High Magic Earth

Chapter 926: Vortex (3)

Yi Chou felt the coldness and biting of the sea water.

Everywhere was a cold deep in the bone marrow. This kind of cold was surrounded by Yi Chou, as if it was permeable, and invaded him all the time.

Yi Chao’s magic power consumed half of it because of uncontrolled brutality, or even almost nothing. The remaining magic power could not support him to prop up the warm insulation spell and float comfortably in the sea water.

He must use magic to create an environment with necessary living conditions for himself, such as oxygen, instead of making himself more comfortable.

This is not the time to pay attention to these things.

Even to maintain the necessary oxygen, Yi Chou only used the most obvious bubble head curse to wrap his whole body, barely stopping a little cold, instead of using magic to consume a greater survival spell.

Yi Xiao didn't know what he would face next, which felt bad.

In addition, the pain in the body continued to tear him, and the burning sensation came from the body, as if he was going to be burned to ashes.

Fortunately, Yi Biao's eyes are temporarily unable to see. After the physical level of the invasion is isolated, both the energy and the spiritual level are protected by the brain closure. Although this burning and tearing feeling is very painful, it is not true. It actually burned.

Binocular lost his eyeballs, leaving only two black holes. The whole body was full of scorching feelings, especially the original eyeballs and cheeks. Yi Chou suspected that he must be black at this time.

There was also icy water surrounding it, which felt terrible.

Yi Xiao has never been so embarrassed. Even when there was no magic before, he would use his wisdom and head to protect himself. Although he may not be happy, he would not be so embarrassed.

Fortunately, this pain is not unbearable. The magic of running away also consumes most of the soul's power in Yi Chou's body.

He will not have any other feelings like despair and pain. The pain is pain. Yi Chou can still stick his teeth and stick to it, because he does not seem to give him a second choice in his brain.

and. . It's just pain, but it's much easier than facing the giant beast.

But even if you only look at it from a distance, it will be the existence that burns you away.

The sea water slapped Yi Yi on him, causing him to suffer secondary pain from the burnt skin surface. Yi Xiao floated quietly, but he suddenly felt that it seemed to be unknown when the surroundings had become completely calm and calm.

That kind of trembling and suffocating feeling was not there, and the magic of restlessness in the air had disappeared.

It seems that it is not the tranquility before the storm, but it is completely quiet. The wizard is very sensitive to the changes in the surrounding environment. Although Yi Chao's magic power is consumed very seriously, this intuition still exists.

but. . What Yi Biao didn't understand was that even if the giant beast didn't continue to move, the monstrous tsunami set off by the ancient city in the sea was not so easy. Just calm down.

Yi Xiao took a deep breath. . Then choked a few mouthfuls of sea water.

Well, he has no energy to complain, he feels that the whole person is very confused, but it seems that the pain in the body has also been reduced a lot.

Qian waited for no answer. The continuous relief of pain symptoms made Yi Xiao more sure of the answer in his heart. After continuing to float for a few minutes, he decided to take action. Yi Xiao got a fruit from Dream Island in his arms. In addition to its sweet taste, because it grows all year round on the magically active Fantasy Island, the fruit also contains a very small amount of magic.

It is usually used by Yi Chou to just satisfy the desire and satisfy the desire of the mouth, but now, it has become able to restore a small amount of magic power.

Fumbling to deliver the fruit to his mouth, Yi Xuan found that his hard teeth were also burned to ashes by an invisible burning sensation. In desperation, he could only forcefully crush the fruit and send the juice into his mouth.

The conversion between magic power is very expensive, not to mention that the magic power originally contained in this fruit is very rare.

After swallowing three or four in a row, Yi Chou finally felt that both physical and magical powers had recovered a little.

Neither the silver tongue nor the shadow needs magic power, but Yi Chou still needs to restore the magic power, because the feeling of exhausting the magic power is really too bad.

