High Magic Earth

Chapter 928: clue

This news has pros and cons. The bad news is that the wisdom brain is still hidden and needs to be found by Yi Biao. The good news is that Yi Biao's actions can also be more flexible and free.

Because Zhinao is hidden behind the scenes, it means that it can’t control the entire area easily. Yibiao only needs to be careful, and it’s no problem to mix in and hide it, even to kill a few people.

After all, the 17th century is still chaotic, and the outside world is full of danger. There are countless people who die every day, those who die in the belly of beasts, killed by gangsters, or even starved to death, it is impossible for Zhinao to pay attention to every It is impossible to pay attention to a person's life and death due to its weak control.

Thinking of this, Yi Chou turned his head and dropped his indifferent eyes on the two lying on the ground.

. . .

A quick shuttle through the woods, the figure of Yi Chou seemed as if the dappled sunlight was looming.

After gaining a general understanding of Japan during this period, Yi Chou's movements were not as scary as before.

In fact, although it is clear that the deep-sea giant may not have anything to do with the so-called wisdom brain, Yi Chou's inner heart is deeply afraid of it.

That kind of power is hardly achievable by human beings, and even a glance can make people lose courage. . No, not just courage, just a glance, even the soul will be burned together.

There is a more terrifying existence than the monsters in the world.

Malice from the old dominator.

Yi Xuan couldn't help grinning, he couldn't help but know that this famous existence, even if his thinking was in a state of confusion at the time, he also recognized Cthulhu the first time he recognized him.

Therefore, Yi Chou will burn his own eyes.

He didn't know if this method was useful, but. . It seems to work well.

Yi Xao didn't think about the memories of the old dominators at the time. This thing is extremely powerful and intrusive in the spiritual realm.

It was sealed, asleep, and just undoubtedly the intermittent fluctuations, which would allow mortals to glance into chaos and burn themselves, because they saw something inexplicable and incomprehensible.

Such a strong presence in the spiritual realm. . Yi Chou doesn't want to provoke.

Of course, there are not many movies about Cthulhu, and the description in the novel is even more confusing. The big octopus was even knocked over by a broken fishing boat at the bottom of the limit, but this does not mean that it is not strong.

First of all. . The body says it all.

Without knowing what the outside of the universe is, cosmic-level monsters are the most powerful beings, and some even have planets based on their bodies alone, or even as huge as a few galaxies.

Huge means unmatched, especially when there is such a huge planet, I am afraid that even the courage to resist can not be raised.

As for the small biological utilization ability and other factors to resist this. . It is not so easy to do.

Just as humans can easily trample a group of ants, perhaps the ants think that this behemoth's attacking method is trampling and crushing, but this is not the case.

In the same way, the appearance of the old dominators also shows that the multiverse of this second world is not just as narrow as Yi Chou knows. Yi Chou may only see a part of it on Neverland, and there are many more. Find.

"I thought my trip was almost at the end, but I didn't expect it..." Yi Chou narrowed his eyes in the woods, and his feet became faster and faster.

The beasts that are very dangerous in the eyes of Yihe and Atai are almost zero threats in the eyes of Yi Huo. It is not even Yi Yao who needs to avoid these beasts. Their instincts will remind them to stay away from this humanoid creature.

Therefore, Yi Biao progressed smoothly along the way, without any hindrance.

According to the memory of Artai and Yi, the village of the two is not far from the foot of the mountain, and the rugged and inconspicuous mountain road is vaguely visible as soon as they come to the village. Although it is very difficult to walk, it can still lead to the nearest large collection city.

Yi Xiao intends to walk slowly. One is that in addition to not wanting to draw some unnecessary attention because of magic, the other is that he can better observe the situation here.

His mission is to find where the things that caused the anomalies in this world are hiding, not to explore and travel.

Although it is okay to kill a few people, it will not attract the mind of Zhinao, but if a large-scale abuse of magic is possible.

Unless Yi Chou can kill all witnesses, there will always be strange news. For example, a villager saw ghosts in the mountains today, and tomorrow there are ghosts appearing and disappearing out of thin air in that village.

When many messages are mixed together, it will spread farther and farther, and this is undoubtedly a very obvious signal in the eyes of the most powerful analytical brain.

Although this is just Yi Biao's speculation, even saying that this may be very small, but Yi Biao still does not intend to take risks.

Although magic is convenient, once the brain is alert, it will become more difficult to find again, and the gain and loss are not proportional.

The hustle and bustle traveling through the forest suddenly stopped.

There seemed to be something hidden in the layers of forest in front, a vague shadow, which could not be seen clearly, but the sun was blocked by a block.

"The power of the silver tongue is really easy to use." Yi Chou took the wand in his hand.

Since he left from Yihe and Atai, Yi Biao knew that his aimless collision with Universiade would not work. The population of Japan in this era is very sparse. Although there are many people in some big cities, they are in the barren mountains It is quite normal to see no one between Yeling for a few days.

But this is not enough for Yi Huo.

Although this time he had plenty of time, he couldn't waste it like this.

So after leaving Yihe Artei, Yi Chou used the power of the silver tongue to make himself more fortunate.

Lucky is a completely invisible thing. It is vague and abstract. Yi Chao has taken a psychic agent, but it seems to have no special effects and no special things have happened. After all, it is in such a small place as Neverland. . Not much in a day.

At most, Yi Chou just felt that those days were relatively smooth, the study of magic went smoothly, and there was no trouble with magical creatures.

All in all, luck is a special kind of thing, it does not give people any strange feelings at all, even after Yi Chou used silver tongue to make himself lucky.

