High Magic Earth

Chapter 924: swirl

The Red Navigator continued to sail overnight under the control of Yi Huo. With the emergence of the turbulence in the world, Yi Nao's navigation became a lot more cautious.

The turbulence of the world in the second world almost acts like a fog of war, and even Yi Chou does not want to plunge into the turbulent area.

He strayed in once, and then he lost one of the most important things.

Yi Xiao didn't know what happened in front of him, but all this made him need to be more cautious and careful.

In this case, however, the Red Pilot was still very fast. A few hours later, he left the officer and came to a position halfway away from the Japanese island.

The turbulence in the world is far away, and the entire Asian map is still reversed like the vast universe. This situation is extremely spectacular. Yi Chou sees all this clearly with the help of magic.

As if a part of the earth was stiffly cut out, the entire big 6 has turned into a black tumor, and it seems like ink stains. It occupies one tenth of the earth’s area. If you look at it from a satellite, It should be like a large black spot covering the surface of the earth.

"It's an incredible situation." Even after more than two hours, Yi Chou couldn't help but sigh.

What exactly this world has become, and why it has become this way, Yi Chou is unclear, because this is not the case in any movie.

The second world is not entirely derived from the movie. It has to be extended to a large part. Yi Xiao has already been psychologically prepared for a long time, but after really leaving the plot for reference, Yi Xiao still becomes a bit blind.

But it is also very simple to end all this. As long as you find the brain or artificial intelligence and eradicate the parasite from the world, it will naturally end.

"Chirp!" Just as Yi Chao thought about the meaning of the turbulence in the world, several little yellow men slipped off the lookout panic, and then ran to Yi Xiao.

If they are ordinary people, they certainly don't understand what they are going to say, but Yi Xuan heard it very clearly, and after understanding what the little Huang Ren expressed, Yi Xuan's brows were deeply wrinkled.

He didn't even have time to run to the bow of the ship, and the phantom disappeared directly.

Standing on the slightly elevated red navigator's head, flanked by clear blue sky, the endless blue sea, Yi Chou's eyes looked far away, and with a whisper of ancient magic words, Yi Chou's eyes instantly became pale The yellow vertical pupil, through the layers of mist on the sea, saw the terrifying, demonic **** in the distance.

A maelstrom!

As if coming from the deep sea, directly from the depths of the earth's core, it is deep, but the turbulent bottomless vortex of the deep sea.

Its most central position is even black.

Yi Biao gasped slightly, and what the little yellow man saw through the magically revised telescope on the lookout was exactly this thing.

But Yi Chao looks more intuitive than them. At this time, the Red Navigator is at the edge of the maelstrom. Although I can’t feel anything for a while, it seems that everything is calm, but at the next moment, the monstrous waves and the inability The undercurrent of resistance will surge.

And this maelstrom, I am afraid that even Yihuo is difficult to resist.

Because according to Yi Biao's eyes, its volume is very huge, and even so large that it is terrifying. The diameter of this deep-sea vortex has long passed ordinary islands, and may even be larger than the Japanese islands.

Its diameter is definitely over a thousand kilometers.

What is this concept, that is, the moment when Yi Chao entered this sea area, he could not escape anymore. If the area of ​​its rotation continues to increase, I am afraid that it is too late to go now.

"What is the power to do this." Yi Chou frowned deeply.

His magic can destroy a city, or even sneak a small army, he can set off a tsunami, but he can never turn the Pacific into a flush toilet.

This force is no longer human. If it is necessary to say a level, it is definitely close to the planetary level.

That is, overturning one's hand to one's hand will destroy a planet.

Perhaps the power of the silver tongue can be achieved, just as Yi Chou had transformed the Statue of Liberty into a tower in New York before, but this is also very difficult, and more requires coincidence and reasonable logic.

In addition, Yi Chou could not think of other possibilities.

Just when Yi Xuan saw the maelstrom and thought of these things in just one breath, Yi Xuan obviously felt that the direction of the Red Pilot was deviating, and it hit a certain kind of suction undercurrent.

