High Magic Earth

Chapter 919: thing

Like a creeping black mud, Jim was wrapped like a silkworm, and the black shadow began to cling along the wall to his face, then his neck.

Yi Chou stood quietly by the window of the tower, and the huge fireball formed by the magic outside the window exuded the scorching temperature.

Originally in New York, it was still the night where the moonlight hung high. After returning to Neverland, it was instantly switched to daytime.

Although the huge mental power can not make Yi Huo completely get rid of sleep, but support a day or two without rest, his energy can still be relatively strong.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jim below was completely wrapped in shadow.

His mouth and nose were stuck, and the black mud blocked his mouth. For a moment, it seemed that his breathing became difficult.

Jim seemed to notice something strange in his sleep. He opened his eyes and realized in horror that his face had spread through the darkness.

He wanted to struggle, but the shadow did not give him this opportunity.

In an instant, the last piece of darkness and gap was filled, and Jim was swallowed by darkness and shadow, silently silenced.

Yi Chou was not surprised at such a situation, and he was already prepared in his heart.

And the next should be. .

The creeping shadow slowly disappeared, as if Jim had been devoured and digested, the shadow area began to shrink, Yi Xiao stared closely at the shadow on the straw, waiting for the last part of it.

After a long time, the shadow became only two slaps in size, and at this moment, a slight cat meow came out from inside.


This was exactly what Yi Chou was waiting for. A smile on his face was rare. By the way, the little black cat drilled from the shadow kicked to the side, and the phantom moved away from here, leaving only one sentence.

"Clean up here and take it away."

Soon after the disappearance of Yi Huo, a house elf appeared in the prison of the tower with a bang! It waved its slender fingers to clean the place quickly and carefully, and then carried it. Take the black cat's back neck and take it out of this closed room.

After more than a month of hustle and bustle, the tower prison once again ushered in a quiet time, just don't know when its next guest will come.

. . .

Yi Yao returned to his room immediately after leaving the tower, which was the Magic Lab.

The Magic Lab is also at the top of the Red Castle, but it is not a stand-alone minaret like a high tower, but just an ordinary top-floor room with a wooden door outside, almost unprepared.

No one can enter the Red Castle without a sound. If someone really can do this, then placing defensive magic on this wooden door does not make any sense.

And the people who were originally in the red castle. . With only two people, neither of them will come in at will.

There was also a slight gust of wind suddenly in the laboratory for more than a month. At the next moment, a "pop!" burst in the air seemed to burst like a whip, and Yi Biao's figure was momentarily twisted above a sofa.

Yi Chou's landing location was very precise. His body fell from the air and had fallen into the sofa. The soft sofa immediately surrounded him.

With a clatter, the door of the wine cabinet opened by itself, and the red wine placed inside slowly floated out. With a bang, the bottle stopper of the red wine collapsed, and the bright red liquid traversed an arc in the air, with precision Spilled into the crystal goblet that was flying over.

The messy parchment and scrolls on the table began to curl up on their own, the windows opened, and the pale white curtains fluttered slightly with the slight wind of magic, and the whole room seemed to come back to life at this moment.

Crystal glasses and red wine fell on a tray, the tray floated over, and then placed in front of Yi Chou.

The laboratory was finished, and after cleaning up a new spell, it became like a brand new one, Yi Chou's body relaxed again, and the whole person leaned softly on the sofa, like a piece of cotton candy.

No matter which world, no fantasy island can bring comfort and security to Yi Noo.

Not to mention, there are still here. .

Through the laboratory window, you can directly see the window of the room on the other side of the Red Castle tower from the location of the clamor. Inside the window is a blonde girl walking anxiously.

But Yi Xiao knew that this was not her, but was placed in front of the window, and her portrait was nothing more.

But before things succeed, don’t meet again, even if it’s just a portrait, because it will only increase your miss.

Picking up the wine gently, Yi Biao always felt that there was nothing in the room. Sure enough, after a second of contemplation, Yi Biao shouted loudly, "Alimond!"

Already learning to put on a short wizard gown, the dress became closer to normal aesthetics, and the domestic elf Alimond, who looked like Master Yoda, appeared in front of Yi Chou instantly.

Its magic power is much stronger, and even the sound of the phantom is much lower.

"My master, you are finally back." It said respectfully.

Alimond has long been aware of the return of Yi Chao, and every magic change in the Red Castle is very clear, not to mention that Yi Chao is such a powerful wizard, his magic power is almost the most conspicuous in the Red Castle.

It's just that there is no easy call, and it won't surge in the same instant as other stupid house elves, as if the owner had disappeared for hundreds of years.

"Is there anything happening in Neverland recently?" Yi Chou asked softly.

In the future, creatures from other worlds will throw back those messy creatures again, which is the most common job on Neverland.

In addition to the powerful magic creature itself, and perhaps having some kind of talent to shuttle the world, if you want to get into Fantasy Island, you can only rely on the crack of the world, which is a bug that runs in the second world. This probability is very small.

Even Yi Chou encountered no more than two palms in this decade.

You know, the area of ​​Fantasy Island is not large, and here is a gathering place of all magical creatures. The last guardian of Fantasy Island has disappeared for a long time, and other wizards can’t enter Fantasy Island. The ghost knows how long the accumulated mistakes have been. Creatures gathered such a small island.

"No, sir." Alimond immediately replied that there were no major incidents on Yidao's outlying islands. When Yihao left Dream Island, Alimond was in charge of many issues on the island instead of Yihao.

Of course, most of the time, just write it down, and wait for Yi Chou to come back to deal with it. After all, the house-elves have limited abilities, and combat power is not a frontier existence among magical creatures.

Only in a very urgent situation will Alimond use the magic communicator left by Yi Huo to notify him.

