High Magic Earth

Chapter 931: Chaotic world (3)

This white fox is petite and has a pair of eyes with completely different colors. Her left eye is blue, while her right eye is gold paint yellow. After discovering Yi Nou's eyes noticed herself, she immediately turned her head to run Into the forest.

Yi Xiao moved under his feet and seemed to catch up, but he stopped.

This fox is also a magical creature.

To be precise, it is changed by man, a woman.

After Yi Biao recognized Constantine's true identity, he also recalled the plot of the 47 prodigals, and the plot of the story was very simple. There were not many hidden things in it.

But it still shows some interesting worldviews.

Tengu forest in the sea of ​​trees.

Kay, Constantine, came out from there. He was a child of an English sailor and a farm woman. His mother abandoned him in the forest and left him to die, and that forest was Tengu. forest.

Later, Kai escaped from Tengu Forest and met the lord of Chizhou Suizhou in a coma. He took Kai.

The plot afterwards was the story of Lord Chisui Fan who was framed and died with grievances. Kai Yi and his friends killed the new lord to avenge the old prince. Yi Chou was not very interested in these things, and he was really interested. It's something in Tengu Forest.

Those wonderful creatures.

In theory, any creature that appears in the Second World can be considered a magical creature, although this is not the territory of Europe, although people here prefer to call these things monsters and spirits.

But Yi Xiao has already seen a non-cow-like guy. He feels that this thing is not too different from the magical creatures he knows well.

Even Mao Wen from other planets can be called magical creatures, not to mention the earth's native specialties.

However, Yi Biao still wants to see more magical creatures from Japan. Although his main task is to find the anomalies hidden in this world, the two do not conflict.

Anyway, he didn't know where the clue was, it was originally the search for the whole world.

There is a group of creatures hidden in the Tengu Forest. They should be called Tengu, and it was they who rescued Kay from the initial swaddle.

Although they are called Tengu, they don’t look like dogs at all, but a group of yellow robe monks with eagle faces, yellow eagle eyes the size of beans, long and curved eagle hook noses, their vents and Not on the lower part of the nose above the mouth, but on both sides of the nose wings, leaving two mouths.

I don't know how their nose bridges grow.

But what is certain is that they are not human.

Yi Biao doesn’t know what kind of magical creatures they are, but knows that they are very fast. Of course, this fast speed is only relative to ordinary people. They are not only inferior to Barry Allen, even Athena is far inferior. .

The high-speed movement that forms the afterimage that blocks the line of sight is not only completely ineffective for Yi Huo, but also allows him to better capture the movement path of these guys.

As Yi Xuan said, the strength of this movie is not high, and it is probably still low to the degree of wandering between Chinese and Chinese demons.

The high magic is not only a high magic intensity in a pure sense, its original meaning refers to the large number of humans and other magical races, it is called the high magic, and the low magic world is relying on a world that is almost the same as reality. There was a little supernatural power on it.

But it is also undeniable that, except for a few special worlds, high demon means powerful, while the danger of low demon world is much smaller.

The danger level of this world is not high.

These creatures in Tengu Forest are very different from humans in appearance, and they can drag out the fast movement of the residual image behind them. Their forging ability is also good.

This is where Yi Chao is really interested.

Because according to the performance in the movie, the long swords forged by them can even split the dragon's flame. Although that may not be a real dragon, this long sword is definitely a magic weapon.

There are obviously not many clues about alchemy and forging, and Yi Chou does not want to let go of anything valuable, especially since they obviously belong to equipment with magic resistance.

The second world is a world dominated by wizards. Although there are free men who have activated the blood lines of other magical creatures, they have not left the realm of magic after all.

In addition to their strong bodies, magical creatures have their own special abilities, and the magical creatures are also brought to them by many magic creatures.

Yi Chou didn't want to suddenly face up with the angels on the battlefield one day, and then they shouted, "All ap. opposite." Then they pulled out a lot of magic-resistant weapons.