At this time, Yi Biao couldn't care that the deep sea vortex was caught between Japan and the members. He quickly urged the magic to turn the bow to the side, and said to the little yellow people, " The boat leaves here!"

There is still a certain distance from the range that completely crashed into the vortex. As long as the operation is fast, the red navigator can completely get rid of the dead zone full of undercurrents.

Indeed, the destination of Yihuo is right in front, but it must be able to pass.

Yi Biao does not know who built this deep-sea vortex. If it is the wisdom brain, I am afraid that Yi Biao will have no chance of winning even if he goes.

And if not... the earth is round, and the Pacific Ocean can reach Japan.

The little yellow people on the ship's side were immediately busy. These little guys were much more than before. It was Yi Chou's new partner who brought them with the silver tongue ability. It seems that they get along well.

At this critical moment, I am afraid that even the little yellow people are aware of the crisis and have not made a mistake, but havetily started to change the direction of the pilot.

But at the next moment, it was suddenly dark.

Yi Chou raised his head instantly, his face became dignified.

After entering the northern hemisphere, Yi Chou noticed that there seemed to be something wrong around him. This kind of wrong is nothing.

The air becomes a bit muddy, as if there is an odor in it. Although it can still breathe, it always gives people a feeling of insufficient oxygen. The temperature is suddenly cold and hot, the day is cold and it makes people shake, and it is hot at night. Within three days, only one day may be normal.

Even the time of night and day became chaotic. Although it took only three or four days for Yi Chou to cross South Africa from the island of England to Dayuan Island, he had actually experienced thirteen nights. There are fourteen times during the day.

If it wasn’t for Yi Xiao’s manifestation magic to tell it that the time was still in order, I’m afraid he would have forgotten the date.

But there was not one of them. It was like now, the sky suddenly darkened, as if something had driven the sun away.

The sky was overcast for no reason, and unless it was going to rain, it would be fine.

Sure enough, after half a breath, a huge and thrilling wave of magic spread from the depths of the deep sea vortex like a raging wind.

Yi Xiao held his breath and suppressed the magic wave to almost nothing. Waving an invisible light from the bow of the Red Navigator to the stern, the entire ship suddenly became quiet.

Yi Chou decided to pass here in a low profile.

Because at the moment when this breath appeared, Yi Chou recognized its origin.

The unbridled world.

He had seen it with a glimpse of Daenerys’ high sacrifice sacrifice magic, and this kind of breath was also similar to Daenerys’ dragon power. Daenerys had been in contact for a long time. Time, this is not wrong.

But they are not exactly the same, and there seems to be something else in it.

Some kind of higher breath.

Although Yi Xiao has never been in contact with him, there was a thought in his head that seemed like a demon.

No wonder no one has ever told human beings, but human beings will call some things gods and demons because they are imprinted on instinct.

But what makes Yi Chou strange is that if God is a god, he is also a powerful magical creature, and Athena is also a god, but it seems not much worse than a magical creature.

But besides that, there will be other demons in the second world.

Is it Zeus or Odin, are they so powerful?

According to the performance in the movie, and the strength of Athena's strength, it should be inferred that they should not be so strong. At least there will not be such a ridiculous, Yi Chou even feels that this power is comparable to the mysterious hourglass on the Neverland.

Perhaps the hourglass is more powerful, but it belongs to the second world and cannot be used easily.

Anyway, Yi Chou decided to leave this land of right and wrong first.

"Quick turn rudder!" Yi Xuan shouted at the little yellow people, the gravitational force of the vortex became bigger and bigger. With the appearance of this breath, the dark sky thundered like a thunderstorm, accompanied by deafening Lightning and roaring.

The huge waves around them instantly rose into the sky and overwhelmed them, flapping the red navigator as if they were going to crush their bones in the next moment.

The Red Navigator is a product of the magic lamp. It is born with a magic blessing that never sinks. Yi Chou does not worry that it will be sunk or broken by these winds and waves, but it is not sure whether it will still be swallowed by the giant vortex. Will survive.

