High Magic Earth

Chapter 925: Vortex (2)

Perhaps the previous Caribbean fleet may be a ghost image, an illusion of clamor.

But this ancient city must exist, because with its appearance, the maelstrom was even destroyed in an instant, and then the huge waves were set off, as if all the territories on the earth would be devoured.

The rolling waves set off a height of more than a dozen meters, and the appearance of it was just appalling.

Yi Chou has no doubt about its destructive power.


At the next moment, a loud noise like a thunder appeared between the Navigator and the giant wave. The roaring giant wave slapped fiercely on the side string of the Red Navigator and cracked it instantly.

Large cracks appeared on the ship. "Sergey!" Several little yellow men shouted in panic as they couldn't catch the rope, but the Red Navigator was still stubbornly floating on the sea. .

"Well... I need a little yellow man vacuum cleaner!" Yi Chou was waiting for this moment.

He had long seen that the Red Pilot was unable to resist the monstrous waves. Even if he could resist, the little yellow people on the ship would definitely be washed down by the tsunami.

There are a lot of them. It is not enough to want to drive such a huge ship fast. A small number is impossible. Yi Chou is worried that he cannot take care of all the little yellow men.

So he summoned Loki's night **** mask a moment in advance, that is, to bring back all the little yellow people who fell into the sea.

The monstrous giant waves roared on both sides of Yi Chou, drowning his figure in it. Yi Chou seemed to have the character of a cartoon character suddenly. It just looks a little embarrassed.

At this time, Yi Chou's cheeks turned dark green, and his already cold face seemed like a demon coming out of **** against the dark green and dim sea water.

Yi Xiao reached out and grabbed a piece of water in the sea water. The sea water was grabbed by Yi Xiao as if it were real. It slowly deformed and solidified in Yi Xiao's hands, and finally turned into a black lacquered vacuum cleaner.

There is a huge transparent skull dragging the tail of the vacuum cleaner. The pipe is like a spine. I don’t know if I can **** something through the spine. The other end of the spine is a huge horn. There is something unusually funny on the skull vacuum cleaner.

This is not Yi Ao's aesthetic. Although Yi Ao's aesthetic is very bad, it is not so bad.

This is a good thing done by prank masks. It always likes to use some kind of prank to solve problems, or make things unusually funny and more chaotic. It is also a side effect of the night **** mask.

It's also the only side effect, but it's a little hard for Yi Chou to make funny and funny actions.

Yi Xuan showed a murky smile. He raised the skull vacuum cleaner and hugged it in his arms, and then pressed the open button at the four little yellow men who fell into the sea.


The vacuum cleaner uttered a wailing roar, and bursts of strong wind and great attraction instantly. The huge motor sound can be faintly heard even in the roaring waves and tsunami. To be more attractive, all four little yellow men who fell into the sea were instantly sucked back.

But the whispering appeal did not inhale a drop of seawater, and completely regarded the huge waves as transparent, just like seeing them as air.

The four little yellow men were sucked like a ball by a vacuum cleaner into a crystal skull as big as two little yellow men, but through this transparent crystal, they could not see the existence of a little yellow man .

The other side of the vacuum cleaner is connected to Neverland, and Yi Chou has sent them back when they sucked them in.

After holding these four guys who fell into the sea, Yi Xuan did not close his hand, but pointed the vacuum cleaner at the Red Pilot, and began to increase the horsepower to continue pulling.

"Bang bang bang!" A series of muffled noises were made from the trumpet. The little yellow men hidden in the Red Pilot were sent back one by one by Yi arrogant, and some stupid people did not know what happened, and still died. Holding the cable, but was sucked into it one by one by the vacuum cleaner.


The monstrous giant wave struck again, and Yi Chou pulled his body into a banner to embrace most of the seawater. Taking advantage of this second, the last little yellow man was stuffed into it, and he quickly restored his body again.

The power of the tsunami is too great, wait another second, Yi Chou even suspects that he will be penetrated into a hole by the sea.

