High Magic Earth

Chapter 927: Login

The azure blue sea is unobstructed under the sun. It is already close to the island of Japan, but there is no boat in the blue sea, and even the dilapidated wooden boat cannot be seen.

The Red Navigator is nowhere to be seen, but on the clear blue water, a water wave like an arrow is faintly shooting straight ahead.

This water shadow is very shallow. If it is not close to the sea level, it will not be found at all, not to mention that it is only roughly passed over the sea.

The water wave is like a fish that shuttles under the sea surface, and soon came to the shore, a place suitable for docking, but no matter whether it is flat above or below, no creatures can be seen.

There was a chatter of "chirping" on the empty sea, and then it turned into a heavy object. At the next moment, Yi Yi's figure appeared on the land along the shore by air.

After a few hours of rest, Yi Chou's mental state has been greatly improved than before. He stepped on the soil under his feet and stomped hard. Feeling the solidity of the soil, he also relaxed.

Although the Red Navigator will never sink, Yi Chou still likes to feel down to earth.

The emptiness of the sea behind the twitter came from the shouting of the little yellow people. The Red Pilot was being hidden by Yi Chou and had been traveling on the sea in an invisible state.

In order to explore the specific situation of this abnormal place, Yi Xuan decided to hide it temporarily. Whether it is playing a grass or a snake, or he does not know what is happening here, it is not a good choice.

This group of little yellow people tweeted to express themselves, trying to let Yi Chou take them, anyway, this group of guys go wherever they have interesting things, but Yi Chou can’t do it, so the little yellow people In the wailing, the Red Pilot slowly did not go back.

The ripples on the water disappeared as well, because the shadow had engulfed the invisible red navigator in silence and sent it back to Neverland.

Looking at the completely empty sea, Yi Chou's expression was indifferent, and there was no extra movement. When he turned around, his figure disappeared instantly.

. . .

Carrying heavy firewood on Yi's back, the firewood was simply tied with a shabby hemp rope, they were leaning between her waist and back, shaking, almost falling like the next step.

She walked strenuously to keep up with the figure in front of her. Although she had done her best, the distance between the two was still a little bit apart, but she did not dare to tell Artest to stop because If they did not rush back before noon, then both of them would have no food.

But suddenly, Artest stopped.

Yi Barren’s brain was a little stunned. She didn’t tell Artest to stop. Why did Artest suddenly stop, but although Yi couldn’t understand it, it didn’t prevent her from striving to catch up with Artest with her last effort, and then Holding the tree to gasp.

But before she could catch up, Artest suddenly turned her head and made a quiet gesture to her. Although it was completely different from the gestures of later generations, it still means the same. Does each era have to have its own way of communication?

Yi was so scared that she didn't dare to move. She leaned gently on a thick tree, trembling uncontrollably, not even dare to breathe.

Artest discovered the danger.

She and Atay chopped firewood on the mountain every day, in addition to using it for themselves, they can also exchange for the most meager food. Although the amount is almost insignificant, it is already very difficult in this era of lack of food.

It is these insignificant foods, as well as the prey that can be hunted occasionally, that enable the two to struggle to survive in this era of scarce food.

And during this period, they are not without danger. Whether it is a wild animal roaming in the woods or an equally hungry and brutal robber, they will let the two die.

I am afraid that the former will have no bones, and even the body will not remain, as for the latter. . I'm afraid the result will not be better.

But they escaped every crisis in a panic, relying on Artai's extraordinary ears and intuition.

He can always find danger in advance, or hear the sound of footsteps in the grass, or feel the inadvertent breath of the tiger while he is preying. He can even detect the presence of foreign animals in advance. In short, if there is no Artest If it were, the two would not be able to enter the depths of the woods so smoothly.

Everyone who dares to go deep into the woods must have one or two extraordinary skills, otherwise there will be no bones left to be swallowed by the dangerous rampant woods.

Not only humans, but also animals, because if they are incapable, they can only starve to an end, and Atai, who can hear the footsteps of robbers wandering in the woods every day, is indeed good.

Time wafted quietly among the trees, the sun shed from the sky through the overlapping tree shadows, forming a dappled light spot on the ground, but the whole forest was quiet, it seemed that except for the two of them were almost pressed Outside of the sound of no breath, no other existence can be heard.

But Yi Yidian didn't doubt that Artest was cheating himself, because it was his instinct that led them to avoid the danger again and again.

After a few more breaths, Yi's nervousness eased slightly, her heart still thumped, but she had calmed down, she moved her stiff neck, and then turned her attention to Artest.

Artest received her meaning and understood what she meant.

"Footsteps." He made four or five simple lip-shots at Ibi.

Suddenly, the heart that Yi had just let go was raised again. Although the beasts wandering in the forest were terrible, the wandering gangsters and rogues were even more terrifying.

Yi wanted to leave here, but Artest was obviously more experienced, and she wanted to listen to Artest.

In fact, Artest was also very panicked at this time. He felt that he had heard some kind of footsteps. Although it seemed that they were only very vague footsteps, it was not like an illusion.

He believed his instincts and ears. He could even hear the sound of the pheasant's paws chatting on the dirt, but the sound disappeared after he and Yi stopped.

Not only did the footsteps disappear, but no other sounds were seen. Artest didn't hear other breathing sounds or the sound of clothes crossing branches.

This is very wrong.

Because although there is the possibility that the other party will stop the footsteps immediately after they find out, the footsteps will stop, and the breathing and other sounds will not disappear.

Not like now. . Not only did the footsteps disappear, but no other sounds were heard. .

This kind of quietness without any abnormality caused Artest to wonder if he had really heard it wrong, maybe there was really no footsteps, just his own illusion.

