High Magic Earth

Chapter 922: Magic Book (2)

When Yi Xao once again entered the familiar world of ice and fire, he was greeted by the bitter cold wind, as if the cold air that penetrated into the bone marrow dispelled the last trace of warmth in the world, making Yi Xuan wonder whether this world still has life Able to live in this environment.

But soon Yi Chou dispelled this idea.

Because he appeared in a place not far from Junlin. After moving forward for a while, he immediately saw the majestic Junlin City still standing in the cold wind like a giant in the winter.

"Humans are really a kind of tenacious creatures." Leaving a vague whisper in the severe wind raging in the wind, Yi Biao's figure drifted with the wind and disappeared into the vast earth, as if this person had never appeared same.

. . .

The clamor under the black cloak entered the Junlin without accident. The pedestrians on the street were already very rare. This weather came out and it was very easy to walk and be frozen to death. If it was not necessary, no one would like to go The building is outside.

Even the patrol-free people are much less, and Yi Biao has not seen a few along the way.

People walking outside are covered in thick winter clothes. It seems that during the time when Daenerys was enthroned, their lives were much better than before. Although the appearance of the clothes was still ragged and worn, but at least It's not a single garment anymore.

At this low temperature, wearing a single clothing activity, the chance of survival is almost zero.

On the contrary, it is easy to clamor. He only drew a black cloak on his body. He attracted a lot of eyes, but people who dare to wear this kind of clothes in this weather are either crazy or have other extraordinary skills, no matter which kind. None of these poor people struggling on the hungry line can provoke them.

Yi Chou was very familiar with Junlin, and soon found the building he wanted.

It was a huge palace. As you can see, it occupied almost one tenth of the entire site of Junlin. It was firmly entrenched in the center of Junlin City, like a fountain in the center of a square.

But when did this thing appear.

Although Yi Chou can't tell Jun Lin well, he is also very familiar with the pattern here. The previous Jun Lin definitely did not have such a huge palace.

It seemed that Junlinbao was originally entrenched here. A fortress on the Westeros that is neither majestic nor dangerous, but very famous because it is the political core of the Seven Kingdoms.

But now the Junlinbao is gone, replaced by this huge palace.

Big like a labyrinth, although the internal structure cannot be seen clearly, it will definitely not be simple.

When did Daenerys like to live in such a place, did she intend to be entrenched in the maze and treat herself as the last boss?

Yi Xiao did not know where Daenerys was, but according to his instinct, he identified this huge palace and entered without hesitation.

Daenerys is the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and the entire Junling is the most magnificent here.

She is not here, where else.

After entering the palace group, Yi Biao found that it was not the same as what he had imagined. The internal structure of the palace was not complicated, or even very simple.

Except for the necessary load-bearing pillars, almost nothing can be seen. The bare, like semi-finished products that have just been rushed to completion, are nothing like the exquisite royal palace where the queen lives.

However, with the deepening of Yi Xiao, he became more and more sure that Daenerys was here, because Yi Xiao felt that huge magic power.

It is only Daenerys that has such magic in the world of ice and fire.

"Who is it!" When passing by an empty hall, there were sudden cries from all directions, and then behind different pillars, several soldiers with spears popped up to surround Yi Chou.

However, before their advent appeared, Yi Chou stopped.

With Yi Yao's magic and spells, he couldn't have discovered these guys in advance. The reason he still had to let them out was to tell Daenerys that he was coming.

"Tell your majesty the queen, I want to see her and say that the old acquaintance is back."

The soldier headed glared, and then swallowed back the sentence that Her Majesty the Queen is what you want to see because she heard Yi Yi's last sentence.

She didn’t dare to ask this sentence because she didn’t know whether Yi Piao said it was true, but if she really knew her like Her Majesty the Queen, she would obviously get into trouble for herself. .

So she whispered a whisper to her partner, and then hurried back, she wanted to report Daenerys.

But before she ran out a few steps, there was a whisper of dignity and tenderness in the depths of the palace, "Let him come in." It was Daenerys' voice.

Hearing the words, several soldiers looked at each other and immediately cleared the path in front of Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. These soldiers were almost all females. Although they were wearing armor in the same style as those of the non-scaly, they were obviously not the non-scaly, because the non-scaly had no women.

It seems that although Daenerys turned into a dragon, and there are some characteristics of dragon nature, she has not been ridiculous to a certain point. She still rationally chose her own soldiers as women.

These samurai warriors quickly returned to the back of the pillar, backed by the shadow, and if they weren't looking closely, they could not find their existence.

This palace is not just a rough surface, it is very cleverly designed.

Yi Biao soon stopped covering his speed. After a few breaths, he came to Daenerys.

"Oh, oh, see who is coming. It's rare that our great wizard has learned to be polite. You didn't break into my palace directly. Presumably something needs my help?" Daenerys lies on her side The high throne asked in a lazy tone.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes again and looked at the familiar, but more unfamiliar woman above, the new uncrowned king of the song of ice and fire, Dainius the Nine-Headed Dragon.

Well, the latter title always reminds Yi Bao of something unpleasant.

Daenerys has changed a lot. She no longer uses the cold and arrogant mask on her face to protect herself as carefully as before. She no longer needs to pretend to be majestic and cold, because she already has real majesty and strength.

She became lazy, probably because of her personality. With the gradual relaxation, Daenerys also exposed some things in her heart and nature. To put it bluntly, she is still just a young girl, even if she has become the master of the Seven Kingdoms.

But all this is based on powerful, even absolute power.

Otherwise, even if she sits in this position, she still needs to be careful and conscientious.

