him.

The dragon followed manicly behind the crowd, destroying countless items along the way. The crowd at the party began to rush out as soon as the dragon appeared. At this time, it has almost escaped, but there are sporadic people. There was no time to leave.

Fortunately, the death and injury of the crowd will be even worse, even if the dragon's fighting power is low, it will still be a dragon.

When passing by the elevator, Robert saw a crowd of people, but the elevator was still not full. He quickly pulled Giselle in, but Lanstro, who turned back, grabbed him.

"What are you going to do?" he asked strangely.

"Go downstairs." Robert pointed to the elevator and replied for granted.

"Into an iron coffin? Isn't it death?" Lancelot didn't understand what was going on in Robert's head, but he wouldn't watch him die, so he pulled him down from the thirty floors indiscriminately.

Thanks to the building like stairs, which seems to have not changed for thousands of years, otherwise how to go downstairs is probably a big problem for Lancelot.

. . .

On the other hand, Brian, who was informed by Berika, didn't even need to know what Berika was talking about, so he could see the military's defeat through the scene.

The Statue of Liberty is like a Robin Hood in the steel jungle of a modern city, madly destroying all surrounding buildings.

"Not successful yet?" Brian asked Larry somewhat helplessly.

"Hurry, hurry, it's almost ready." Larry said in a hurry, sweating anxiously.

After losing the slate, Larry found under Brian's guidance that he still has the ability to resurrect the statue. Although it is not only limited to night, it is also a super ability after all.

This time, Larry was excited, thinking that he could finally get rid of poverty, but then he found that this ability is extremely difficult to use. A very small statue requires him to concentrate for a long time to be resurrected, as for the Statue of Liberty This type of body does not need to be considered.

On the other hand, Stan is not idle. He is helping Volchart to retrieve Meggie’s soul. It is not difficult to write a story according to the effect of nzt, but the human soul is one of the most complicated things after all. If the settings in the story are not complete, there will be a big deviation.

Stan has modified it several times, but still cannot fully recover Meggie's soul.

Bryan had a brace on his arm and was sitting in the back box of an ambulance watching a group of superpowered dysfunctional guys trying to practice their abilities.

"I finally understood how Nick Fury felt at the time." He murmured.

But at this moment, Mike, who also had his arm broken, hurried over and "find it." He shouted at Brian with some excitement before he approached.

Waving back, the two soldiers walked up with a huge real hand.

"Very good." Brian stood up, grabbed Larry with the remaining hand, and pushed him to the front of his hand. "Give you a new mission, and bring him back to life."

"This..." Larry was a little overwhelmed because he had difficulty resurrecting a slap-sized thing. The Lancelot just now was completely accidental. After resurrecting him, Larry felt that he could not move for more than half an hour, as if Paralyzed.

That experience, he never wanted to encounter a second time.

"Did you see the outside?" Blair pointed to the raging Statue of Liberty. "He is destroying New York. Every minute, countless people die. You have checked. Your child is not in this area, but you can Make sure that the madman doesn’t come near your child, can you guarantee that he will not be in danger."

Looking at Larry's steadfast gaze, Brian continued, "This is your job, always." He patted Larry on the shoulder, "You are the night guard of the museum, the most special one in the world. Night guard."

"Okay." Larry nodded firmly, and then looked down at the real man in front of him.

. . .

Yi Biao felt that Athena's speed was getting slower and slower than the speed of the previous fast movement. At this time, Yi Biao could already see the vague shadow.

You know, Yi Chou didn't add any spells to his eyes.

"A god..." Yi arrogantly murmured.

His final enemy was also a **** without surprise. Yi Chou once thought it was difficult to defeat him, but now, he has easily caught or is about to kill a god.

Even if that guy is countless times stronger than Athena, it doesn't mean it can't be defeated.

And no matter if Athena is dead or alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she will be the best way to learn about God's creatures.

Yi Xiao stood on the shoulders of the tall Statue of Liberty, accompanied by heavy rain and thunder, approaching Athena step by step. Under the restraint of the power of the silver tongue, the distance around the kilometer around the Statue of Liberty was all restricted areas, Athena Can’t leave here, nor can he get close to the Statue of Liberty.

Because its material becomes the same as the stone stele summoned by Yi Chou before, it has a deadly magic power on God.

"You have no way to escape." Yi Biao whispered, but his voice was clearly transmitted to Athena's ears during the rainstorm. "Don't always think about running away, it's better to think about whether you surrender or fight. To death!"

Athena was deaf to her ears. At the last minute, she might not give up her last hope. But obviously, she is the goddess of wisdom, war goddess, but not the **** of luck.

Good luck did not stand on her side, because it was not long before Yi Chou's voice fell, and the little finger of the Statue of Liberty's fist suddenly rubbed on Athena's shoulder, and suddenly she seemed to be hit by heavy boxing.

Instantly lost balance in the air, flipped and fell to the ground. (To be continued.)

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