High Magic Earth

Chapter 921: Magic book

The smog-like air flowed in from the window, instantly making Yi Chou awake.

He has stayed in this desolate town of the seventeenth century for three days, and today is the third day.

Although the seventeenth century was full of barbarism and blood, a small number of people were still very credible, for example, the generous aristocrat who handed the rocky Yannotin to Yihou.

Even though it has been several years, this stone castle has not been recovered, and it continues to hang under the name of Yi Chou. These castles probably have passed on for hundreds of years, and their owners may not change, regardless of the original owner. Whether it is dead or missing, the castle will be left to their descendants.

The Aphrodite Stone Fort is just a small two-story stone fortress, but in a poor seventeenth-century town, it is already a rather magnificent building.

In these three days, Yi Chou did not leave the stone castle, nor did it attract the attention of the people in the nearby towns, but Yi Chou, who lived in the stone castle, did not gain much.

"The scan is halfway through..." Yi Xuan came to a globe-like device, looked at it, and said to himself.

This thing is what he used to find artificial intelligence, or rather. . Something unusual in this world.

The power of the silver tongue is unexpectedly easy to use, which is more convenient than the cumbersome and manual methods and magic. The story written by Yi Chou is like a setting. As long as the setting is smart enough and detailed enough, then You can easily skip unnecessary troubles and directly achieve your goals.

For example. . Yi Xiao wrote a short story. The story is very rudimentary. It can even be said that there is no place or content that is outstanding. It is quite satisfactory. The only thing that is special is also the core of the whole story.

It can find anything the user thinks, no matter where it is hidden in the earth.

Even if the user thinks it is more abstract, vague, or even does not know whether it is that thing, the globe will mark all the similar objects one by one.

More specifically, users need to exclude them one by one.

But the time is very long.

Although the ability of the silver tongue is amazing, it is not a wishing elf after all. Yi Chou can't write on the parchment to find out the artificial intelligence, and then the parchment pointed out the hidden position of the artificial intelligence.

Although Yi Xiao had planned to write a wishing elf, he did not know what the reason was, and it did not succeed.

Just like this globe, it takes more than a week to scan the entire world. Yi Huo is naturally too lazy to wait, but he cannot shorten this time, not because he does not want it, but he cannot.

The globe that Yi Xiao has emerged at this time is the most perfect state. As long as there is a slight change, the story he wrote and the recitation of the silver tongue cannot become a reality.

Even in the voice of the silver tongue, it has no effect at all.

Yi Chou suspected that it was not because a certain limit was reached, but the limit still exists.

Even if there is the ability of silver tongue as the best adjunct, it still needs a certain story authenticity, that is, logic, and a logical story can be regarded as a true story.

So Yi Chou needs to wait for the globe to slowly scan the entire globe, which takes several days.

However, during this time, Yi Biao can also complete his two tasks in the next stage, one of which is naturally a study of the silver tongue and the ability of the four stone slabs.

And the other is to perfect his magic book.

Yes, this idea has already existed for a long time, and it can even be said that it appeared before entering the world of ink heart. Yi Chao valued and obtained the ability of the silver tongue. In addition to solving the important problem of sub-world coordinates, magic The reason of the book also occupies a large part.

Yi Xiao wants to create a magic book.

And it is a very special magic book.

There are many types of magic books, whether it is in a movie with a lot of contact and in games, or in a game, there are thousands of categories.

Human imagination is almost at its limit, including all possibilities.

Of course, the most common ones are just ordinary books that only record spells and magic spells, which include books that can only be opened with special spells, or books such as invisibility spells that can be invisible, as well as their own. Strange, heavy, hard and heavy like rock and hot special existence like lava.

There are also some magic books with magic powers, which have magic sealed on them, and wizards can spend some magic power to quickly guide them out.

This kind of book is also very common, and there is nothing precious, just equivalent to a quick cast item.

The magic books Yi Biao makes are completely different from them.

What he wants to do is a magic book that best fits the existence of the silver tongue. No one in the world can use it except the silver tongue.

On the table quietly spread out a book that only turned three or two pages. It was the magic book Yi Biao was working on.

"Only one head was written..." Yi Xiao sat down at the table gently and bowed his head in contemplation.

This magic book is different from others. It can only be thought by Yi Piao himself. The silver tongue cannot do it. After all, the silver tongue is just the power used by Yi Piao, and it has no thoughts.

"There are a lot of things to consider." Yi Xuan tapped the end of the quill pen and muttered to himself, "But I am the only one... It is inevitable to be more comprehensive, if Alimond is smarter, then All right.."

"Are you looking for me? Dear Master." With a snap, Alimond suddenly appeared in front of Yi Chou. He tilted his huge head and carefully looked at Yi Chou's new working environment, while quietly glancing at the rotating Globe.

Yi Xiao took a panoramic view of its movements, and at the same time he was not angry. Since this guy replaced Levine's position and mixed with Yi Xuan and learned about Yi Xuan, it became more and more casual.

Alimond is completely different from the restraint and slavery of other domestic elves, which is why Yi Chou valued it most.

Of course, in order to prevent the emergence of the second house-elf pursuing freedom in his castle, Yi Chao checked it out with various detection magics from the beginning.

It has no problems and is not controlled by evil spells.

It seemed that the place where Yi Biao lived was too simple. Alimond screamed and began to panic and shouted, "Too dirty! How can the host live in such a simple place!"

"Quiet." Yi Xiao glared at it. "I didn't call you."

"But Alimond heard the master calling its name..."

"I need a smart guy to help, you are not smart enough, but I have a story here to make you quickly smart, maybe you are willing to taste..."