He must understand this weapon earlier.

In addition to those tengu in the tengu forest, there is also a magical creature known easily.

It wasn’t Kay himself, or the cow that had just been caught by him, it was the escaped white fox.

Yoshiyuki Ueno was the object of revenge of Kai and 47 rogues. He framed the old lord of Kai and became the new lord of Chisui after the death of the old lord, and the little fox was his Side room Meiyue.

Yi Biao does not know whether Mizuki is a witch or a magical creature, but if it is a witch, it is not the witch on the European side, but the witch who is often said here.

It is another power that Yi Chou has never seen before.

Meiyue can turn into an fox, and at the same time can drive poison, causing people to fall into a certain illusion. In addition to driving poison, she can also drive her own hair. There is no nervous system hair on her like she is using her own hands. As convenient.

Her way of acting is also very special. If necessary, she can hide in her usual dress, fluttering the dress with the wind or sliding into the room along the gap, as if it is permeable in the true sense.

But in addition to these, her most powerful place was when she changed into a dragon. Although it is just a certain kind of dragon, it can breathe flames and a strong body.

If she is a witch, then Yi Biao will have the opportunity to acquire these abilities. They are all magic, and Yi Biao can use the power of the witch and the power of Meiyue.

Although Yi Xiao can use Transfiguration to change his appearance, it cannot simulate the power of those creatures, not even Animagus.

But Meiyue can, just do not know whether she is a witch, or a kind of magic creature dragon.

Yi Chong already has the power of silver tongue, but he doesn’t mind getting more means. Naturally, the more cards, the better. Yi Chou doesn’t feel too much magic.

However, he did not keep up with Meiyue immediately. There are still several years before the plot of the 47-Wanderers slowly unfolds. He has a long chance to achieve this without having to hurry.

Japan’s land is small, and the more important thing now is to figure out what else in this world.

After watching Kai Yi and his party gradually away, and the white fox also disappeared in the woods, Yi Chou continued to move forward again. Although he changed himself into a Yin Yang master's clothes with a transforming spell, but the related knowledge Yi Chou, but did not understand Ever.

What's more, the records of later generations are not necessarily applicable to this situation. The ghost knows what the real history looks like, and the world is also mixed with supernatural powers. Perhaps the Onmyoji also has some special abilities.

Yi Xiao intends to find a real Yin Yang teacher to ask and understand, of course, the means may not be so soft.

Unless Yi Chou does not care about exposing his unscrupulous use of magic, it is necessary to have a disguised identity in order to hide it.

However, before that, he first had to find the village in the mouth of Yihe and Atai. Only when he reached the gathering place of humans would he get more information. There must be no Onmyoji in such a small place, only in big cities.

There won’t be many big cities in this era, and the scale will not be too big. And since Kai is encountered here, then this must be the Chisui Clan. The beginning of the 47-Wanderers is that Kai and other people hunted this giant beast. The Chisui Fan will not be calm for the next period of time, because the Shogun will come, and Yi Chou does not want to join in.

The Onmyoji he was looking for, if he had one in Chisui Fan, would also hold various events with the arrival of the Shogun General. If Yi Chou chose to do it at that time, there would be some unnecessary trouble, so he decided to stay away. Chi Sui Fan.

Yi Huo, who changed into the Yin Yang Master's garb, no longer deliberately hides his whereabouts. He has met Kai Yi and others, which means that it is not far from the densely populated place.

Yi Biao's forward speed is also much normal, but compared to ordinary people, he is still much faster.

The sun was gradually setting, and the time seemed to be close to the afternoon. The dazzling sunlight passed through Yi Noo's body, leaving no shadow behind him.

Seeing this scene, some place on the surface of the ground not far away suddenly twisted a bit, as if the air was frightened.

Yi Chou's detection magic always pays attention to the surrounding environment. This unusual Xiaodong has not concealed Yi Chou, his eyes immediately moved to his feet, and he stopped.

