High Magic Earth

Chapter 911: Extreme fantasy

After so much trouble, Yi Chou could not let the duck he flew out again. The huge body of the Statue of Liberty suddenly fell down with his mind, reaching out and grabbing Athena in his palm.

Although Yi Xiao can control the movement of the Statue of Liberty, he can't feel the feeling of the Statue of Liberty, so minor adjustments can't be taken into account at all. The hard stone big hand is like two powerful vise, ruthless Pinch Athena's shoulders and let her spit out a large mouthful of golden blood.

Jin Cancan's blood sprayed on the tiger's mouth of the Statue of Liberty, as if covered with a layer of golden powder.

Athena looked embarrassed at this time, no more elegant and calm than before. Her long blond hair was covered with gray stone powder, and the crown of thorns had been severely cut off.

She was pinched in the hands by the Statue of Liberty, struggling weakly, and screamed, "You can't do this, my father..."

But before she finished speaking, her screaming stopped abruptly, because Yi Chou had grabbed her with the arm of the Statue of Liberty, and then slapped it **** her chest.

"It turns out that this sentence began in the ancient Greek era. This should be the earliest." Deeply know that most of the reasons for failure and success are because of the irritability of too much nonsense, and there is no chance for Athena to nonsense.

There is no vague flesh and blood splash, and at the moment of grabbing her, Yi Chou held the idea of ​​solving her completely.

But this is not the killing of Athena. Since the captured Athena has lost the threat, then Yi Chou has more room to deal with, that is the seal.

Under the recitation of the silver tongue, the stone that constitutes the Statue of Liberty can not only kill Athena, but also seal it.

Just like the stone stele summoned by Yi Chou, the specific part is at the chest of the Statue of Liberty, the moment Athena was pressed towards the Statue of Liberty, she completely disappeared from this world Instead, it was the clear human-shaped shadow on the chest of the Statue of Liberty.

It's like a fine relief in ancient Greece.

The shadow of the entire human form is engraved on it, and it is almost visible in the moonlight under the sway. The crown of thorns, the messy hair and the appearance, the only difference is that Athena is dressed in a golden battle skirt. The Valkyrie turned into a black stone shadow.

She was sealed, under serious injury, and this was almost equivalent to death.

Because even Yi Biao doesn't know how to lift this seal, the only way to seal the magical miracle of the gods is to try again with the silver tongue.

After sealing Athena, Yi Chou also breathed a sigh of relief.

After entering the world of ink heart, it seems that there are always accidents, and now there is finally a smooth progress. Sure enough, nonsense and mouth guns are the most dangerous skills.

At the next moment, it seemed that I felt the same. Yi Chou suddenly turned his head to the side, and in the following moment, a row of ice edges refracting the cold light passed against Yi Chou's ear, flying with a sharp howling Far away.

"It's really dangerous." The sharp ice edge seemed to be able to pierce the sky dome, and the momentum was so great that it cut through the sky and disappeared in Yi Biao's eyes.

Sure enough, if according to the law of nonsense, if Yi Biao spends more time with Athena, I am afraid that he will be interrupted by this sudden attack, even if Yi Biao has not discovered where there is potential danger in advance.

"Release her and stop hurting..."

A young and cold voice came from below. Although the voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to Yi Xuan's ears, which had the same effect as Yi Xiao's spell.

But Yi Xiao was not too surprised, because he turned his head indifferently, spreading the huge palm of the Statue of Liberty in the direction of the voice, exposing the empty palm inside, and then said softly, "What do you say? "

. . .

Larry was facing a plastic statue, looking as if his eyes were glaring.

Of course, the one with the smallest eyes is Larry.

"I said, who is this." After insisting for a while, he finally couldn't help but give up, took a long sigh of relief, rubbed his sore eyes, and asked an agent next to him.

The fbi rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Instead, another agent came up and said to him, "This is Albus Dumbledore, you don't even know, haven't you seen Harry Potter?"

"I've seen it...but I've seen it..." Larry's tone seemed hesitant. "But I remember him as an old man, this...is a young man."

"This is a young man. These enthusiasts always like some weird things. This is absolutely rare."

"So... are you an audiophile?" Suddenly a cold voice came from behind the detective, and Mike came to him with an arm injury, staring coldly at him.

The poor detective accused him of leaving, leaving room for Mike and Larry to talk.

"Even this thing can be recognized..." Mike whispered softly, then looked at Larry again. "It's okay, I don't know who he is."

"But... are you sure it really works?"

Larry also knows that his ability seems to be unreliable. He always thought that only the stone slab can bring the statue back to life. He never thought that he could do this one day.

"To be honest." Larry shrugged. "I don't know."

Mike nodded, as if expecting this answer a long time ago, he gently inhaled, and then continued, "Brian asked me to bring you a sentence, each slate ability is different, the silver tongue needs to be read, Stan needs to write. We haven't been exposed to the third ability for the time being, but he feels that your fourth ability... there may be some way to trigger it."

"For example... shall I take a photo of them with a flashlight?" Larry pulled out the flashlight used by the night guards, flicked it in his hand, and hit the lights on the faces of these statues.

Of course, this has no effect. Dumbledore's real hands are still the young version of real hands, no change.

But Mike didn't seem to think so. He stared straight at the statue and said abruptly, "Lights."

"What?" Larry froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand Mike's meaning, and it seemed he didn't understand.

"I mean...light." Mike gestured, and then finally thought of the word, "Moonlight."

"Slate needs moonlight." Larry said.

"You can continue to stare here," Mike said to him. "You can also try it."