But soon, Artest noticed something was wrong.

This is too quiet. . All the voices are gone.

Artest's pupils shrank in a panic. He widened his eyes and tried to warn Yi to let her leave here, but in a trance, Artest felt he could not make any sound.

The sound of birds and insects in the forest disappeared, the shadows of trees and trees in the forest disappeared, and even the sunlight disappeared silently, and finally. . Even Artest's vitality disappeared, as if he had been swallowed up. .

"No sound."

"The soul is out of my mind..."

At the last and last moment, Artest's ear seemed to hear a certain voice faintly, but he could no longer think about the meaning. The next moment, darkness completely enveloped him.

Yi covered her mouth and widened her eyes in horror as Artest fell softly to the ground. He leaned against the tree and looked like the prey they had killed.

But soon, Yi saw a more terrifying scene. The whole forest and trees seemed to come alive, all weirdly twisted in their own direction, and there was a large darkness on the ground, just like she and Artai The mist that I saw when I came to the top of the mountain in the morning.

The darkness seemed to be a living creature, like creeping vines, and it quickly hit Yi on the ground. Yi turned his eyes and fell to the ground softly.

She didn't need to see the scene afterwards.

. . .

Seeing falling to the ground and falling asleep, the two who had almost no life, the figure of Yi Chou slowly emerged from a void air.

"Are you keen on hearing..." Yi arrogantly muttered.

There is no darkness and fog around, nor any twisted plants, then everything is an illusion of the two.

The best way to quickly integrate into a society is to replace one of the unremarkable nails. Yi Chou does not have the idea of ​​being a nail, but sometimes the nail itself is very valuable.

And Yi and Artest were the nails Yi Yi chose. There was no reason, just because Yi Noo hadn't encountered any human beings for more than half an hour, and they just happened to be hit by bad luck.

Yi Xiao came to the two of them and reached out his hand to wave his wand. Suddenly, the figure of the three disappeared again in this quiet and strange forest.

Looking at the two people on the ground, Yi Chou was expressionless.

The thin and stunted children’s stature shows that they are often undernourished, either in an extremely harsh living environment, or the whole society is very backward, and their short stature fits the characteristics of Japan’s early seventeenth century.

The most important thing is that the two of them have worn-out clothes, not even called worn, but ragged, but the simplest pieces of rags are wrapped around themselves, and Yi Chou simply can't get any useful news from their styles.

But they speak Japanese.

If you want to come to Japan, you should probably be in the 17th century. It is the same as the situation in Europe. No surprises.

Of course, Yi Xiao now has more sources of intelligence, the memories of the two lying guys below.

Crouching down, Yi Biao took out a crystal ball from his arms, and under the cover of an invisible spell, began to slowly extract the memories from the two people's minds.

A little silvery catkin-like filament was drawn away from the edge of the head of the two along the wand, and then gathered into the crystal ball, mixed into a ball, and gradually formed a entangled flocculent silk thread. .

Yi Chou applied a sleeping spell to the two people on the ground, then held the crystal ball in front of his eyes, and stretched out his wand to stir it quickly.

Lines of pictures emerged in the crystal ball, and they were swept in Yi's eyeballs like a slide. All useful and useless scenes passed through his mind.

The crops planted are very scarce, the grain is almost unrecoverable, and cutting wood uphill takes up most of the memories of the two of them, but there are still some useful things. . Sengoku, Shogunate, Daimyo. .

Sure enough, Yi Ao's eyes saw a clear line. In the seventeenth century, it passed the Warring States period and entered the Edo era. It was still ruled by the Shogunate and was a relatively prosperous period in history.

But no matter where it is, prosperity is only relative. Perhaps a prosperous society will make businessmen and the upper class better off, but the poor in the lower class still cannot eat.

Whether it is on the continent of constant war Westeros, or in this land at the foot of the clamor.

The memories of these two people are very scarce, and most of them are repetitive things. Yi Chou quickly read them all, which is also very normal. After all, for people of this century, their understanding of the outside world is very vague, almost I don't know anything about it. I don't step out of my village in my life. It is also a common thing that the farthest place in my life is the nearby town.

In addition to the difficulty of communication, the rugged roads and deadly robbers along the way are also very important reasons.

However, in these poor and poor memories, Yi Chou still found something interesting.


Their status in this era is not high, but they are still not accessible to ordinary people. Artai and Yi have not been in contact with ninjas, but they have heard about ninjas.

Just like those folk stories, they will always spread tenaciously in various villages.

But what makes Yi Chou care is that these people are not ordinary people. They are not ordinary ninjas. They are like the pseudo-ninjas that ordinary people become through high-intensity exercise and some small tricks, but they are more able to fight than ordinary people. Mobility is more flexible, but still not out of the scope of ordinary people~www.wuxiaspot.com~Injuries and death.

They have a special ability.

Fortunately, Yi Biao searched the memories of the two of them and found nothing about the existence of the country of fire and Huo Ying, otherwise Yi Biao will definitely be more chaotic than just now.

"No wonder there is a trace of magical power in him. I think it should be the unique ability of this area. There are special Green creatures and vampires in Europe, and the vampire diaries and Green are loaded. I don’t know what it will be... ..."

Yi Xiao put away the crystal ball, the memory of the two is still too scarce, he simply did not get much useful information.

However, Yi Chou also noticed this. He did not find any clues about wisdom brain, nor did he notice any abnormalities.

If Zhinao controls all the people in this area, then as outsiders and future generations, Yi Chou will definitely find that some of them are wrong, but everything here is normal.

This is also one of Yi Chou's psychological expectations in advance. After all, the biggest possibility of the wisdom brain is to hide and affect the entire world through subtle manipulation. To be continued.

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