High Magic Earth

Chapter 918: blockade

Brian looked bitter.

At this moment, he thought of many things, such as a lot of things that have not been done, he hasn’t finished watching the latest season’s song of ice and fire, he hasn’t gone to the newly opened restaurant to taste it, and he missed it. Little baby at home.

as well as. . Pepper. .

He couldn't hold back. Although Brian felt that he was not patriotic, he went through five years of training with FBI. He was a special consultant for FBI for five years.

He has become one with this country.

Brian’s sanity is telling him that being the only nzt body without side effects other than Pepper, his role in living is more valuable than dying here.

But this was just reason, Brian felt he needed to be emotional.

Even now he is in the effect of nzt.

And a more critical reason is that he does not feel that he has the possibility of escaping from the opponent in this situation.

"You are ready." Brian muttered to himself.

"I'm done." Stan behind him immediately whispered up, as a best-selling author, Stan can not participate in these things.

But Stan, who has taken the nzt, sees it more thoroughly. Once the war comes, no matter what identity or person, as long as he has similar creative power, he will definitely be controlled.

Even Willy Wonka is no exception.

His name has appeared in fbi's vision, and even if he leaves here alive, fbi will not let him go.

It is better to end everything here.

Even without Bryan filling him with chicken soup, Stan's actions have always been very positive, that is, he doesn't know how he will see himself for this period of time after his medicine has worked.

But a pity. . His winks were completely thrown at the blind.

Brian gave him a very disgusted look, "Not that you." He hummed, "I'm asking myself, is it, Blair."

In a thinking space that no one else can see, Brian, who is wearing a big red cashmere sweater, leisurely plays extreme sports on the edge beside the head of the Statue of Liberty, and answers boringly.

"I am very confident and don't know you..."

"Nonsense, I am you." Brian gave him a glance, too lazy to ignore this idiot.

"I think we will be fine." During the conversation, another Brian emerged, dressed in a Hawaiian vacation, and holding a glass of juice in his hand.

"Why?" Brian asked him, tilting his eyes without moving his head.

The Brian Hawaiian shrugged. "There is no reason, it is intuition. If there is a reason, probably because we are the protagonist? And the protagonist is usually not going to be a problem."

"Okay, that's the best." Brian murmured to himself, collecting all the surrounding Brian.

He took a deep breath and calmed down. "Hey, are you ready." He suddenly asked Stan next to him.

Stan was stunned and didn't notice Bryan's problem. He still stabbed Stan with his elbow before he recovered.

"Hey, I'll ask you this time." Brian said.

"Huh...I?" Stan froze for a moment, and asked a bit listlessly, "What the **** are you doing."

While the two were talking, Volchart had stepped forward and hugged Meggie who had fallen to the ground. Fortunately, she just fell asleep and her breathing was still very steady, which made Volchart breathe a sigh of relief.

After letting Meggie fall into a deep sleep, Yi Chou didn't immediately deal with several people. He didn't think it made sense. Instead, he took out some parchment and magic feather pen again.

"There are two more stories... it's time." Yi Chou said softly.

He set his sights on a few people, no matter how they responded, "No need to drive me away, I will leave this place soon, but... let me finish the last two stories."

Although Brian was still arguing with Stan, Yi Chou was keenly aware of a slight contraction of his pupil, and he heard it.

"This is an ancient curse. When the meteor shower crossed Egypt, the fate of the three people was tightly entangled together. Forever and forever, they easily got what the ordinary people long for, eternal life."

Yi Xiao began to record his story. The feather pen quickly wrote on the sheepskin. After having the ability of silver tongue, he does not need to think too much about the story. As long as it is logical, the silver tongue can be easily transformed into it. For reality.

As the story above the sheepskin took shape, Yi Chou felt an unusual flow in the surrounding air.

The first story of Yi Biao is to summon Vandal Savage, an immortal who is not capable but has great ambitions. Of course, from the moment Vandal appeared, he had no resistance.

The story slowly takes shape, and correspondingly, Wang Daer also slowly takes shape, and a complete person gradually appears among several people from the beginning to the end.

Yi Chou's silver tongue ability has been used several times, but it is the first time to summon a living person.

Soon, with the end of Yi Huo groaning, the story came to an end, and Vandal Savage also appeared completely and completely in this world, in front of several people.

He also fell asleep.

It's easy to do this. As long as Yi Biao works a little in the story, the read things and creatures have almost no resistance.

This is creation.

Incomparably great and amazing ability.

Vandal Savage is lying on the ground, almost the same as Yi Biao's impression. The stubborn Central Asian is already middle-aged, but still likes to tie a lot of darts and flying knives to his body.

Yi Biao pours him a big bottle of life and death water, and then puts him into a transparent crystal coffin.

This person is useful, but not here.

After finishing these things, Yi Biao glanced around, Brian, Stan, Vrcht, and Meggie, and they had very good luck, no one was lacking.

It seems that the selection range of the silver tongue has nothing to do with the height. It should be an unlucky egg in exchange for it. It was put into the temporary short film where Savage is.

Yi Xiao is not worried that they will affect Savage's world, because this story was created by Yi Xiao and has nothing to do with the original Marvel world.

"Your luck is really good." Yi arrogant said softly.

No one answered on the top of the head of the Statue of Liberty, Yi Chou was dumbfounded, he shrugged and began to write his second story.

"A strange world, a complete world..."

Among all the things, only this one is the most important, which is related to all the subsequent journeys of Yi Chou, so he left this matter to the end.

Perhaps the success rate on Dream Island will be higher, but because of the importance, Yi Chou decided to experiment in this world first.