"Book." Yi Xuan uttered a word with a hoarse voice. Although he floated in the sea water, the hoarse voice seemed to be drinking water for three days and nights.

I'm afraid his vocal cords are also on the verge of spontaneous combustion.

The invisible seawater condensed into Yi Piao's hands, the sea wave turned, and the magic book returned to Yi Piao's hands quietly again, and then spread out one of the pages.

Yi Xiao reached out the other hand and groped slowly in the magic book, then read it hoarsely.

"...As if returning to his mother's arms, he floated in the water, and the wound on his body was miraculously healed, whether it was an old wound or a newly born wound, it became as good as it was between the breath..."

The silver tongue, the story book in hand and the voice of the silver tongue are indispensable.

Yi Chou's voice still exists, and the magic book in his hand is also there. Although he can't see it, he can still read the content of the magic book, because it is Braille.

Yi Xao had considered various problems in the early days of creating the magic book, and the above braille appeared just for this situation.

This is a magic book. It naturally has some magical powers and magic powers, otherwise it is not justified.

Although it doesn't look thick, there are only two thin layers like two slaps, but the content inside is infinite, and the seamless extension spell makes the space far beyond its appearance, even if the dense number of pages is turned up. I can't finish it in a few days.

Yi Chao uses a special mantra to start it. It is not a page-by-page search. Otherwise, with Yi Yao’s memory, it is impossible to remember the content on each page and find what he wants.

In addition to the huge amount of recorded text, there are various special things and abilities, such as Braille.

The material of the magic book itself is also very special, and Yi Xiao also poured a mixed juice on it, which is made up of several magic plants, including the juice of Mandela grass.

Of course, not that Miss Mandela.

Her juice has lost its medicinal properties. I believe that if Snape learns of this news, he will surely spray Mandela Tree in addition to being distressed.

Mandela’s screams can be fatal, but its juice can be combined with several other magical plants, but it can have a very magical ability to make people who have lost their voice speak again.

Magical and incredible.

When necessary, Yi Xao can use the magic book to restart the silver tongue, of course, he does not need to do this now.

As Yi Xiao's voice fell, his body immediately changed amazingly. If Yi Xiao could see his body soaked in the sea water at this time, he would find that the burnt black on his skin was rapidly crusting, and These crusts are also quickly detached, as if the whole person was reborn.

"His!" Yi Biao took a breath, and sucked in two more seawaters. His whole body was itching, even suppressing the pain from his body for a while.

Yi Xiao gently touched the shrivelled eyeballs with his hands, and he found that a lot of granulation slowly grew around the eyeballs, and it seemed that something was pushing his fingers.

Yi Biao quickly retracted his fingers back, he did not want to study the situation when the body healed.

After a few breaths, Yi Chou felt that the itch slowly subsided from the whole body, and various discomforts also disappeared, and soon, he felt the existence of the eyeball again.

With his eyes closed, he rolled his eyes slightly under his eyelids. Yi Xuan quickly recovered his familiar feeling, slowly opened his eyes, and the light appeared again.

But it seemed a little vague in front of my eyes, as if there was still something in front of me.

Yi Xiao reached out and wiped off the mucous membrane that was born with the eyeballs and skin renewal. He washed it in the sea water. He raised his hand to his eyes and found that there was no burnt black muscle on it, and the skin was brand new. .

His injury was healed, and his body was repaired under the power of the silver tongue.

At least this is good news, Yi Chou relaxes, and then leans directly into the sea water, as the waves rise and fall.

Also when he opened his eyes, he noticed that the surroundings had calmed down. The deep blue sea had no trace of waves. It seemed calm as if everything that had just happened did not exist, and it had never been mad and angry.

But Yi Bao looked back, and the wreckage of the Red Navigator still floating on the sea really showed that it was not just Yi Yao's illusion, but a real disaster.

The Red Navigator was nearly shattered by the tsunami and huge waves, but there was still an unformed bottom floating tenaciously on the sea. After all, it was blessed by magic and will never sink.