"Bang!" "--Goo!"

The seawater slapped fiercely on the Red Navigator. After two seconds of swaying, the body slanted and tilted to the side. Yi Chou did not pay too much attention to the Navigator because there were no more important things on it. Concerned about the ancient city that emerged from the deep sea vortex.

Because he seemed to hear a certain voice faintly. .


Yi Xiao finally heard it, and the faint roar came from the direction of the ancient city.

Yi arrogantly pulled off the mask of the night god. In an instant, the monstrous waves waved him to stand unsteadily. Yi arrogant took out the unfinished magic book again and quickly turned to one of the pages.

Soon, the whispering whispers gradually became clear as the sea roared, "... he separated the sea, and the huge waves and tsunamis made way for him." And it got bigger and bigger.

"Hoo!" With the sound of Yi Chou's words falling, the tsunami that appeared in front of him suddenly separated to the two sides, the giant wave was split in half, and then gave up Yi Chong in the middle.

It was like encountering some kind of invisible force, the sea water was divided to the two sides by an arc, avoiding the clamor, and also showing the situation after the huge wave.

The sea water was separated from the two sides, standing in the middle of the giant waves, Yi Piao peeped out to the huge city in the sea.

He saw an ancient one. .

Do not. . That is not an ancient city, but a giant beast, a huge monster! It lingers above the ancient city, like a huge ghost, accompanied by the rise of the city and the wailing of the waves.

It seems to be integrated with this planet, and it seems like a huge parasite entrenched on the surface of the planet.

This is definitely not a normal creature, either its appearance or its volume!

It is almost as big as a continent. Yi Piao needs to raise his head when peeking at it, and even see the universe and the starry sky behind it, which is inserted into the sky. It looks like a huge octopus, and the whole body is green. , Like a mix of slugs and sludge moss, some sticky, with tentacles, but also scales.

There appeared to be unshaped, broken wings on the back.

Yi Xiao felt that this thing was a bit familiar. It seemed to be a style and painting style with the towering giant tree that he saw at a glimpse of that world. The giant tree was entrenched on the planet, almost giving the planet to it. Crushed.

And its volume is not small.

They look very much like products that match the characteristics of the world in the world, but Yi Chou always feels that it is not.

But in any case, Yi Biao is very glad that he does not have giant phobia, otherwise this one after another, the emergence of giant monsters comparable to the planet and land territory one after another will drive himself crazy.


That strange voice appeared again.

Yi Xiao felt that this voice was not what he heard, because the specific content could not be described at all, so he could only use a very similar onomatopoeia to describe it vaguely.

He even suspected that this sound is simply a special pronunciation that is impossible to achieve.

And its appearance is just like its voice, and it cannot be described or described.

This huge green creature entrenched in the ancient city, covering most of the area, only revealing the city's dark green, there are hollow buildings everywhere, and the style is also somewhat strange.

It lingers on it as if it is dead, and it seems to be sleeping, because Yi Chou can't see its movements, and what he sees is only a continuous piece of dark green scales and flesh, lifeless.

Yi Xiao looked at this huge phantom. There were no movements in five breaths. The tsunami that roared and roared away from both sides. This situation looked very strange.

In the center of the roaring sea, a water city as large as several Japanese islands rises, and a huge octopus monster lies above the city.

Tsunami waves swelled from the city slowly rising from the water, and huge waves set off a height of tens of meters.

And just a short distance away from the city, the tsunami wave was opened a gap, probably only as thin as the hair, and in this distance, there was a person looming.

Yi Chou stood still in the sea water, showing a strong contrast with the surging tsunami around.

His condition is wrong, very wrong.

Yi Xiao seemed to be caught in some kind of confusion. He couldn't understand what this thing was in front of him. Although Yi Xiao's eyes could see it, he couldn't describe it with words.

A few breaths stood again in the turbulent tsunami, and Yi's body suddenly shivered.

