High Magic Earth

Chapter 929: Chaotic world

"Evil manifests!" Almost instinctively, Yi Biao threw a detection magic at the worn-out videotape on the ground. The red light flashed through Yi Biao's hand and instantly fell into the box and the ground.

But nothing was born.

Yi Huo frowned slightly, but he also felt relieved.

It’s not that Yi Chao’s overreaction, who made this thing too famous. In an old house like a haunted house, with worn-out video tapes and TV sets, Yi Xiao can’t help but doubt that a sadako will come out in the next moment.

Fortunately, although I don't understand why this modern house, which was carried by cement, would appear in the seventeenth century, there seems to be no such thing as Sadako coming in.

"It's really chaotic..." Yi Chou pinched his wand in his hand, walked to the front of the tape, stooped down to pick it up, and looked at it in his hand.

An empty box with only half of the damaged video tape, with no markings or cover on it, of course, it is impossible to release it again with only half of the tape left.

What a mess.

Yi Xiao frowned, as he realized after he left the waters of the English Islands, whether it was the turbulent world that covered the whole of Asia and Southeast Asia, or the occasional Caribbean fantasy and the ghost of the old dominator .

All of them illustrate the dangers of this world.

And more importantly, there is almost no connection between them, and Yi Xuan cannot find any useful clues.

It's like a world of random cobbling together, where one hammer and one stick together a lot of things, and there's nothing in line with the overall law.

If Europe is in the magical voyage century, then Asia should be in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, perhaps there should be some natural things, such as... magic creatures, maybe monsters are also a kind of magic creatures.

But Yi Biao saw nothing, and the darkness and nothingness put all of Yi Biao's curiosity and exploration back into his throat.

Then he even met Ye Jie and the old ruler. Well, Ye Jie didn't say for a while, why did the old ruler appear here? Is it that the old sea just passing by Yi Chou is immersed in an ancient city of Lie? What.

Yi Xao used magic to detect when he left, and there was nothing under that sea, just like what happened in Cthulhu was an illusion.

There is also Ye Jie. Why is she confusing with Sparrow? Yi Chou even suspects that she has delusions. Everything she saw before was an illusion.

The answer to the question may only be understood after returning to the main world.

And here, Japan, which was supposed to be in the Edo period of the seventeenth century, has a formal modern building. Not only is the space chaotic and mad, but time seems to be a problem.

In a chaotic world, everything seems clueless, but it also proves the anomaly here.

It's very abnormal here. Yi Chaodang changed the video cassette box in his hands.

He used his wand on the TV a little bit, and suddenly its already worn shell suddenly became torn apart, and then slowly scattered all over the place.

A strong wind blows away the long-lasting dust in the TV, but it does not hurt the precision electronics inside. Then Yi Biao leaned down and began to observe carefully, and occasionally used a magic wand to pull the wires inside.

Well, a wizard uses a wand to study the internal structure of the TV set. This is indeed strange, but Yi Chou has no better way, because there are not many clues he can find.

He needs the board lines and circuits in the TV because he recognizes these things.

"Found it..." Yi Chou's movement suddenly took a slight pause, his eyes narrowed.

Yi Xao learned this knowledge in this world. Although he is not proficient in it, it is only slightly involved, but his amazing memory is enough for him to remember many things.

For example, the internal structure of the TV and the circuit diagram, the cause of the matter is also very simple. Yi Biao has read a lot of knowledge about machinery and electrical appliances, in order to find his own interest, but later he is almost not interested in everything, so he gave up This.

However, there is no problem in identifying the approximate factory year of the TV.

After all, the industrial standard of each period is different. According to the internal structure, it is easy to determine the era from which this house came.

Not to mention... Yi Xiao also saw the specific number on it.

This should be a TV produced in the 1960s, the manufacturer is unknown, it should be an unknown small factory, and Yi Chou can't remember all the things in the world.

So it means that this room, at least this TV set, is indeed from modern times.

