High Magic Earth

Chapter 923: Northern Hemisphere

"I really should try to find exactly..."

Looking at the glowing red on the globe like a primary school student's test paper, Yi Chou could not help feeling that his head was a little bigger, and the good mood brought back from Daenerys was also much less.

In the final analysis, things in this world are more important.

It would not be to mark all the abnormal things in the whole world. If so, there are indeed many amazing Green creatures that are perfectly hidden in human society.

But that makes no sense at all.

Yi Xiao also didn't know much about the globe he wrote. Although the power of the silver tongue can be created out of thin air, it is difficult to control the details.

However, as Yi Xuan picked up the globe and observed it carefully, he immediately noticed the anomaly.

Almost all of these things are concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and there are almost no red areas in other places. Even if there are, they are only a few small red dots, and the anomaly degree is close to zero.

Most parts of the northern hemisphere are distributed in Asia. The most concentrated and densest of these areas are the insignificant small country on the island of Japan.

"There... what time should it be..."

Yi Xiao frowned, and began to hover about what period Japan was under at this time. He probably left here for about a decade or so. According to the original time calculation, the historical era should be carried out to 1711, Or a few more years.

In the case of the Japanese historical period, it should be about the end of the Warring States period, and Edo has just entered an era not long after.

Because of its small size, Japan’s history is just like the chaotic era of the dark Middle Ages in Europe. The originally small territories, because of the constant civil strife, make the historical records unreliable at all.

Basically how to record, how is the truth.

There is no choice at all, because it is impossible to verify whether it is a true record, and there is no way to verify it, because the historical truth has been destroyed in the war.

The small site makes the fighting very intensive, and the degree of destruction of buildings and remains is higher. It is very likely that the only people who know the truth will be killed by others in a blink of an eye, and even all human settlements near an area are due to war. It is also common to be destroyed.

Just like the Middle Ages in Europe.

There are so many small countries that a dozen people can dig the soil to become kings. The real history is buried in the wars. I am afraid that they are not connected to themselves during this period.

Of course, Yi Huo is not a historian. He can know that these things are more than just boring to read all day and almost unforgettable skills, but more because of his curiosity and longing for supernatural powers.

Because this seems to be the only thing that interests him.

And interest is the driving force for Yi Chou to stay alive.

I think the most intuitive association of supernatural power is the local myth. Yi Chou did not let go, but the existence of gas refiners and immortalists seems too far away and unreal, and Yi Chou can't find a clue of existence.

Not to mention those legendary beasts, he soon gave up on this.

Including the so-called eight million gods in Japan, there is nothing to gain except for the legends and the recorded stories. Although there are many stories and legends in Japan, none of them had encountered Yi Chou at first.

On the contrary, it is Europe and America. The phenomena about demons and gods are endless, even very active. From time to time, you can hear a bad luck egg being possessed by the demon again.

Although these things were almost all nonsense and pranks circulating on the Internet, they were still much more active than the calm East, which was the main reason that attracted Yi Chao to the past.

Those Westerners seem to like to get to the bottom of everything. It seems that the existence of everything must be logical, so it is very likely that the concept of man-made magic is very detailed in the West.

In detail, some ancient magic has even spread to the present, and it can still be learned according to it.

Of course, it's simply not easy to use, nothing can be used, and the spell will not have any effect.

Yi Xiao did not try less at first, even after he now has real magic power, with his memory, Yi Xiao still tries to reproduce the magic written in this world.

And the result has not changed, that is, it has no effect.

That is not a spell at all, just something deceiving.

But now, after the specific location of the anomalous place appears, I can't help but take it seriously, because the location of these areas is too dangerous.

Yi Chou is not clear what world he is in, but there are Green creatures and vampires in England. This is obviously not a simple and peaceful world. Then the ghost knows what strange things will be mixed into the northern hemisphere.

The seventeenth century was the era of the handover between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there were indeed a lot of movies about this period.

After Yi Biao entered the second world, he wondered whether there were other things besides magic, such as local power.

But as the secret of the truth of the Second World was revealed a little bit, Yi Chou gradually gave up this idea.

It was still created by human beings. It was created by humans in the last era in order to fight against the two demons and angels of magical creatures. The reason why many plots are very similar to the movie, even the same, is because the original movie has potential The emergence of human beings is influenced by the thinking of the second world.

It is the template of the existing second world, and then there is the movie, which is to collect the fantasy energy exuded from the human mind to continue to maintain the second world.

The magic power has always existed deep in the human body and is the most primitive power of human beings, but it is defined as magic power. If you change the name, it does not matter if you call it the original force. Anyway, it is just a name.

Then the local legends may not exist, at least not in this second world.

But the emergence of the legend cannot come out of thin air. Maybe it was earlier, or it may have been affected by other things. This is what Yi Chou knows.

Anyway, local movies cannot collect the power of fantasy, perhaps for this reason.

Yi Xiao originally thought that he would not be exposed to this matter in the second world, but he did not expect to encounter it in this 17th century world.

Yi Chou doesn't want to be in contact with it, because no matter whether the movies are bad or not, the strength in them is real, and even a little powerful.

It's not that Yi Chou can contact and confront it.

"No..." Yi Chou, who was contemplating, was suddenly taken aback, "No."

This is not what he thought. Yi Xuan found himself caught in a misunderstanding. The power of the so-called local gas refiners and immortals should not appear in this world at all, because the second world is to stimulate the potential of humanity. Created by magic.

Energy and magic are also fundamental to the second world.

