High Magic Earth

Chapter 920: return

Yi Biao's mood is very bad. This can be seen even by the little yellow people who have a single cell. Everyone can see that he is not in a good mood, and the low air pressure surrounds him.

The cause of the incident is naturally because of the magic lamp, but this culprit has been far away from Yi Chou.

At least half past one he will not see him again.

The magic lamp that can fulfill any three wishes is undoubtedly very tempting for ordinary people. As long as you have the magic lamp, even if you own the whole world, it is not an exaggeration.

This ability is extraordinary, as long as there is a wish in hand, you can do everything, even omnipotence, it is more powerful than magic.

However, Yi Chou also possesses the power of silver tongue, creativity from language, silver hand, heart and soul.

The power of the four magic slabs is not weaker than the magic lamp.

Yi arrogance is now equivalent to a wishing elf for ordinary people, even more powerful than the wishing elf, because Yi arrogant's silver tongue can achieve almost everything in the world.

The limit that the silver tongue can reach is uncertain.

So the magic lamp does not make much sense to Yi Chou. Its importance is not even as interesting as that of Loki’s mask and four slabs, plus the fear of yellow lights and two spaceships.

There are also many good things in the hands of unconsciousness.

The most important thing is that these few magical worlds that Yi Biao has entered have few precious magic props, and even fewer are worth collecting.

Because they are all passively accepted, fortunately, this embarrassing situation will soon be improved.

After Yi Xiao solved the problem of sub-world coordinate confusion, he could quickly carry out selective fixed-point crossing independently, which would make his power show a leap in growth and find other free people more quickly.

There are really too few people in the Wizarding Second World.

The only ones I saw were taking the path of magical creatures, and their bloodline power and magic power were severely shifted toward the direction of magical creatures, not wizards.

Even if they activate other forces with the help of an hourglass, the fit will never be high.

Just like Yi Xuan was bitten by a vampire, if the vampire's curse really broke through Yi Xuan's layers of protection and turned Yi Xiao into a vampire, he could not exert much power.

Not because of physical reasons, there are many women in the vampires who seem to be weak in the human period, but after becoming a vampire, you can still tear the werewolf freehand, but because of the magic.

There is no doubt that any magic power is compatible with each other, but it is also indisputable that magic energy has a difference. As long as there is a difference, there must be a difference.

Yi Xiao is not clear about the specific nomenclature of these categories, but they must exist, just as magic power and spiritual power, and even the power of the green prophet are very similar, maybe they can all be classified on the mysterious side.

Now Yi Xiao is only worried about how much time he has left after the problem of the chaos of all the sub-world coordinates is resolved, and whether it is enough.

But Yi Xiao felt that maybe he didn't need to worry so much, he was too unfounded.

The peeping of human beings by angels and demons is not an overnight thing. They even endured an era. The long time of thousands of years has passed. How could it be coincidentally that it is the most recent time.

Yi Biao even more doubted that they had other accidents, had no ability, or lacked other conditions to launch the attack again.

But in any case, the good news that the problem of sub-world coordinate chaos has been solved has made Yi Chou rarely feel a glimmer of hope from the hazy mood.

"How long will it take to complete the adjustment." He turned the high-back swivel chair on the operating table and asked the Huang people easily.

The busy, sweaty little yellow man immediately separated one from it, and it ran to Yi Chou's face, and then quickly grunted.

"Three days..." Yi Xiao frowned and rushed it aside.

The magic lamp brought him bad news. The wish elf living in the magic lamp was not Aria, but a completely unfamiliar Jerile who had never seen Yi Chou before.

Yi Xiao did not release his magical restraint and gave him the freedom to plan. Yi Xiao was willing to help Aria, and made this promise also by chance. Since the words have been spoken, the wood has become a boat. Over time, Yi Xiao will naturally This matter is my own.

But he felt that he would not use the power of silver tongue to help Jeryl for no reason, because Yi Chou is not a good person.

He threw the magic lamp into a place where he could not see it, and he might not think of it again for a long time.

Before the three wishes are used, the magic lamp will never leave here.

Because of the problem of the magic lamp, Yi Xuan felt a little upset. He stood up anxiously and walked towards the busy little yellow men. "It takes three days?" Yi Xuan said to himself.

"No... why use it for so long, it is far from necessary..."

During his speech, Yi Xuan had drawn out a new roll of parchment and slowly unfolded it.

. . .

When Yi Biao once again stepped into this noisy English pier, for a moment, he seemed to return to the middle ages of the world of ice and fire, but there was no long winter, nor the mother of the dragon and her dragon flying in the air. .

As if time is still, everything is waiting for Yi Chou to return.

"Colorful lucky flowers can bring good luck." A dirty, as if a tramp, a sneaky businessman sneaked up, then opened the corner of his clothes to Yi Huo.

But in an instant he seemed to have forgotten something important, and suddenly ran back in shock, and there was nothing strange about the people around him.

Yi Chou added a Muggle banishment spell to himself, so that these bored people could not see themselves.

"But knowing how much time has passed, there is no change in what is sold." Yi arrogantly complained.

The dock is still extremely bustling. At this time, when the maritime trade is most prosperous, crowded people will set this small dock port against the future.

Of course, the total population is certainly not as good as that of future generations, but the most prosperous places are still densely populated.

The sound of barking and sailing is everywhere. Prostitutes and sailors are the most common people on the pier. The low two-story houses on both sides are their trading places, and they can even be seen from the balcony or windows above. , Most of the body of white flowers.

Everything is like a copy before Yi Huo left, as if time really stayed here.

