High Magic Earth

Chapter 917: Extreme Fantasy (7)

"So... what is your reply."

Yi Xiao was not in a hurry to answer. He stared at Brian with great interest. He was no longer trying to trouble himself, even at this point, he did not give up. Even Yi Xuan felt a little admired him. , "That book has been burned, are you sure she can read me back?"

"Meggie read a page, although it was only the page she read, but don't forget that behind me can be one of the world's best-selling authors, r.l. Stan."

As long as it has a certain story and is recorded on paper, the silver tongue will take effect after it is read out. In the original movie of Ink Heart, Meggie modified the ending of the ink heart story, and never completely ended everything.

Then Stan can naturally do the same, even better.

"Well, even if she can read me back." Yi Piao paused. "How are you sure, I have no other way to enter your world again."

"You should know my identity, and you should understand my ability. In other worlds, I can't always wait for the silver tongue to read me from the story."

"It doesn't need you to care." Brian's tone was faint. "There will be no such problems, because after you leave, I will block the world."

"Refusing to communicate with the outside world does not sound like a wise person's decision."

"But this is the best decision now."

Yi Biao shrugged, "Well, actually I want to say that we want to go together, but I still don't like the feeling of being evicted by others."

Brian learns Yi Yi's appearance, perfectly simulating the magnitude of every centimeter of his shoulder tremor, and then says, "This can't help you."

He took a step back and gave up Meggie behind him.

Vrchat stood firmly behind Meggie's face, although his face was tense, but he was determined to protect his daughter's expression and attitude. Although Stan did not speak, he waved the manuscript in his hand.

There was a bitter smile on his face and a helpless expression, but his meaning was obvious, that is, those of us are fully prepared. Although they may not really be able to protect Meggie foolproof, but also prepared.

If you really want to do it, these people will never catch it, anyway, a fierce battle is inevitable.

Yi Chou shook his head, and his goal had reached half of it. Athena, who started without meeting, didn't want to go further with these people in front of him.

Whether to leave temporarily or to continue to stay, in fact, does not have much impact on Yi Huo.

"Ango..." said Meggie, who had repaired the soul in Stan's story, said softly.

It was the little girl in front of her who read herself to this world. Although she also had the relationship of making her own wishes, she also helped Yi Huo very busy. It was precisely because of this that Yi Huo had always tied her around. But it didn't hurt her.

"You can call me Maca," Yi Huo said. "Or Angomaka, the word Ango has no practical meaning in the language of Oz."

After hearing this, Brian's pupils who stood behind twitched a little. They always had speculation about the origin of Yi Chou, including his real name. Unexpectedly, he even got the clue in this regard at the last minute.

Oz, is he actually from Oz, the kingdom in that fairy tale?

I did not expect that the kingdom in the fairy tale world actually exists, but since parallel worlds and magic, as well as the ability of the silver tongue, which has been completely denied by science, exist, the appearance of fairy tales does not seem unacceptable.

Just this name. . It doesn't seem to have been heard in a certain story, it's not a name that everyone knows well.

Forget it, everything is over, and it makes no sense to consider these.

Brian quickly packed all these thoughts in his mind and threw them away.

"What about Maca," the little girl Meggie asked, "what does it mean?"

"It's a river." Yi Huo's answer was very calm. "It also means creation."

Time seems to be much slower at this moment. Yi Chou has no thoughts about the little girl in front of him. Not to mention that he has no soul, and his feelings are very indifferent. Also, Meggie is only a teenager. Little girl who has not grown up yet.

The twelve- or three-year-old girl is too early in the premature Europe and the United States. You know, if it is in Hogwarts, she is only a third-grader, and even the brave ball cannot participate.

If anyone dares to deal with these underage students, then be prepared to be poisoned by Snape.

But for Yiji, it was definitely not just a simple identity and symbol for the kidnapper. This was not Stockholm syndrome, but the experience of this time. For Meiji, who was only twelve or three years old, it was really It's too memorable.

It's like a ridiculous dream trip.

Yi Xiao took her to another world, a grotesque town surrounded by monsters with very different appearances, a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus skeleton and a history museum that ran on the streets of New York at midnight, and there were only dreams that were entirely made of chocolate and The world of syrup, Willie Wangka's chocolate factory.

The lazy life in the New York Hotel, a house of treasures accompanied by the storm, and green ones, like rocky masks popping out of cartoons.

These Meggie all remembered, even imprinted in her memory, unforgettable.

For a little girl only about thirteen years old, these memories are too difficult to forget.

This age is when the world is full of curiosity and longing for the world, the world in their eyes is originally strange, full of novelty and unknown.

The world is like an unfamiliar monster. Everywhere will make them full of associations, filling the world they imagined, and may gradually be forgotten in the future, but such experiences and feelings will be indelible in their memories.

And now, Yi Biao really took her into a fantasy world, full of dreamy journey almost make Meggie linger.

If it weren’t for the magic shackles on her body and the worries of her father behind her, she really wanted to go on a trip that has been carefree and fun, never ending.

She has been traveling since she was a child, following her father throughout most of Europe, but then Volchart was always full of worries and frowns.

Meggie didn't have a happy life, and how much savings a bookmaker can rely on for studying and earning a living in Europe. It was not easy for Meggie not to starve to death.

She is much thinner than girls of the same age.

Chocolate is the only snack she can eat, and it is also the cheapest kind.

But Yi Xiao never lacks money. Whether it is the banknotes lured by the magic of the mind or the useless metal such as gold, it is just a number for Yi Chao.

This is a beautiful and dreamy journey, just like Peter Pan found his dream island, and Meggie also found the dream place in his heart.