"But there is no way to continue the voyage..." Yi Chou grabbed the salty hair with some effort and looked at the wreckage of the Red Pilot.

Although the Red Pilot was not sunk in the true sense, if only the bottom of the ship remained, the average person would probably not be able to continue driving in it.

It seems that although there is blessing magic, this magic is not very reliable.

After not seeing any danger again in the range visible to the naked eye, Yi Chou finally relaxed completely. He floated in the icy water, feeling he didn't want to move.

Tiredness and fatigue flowed out of Yi Chou's body, washing his brain and nerves. Yi Chou wanted to sleep in the soft water just like that.

But here is the endless sea, there is no place to rest around, the sky and earth are all blue, like the sea of ​​cut crystals, the bottom of the water is the bottomless gullies and countless marine life.

Even a wizard, asleep in the sea in this extremely sleepy situation, can easily stay awake.

Yi Xiao strongly supported his spirit and opened the magic book in his hand again. The magic book was unrestrained in the sea water. He flipped to one of the pages and stopped. Yi Xiao paused slightly, and then began to whisper.

"...Damaged things can never be recovered, but this light is different. The dark green light sweeps through everything like a storm, but the storm brings only damage, and it will restore the damaged items to the original..."

As the voice fell, a large green light suddenly appeared on the calm sea. It was like a hurricane that had passed, and it immediately turned behind Yi Chou.

The faint light made a clever arc in the air, and the wreckage around the Red Pilot looked like a perfect circle, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

After it disappeared, a brand-new red navigator appeared again at sea level.

Yi Xiao exhausted his last effort to get himself on the boat, and then he collapsed on the deck, gasping for gasps, the shadow slipped away from his side quietly, splitting a gap.

The little yellow people walked out from the inside in fear of shrinking again. After seeing that the stormy sea level had returned to calm, they took a big sigh of relief and ran to all corners of the Red Pilot again.

But Yi Biao can't see this scene anymore. He has fallen asleep, too much magic power and extremely sleepy, faster than any time in the past.

. . .

"His..." Feeling like his head was split in half, Yi Chou took a breath of cold air, and then slowly lifted his head from the bed.

Why lie on the bed yourself. . Yi Xiao recalled that it was probably the Xiaohuang people who brought themselves in. It seems that they are not too stupid, or they may be shadows. Anyway, it can touch themselves.

But this is not important, Yi Chou shook his head and put these issues aside.

He needs to know how long he slept.

Slender fingers stroked in the air, and a line of burning magic text slowly appeared in the air.

He slept all night, and more than ten hours had passed since he slept, and the sky was just brightening.

Pushing open the door of the captain's room and coming out, Yi Chou saw the sun rising slowly from the sea level on the other side of the deck.

After walking around on the deck, he found that while he was asleep, the Red Pilot did not continue to drive. It still stayed at the edge of the ancient city in the water, and seemed to be waiting for himself.

but. . fair enough.

When I was originally looking for that abnormal place or wisdom brain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chou was prepared to sneak in quietly, otherwise what would happen if the other party hid again, or because he was alert and did not show his feet, although it can be again Find it, but you can't chase it around the world.

After the appearance of this terrible beast, Yi Chou once again strengthened his inner thoughts.

As I feel that this thing is not necessarily related to wisdom brain, because if the angels have the ability, they still cling to what they do on the subworld, but Yi Chou still feels that he needs to be careful.

There must be some influence between the two, perhaps just inadvertently, then the ghost knows where the destination is and what is waiting there.

The speed of the Red Navigator is very fast, and the remaining distance, if it goes well, will not be reached in a few hours.

After locating the destination correctly, Yi Chou once again controlled the direction of the Pilot, turned his head back, and then started to continue driving.

But this time, after driving a few hundred meters, the huge body of the Red Navigator suddenly disappeared, just like driving into the mist and hiding it. (To be continued.)

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