After Yi Biao left, there were two people in charge on the Neverland, the other was naturally Levin, and most of them were mainly Levin. Alimond only assisted Levin in handling some things, and on the bright side was also Levin Text is responsible.

But now obviously Levine is missing, so Alimond can only take it on his own and handle some things instead of Levine.

Although Yi Biao has also considered choosing some other people or creatures to help it, but there are not many choices on Neverland. Meiwa is pretty good, with a high level of intelligence, and any creature is very friendly to them, but. . The babies are not the masters of peace.

Alimond's expression was suddenly bitter, and he seemed to think of something, "Sir..." he hesitated and uncertainly, "in the Red Forest, it seems that it hasn't been that quiet recently."

"Say what you say, when a house-elf will learn this." Yi Biao frowned impatiently.

After hearing that Alimond quickly shook his huge head and ears, and said quickly, "I'm sorry, Mr., the cause seems to be the group of Meiwa in the Red Forest..."

Alimond said only half of the words, but Yi Biao's lowered brows frowned again, and this group of creatures was really not a worrying guy.

Meiwa's strength is not weak, much better than domestic elves, even in the magical biosphere of Neverland, the strength is one of the best.

Because they are also ethnic creatures, except for some individuals that are extremely powerful, they have exceeded the level of ordinary magical creatures, such as Mandela Tree and Duoqi. Few magical creatures dare to provoke ethnic creatures.

They are numerous, and their natural strength is stronger.

Even the house-elves in the Red Castle generally do not provoke such existence. Although these creatures also dare not provoke the Red Castle, it does not mean that they have no way to get a house-elf.

Unless the house-elf stays out of the red castle forever.

otherwise. . Sap hitting is also very popular among magical creatures.

They are all intelligent creatures.

"What is the reason." Yi Xuan asked with a frown.

"It seems to be because of one of them." Alimond's tone was somewhat uncertain, "her lover is gone..."

"Her lover has lost control over us." Yi Chou's tone was even stranger.

Magical creatures have always been weak meat and strong food, following the laws of nature, and because magical creatures have more special and strange abilities, in most cases they will not provoke enemies in positions, which are relatively peaceful than real nature.

As the most powerful existence on the Fantasy Island, the Red Castle has the most powerful wizards. Most of the time, the magic creatures living on the island will automatically move away from the Red Castle. Even if it is a battle, the Red Castle is generally not involved. .

Even those magical creatures without wisdom have instincts as a guide.

So even if Meiwa’s lover is missing, she should not be involved in the Red Castle or even the entire Red Forest.

Because the Red Castle controls the entire Neverland, the Red Forest is naturally no exception.

"But her lover is..." And the house-elf hesitated and said the real reason, "Your Excellency Levine, sir."

Yi Biao suddenly fell silent, which he did not expect, but it seemed that there was nothing unexpected, because before he seemed to find some small things in Levine in this regard.

Just didn't expect it. . The Meiwa was even found.

"I will find time to deal with this matter." Yi Huo said, "Is there anything else."

Alimond shook his head, and Yi Chou waved his hand to the side. It suddenly backed away, and then once again made a slight "pop!" sound, disappearing into the room.

Yi Xiao originally thought that he could take a break, but did not expect that there are still so many things on Neverland.

It seems that time does not wait for others.

When he was in the tower before, Yi Chou used shadow magic and silver tongue to cooperate with each other to plug Jim back again, that is, to open a passage to the blocked world, but the world is still blocked.

It's not to send Jim back, but Yi Chou wants to know if this channel can be opened.

The result was very good, he succeeded.

Jim was sent back, and the sign that the channel was opened was the last black cat that appeared. In the story that Yi Xiao temporarily wrote to exert the power of the silver tongue, the appearance of the black cat means that the channel is opened, and then everything is normal.

After Jim disappeared, the black cat appeared.

After finishing the finishing work of the ink world, Yi Biao will go to the former control center, which has gradually been abandoned after the defection of Dornting.

There are recorded a large number of sub-world coordinates left when Dornting left. A coordinate means a world.

This is not only about Yi Yao's next course of action, but also whether Yi Chao can open up the world of the seventeenth century, or even his actions to return to reality.


Yi Chou was not prepared to waste too much time to rest, but now it seems that time is still a bit tight.

He plans to go to the console now, and then summon the little yellow people. After getting through the coordinates of different worlds, he still needs them to learn how to operate.

and also. . The silver tongue and the remaining power also need to be familiar with,

But before that, Yi Huo still needs to solve one thing. He once agreed to a person's request, and he also made a commitment.

Nested in the sofa, Yi Chou reached into his arms and felt the magic lamp stored in the shadow under his clothes.

Wish magic lamp.

He promised Aria to let her be free, and used her last wish. He entered the world of ink heart and got the power of silver tongue, and now he can use this power.

Give Aria the freedom she wants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Picking up some familiar or unfamiliar magic lights, Yi Chou suddenly noticed that its surface seems to be a bit rusty, it seems that Aria lives inside and cannot decorate her from the outside one's house.

The skilled magic lamps rubbed on the edge three times, and the mouth of the magic lamp suddenly appeared repeatedly.

"Meeting Aria again, I don't know if you are in a hurry." Yi Xuan nestled on the sofa and said lazily.

But the next moment, his brow frowned, because the voice that appeared was not the familiar Aria, but a very strange middle-aged man.

"Are you my new master? I have seen you, my master, but I am not Aria, I am Jeryl, do you know my last wish elf, my master."

Yi Biao suddenly sat up, staring coldly at Gerald.

At the next moment, "Bang!", there was a blast from the Red Castle. There seemed to be a figure flying out of the red castle's top floor and falling into the air. (To be continued.)

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