High Magic Earth

Chapter 930: Chaotic world (2)

That man is Constantine.

To be precise, it is Keanu Reeves who plays Constantine. This person has the same face as Constantine and Keanu Reeves, but in this world, everything has changed, identity, life The trajectory, even the soul.

Who knows who he plays here.

But certainly not Constantine, this guy can't ride a horse, and his tuberculosis body can't support this kind of exercise.

But this guy must also be the protagonist, this is undoubtedly, Yi Chou doesn’t even need to think about it, after all, Keanu Reeves is a real big star, no matter which movie he appears in, it will not be less important. .

After finding a valuable clue on the door, Yi Chou focused more on the beast that was chasing Keanu Reeves.

A... cow?

Yi Xiao doesn't know how to describe it. This is a very ugly monster with a huge body, almost twice the height and length of a normal horse, and its limbs show a bullshoe shape, thick and powerful.

Its tail is very long, thin and long, just like the piano line that can separate the human throat, which makes Yi Xiao think of Mao Wen, their tail is very powerful and dangerous.

But the most ugly is their heads. Apart from having two huge horns that are pushed forward, there is no place similar to a cow in their entire body, and there is a circle of brown-red hair behind the huge head. It looks like a lion.

Their heads are blue, showing an unhealthy white-blue color, which looks like white moss, and this thing has six eyes, like a ladder, and three pairs of golden yellow animal pupils are lined up side by side. , And the pitch gradually decreases.

This thing is definitely not an ordinary creature, easy to dare to determine.

Its size is no less than that of Mao Wen, but it does not have the beauty of Mao Wen's **** and colorful colors under the night.

And although its shape is also very curious, Yi Chou dares to guarantee that it has absolutely nothing to do with Lishi and the old people. This is a special intuition from the style of painting, just like the appearance of bgm.

While Yi Chou was still stunned, the guy with the same appearance as Constantine in the distance was anxious.

He gestured desperately here, as if to make Yi Huo run quickly and leave the place quickly.

After seeing Constantine's costume similar to a samurai short hit, Yi Chou slowly walked out from behind the woods, which is also the effect created by his magic. At the same time, both his appearance and his clothing are completely Changed a different look.

So in Constantine's view now, Yi Chao is completely an innocent Yin Yang teacher who just came out of the woods and passed by here, knowing nothing.

The clothes on Yi Xiao's body are the yin and yang master's garb. Seriously, Yi ah doesn't know much about the yin and yang master. I still remember that the appearance of the garb was just a quick look at some memories with the crystal ball.

He wasn't sure if there was a wizard in Japan in the 17th century, but there might still be Onmyoji.

Yi Xiao did not intend to reveal his identity at the beginning. He had made up his mind to try not to disturb anything, but it was still necessary to show a face in front of the protagonist, and he did not intend to join in Constantine at the beginning. The stall is broken.

As for how Yi Yao knows that Constantine is about to break things, as a protagonist, will there be less things around him?

Seeing Constantine wagging his hands at Yi Huo, but he didn’t dare to shout, and he didn’t have any lip-shaking movements. This huge monster also put a lot of pressure on him. It doesn't seem to want to alarm this thing.

At this time, Yi Biao realized that the situation below did not seem to be that simple. It was not such a monotonous track as the protagonist vs. the monster.

In front of this magical creature that looks like a cow and not a cow, there is a small warrior desperately urging the horse to run, he is wearing a fiery red armor, which should be very obvious in the green grassland, but because it is too small For the sake of this, Yi Chou didn't even see him.

It turned out that he was the unlucky guy stared at by the monster, Yi Chou tilted his head.

The monster is chasing the unlucky egg, and the unlucky egg naturally runs away with its head stuck, and Constantine is not the chased party, but is waiting for the opportunity, and looks like he wants to kill the monster.

I've grown up again, and I believe Mine will be greatly pleased to see it. This is not a demon. Kill a big monster, but it requires a good amount of exercise.