"It's terrible..." Yi Huo muttered to himself.

Because this has become the most terrible situation in Yi Biao's eyes, this is simply the best proof of the existence of artificial intelligence, exactly the same routine.

The world is changing every day, and some people may live a monotonous life, but the world composed of countless people will definitely be very complicated. It will never be so simple. Only a preset program can do this.

Yi Xiao had no doubt that the world was invaded by artificial intelligence.

Because it seems to be a very real and ordinary world, and there is no trace of being invaded at all. This is also a place where artificial intelligence is best at and most focused on.

Erase the traces of your existence.

If it weren't for the flaw found in Winnie, Yi Chou would never have thought that the sub-world of the Second World would be occupied by artificial intelligence.

But this is indeed a very bold, even a high success rate plan.

I don't know how they did it, but from their long incubation period and the fact that Winnie can't control it at all, the binding power of artificial intelligence is still very low.

This means that even if it enters the second world, it still needs to obey the laws of operation of the second world, and cannot jump out or re-enact the rules.

And Yi Chou came this time to grasp the artificial intelligence attached to the subworld.

But first, Yi Chou needs to find a foothold.

Aphrodite stone castle.

There is still a lingering haze in the small town in the early morning, accompanied by a slight odor, and the environment of the small town in the seventeenth century is extremely bad.

Fortunately, the seventeenth century still caught up with the tail of the Little Ice Age. Even the highest temperature will not be much warmer, otherwise Yi Chou will not choose a small town with a lot of people, because the smell will be easy to move forward. Not coming.

Of course, the cold temperature also created a large number of corpses. The corners of every house in the town and the corners of the alleys were filled with frozen dead bodies. There were drunk sailors, but more were homeless.

Because of the choice in the early morning hours, with the addition of magic to cover his actions, the arrival of Yi Chou did not attract the attention of others.

The gate of Aphrodite’s Stonecastle, which was closed for an unknown amount of time, was opened again, accompanied by a creaking sound, emitting a rotten atmosphere from inside.

No one lives here.

Yi Xiao had long expected that he would leave here, and did not know when he would leave, so he arranged a magic circle here in advance. When the magic power was stopped for a period of time, the expulsion spell would close the place. People can't enter and can't see here.

So Yi Chou will not find the corpses of homeless people here.

The vines covered the walls of the stone castle like a green gecko. The withered tree vines and even the gate were tightly entangled, and even pulling it away was a bit laborious.

"How long did I leave?" Yi Xiao frowned, puzzled.

Fortunately, with the help of magic, Yi Chao easily entered the interior of the stone castle.

With the sound of "Flapping!", the fire on the wall rose up, and the heavy ashes that were still in the fire were instantly ignited, and then blown away and burned into the air.

A warm luster ignited in the house, which was an orange fire, like a glow of fireflies.

There are no changes in the surrounding furnishings. The familiar and unfamiliar objects are still in the house. However, after Yi Biao's gaze gently swept through the circle, he found that there were a few things missing.

The portrait of Catherine is gone, and some unfinished and finished small magic objects are missing. The most important thing is the original manuscript of the book about witch magic and curses.

Obviously, these were taken by Catherine.

There will be no other possibilities.

Because Yi Chou was taken to Dream Island by a crystal ball at that time, the world hardly had time to say goodbye. Some unimportant things were placed in the Yano Ding stone fort, and the stone fort was protected by magic, and ordinary people could not see it. exist.

Only Catherine who entered before knows that there may be other Green creatures.

But it was Catherine who was staring at it all the time. This savvy vampire must have been very curious about Yi Chou, and as soon as Yi Chou's disappearance was discovered, she immediately ran away with the magic items in the stone castle.

"It seems that this world is not limited to artificial intelligence..." Yi Xuan frowned.

Artificial intelligence is only dependent on the child world, it is not completely independent, it has no ability to be independent, it can only be submerged in.

Then Catherine, the green creature such as vampire and canary, seems to be the main melody in this world, oh, there is the rabbit, and the world of ordinary people is invaded by artificial intelligence.

Yi Xiao swept away the dust on the sofa with magic, then sat on it to meditate.

The pair of small sofas also lacked one, and it seems that she was also removed by Catherine, a greedy little guy. Fortunately, she also reserved one for Yi Xuan, otherwise Yi Xuan would never mind writing a story to find her to hide Go to any corner of the world.

There are not many clues about this world, and most of them are found by Winnie from Winnie, and they are speculated and guessed.

The angels used the advanced technology produced by their world to invade this sub-world with an unknown method. The biggest possibility is an artificial intelligence, which is mixed with this world, observing and pretending to be the operating rules of this world.

Their purpose is unclear for the time being, but it's about Winnie, and everything that happened without Winnie's knowledge, Yi Chou can't be treated with care.

Even if it's irrelevant to Winnie, I wouldn't let it go when I heard about this news~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is like epidemic gangrene. If you don't release it sooner, there will be a bigger hidden danger sooner or later.

but. . What should I do.

There are many ways to face Yi Chou. The safest thing is to find those Green creatures and vampires. Catherine is the character in the vampire diary. If the vampire Catherine is still there, then the witch must also exist, and it is the earliest Witch.

As the main theme of this world, there must be more clues and information on them.

Even if he can't reach this invisible lurker, Yi Huo can collect enough information from sporadic and accidental clues.

This is also the most cumbersome method.

It's just that Yi Biao is different from when he first arrived in this world. He can only use his magic to protect himself. Obviously, Yi Biao has other powers and options, a very convenient and even a quick method.

Silver tongue, and the power of four stone slabs. (To be continued.)

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