And more importantly, since the sky suddenly gloomy, Yi Chou felt his magic power was weakened.

It is not that its own power is weakened, but that some kind of magic in the surrounding environment is too strong, and suppression and incompatibility have appeared.

But this time it was suppressed by the power of Yi Chou, the huge atmosphere of the world prevailed.

Yi Xiao’s control of the Red Pilot became worse and worse. He could only rely on the Xiaohuang people to manually drive the Pilot to make a sharp turn. Yi Xiao even regretted not bringing it at the moment he saw the maelstrom A short distance phantom shift is carried by the whole ship.

"Hurry up!" Yi Xiao urged the magic power of the whole body, and transmitted it to the body of the Navigator through the rudder, controlling it to greatly resist the gravity of the vortex undercurrent.

The magic power surrounds Yi Chou, the spread of the magic power wave even blasts the rainstorm far away, forming a perfect vacuum area around.

Fortunately, at this moment no little yellow guys came over and were curious about the vacuum expectation and joined in the excitement. It seems that they also knew that the matter was very urgent.

Yi Chou controls the direction, while paying attention to the every move of the maelstrom, but at the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly froze for a moment, and then blurted out, "How is this possible!"

He saw two ships in the center of the maelstrom!

To be precise, it is the phantom of countless ships, and the two middlemost ones are crazy and rotating on the bottomless slopes and arcs of the maelstrom.

"This is definitely a joke." Yi Xuan bit his teeth, this situation is very familiar, as long as someone who has a little love for the movie will immediately think of a plot in a movie.

Pirates of the Caribbean.

Yi Chou divided a portion of the magic power to strengthen the power of the spell in his eyes. His pupils became a little yellow again, and at the same time he also saw the silhouettes of the two ships and their faces.

Captain Jack Sparrow, the famous luck and luck.

Sure enough, he was frowning, but the maelstrom among the Pirates of the Caribbean was not so big, it was simply going deep into the core of the earth.

However, Yi Chou immediately realized that these ships were shadows. They didn't seem to really exist on the sea, they were more like mirage projections.

"Is it a projection of a different sub-world... or what is the higher dimension..." Yi Xiao is unclear, but with his careful observation, his gaze is once again fixed.

He saw an old acquaintance, a real old acquaintance, a friend of this world.

Ye Jie.

"Damn..." Yi Xuan seemed to feel that his thinking was dull, and could only subconsciously curse, why she was here, not right, why she entered the second world.

But this question Yi Chou must not be able to ask her face to face, because at the next moment, the two ships inside the vortex collided fiercely, and then accompanied by the dense shadow of the sea boat near the vortex, they disappeared together instantly. trace.

But the maelstrom hasn't disappeared yet. The huge attraction like a pump still exists.

Yi Xao was too late to think about Ye Jie's problem, because he didn't want to find a way anymore. I'm afraid he would be dragged into the deep sea vortex by undercurrent. This thing really exists.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou took out a dark-covered book from his arms, which was the unfinished magic book.

It floats between Yi Biao's hands, automatically without wind, and instantly turns to one of the pages ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, Yi Biao began to whisper without hesitation.

"The crisis has exploded, and his magic has expanded to the extreme. This is a taboo..."

Before Yi Biao's words fell, his pupils contracted fiercely, and things were really twists and turns, because just between the two breaths after the disappearance of the Caribbean phantom, something appeared again in the center of the deep sea vortex.

That's a...

The ancient city!

"Night God Mask!" Yi Biao shouted sharply, and instantly, the magic book suspended in front of him flipped up and down, then stayed on a certain page, and slammed into a hard wood green mask. .

Glancing at the gloomy sky, Yi Chou grabbed it without hesitation and put it on his face, and at the same time, the monstrous waves had screamed with the appearance of the ancient city.

Like the devastating flood of seven days and seven nights, with a roaring roar, it threw around. (~^~)


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