As for the samurai on horseback...

Although horses are rare in Japan, it is not without them. If the appearance of Constantine does not explain anything, the appearance of this samurai has probably determined the era here.

The Edo period of the seventeenth century was the same as Yi Huo experienced in Europe.

And here is also full of the power of nature. The giant monster running in the center of the three is the best explanation.

Yi Xuan didn't notice the warrior who was rushing head, doesn't mean he didn't notice Yi Xiao.

In fact, at the moment when Yi Biao walked out of the woods, he saw Yi Biao's conspicuous clothing. The pure white Onmyoji Garment is almost the best target in this forest.

Anyone who survived the cold weapon era is the best veteran, not because the firearms did not appear, but because these eras are full of danger and chaos, they must have extremely keen observation and alertness in order to Survive on such a battlefield.

Even for the civilians here, life is their battlefield.

The little warrior in the red armor didn't know what to say, and began to run towards Yi Chou with great excitement. I didn't know if he felt he lived a long time or wanted to divert water.

But after seeing the vicious luster flashing in his narrow eyes, Yi Chou felt that the latter was more likely.

Although this monster only stared at the red armored samurai in his eyes and turned a blind eye to Constantine, but if an innocent person was just in the way, it might not be so easy to speak.

Constantine finally shouted at the back, he called out loudly, "Run! Run! It's dangerous!"

Yi Xuan can confirm that he has nothing to do with Constantine, because he uses Japanese. Constantine, a non-skilled guy, can only read Latin and all other strange characters, but not Japanese.

But his voice also exposed him. The monster had a slender tail like a piano line behind it, and it seemed to have long eyes, and it waved towards him instantly.

The poor little guy was startled, and immediately threw his horse back. Although he escaped the fatal blow of the monster, the batch of short horses almost split into two in an instant, and even continued to run a few steps. Only slowly split in half from the middle.

Well, one has lost his combat effectiveness. Yi Chou whispered. He doesn't feel that normal people fall from such a fast speed and still have combat effectiveness. Without being seriously injured, they are already the protagonist, unless this guy also has any special abilities.

This series was born between the electric light stone fire, and at this time the distance between the giant beast and the red armor samurai is getting closer and closer.

Looking at the red armor warrior with the plan written on his face, Yi Chou also grinned at him, then stepped back, stepped into the tree behind him, and then the figure disappeared in place.

The samurai's face was suddenly filled with emotion, but in this invisible Yi Chou still noticed an unusual trace in his eyes, not surprise or fear, but killing intention.

Interesting world.

But Yi Xuan thinks this guy should consider himself first, because he may be made into skewers in the next moment.

Although the Red Armor Warrior was surprised at the disappearance of Yi Huo, but instead of stopping, Du went straight to the grove, because stopping was a death.

However, due to the higher terrain of the grove, the running speed of the horses suddenly slowed down, and there was originally Yi Biao who was there to delay the time, slower and slower, in exchange for more escape, but now Yi Biao is missing The red armor warrior will face the monster behind him.

The next moment, he will die in the hands of the monster.

"Bang!" Sure enough, because the monster was approaching, the horse under the red armor also panicked. A panic between the panic and the red armor directly fell.

The fall was not light, and I struggled several times without getting up.

The giant beast is only a hundred meters away from him. As long as three or four seconds, it will come to this unlucky egg and make him a skewer.


Accidents are accidents, the protagonist is the best creature to make accidents.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Yi Biao heard Constantin's mouth roaring loudly, and then did not know that it suddenly emerged from that corner, just in the direction of the monster.

He brandished his short knife and ran straight to the monster.

At that moment, it just threw him forward nearly ten meters away, but not only did he not hurt him, but also shortened the distance between him and the monster, is it really the protagonist, this luck can be much better than Lao Kang.

But... with Constantine's face on his face, and then crying slogans of Japanese warriors, Yi Chou felt very spicy eyes.