If it was not that Yi and Artai's memories were false at all, and that the outside was not the seventeenth century, then this room was crossed.

"Interesting..." Yi Xiao stood up and looked away from the TV.

No matter what erases the words from newspapers and books, it has forgotten a little, that is, the internal wiring structure of the TV. Sure enough, Yi Huo finally inferred a little useful thing according to here.

Of course, he can also use magic to directly reveal the birth time of the TV, but magic is easily disturbed, and Yi Chou is not sure what he sees with his eyes.

Sometimes technology is still more reliable than magic, because it strictly adheres to its own set of rules.

Yi Biao did not continue to disassemble the radio, but continued to probe this room. In fact, this house is not large, there are no other rooms and no stairs, only the big slap, almost panoramic view.

After a few laps, Yi Biao found no other clues.

Televisions, radios, newspapers and books scattered on the ground, peeling wall coverings, tatami mats and carpets, and some yellowed paper in fallen paper baskets.

Something similar to Mao was pressed under the paper, but after thinking about it, Yi Biao didn't move it.

Yi Xiaoduo paid more attention to the corner of the room, and found no mezzanine and compartments, and no organs and cabinets hidden behind the wall. This is a common room.

The gains were not great, Yi Chou concluded.

But suddenly, Yi Xao realized that he seemed to be holding the video tape. The box of half the video tape was sticking to his hand like a strong adhesive. Perhaps he said that he did not release it.

Realizing this, Yi Xiao immediately let go, "Ah!" The box dropped to the ground.

Yi Chou's wand pointed at it, but the box just lay quietly on the ground, motionless, with no change at all.

But the next moment, a strange voice sounded in the room.

"Zila-Zizi -"

Yi Xiao sighed, "It really came out..." He frowned.

The place where the sound is made is exactly where the TV is located, so it is self-evident that the person who came out is probably only Sadako who can be related to the video tape.

However, the screen connected to the circuit board has disappeared because of the removal of the TV casing, and its casing is gone, leaving only a few scattered circuit components.

At this time, the surface of the circuit and the main board is flashing a blue arc fireworks, which looks like the scene where the terminator comes down.

"This style is wrong..." Yi Xuan murmured in his mouth.

He is not worried about the appearance of Sadako. In any case, Sadako belongs to magical creatures, ghosts or ghosts. There are many similar creatures in the black valley of Neverland.

Because of the special nature of the negative energy in the Black Valley, there are many dark-energy magical creatures, such as ghost monsters and ghost horses. Of course, the most dangerous thing is the dementors.

Yi Biao even has a set of war knight armor from hell. Hogwarts uses ghosts as the mascot of the academy, even if Sadako’s ability is much stronger than ordinary ghosts, but how much stronger. .

The shrine guards can even dispel the shadow of Capricorn King, let alone a sadako...

Okay, maybe Capricorn King is a joke, but the shadow he condensed with the bones and resentment of countless people is unequivocal black magic. It is extremely powerful. If it is not a silver tongue to restrain the story creature like shadow, I am afraid that A shadow is not something human heat weapons can deal with.

This is like the gap between bows and spears. Bows and arrows are much more powerful than spears, but neither bows nor spears can hurt the shadows. Even if pistols and missiles are many times stronger than bows and arrows, they are magical creatures. In terms of shadow, it is still not much different from the spear.

The surface of the TV circuit sizzled, and an arc flower was drawn from time to time, looking like it was about to explode.

Yi Xiao slowly raised his wand and stared at the TV motionlessly.

But after jumping a few times, the electric spark gradually dimmed, and then gradually disappeared.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched, and after a few minutes, he only confirmed that it seemed to have ended before it even started, and his idea of ​​seeing Sadako also fell through.

"Is it because there is no screen..." Yi Xuan had to think about this aspect.

But that’s fine. He didn’t fear Sadako, but he didn’t want to grow out of it. The appearance of Sadako didn’t seem to have anything to do with the anomaly he was looking for.