Other forces should not and will not appear. As soon as I saw the anomalous place in the northern hemisphere, I subconsciously thought of these forces. This is a misunderstanding.

Perhaps the anomaly does not refer to these forces at all.

And it is the artificial intelligence that Yi Chou is looking for.

The reason why it is hiding in the northern hemisphere is also well understood. One is because of its special geographical location, Yi Biao may not easily step there, and the other is that the magic power there is weaker and it is easier to hide.

In this way, things are explained.

"Anomalous place.. It really is an anomalous place." Yi Huo whispered, almost letting it pass, and this was not the first time.

In the original world, Yi Chao was affected by similar thinking. The culprit that could interfere with thinking was here. It seems that since that time, this hidden intellectual brain has been entrenched in this world, a little latently infiltrated, And play its role.

I don’t know how many free people in the second world have been affected by it, even those in danger.

Yi Xiao stood up and slowly stopped the rotating globe with his hand. He was ready to leave, but before going to the 17th century northern hemisphere, he had to change this globe.

Yi Xiao pulled out a stack of parchment paper and found the one that contained the story of the globe.

The parchment was full of writing, and the magic feather pen popped above the parchment with the sound of Yi Xuan's call, and slowly fell along with Yi Xuan's thinking.

"... add a word to me." Yi Chou said to it, "After the magic compass finds its target, it will change from the look of a globe to an eye..."

As the sound of the quilling quill stopped, the globe snapped into a pair of plain black frame glasses lying quietly on the table, the size was right, and it was suitable for Yihou to wear it.

Leaving the glasses in front of him, Yi Chou continued to write.

"The glasses still have the power of a magic compass. It can see the target it is marked on... and will never be damaged."

With a snap, the two lenses of the glasses suddenly split from the middle, and two long gaps appeared.

Yi Xao was sure that the glasses could still see things, but he was also sure that the glasses would not have that special ability.

So Yi Biao quickly changed his mouth, "Uh... well, it is difficult to damage, but it is not permanently indestructible."

As the quill stopped again, Yi Chou looked back, and found that the glasses on the table somehow had been restored to an intact state, lying there quietly, as if they had never been damaged.

Yi Xiao put it on his eyes, knocked on the frame, and then put away the parchment.

No matter how much Yi Biao does not want to set foot in the northern hemisphere, no matter what is in front of him, Yi Biao's trip this time is inevitable, because all the clues point to one place.

That is. . Japan.

. . .

Floating aimlessly on the sea always makes people feel sentimental.

For example, Yi Chou, he thought of the situation when he first came to this world.

After being chased by the undead Eve, and then luckily teleported here, he fell directly into the sea and made himself like a chicken.

Fortunately, I met the tuna lying down, otherwise I don't know how long to float on the sea.

But this time Yi Chou will not be so embarrassed and busy, because he has better vehicles and a lot of manpower to call.

After deciding to leave, Yi Biao continued to repair for half a day at Yanodin Stone Fort, and then left the warm Stone Fort while the night was dark, without disturbing anyone.

Arriving at the pier, Yi Biao summoned the Red Navigator from Neverland in an unmanned place. Of course, the Xiaohuang people drove it.

Yihou officially set sail.

As a magic warship that will never sink, the Red Pilot is undoubtedly the best transportation tool in the world.

Few pirates dared to provoke this huge battleship with rows of dense muzzles on the side strings. They all bypassed the road, so there was no hindrance to the clamor along the way.

What's more, no ship in this era can keep up with the Red Pilot.

With the magic of the Red Navigator, which is far faster than ordinary warships, in just a few days, Yi Chou has crossed the bottom of South Africa and reached the junction of the northern and southern hemispheres.

Yi Biao did not choose to cross the Pacific Ocean. Although his final destination was Japan, which was faster, he needed to know the specific situation of the northern hemisphere in advance, so he was prepared.

The north line is undoubtedly the best.

Under the little yellow man's shift driving, the Red Pilot did not stop all night, and did not need the port to stop. It continued to sail for more than a day, and Yi Chou finally saw the edge of Luzon Island in this era.

It also means that the film has left the homeland for not knowing how long, that is in front of us.

When passing by Luzon, where several ports may exist, Yi Chou deliberately slowed down the ship. He wanted to see what was wrong with the human beings.

But what disappointed Yi Chou was not to mention human beings, even the port did not see one.

However, this root deepened Yi Chou's confidence in his speculation that the Northern Hemisphere did not have strange and strange powers such as gas reinvigorators. Everything was just a mystery created by artificial intelligence to cover up itself.

With this in mind, Yi Biao finally came to Dayuan Island, he saw the local Yan'an, and at the moment when Yi Biao saw the local land~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he finally couldn't help but swear out .

"It's incredible... what the **** is this..." Yi Xiao pushed the glasses and felt something was wrong, so he took off the glasses.

Appearing in front of Yi Chou is a huge darkness, like an invisible barrier under the button, the dark sky cut off the whole land, like an infinite protective net.

The things in it are also familiar, and it is the only uncontrolled existence of the second world, where the world is chaotic.

There are colorful strips of light everywhere, they float inside the invisible barrier, wandering everywhere, and no other existence can be seen, let alone people, even the entire territory of Asia Encased in it.

"This will not be the so-called edge of the world." When passing by, Yi Chou controlled the Red Navigator to stop at the edge of the barrier, poked with his hand, and found that the barrier was actually present and could not be worn. past.

But soon, Yi Chou thought of another thing, that is, this time the destination will not be the same situation, for the turbulence in the world and this kind of location barrier, Yi Chou can not be sure to deal with it. (To be continued.)

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