Larry finally didn't refute any more, and Mike was unambiguous. With a wave of his hand, several agents immediately stepped forward to move out Dumbledore's young version.

The silver moonlight sprinkled on the statue. For a moment, it really seemed to come alive.

Unfortunately, it's just like, it's still dead.

"Look, I'll say it." Larry said with some disappointment. Although he also wanted to make the statue come alive, it was a pity that it did not work.

But what Larry didn’t expect was that at the next moment when his voice fell, a arrogant and disdainful voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Can you take your dirty hands off me."

It was found that Mike was staring blankly at his back, and the feeling from his hand suddenly changed from a hard statue to a soft cloth. Larry swallowed a spit of saliva, forcibly pressed down on the inner mess, and then stiffened like a machine Slowly turned his head.

Then he met a pair of light blue pupils, eyes without a trace of expression staring at him coldly, making people feel as if the other party would raise their wands at the next moment.

"Also can you take your nasty gaze away from me? I'm fed up with this gaze. Are Muggles all idiots? They just stare at others so stupidly. Years."

Dumbledore dragged his clothes out of Larry's hands, and then shook hard, striding out.

"Where are you going?" Brian, who had long noticed the situation here, hurried over immediately. "It wouldn't be for Lancelot to settle the bill. You're not Merlin. We specifically skipped Merlin's handwork. You wouldn’t want to find the stupid dragon's trouble in the same way."

"Lancelot?" Dumbledore asked back. "I do have some grudges with him. The expressions of these families are very annoying. Why, his magic has been relieved? I will find him in trouble, but not now. "

"Now I just want to stay away from you stupid Muggles, leave here, before I forget everything before I change my mind."

"Also, who are you?"

Brian took a light breath, as long as he talked, it means that he can communicate, and that there is a way to induce.

"I am the smartest person in the world." Brian said.

He didn't talk nonsense, and he who eats nzt is indeed the smartest person in the world, but unfortunately only twelve hours at a time, twice a day.

"The smartest person?" Dumbledore sneered like a question, staring at him with playful eyes.

Dumbledore admitted that the smartest person in the world must exist, but it would never be the guy in front of him, of course, nor himself, but Gellert, Gellert Grindelwald.

But Dumbledore was not prepared to worry about Brian. After all, Muggles, always a little stupid and arrogant.

"Smart people, nice to meet you, goodbye, the smartest Muggle." After that, Dumbledore turned his head around and left without giving Brian a chance to respond.

Just as Brian's brain quickly wanted to remedy, Larry whispered to Mike, covering his mouth next to him, "I remember him as a kind old man, but why do I feel he hates it now."

"Hush, no sound!" As an agent's cautious, Mike was subconsciously like to stop Brian, but unfortunately it was too late, because the next moment, Dumbledore, who was leaving, had stopped.

Except that Brian's pupil seemed to shrink happily, all the people who heard Larry's complaint were all bitter.

"Muggle, I'm very old." Dumbledore turned around and asked Larry coldly.

To be honest, Larry's shape is the worst in this bunch of protagonist series, of course, it is not very bad, but it is slightly inferior to other people.

For example, the protagonist of the protagonist, Brian has a confident aura. As soon as he appears, it seems to be different from others, giving people a different feeling.

Stan and Volchart are slightly worse, but one is abhorrent, the other looks like someone with a story, and as the president of the world’s largest chocolate supplier, the greatest chocolate maker, and also a big capitalist Brian couldn't even invite Willie Wonka to his presence, and his temperament was exceptionally outstanding, as if it was a neuropathy.

But Larry was a little worse. The blue and dirty night shift guard uniform, ordinary to the face of the public, and a passerby-like temperament, let people ignore him at a glance.

It was not surprising that Dumbledore ignored him at first, because he and Mike stood together, and there was no conspicuous dragon supporting role.

"Er..." Facing Dumbledore's questioning, Larry also felt unusually entangled. He hadn't read the Harry Potter book, otherwise he wouldn't say what he just said. Of course, he gave I bought it from my son and took a look at it.

And it was because he understood the power of Dumbledore’s magic that he felt so tangled. Now that there is a crazy wizard wreaking havoc in New York, I’m afraid I can’t afford another one, although Dumbledore may still be at this time. Not the strongest white wizard.

Larry struggled for a long while before continuing, "Uh... you certainly don't look old, but... all humans will grow old." He said nonsense.

At this time, Dumbledore was young, with blue eyes and black curly hair. His face was very handsome, and he couldn't see the old age at that time.

"Stupid Muggle," Dumbledore whispered, shaking his head. "I don't want to waste anything for a second."

"He looks a little confused, why is that?" And at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Brian suddenly lowered his voice and said to Stan next to him, but although the voice was lowered, Larry's complaints can be suppressed by Dumble. Lido heard that Brian's soft whisper was not known to Dumbledore.

Rather than complaining in a low voice, it is better to say to him specifically.

Stan, who also took nzt, immediately understood what Brian meant. "Relax, people who just wake up will often fall into a mess of time."

Sure enough, Dumbledore was keenly aware of what was implicit in the dialogue between the two, "What confusion, what are you talking about."

"Nothing." Brian shrugged.

"Tell me, or I'll do it myself, Muggle." But the Dumbledore in front of him obviously didn't intend to be polite. He took out his wand and pointed at Bryan.

"How do you do it yourself."

"Your memory." Dumbledore stared at Brian's eyes tightly as he spoke. His ice-blue eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly said again, "But it's strange, you're not nervous, why is that? "" (To be continued.)

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