Before Yi Biao's words were finished, Alimond disappeared in front of him with a snap, faster than when he came.

The power of the silver tongue was known to the house elves not long after Yi Biao returned to Neverland. After all, they are doing maintenance work for the Red Castle every day. It is impossible to know if they don’t know.

Although this ability is powerful, it looks very magical, but the effect on itself is not so wonderful.

No creature likes to be changed abruptly, especially a certain kind of power, and inexplicably changes itself completely.

"Slap! Slap!"

There were two more crisp sounds, and the two house-elves appeared in Yi Chou's room. Their faces hung inexplicably, but after seeing Yi Chou, they quickly found the backbone.

"Master." They bent down and poked their long noses to the ground.

This is the first time they have passed this humble stone castle, so this is the first time, so there is a few seconds of daze, but after seeing Yi Chou, they immediately understood their work.

The responsibility of domestic elves is naturally a nanny in life.

But Yi Xiao waved his hands and hurried them back. "You are not needed here," he said, even without allowing them to resist, an invisible magic instantly sent them back to Neverland.

These two goods must have been thrown over by Alimond. They did not intend to make Yihou's test products, and they were afraid of Yihou's anger. They sold their little friends without hesitation.

Yi Xiaoduan will not really use the house-elves for experiments. The new acquired ability of Silver Tongue is very dangerous, and Yi Xuan can’t even use the house-elves for experiments.

If you really need it, Yi Huo will not hesitate, but now it is clear that Neverland has better cannon fodder, and those magical creatures with little wisdom are enough.

But it is a fact that Yi Chou needs help.

No matter how smart a person is, he can't keep up with the collective power and brainstorming, but it is a constant truth.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and he immediately thought of using the power of this world. In the 17th century, it was still a very backward and ignorant closed society. People in small towns and small towns did not understand the outside world. If a news wanted to spread throughout the country, it would not take more than half a year. It also takes several months.

The only thing they know is going out to sea, and going out to sea is everything, but that’s all. The pier may be the best source for intelligence and news, but most people don’t know the situation in another small town hundreds of kilometers away from their lives. .

In this case, it is a breeze for Yi Chou to manipulate certain nobles or kings to do something.

Not to mention that the number of human beings is used to write a book. The more ridiculous commands in history have all been given by the king, and no one dared not to execute them.

Whether it is the story of the soul-spelling curse or the silver tongue, it is possible for Yi Chou to subtly control a nobility without revealing any flaws, so as to achieve his purpose.

But when he changed his mind, Yi Chou left the idea behind.

First of all, the popularity of culture in the seventeenth century was very low. From Jane to the level of illiteracy everywhere, even those big nobles and kings might not know a few big characters.

Yi Xiao is very worried that after his order is passed on, he will get a lot of strange and weird feedback.

Yi Xiao needs to collect some very short but very complete stories, as well as some sentences, these things are very important for the power of the silver tongue, and most importantly, it is very fast.

At that time, Yi Biao just needs to pull out the magic book to open it, and then, in one sentence, the power of the silver tongue will quickly be exerted, turning the things recorded in the book into reality.

This is the magic book that Yi Chou wants to make. It is the most special one, and it is only useful for the silver tongue.

However, according to the cultural popularity of the seventeenth century, Yi Chou was very skeptical that the papers collected at that time would be full of notes. My family has a pair of ducks, and the people next to me have a bigger pile of ducks.

It makes no sense and wastes time.

And more importantly, this 17th-century world is also facing another threat from the second world, and the danger hidden in the dark has not been lifted.

And ordinary people are exactly what they control.

Yi Chou did not want to expose his every move to the potentially dangerous eyelids. So we can only give up this decision.

But obviously, this idea is correct. It makes Yi Xiao think of another friend of his, an old friend who has become Her Majesty the Queen.


In addition to the seventeenth century, the world of the song of ice and fire is equally foolish, and Daenerys there is originally a well-deserved queen, and does not need easy magic to confuse.

Thinking of this idea, Yi Chou planned to pay for it.

He stretched out his hand, put away the semi-finished magic book on the table, and then arranged the warning and defensive magic under the fine arrangement around the globe, and then used the invisible spell to isolate the eyes of others except Yi Chou.

Yi Chou summons out the shadow, and then begins to connect the world of ice and fire.

Because the turbulent flow of the subworld does not appear in the relationship between the ice and fire world, the entrance of the channel is still unobstructed, and Yi Chou soon passes through the thick shadow mist and feels the familiar atmosphere of the other end.

But at this moment, the globe that had been in operation for three days suddenly had an abnormal reaction.

It was a red light spot. After the globe swept through most of the world, it appeared in a corner of the northern hemisphere, blinking like a dazzling alarm.

Yi Xuan stopped and the globe could find what Yi Xuan thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it was not accurate, because Yi Xiao's inner thought was very vague.

So it is likely that they are similar, because the globe will list them all.

After a pause of half a second, Yi Chou stepped into the shadow channel again.

He and Daenerys will only have a very short meeting. After explaining the matter to her, Yi Chou will leave, believing that Daenerys will do things very beautifully.

Then Yi Chou hurried back to the world to deal with the problem of the globe, I believe it was too late.

He won't take too long.

After making a decision, Yi Biao stepped into the shadow channel of the world of ice and fire, and the channel sent a burst of rotation, and the distortion disappeared after Yi Biao entered.

At the same time, large spots of light suddenly began to flash on the globe, one after another, as if they appeared together deliberately, and a large piece of light instantly lit up.

The densely packed compound eyes, like flies, instantly occupied the entire northern hemisphere. (To be continued.)

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