As the story was gradually outlined, there seemed to be no special reactions around. Yi Chou finished the last text of the story, stopped the quill pen, and felt quietly.

There was no abnormality in the inner hourglass.

Maybe you need to go back to Neverland to know if things are going smoothly.

He raised his head and met Brian's gaze.

"I have a hunch that we will meet again." Yi Biao's voice appeared in Brian's mind. The expression on his face was quiet, but he instantly mastered this call skill.

"I believe too." Brian thought in his mind.

Yi Xiao showed a smile and controlled the magic quill to fly and write in the air again. The next moment, it didn't even take long, when Brian looked at him again.

But found that Yi Chou has disappeared in place.

Vrchat stared at the place where Yi Chou left suddenly, and Meggie hadn't awakened, but before he yelled, the ground at the feet of the four people suddenly shook violently.

"Ah... my whole body hurts..." There was a sudden sound below them, very loud, almost deafening.

Brian immediately thought of what this was. Sure enough, at the next moment, the voice continued, "Oh? How did I get so high."

The four were at a high altitude like a flat boat in a heavy rain. Brian clutched tightly at the pothole ground, winked at Stan, and then roared.

"Don't move! There are people on your head! Watch your feet!"

Sure enough, the Statue of Liberty without Yi Chou's control was still relatively easy to communicate with, because then she stopped.

"But my body still hurts," the Statue of Liberty complained. "You said I should go to the hospital, or go find a mason to fix it."

"I don't think a group of stonemasons are useful. Let's shrink your body back first. Rest assured that the government will pay for this." Brian dissuaded without sincerity.

An apple suddenly appeared in the place where Yi Chou disappeared. It rolled and fell, jumping irregularly on top of the potted Statue of Liberty, but in the end it seemed to have a purpose and rolled to Vrchat's hand.

After Meggie's pale and weak hands, Apple touched Vrchat gently.

Almost subconsciously, Volchart grabbed the apple, and at this moment, a lot of information poured into his mind.

"An apple can make people sleep, an apple can also make people wake up, and tell me by the way, don't eat food of unknown origin."

"By the way, I buried a bunch of treasures somewhere, and Meggie knew where they were, and they made no sense to me, if...you still have freedom."

It was the wizard’s voice, and Volchart would never forget it, but at the moment, he hugged Meggie and grabbed the apple tightly, as if to catch the last straw.

The Statue of Liberty towering into the clouds was quiet again. Brian and Stan sat blankly in the same place. Vrchat embraced Meggie in the arms. The violent wind around was roaring, but it was strangely very quiet.

Only the deafening voice of the Statue of Liberty was deafening.

. . .

Modern New York is prosperous, crowded, and full of crowds, while Neverland is just the opposite. Although it is full of fantasy landscapes and magical magical creatures, it still cannot cover the desolation and uninhabited silence.

Especially in the Black Valley.

"That guy is back..." Miss Mandela, who was quietly housed in the Black Valley, seemed to feel something. She raised her head and looked towards the center of Neverland.

A figure gradually turned from light to reality, and appeared in the courtyard of the Red Castle, just under the courtyard with the scarlet apple tree.

The first thing I felt when Yi Chou came back was the house elves. Almost in an instant, the entire Red Castle came to life again.

Like a corpse filled with vitality, a red castle without clamor has no soul.

After dismissing the house-elves that had been transformed by the phantom, Yi Biao moved to the bottom of the Red Castle.

It is also the most secret dungeon hidden in the Red Castle.

There is no way to get here, there is no downward spiral staircase, and there are no steps and stairs. There is no need for house elves to clean it. The only way to get in is to find the location and then teleport in.

Yi Biao came here, and then took out the crystal coffin where Vandal Savage was stored, and then began to arrange the magic circle.

Although Yi Chao fed Wang Daer with a lot of life and death water, as well as the newly developed fake death potion, and his ability is not outstanding, but he still has a shallow magic power.

Yi Chou is not limited to overturning a boat in the gutter because of his small sight.

The layout of the magic trap has become familiar, and Yi Chou quickly arranged a lot of magic. He waved his wand and controlled the crystal coffin to rest heavily in the middle of the edge of the huge underground cliff of the Red Castle.

There is only an empty crystal coffin here, and nothing else.

After placing Vandal Savage, Yi Chou immediately left here.

His next goal went straight to the tip of the tower of the Red Castle, where an uninvited guest was also held. The time seemed to have passed more than a month. Although he was still alive, he wanted to come to a mental state close to collapse.

It’s Jim, the fbi who strayed into Neverland because of his silver tongue

Yi Xiao did not want to have much contact with him, he just wanted to know the result of the matter. After writing a new story, he released a stealth spell to himself, and then instantly came to the top of the tower.

Jim was sleeping in a bed made of straw. The beard and hair on his face were like a savages~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although his face still maintained a healthy color, his closed eyelids were shaking violently.

Obviously, his spirit was not very good.

Yi Xiao added a closed earplug to him, and then took out the parchment, and began to read it tightly and chanted it in a low voice.

The power of the silver tongue began to play a little bit, and as Yi Huo read this new story, the content in the story is gradually becoming real.

Yi Chou needs to go back, or he needs to go back later.

Before leaving, he not only used the silver tongue to liberate the coordinates of the sub-world, but also blocked the world where the ink heart is located. This world does not need to be opened for the time being, but it does not mean that it will never be opened.

And Jim in front of him is the best guinea pig.

As the power of the silver tongue spread, the dark shadow appeared silently in the tower. Without the command of Yi Chou, it rushed towards Jim sleeping on the straw.

Then slowly wrap him up. (To be continued.)

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