The only thing that didn't change was her big, bright pale green pupils, and her bright head.

"There are indeed some small things... need to bother you..." Yi Chou slowed his tone, pondering at a slow speed.

Although he can feel that Daenerys is not malicious to herself, Yi Xiao always seems to feel that she will buy it for herself when she changes hands. This feeling is very strong.

It seems that in the period of time when he left, Daenerys' wings have won a lot, in a real sense.

I don't know how long I have been away.

Yi Xiao scanned the surroundings with Yu Guang, and the inner ring of the palace was not corroded by time without years. It seems that it was just built soon.

However, according to the construction speed of the world of ice and fire, without the help of witches and magic, I want to build a building of this size. . At least a few years, or even a dozen years.

As Yi Xiao looked around, he immediately saw a large skylight above Daenerys' head, to be exact, a whole blank.

A large hole was reserved above the palace, the incisions were very neatly decorated, apparently beautifully designed and modified, rather than Daenerys crashing open.

The reason is also obvious. This is for Daenerys to get in and out more easily. After all, the movement speed of the dragon form is faster, and there are urgent things. Daenerys is also more accustomed to immediately become a dragon and then fly out. .

And this palace was not built casually, it was not a maze, but a dwelling where Daenerys could stretch her body.

The notch is directly above Daenerys, covering her high throne in the center. If it is in the long summer, then the warm sunshine will be directly facing Daenerys from the top. , And this throne adds a dreamy color, but now, only the cold winter.

If it snows, according to the long winter in Westeros, won't the entire throne be overwhelmed.

Yi Biao suddenly thought of this problem, and at that moment, there was just a small snowflake floating in the sky. The snowflakes fluttered into swift snow, which fell down the gap, and quickly fell on Daenerys' head. Accumulated a thick layer.

Daenerys still wore a thin gauze-like Ersost costume. Although she was thin, Daenerys did not feel cold.

Although she does not have dragon scales in her human state, her body is as strong as the dragon, even better, because of density.

The snowflakes of goose feathers fell on top of Daenerys' head, and soon she put a layer of silver on her long hair, which looked like she was wearing a hat.

And Daenerys seemed to think of something, immediately straightened her body, shook her head, shook off the snowflakes on her hair, and then said at random to Yi Chou, "Yes, help me add a palace Magic, so that these nasty snowflakes and rain cannot fall in, but I can fly out."

"..." Yi Xuan was silent for a moment, and then shook out a gloss, the gloss disappeared into the gap, and then it seemed to open an invisible curtain.

An invisible transparent barrier appeared above Daenerys, and soon the falling snowflakes were isolated by this force. Although the temperature remained unchanged, it felt that it was not as low as before.

"Okay, I'm more comfortable." Daenerys sighed in relief, and turned back several maids who came over to clean the floor. "I'm really curious about what you have." She Said.

Yi Xiao waved his wand again, and a heavy high-back chair appeared on the ground. He sat on it and said to Daenerys, "I need you to gather your people, and those scholars, help me." Write a book."

"It's really a small thing, right, no difficulty."

Daenerys’s expression remained the same, her pale green eyes widened wide, still the look of indignity, “It’s not...it’s not a troublesome thing.” She thought and said, seeming to think about why Yi Biao did this .

Yi Xuan went on to say, "Of course, there are some specific requirements, any story can be, but the story is best to be short, and can achieve some goals..."

In the slight frown of Daenerys, Yi Chou cracked down a lot of requirements, all of which added more colors to the ability of the silver tongue.

Some short sentences, perhaps short words and so on, can easily come to mind, but after all, it is not as comprehensive as countless people gathered together to think.

Of course, the popularity of culture in the world of Songs of Ice and Fire is not high. Yi Chou didn’t think of using a more civilized era in the past to publish tasks with money, such as Decapitated Valley.

But he checked before. The world of Broken Head and Harry Potter are still separated by the turbulent flow of the inner world. The world of the song of ice and fire is intact and he is very lucky.

Daenerys responded to Yi Biao's demands one after another. Although she was still very curious and did not understand the meaning of Yi Biao's doing so, she also knew that she could not refuse.

And this is not really a troublesome thing, is it?

"I see." Daenerys nodded and said, "But... there are not many people who can read on Westeros. I believe you know this too, maybe this will not have any good effect."

"Those nobles, as well as scholars, are enough." Yi Biao also spent a long time in Westeros, he knows very well here, "I don't need too many people, a few major cities are enough , I hope to get the results of things sooner."

"The nearest city to Junlin will take more than half a month to go back and forth. Winter is closed, and there has been no communication between cities for a long time." Daenerys frowned.

"I know this." Yi Huo replied, "But fortunately...we have better choices."

Daenerys’s slightly frowned brow still didn’t let go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn’t understand the meaning of Yihuo, but she saw her quickly, and Daenerys quickly understood it. .

The better and faster choice is yourself.

Because the dragon is not afraid of severe cold.

. . .

Farewell to Daenerys, Yi Biao soon returned to this seventeenth century, which also exudes a damp and cold breath.

Yi Ao did not want to stay in the world of ice and fire for too long, because he was worried that the turbulence of the world would suddenly come in a certain day, and then the passage was blocked, so that Yi Ao could only escape back to Fantasy Island before the last moment, but I am afraid that short In time, it will be impossible to return to the world of ice and fire at 1:30.

This is very detrimental to his magic book.

So after Yi Biao solved the problem, he immediately returned to the seventeenth century, and then he saw a globe that almost became half bright red.

Found the abnormal place. (To be continued.)

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