Of course, Yi Chou is also very curious about the existence of Sadako. He wants to take the video tape, but now he has something to do with it and can’t devote so much energy. He is also worried that bringing the video tape will affect him at a critical moment.

After thinking about it for two seconds, Yi Chou crossed the video tape to the front of the TV set and left the room without reinstalling the TV set.

He didn't destroy the place, but he didn't want the room to be seen by others again, so after coming out, Yi Chou released a series of spells at the place.

"Expulsion, invisibility, protection..." he said silently.

This modern hut soon disappeared into the woods, and disappeared without a trace. He was hidden by Yi Chou with an invisibility spell and protected by an expulsion spell. If someone approaches this place, he will unconsciously put it This open space ignores the past.

Because when they came along the way, all the things looked very suspicious. Yi Chou didn't know where the clue should start from now. He remembered the position of the cabin, and then started to go down the mountain.

More clues still need him to find.

After Yi Biao left, the room became quiet again, as if everything had returned to the moment of no one again, but unfortunately, it didn't take long for a strange noise to suddenly appear again in the empty room.

"Zi, Zi!"

Not the TV, but the hair hidden under the paper basket by Yi Xuan who ignored it.

It wriggled slowly, as if it were a living creature, and it seemed that something had to be drilled out. It was the strange sound that it wriggled on the paper.

But it didn't know, just on a tree branch outside the house, a crystal ball, all the things inside the room were under view, only because the amplitude of its movement was very small, and it had not noticed its anomalies...

Yi Xiao once again converged in shape, and flew down the mountain under the position of the invisible spell.

He has learned etiquette, he knows the etiquette of some common countries, and even slightly involved in different historical periods, but Yi Chou can not directly change out a suit, and then go down the mountain.

Because he is not sure who is right.

Is Yi and Artai's memory correct, or is this world originally the 1960s, an era with televisions and radios.

He needs to see living people.

Living more.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom!"

It seems that the silver tongue effect of good luck has not passed yet, and not long after Yi Chou's thoughts came out, a huge footstep suddenly came from the deep forest, and the sound was loud, just like a giant running on the ground. same.

Yi Xiao frowned, "Will not be the old dominator again..." He was very suspicious.

He was already a little nervous by the huge style and size of the old rulers. When he thinks of giant monsters, he thinks of the old rulers.

But Yi Chou turned around and wanted to understand that if the old dominator runs on the big 6, then this big 6 will completely become debris and sink to the bottom of the sea after its two jumps, provided that the old one really has Words of feet.

And he gave himself good luck blessings, not bad luck blessings, his luck will not be so bad.

So when the situation was decisive, Yi Chou immediately turned around and ran towards the place where the sound came.

His degree is very fast, and at the same time the giant beast is constantly approaching, the distance between the two is quickly shortened, and Yi Chou also heard a lot of voices.

The sound of human footsteps and the sound of horses' hoofs.

They are crushed by the footsteps of the behemoth, and only appear when they are close.

But... the sound of horseshoes.

Yi Biao immediately grabbed the point~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Japan is different from those in Africa. Horses are very scarce. Even riding horses in modern times is an expensive activity, not to mention riding horses to hunt prey. Many in Japan The mountains are not suitable for horse riding.

Except in the seventeenth century, because humans in this period had no other means of transportation, horses were their only choice.

There are no mistakes in Yi and Artai's memory, the answer to the question is in front, the speed at Yi's feet becomes faster again, and the figure instantly floats out of the woods like the wind.

At the next moment, Yi Xuan left the wood and entered a relatively open plain. He looked up and looked away, and immediately saw the giant beast that was rushing in this direction.

A monster, a creature he has never seen.

This is normal. There are more types of magical creatures than ordinary creatures. It is impossible for Yi Chou to know all of them, but the human who is beside this monster is also an old acquaintance of Yi Chou.

"Constantine." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice. (To be continued.)


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