"Ah!!!" He uttered a painful scream and grew bigger and bigger.

It wasn’t that Yi Xao woke up, but suddenly felt that the magic power of the whole body was passing quickly, just like an uncontrolled magic riot, it was consuming a lot of its magic power.

"Ah!!" Yi Chou once again gave a painful hissing, and even his voice became a little sharper. He covered his eyes subconsciously, because the source of the pain was coming from there.

This severe pain even made Yi Huo unable to think about how it appeared and what caused it.

Yi Xiao felt an indescribable tearing and pain from his eyes. He felt his eyes burn as if they were burning, and the light disappeared in an instant, leaving only the heat and darkness.

Yi Xuan began to struggle, "Ah!!!" This kind of pain quickly spread through his eyes through his eyes, making Yi Xuan unable to kneel in the sea.

The tsunami that was out of control reunited in an instant, then whistled and slapped it down.

The sea water was flooding Yi Chou, but at this time he could not care so much. The burning and the pain were roasting all over his body, as if burning from the depths of his soul.

Although Yi Chou does not have a soul, at this moment, he feels as if it is his soul.

"Damn, damn..." Yi Chou sighed in cold air. Apart from making him unable to think, the pain also made him sober.

He didn't know what happened to him, but he knew that his physical condition was at stake.

His eyes are burning, as if burned into pieces, and his eyes are spontaneously burning, and then spread to all over his body.

This is really a spicy eye in the true sense.

Yi Xiao's hand covering his eyes gently protruded his fingers, and the place where he felt had become rough. Originally, there should be only a depression left in the position of his eyes. Muscle and skin.

"Ah!!" The pain became stronger and stronger, and tremors spread to his whole body. Yi Chou bit his teeth and felt the magic book from his arms.

Yi Xiao felt that he knew what he was facing.

The tearing and burning sensations that were constantly coming from all over the body were burning him and torturing him, as if to tell Yi Chou that they would wipe him out of this world.

This is because Yi Xiao saw something that could not be understood and could not be known.

From inexplicable Sensen malicious.

Rolling in the icy water, Yi Chou seemed like a dead leaf drifting with the waves in the waves. He pulled out the magic book from his arms with difficulty, then whispered tremblingly.

"... The blind demon haunted him. He could not see the colors and objects, nor the depths of the soul and the soul. He could see nothing."

After reading this passage, Yi Biao seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He left the magic book aside, and then the magic book gradually dissipated in the sea water, and returned to Yi Biao's arms again.

Yi Biao's eyes began to recover at a rate visible to the naked eye. It was still withering, but it was like a blind man who had been blind for decades.

With an old wound.

After temporarily blinding his eyes, the burning sensation disappeared a lot. Although he was still tearing him, Yi Chou was able to bear it.


But this indescribable voice still exists, as if striking Yi Chou's heart from time to time like an alarm bell.

"Damn..." Yi Xuan endured severe pain. Although his tendency to spontaneous combustion disappeared, his pain and tears still afflicted Yi Xiao.

He floated in the icy water, tumbling by the roaring roar.

The huge force is eroding Yi Chao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is immersed in the sea water, using the remaining magic power to allow himself to breathe enough oxygen in the tract, Yi Huo curled up, trying to endure this burning burning sensation.

"- goo!!"

This indescribable sound rang again, it was a loud noise.

Yi Chou instantly felt that everything around him was overturned by the sky. The crazy tsunami almost threw Yi Chou into the air, and then planted it again into the seabed.

"Cough! Cough!" Even with the protection of magic, Yi Chou still choked several sips of seawater.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly felt a quiet surrounding, as if the turbulent mania at the previous moment suddenly calmed down at the next moment.

But Yi Chou's eyes were invisible.

He didn't know what was happening around him, and he could only drift quietly on the sea, as if waiting for the tranquility before the storm.

It was like a moment of tranquility before the outbreak of the monster. (~^~)

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