He suddenly felt a little bit thinking of what movies are in Japan, but now he doesn't have that much time.

Because Yi Biao doesn't think Constantine can fight a large monster over four meters tall with just a small knife, he is not Bei Bei.

And Yi Biao is also very interested in this monster, because if he guesses right, I am afraid that this monster is also the only existence, it is more cherished.

He decided to help Constantine.

Hidden under an invisibility spell, a magic book was quickly rummaged with Yi Huo's fingers, and soon, an invisible stone wall emerged out of thin air where infinitely close between the giant beast and Constantine's hedge.

But because the silver tongue made it invisible, neither of them noticed at all.

At the next moment, the monster slammed into the invisible slate, and at the same time, Constantine also uttered a crazy cry in his mouth, "Dead!" Then he yelled and raised his short knife.

It seems that he intends to crack the monster.

One of the must-have skills of the protagonists, and the 100% crit rate against monsters. The more the difference between the two strengths, the higher the damage. Especially when the difference is very different, it can also play a killing effect.

If there is no turbulence, Constantine might be the one.

But unfortunately, before the knife crossed the monster, the monster had hit the slate.

Just like slow motion, when the monster hits the slate, some delicate and delicate stripes slowly appear on the smooth slate surface. As the monster hits the volume, the shape of these patterns gradually becomes obvious. , Exactly what that monster looks like.

And on the other side of the stone slab, as the monster hits, a whole body is gray, as if the thing made of lime is squeezed out from the other end, its appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the monster, and soon after its appearance, it has Bright colors.

Soon, the monster's whole body was submerged into the stone slab, and the monster that appeared out of the stone slab also went out of its body. The two seemed to be seamlessly connected.

At the next moment, Constantine's short knife arrived.

The short knife was violently inserted into the monster's abdomen. Suddenly, like a cement bag that had been opened, a large amount of lime powder fell all over the place, and the stubborn Constantine looked dumbfounded.

He unconsciously loosened his short knife, rolled over the ground for a few laps, and then stopped. At the same time, the monster fell to the ground just like death, and his body slowly turned into a stone.

When Constantine still couldn't reach his head, Yi Chou slowly came to the stone slab, and Shi Shiran stuffed it into the shadow.

The battle of the monsters ended inexplicably, and the red warrior in the distance finally stood up and looked at Constantine with a tangled face.

If he said at the next moment that I would rather die than be rescued by you, Yi Chou is not surprising.

"I would rather die in the mouth of the beast than be rescued by a bastard." He stared at Constantine and said.

Well, Yi Chou feels that his prophecy is superb again.

But after a few seconds of silence between the two of them, the belated army finally found it here, with all the red samurai armor and horses under him.

Yi Huo retreated silently, watching one of the elderly men say something to Constantine and the Red Warrior, of course, more to the warrior than Constantine .

It seems that he is not waiting to be seen here, which is not surprising. After all, he is wearing a Western appearance. In this 17th century era, the West is a barbarian, a group of uncivilized barbarians.

However, Yi Xuan still heard a lot of useful news. For example, after these samurai nagging in private, Yi Xuan finally heard Constantine's second name besides the name hybrid.


An official name.

"Wonderman..." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Constantine was surrounded by a group of Japanese warriors, Yi Xuan had already heard about what kind of movie.

Forty-seven rogues, the old story of a group of samurai who became rogues because they lost their master, and then successfully revenge.

The only bright spot is probably the little natural forces and weird monsters that appear inside, but the overall strength is still very low.

It seems that although Kay is the protagonist, it is not the protagonist of the whole world. After all, does the Second World like to put together many movies together?

After figuring out the importance of this forty-seven wavemen and this point, Yi Chou left here silently, he should continue to look for it, instead of wasting too much time here.

But... after walking a few steps, Yi Chou suddenly stopped.

Because he saw a fox, and that fox also seemed to be looking in his direction, where he was invisible. (To be continued.) 8


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