But unfortunately, the dream will end.

"I thought you would never tell me where you came from." Meggie's mouth was raised, with a consistent, happy smile on her face, which whispered.

But her voice became more and more obscure, and even at the end, it was almost unclear.

She still knows how serious things are, for example. . Blaine and others did take the lead in dealing with Yi Huo, but Yi Huo caused extensive destruction in New York, and even countless deaths and injuries are indisputable facts.

"You don't belong here," Meggie said faintly. "You shouldn't stay here either."

Yi Xuan saw Meggie's nervous whitening face, and even noticed that something was tightly clasped in her hand. Even without thinking, Yi Xuan could guess that this was the note that Brian had written first.

A story that allows you to leave this world.

Now that Stan has cured Meggie's soul, she can read the story in other places. As a silver tongue for calling Yi Huo, Yi Huo will naturally follow the story.

But Brian didn't do it. Instead, he took Meggie to the top of the Statue of Liberty. You know, since they face Yi Chou directly, then Yi Chou is fully capable of throwing them all away in an instant.

Since Brian did so, then he was sure to block Yi Biao magic.

Just like when I was stuck in Yihuo before.

But this time, Brian had a stronger weapon than Stan, and even a silver tongue that called Yi Chou, but did not want to try to control Yi Chou as before.

In fact, this is also a compromise.

Because he was worried that Yi Biao still hid some unknown magic means and cards.

You never know what the magician's next magic is.

So he chose to take Meggie up and told Yi Chou to expel him and block the world. In addition to preparing for a complete showdown, he also told Yi Chou from the side that they only asked Yi Chou to leave the world and would not extravagantly ask for anything else. Things that do not belong to them.

nzt did not bring Brian greed, and only one mistake like that was enough. His approach was correct.

But this is also their bottom line. If Yi Chou does not leave here, then the war will not end, even if they risk the destruction of New York or even the territory of the mainland, they will have to fight to the end.

Because Yi Chou can do this once, they can do it for the second time. They cannot know that Yi Chou can even do such a thing again, and they can bear this threat several times.

Various countries absolutely cannot tolerate the existence of a person whose force completely overrides them, and can even turn their slavery into slavery at any time.

Rather than being enslaved or extinct in the end, it is better to vow to fight now.

This is Brian's intention and what he represents.

So Yi Chou did not worry, but quietly watched what Meggie wanted to do.

After finishing this sentence, Meggie seemed a little nervous, frustrated and sad, but as her breathing gradually stabilized, her attitude became a little firmer.

"You should leave here, Maca, and go back to your own world." Meggie pulled out the little paper ball that was almost crumpled into a ball, slowly unfolded it in her hand, then lowered her head, daring not to look at Yi Chou's eyes , And then read it silently.

"... He stood above the Statue of Liberty, stepping on a huge head, looking at the broken and devastated ground that was destroyed by him, and suddenly felt a burst of guilt flooding up."

Yi Xao suddenly covered his chest, he looked down, this is a strange feeling, but also a very long-lost feeling, what is it, Yi Xuan is not clear.

Because he never felt it, even if the soul energy leaked from the gold hourglass of Neverland was used as a filling, he had never felt such a feeling.

Because the temporary energy of soul energy can make Yi Chou feel a little bit of human feelings, but it is only a little bit, it is very thin, so thin that it can be ignored.

Only people like Yi Chou who have never tasted any human feelings will be keenly aware of this slight feeling.

But now it's different. This feeling of pouring out from deep inside is so profound that it seems to be imprinted in his body.

Yi Chou felt that the whole person was about to be torn, and the cramps in his chest could not be expressed as regret, embarrassment, or shame. In short, this was a very complicated feeling.

"This is... guilt..." Yi Huo whispered, "It's wonderful..."

Of course he knew it was guilt, because Meggie had just finished reading, and the power of the silver tongue was really powerful, even if it made a soulless person feel the feelings, it was very easy.

Brian and Stan next to them also stared at Yi Chou very nervously, for fear of any change in him, because this is the most critical time, and it is also the turning point of the whole thing.

Although Brian was confident that Yi Huo could understand what he meant and where his bottom line was, he was not sure whether Yi Huo would accept it.

If Yi Biao really does not accept it, it means war. Although he knows that he is not Yi Biao's opponent, Brian will still choose to fight at that time.

Whatever the outcome of the war, the heavy losses will always be the side of humanity.

So Brian, who has nzt body protection and never trusts any gods, is also praying low in his heart at this moment, so don't be surprised.

But fortunately, UU reads www.uukanshu.com Yi Huo has no action, it seems that he really intends to let Meggi finish reading this story.

It's just that, before waiting for Brian to breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that he heard Yi Yi's whisper and murmur, and Meggie's voice suddenly began to become smaller and smaller, "I'm sorry, Maca." She choked.

Brian was anxious, and as soon as he was about to speak, Yi Biao whispered, "Why should I apologize, Meggie, there is no need to apologize."

Meggie thinks Yi Chou refers to the damage and destruction he caused to New York, but in fact, except for the difference between human wizards, she is not an American but a German.

"That's not all..." Just before Meggie continued to speak again, she suddenly felt a sleepy surge, almost instantly, spreading to her brain, occupying all of her thinking.

The next moment, she was soft and slumped on the ground to sleep.

"What I want to say is that you don't need to apologize, because your story may not be finished, you eat the apple in the courtyard of the Red Castle." Yi Huo threw an apple with a bitten bite in his hand, watching Sleeping on the ground, Meggie shrugged, "What do you want to say." (To be continued.)

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