The surrounding open space is still empty, empty, only the scorching sun burns the ground, and even roasts the air on the ground a little twisted, as if the previous glimpse is just an illusion and doubt.

But the facts are often hidden under the surface.

Yi Xiao took his eyes from his arms and put them on silently. He raised his head and pushed the frame, and then he didn't see anything on the glasses.

This is the glasses that the globe turned into, and it still shows most of the anomalies.

However, seeing that there was no display on the glasses, Yi Xiao did not give up. He took out the magic book, and then found a section of it to chant in a low voice. After a few seconds, Yi Xuan pushed the glasses again.

The glasses were first brushed with an invisible light film, and all of them became gray-green in the field of view. After no abnormalities were found, it turned into a spectrum-like color.

Yi Xiao saw a humanoid red dot on it, and he stood on the plain.

"I found you." Yi Xuan pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose. After the content on the glasses changed again, he suddenly saw the dark red light and shadow came to him, almost occupying all the frames.


A huge air wave suddenly broke out on Yi Xiao's body, and the guy flew out directly by the invisible force. Yi Xiao took off his glasses, and then released the magic of detecting invisibility.

But it seems that his magic is no longer needed.

When the guy flew backwards after being hit by a huge impact force, he already showed the original appearance. It was a guy who was covered in black clothes all over his body. The real whole body was in black clothes.

The black clothes connected his head together, and then wrapped in his clothes, leaving only a crimson mask exposed, but the mask could not be seen with his eyes.

Yi Biao frowned, this guy looked like a ninja, but he couldn't remember the existence of Ninja in the Forty-seven Wavemen.

There are ninjas in the memory of Yihe Artei, but. . What kind of movie is this?

The guy covered in black clothes was struggling to get up after falling to the ground, but it seemed that the fall was not light. He struggled for a long time without standing up.

Upon seeing this, his body began to slowly become transparent again, as if the air had twisted.

Yi Xiao frowned, straightened his wand a little, the red light submerged into the guy's body, and his ability to be transparent immediately stopped.

Yi Biao has long been curious about the existence of these ninjas, and now he finally has the answer in front of himself. As long as he reads the memory of this guy, he will know everything.

Ignoring the guy's movement to move backwards, Yi Chou took the wand in his hand and then kept moving forward.

The ninja also looked familiar, covered in black, and wearing a bronze mask. Yi Chou felt that this was indeed a character in a certain movie.

But it is more convenient to look at other people's memories than to find your own memories, and you can also get the accompanying news.

After three steps, the distance between Yi Biao and the ninja was shortened to only a few meters, and he could even see the body of the unlucky guy hidden under the black shirt trembling.

But at the next moment, a few broken voices suddenly appeared behind Yi Chou.

Yi Xao still remembers that he was hiding his identity. He did not use too strong magic, but his figure flickered slightly, disappeared in place like a cloud of smoke, and then emerged not far away.

When he appeared, Yi Chou adjusted his angle to face the man who attacked himself.

Yi Biao saw this man almost at a glance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He squatted on the branch of a towering tree in the woods not far away, and had no intention of concealing himself.

Then he raised his head, revealing a strange face that Yi Xuan had no impression at all, which meant that he was not a star or a protagonist, and then he stared at Yi Xiao closely.

A yellow explosive hair style, and a white cloak on his body, the clothes under the cloak are also a bit strange, and Yi Chou can't see the era to which he belongs.

At the next moment, the guy shouted loudly, "Seven generations of Naruto vortex Naruto ginseng!" Then he took out a cigarette and dipped it in his mouth.

Yi Chou "..."

He doesn't know much about anime, but he still knows a little about the very popular anime. Yi Biao feels that even if Uzumaki Naruto really jumps from three yuan to two yuan and appears in front of himself, he certainly won't admit his mistake.

Uzumaki Naruto's face never grows like this, and when he sees the cigarette in his mouth, his origins are self-evident.

A free man, and a free man playing role-playing, Yi Chou's eyes narrowed. (To be continued.)

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