He thought that this was not logical, and it was not realized because of the silver tongue.

But I did not expect it to come true, and the effect is still very significant.

After adding a few protective spells and invisible magic to himself, Yi Chou wiped out the traces of his coming, and then carefully leaned towards the shadow.

Soon, after a few steps, Yi Chou passed through the woods and came to a large open space, and at the same time, Yi Chou also saw the shadow hidden in the forest.

It was a house, to be exact, a house.

It was only at the next moment that Yi Chou looked at this room and fell into amazement.

. . .

There is nothing surprising about the buildings hidden in the forest. No matter what era, there are many hunter cabins in the forest, but this building is special, or the building itself.

This is a simple house made of cement and tiles. According to the size, Yi Biao feels that there may be only one room in the room, which is in line with the style of a hunter's cabin.

But the point is not here.

Yihe Artai's memory clearly shows that this is the Edo period of the 17th century in Japan. Why is there a cement house here? Don't say that there is cement in this era. This is impossible.

But in the second world, nothing is absolute, and nothing is impossible.

Yi Chou changed his mind to think of several possible reasons in his head.

It is most likely that other free people have been here, and then left a cement-made house. It is also possible that the memories of Yihe and Artais have been confused. Some force majeure made them mistakenly believe that this is the Edo period, but In fact, it is not the seventeenth century at all. After all, Yi Chou has not seen the style of this era in person.

The most likely thing to mislead the two is the intellectual brain, but this possibility is not high, because it is a very difficult thing to control the memory or fake the large-scale scenes of the 17th century. It's hard to say that it's completely unsuccessful, and it may be alert to Yi Chou.

For example now.

But no matter what the reason is, Yi Huo needs to find out in front of this house in person. No matter who is talking, Yi and Artai’s memory is wrong, or the house in front is a trap, Yi Huo needs to get Enough clues.

Going deep into the danger is the most direct way.

Although Yi Xiao does not want to look into the grass, but if the other party is really an artificial intelligence, then try not to give the other party more time, it is the best choice.

Otherwise, the more fully it is prepared, the harder it is to solve.

Yi Xiao once again added a few protective spells to himself, and even read a short story with temporary protection ability for himself with the silver tongue. The power contained in the story is almost stronger than all the protective spells of Yi Xuan combined, the only The disadvantage is that the duration is very short.

This room needs to be explored, but Yi Chou does not want to overturn the boat in the gutter.

After looking at the appearance of the house again, after finding nothing unusual, Yi Chou slowly came to the gate.

And just before stepping in, Yi Chou also read a spell again, "Quickly reveal." He said.

But nothing happened.

With a shrug, Yi Chou gently tapped his wand on the door lock, then slowly pushed open the door.

The silent spell has long covered this place, and the door didn't make a sound, otherwise it would have made a strong squeak no matter how careful it was to push the door open, because of its rusty appearance.

Fortunately, the power of magic is always very convenient.

The rotten breath came from the room, but it was diluted by the fresh breath of the outside forest. Yi waved his magic wand to avoid these gases, slowly squinting his eyes, and instantly looked at the entire room again.

There is a window, but it is tightly closed, almost airtight, and there is no sunlight, so the rotten atmosphere in the room is so rich.

The window is sealed from the inside, so it may be to resist something from the outside. The sealed wooden strips are not confusing, which shows that they have enough time and preparation, and it is likely that the danger is coming.

but. . Foreseeing the danger in advance, shut yourself in a house. Is it correct to do so? Yi Xuan frowns.

This is simply a conscious retreat, pushing yourself into a dead end, but nothing is impossible in the second world, maybe they have a special purpose, maybe. .

They are not meant to resist the attack, perhaps to trap something.

Yi Biao put this issue behind his head, and his eyes quickly crossed the other things in the room, neither an old-fashioned radio nor an old-fashioned TV set should be a product of this era.

If Yi and Artai's theory is correct.

The two things are covered with spider webs, and the TV screen has cracked, and the shell has been damaged in many places, and even the lines inside are out. It seems to be unusable.

There are many other bits and pieces in the room. They are scattered on the ground, such as tatami mats, and some rotten clogs, but there are no dead bodies.

Yi Xiao set his eyes on the four walls, these places are the most important places, but also the necessary clues to judge what happened in a house.

There was no blood stains. Yi Biao searched with magic. The wall was very clean, not really clean, but that there was no blood stain or the smell of death on it, but the dust and cobwebs still covered the wall.

This is a very ordinary room with faded carpets and broken walls. It looks like an ordinary house from Japan in the post-modern period. Then, for no reason, it came to this space-time alone.

After a cursory glance, Yi Chou did not receive useful information.

So he immediately took a few steps and picked up the scattered books and newspapers on the ground.

Because I don't know how many years it has been stored, I have faced it yellow already, but it hasn't broken to the point of being touched yet. Yi Chou protected them with magic, and then carefully turned it up.

But after one page ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yi Chou frowned.

He quickly flipped the book in his hand a few pages, then tossed it aside, picked up the newspaper, and found it again, but it was the same situation.

There is no word on it.

Yi Xiao frowned, this was not normal, and normal people would not collect so many wordless books and newspapers, which was erased by a later force.

But since it can erase the words in the newspaper, why not even erase the house together.

Yi Xiao couldn't understand it for the time being, but the next moment, he seemed to feel something in the corner of his eyes.

Black box?

Yi stunned for a moment, and immediately shifted his gaze. With the fixation of his sight, he immediately found the box he had seen before. It seemed to have been discarded indiscriminately in front of the TV, and was just opened and scattered on the ground.

The box is boxy, that's a video tape. (To be continued.)

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